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19th c.

program music essay paper

Write a paper on the Faust legend in music

The paper should include the following:

1. Define the Faust legend.

What is the basic story?
Where and when did it begin?

2. Write about 5 important literary works based on it.

Be sure to include works by Marlowe, Goethe and Mann. Choose any 2
others that you want.
What is the genre of the literary works?
Who wrote them?
When were they written?

3. Discuss 5 musical works based on the Faust legend that were composed
in the 19th c. (Do not use the ones we discussed in class by Liszt)
What is the genre of the musical works.
Who wrote them?
When were they written?
Listen to one of them and discuss your impressions of it.(Not analysis)

4. List one additional piece of music on the Faust legend that was
composed in the 20th c. in a “non-classical” style (“pop, “jazz”, “folk” etc.)

1. The paper is due in Week 13) during class time. The final should be
submitted on line.

2. The paper must be typed, at least 8 pages of text, double-spaced. If you

use diagrams or music examples, they are not considered part of the 10
pages of text. You should use Helvetica font 12, with left and right margins
of 1.25 inches, and top and bottom margins of 1 inch.

3. If you are using direct quotations, then you should use footnotes. For the
proper form for footnotes you may check any history book in the Berklee
Library. I have included guidelines for footnotes below.

4. The paper should have an introductory paragraph presenting the theme

for your paper. This is followed by the thesis of the paper, where you
explain in detail your topic. You should end your paper with a summary.

5. Avoid personal reflective statements (except in your comments about an

individual work) and informal language. You are writing a term paper, not a
blog or letter to a friend.

6. Feel free to contact me as you are working on it if you have specific



Chicago/Turabian Basics: Footnotes

Why We Use Footnotes

The style of Chicago/Turabian we use requires footnotes rather than in-text

or parenthetical citations. Footnotes or endnotes acknowledge which parts
of their paper reference particular sources. Generally, you want to provide
the author’s name, publication title, publication information, date of
publication, and page number(s) if it is the first time the source is being
used. Any additional usage, simply use the author’s last name, publication
title, and date of publication.

Footnotes should match with a superscript number at the end of the

sentence referencing the source. You should begin with 1 and continue
numerically throughout the paper. Do not start the order over on each

In the text:

Throughout the first half of the novel, Strether has grown increasingly open
and at ease in Europe; this quotation demonstrates openness and ease.
In the footnote:

1. Henry James, The Ambassadors (Rockville: Serenity, 2009), 34- 40.

When citing a source more than once, use a shortened version of the

2. James, The Ambassadors, 14.

Citing sources with more than one author

If there are two or three authors of the source, include their full names in
the order they appear on the source. If there are more than three authors,
list only the first author followed by “et al.”

You should list all the authors in the bibliography.

John K. Smith, Tim Sampson, and Alex J. Hubbard, Example Book (New
York: Scholastic, 2010), 65.John K. Smith, Example Book (New York:
Scholastic, 2010), 65.

Citing sources with other contributor information

You may want to include other contributor information in your footnotes

such as editor, translator, or compiler. If there is more than one of any
given contributor, include their full names in the order they appear on the

John Smith, Example Book, trans. Bill McCoy and Tim Thomas (New York:
Random House, 2000), 15.John Smith, Example Book, ed. Tim Thomas
(New York: Random House, 1995), 19.

If the contributor is taking place of the author, use their full name instead of
the author’s and provide their contribution.John Smith, trans., Example
Book (New York: Random House, 1992), 25.

Citing sources with no author

It may not be possible to find the author/contributor information; some
sources may not even have an author or contributor- for instance, when
you cite some websites. Simply omit the unknown information and continue
with the footnote as usual.

Example Book (New York: Scholastic, 2010), 65.

Citing a part of a work

When citing a specific part of a work, provide the relevant page or section
identifier. This can include specific pages, sections, or volumes. If page
numbers cannot be referenced, simply exclude them. Below are different

Multivolume work:

Webster’s Dictionary, vol. 4 (Springfield: Merriam-Webster, 1995).Part of a

multivolume work:

John Smith, ed., “Anthology,” in Webster’s Dictionary, ed. John Smith, vol
2. of Webster’s Dictionaries (Springfield: Merriam- Webster, 1995).Chapter
in a book:

Garrett P. Serviss, “A Trip of Terror,” in A Columbus of Space (New York:

Appleton, 1911), 17-32.Introduction, afterword, foreword, or preface:
Scott R Sanders, introduction to Tounchstone Anthology of Contemporary
Creative Nonfiction: Work from 1970 to Present, ed. Lex Williford and
Michael Martone (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007), x-xii.

Article in a periodical:
William G. Jacoby, “Public Attitudes Toward Public Spending,” American
Journal of Political Science 38, no. 2 (May 1994): 336- 61.

Citing group or corporate authors

In your footnotes, cite a corporate author like you would a normal author.
American Medical Association, Journal of the American Medical
Association: 12-43.

Citing an entire source

When citing an entire work, there are no specific page numbers to refer to.
Therefore, simply exclude the page numbers from the footnote. John K.
Smith, Example Book (New York: Scholastic, 2010).

Citing indirect sources

When an original source is unavailable, then cite the secondhand source –

for instance, a lecture in a conference proceedings. If using an unpublished
address, cite only in the paper/writing. If using a published address, use a
footnote with the following format.

Paula Abdul mentioned in her interview on Nightline...

Zouk Mosbeh, “Localization and the Training of Linguistic Mediators for the
Third Millennium,” Paper presented at The Challenges of Translation &
Interpretation in the Third Millennium, Lebanon, May 17, 2002.

Citing the Bible

The title of books in the Bible should be abbreviated. Chapter and verses
should be separated by a colon. You should include the version you are
referencing. Prov. 3:5-10 AV.

Citing online sources

Generally, follow the same principals of footnotes to cite online sources.

Refer to the author if possible and include the URL. Henry James, The
Ambassadors (Rockville: Serenity: 2009),

Bhakti Satalkar, “Water Aerobics,”, (July 15, 2010).

Citing online sources with no author

If there is no author, use either the article or website title to begin the
citation. Be sure to use quotes for article titles and include the URL.“Bad
Strategy: At E3, Microsoft and Sony Put Nintendo on the Defense,” BNET,, (June 14, 2010)

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