Mausritter Zine - 2 - Winter - Spreads - 1.0.1

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zine for
by Christopher Käck

Volume 2: Winter 2020

d6 Yule carols d20 Book in the Library of
1 See the chestnut on the fire the Green mice
2 Fill your mead cup and be jolly 1 101 ways to cook your sparrow
3 Roll the old cheese wheel around 2 Grafting apple trees and other feats This second issue of Thistle Kingdom, an unofficial zine for
of engineering
4 Merry landsknechts please come 3 Famous order brothers and their Mausritter, written during the late autumn and winter of 2020.
home deeds
5 The nice fox on the ice 4 Grimoire of Felix the Crow In this issue I present you with a simple adventure involving
6 Green mice will get you in your sleep 5 Telling the bees: how to inform bees young mice in the Nature Patrol. As well as a populated hex-
of losses in the immediate family crawl in the spirit of what is presented in the Mausritter
6 Midsummer sacrifices: when, how,
d6 Yuletide treats what rulebook.
1 Roasted chestnuts 7 Harvest: how to pay the Apple
2 Stuffed herring baked with Queen her due Some thanks for inspiration to: Paths Particular for getting me
cranberries 8 Documented archeological findings thinking about heavy infantry and his beautiful art and maps, to
3 Warm vegetable broth with bread from the ancient barrows in
Grinning Oak Duchy Gavin Norman and the Dolmenwood setting for psionic snails
4 Ale marinated sparrow roast 9 Ten deadly All Hallows Eve’s pranks and to Matthew Morris for cheering me on and setting an
5 Lingonberry porridge 10 What angers the Apple Queen A-Z example with his productivity.
6 Hard-bread with great tit tallow and 11 How to build a bee sled: practical
chopped onion guide for beginners Thistle Kingdom is an independent
12 Advanced mead making production by Christopher and is not
d6 Healing edibles w/side 13 Theoretical approach for traveling affiliated with Losing Games. It is
effects to fairy through lucid dreaming
published under the Mausritter Third Party
1 Moon moss (full hp + d4 attribute 14 History of the aphid wars
score). If eaten more than once a 15 Perpetual stews and how to hand
day it causes temporary blindness them over responsibly between
for d4 days generations Christopher, December 12, 2020
2 Silvercap, mushroom (full hp + d6 16 How to imprison fairies
attributes). 1-in-6 will cause
hallucination (d6 turns) 17 Art of digging wells with hand tools Content, layout & art by Christopher
3 Cat’s paw, herb (d8 + 1 hp). Bitter 18 Legends of Bernpyle Käck.
4 St John’s Wort, herb (remove Mad 19 Ballad of Duke Oakbound the elder
condition) Fonts used: Overpass & bruchshriftMK
20 Dissecting Mushroom Kin 101
5 Death grip, mold on cheese (full hp +
d8 attributes). 1-in-6 chance cause
swelling to the face (disadvantage to
all saves for d6 turns)
6 Oaken bravery, mushroom (remove
fear condition, heal d6 hp). 1-in-6 all
fur falls out

2 3
The Nature Patrol Events on the road
goes hiking! Young mice (w/ contraband/
“Just like Saint George of old, the Boys Scouts 1. One of the kids ingests dangerous unusual item packed)
of today fight against everything evil and unclean” plants, roll d6 for which plant: 1 Francis - eager to help and follow the
- Robert Baden-Powell Nature Patrol Law to the letter. Carries a
1-3: Goat mane - yellow mushroom bottle of oil
2 Wednesday - goes into ecstatic frenzy
This is a short adventure written with that causes hallucinatory effects for when in danger. Carves all his walking
younger players in mind. It’ s playable with 1d4 hours. sticks into spears. Carries forbidden
one to four players. If you are playing with mushrooms
3 Tristan - happy and loves to sing and
only one or two players add some Nature 4-6: Cat’s dream - purple bitter get his comrades going with catchy

Adventure hooks
Patrol leaders acting as Hirelings. tasting moss. Gives boost of tunes and riddles. Pamphlets with
confidence and strength (+2 strength) naughty song lyrics
4 Billy - expert camp builder and shelter
The adventure is set sometime during † The adventurers are heroes in town! for 1d4 hours followed by a period of constructor. Carries torches for
autumn, and the idea is that you should be The city council approach them with low energy for 1d6 days.. nighttime exploring
able to incorporate it within your own hex honorary Nature Patrol emblems, and 5 White - scrawny but engaging with his
surroundings. Carries a magnifying glass
map. The premise is that the adventurers are during the ceremony, they are asked to 2. Encounter a stout caught in a he uses to light things on fire
asked to lead a scouting trip for young mice, follow on the yearly three-day-trek to snare put up by rivaling fraction. Willing 6 Gruwth - massive for his age (str +2 ). A
on a short three day hike. It is up to the inspire the young boys. to pay to get down gentle giant. Picks flowers that he dries
in a book for his mother
players to pick a decent route on their own
7 Til - angry young mouse. Wears a patch
hex-map. † The leader of the local Nature Patrol 3. One of the boys drop a whole bag over one eye (because he likes pirates)
chapter breaks his leg the day before with food supply in the river.
8 Harper - missing some fur (burn marks).
The trip is eventful and eventually one the trek. The neighbors approach the Brought homemade explosives (made
of the young mice gets lost within an crypt. adventurers asking if they can stand in 4. Attacked by bees! from matchstick heads if close to
human settlement, otherwise very
The crypt has been used by a wizard to store in exchange for a small payment. flammable oil tincture)
his necromantic experiments. The
adventurers need to find and save the young
mouse quickly.

4 5
Plan the trip Making camp
Ask the players to chart the travel plans on Allow the players to draw the camp and how
your hex map. Ask them what they pack. Tell it is laid out. Describe if they construct any
them each child will bring: sleep pad, tarp, shelter, if they are keeping fire guards etc.
food for three days, a water bottle, change
of clothes, small knife. The dome
Inverted tower Domed room.
A tower leading Faded war scenes
downwards into the painted on ceiling
earth. Stairs broken.

Day 2 of travel Very deep

The crypt
Ossuaries carved

Day 1 of travel Just as camp is getting packed up and it’s The gallery
out of walls.
Mostly empty
time to leave, two young mice come running, Skeletons. Child
hides here.
It’s early autumn, leaves are turning yellow. panting and clearly scared.
Roll for weather!
- Billy! You’ve got to help Billy! … he fell in a Flooded rooms
The boys are in great spirit, singing marching hole in the ground. We could hear him talking to The hole in the roof Flooded area.
tunes as they walk. something down there and then screaming. Smell of confined Treasure hidden
tomb. Very dark. 10’ here
Come quickly! drop
Roll for random event on the table above.
The boys will lead anyone who follows a few
The group notices signs and traces of an owl minutes run into the wood, in a clearing you
hunting in the area. Dropping and claw marks can see a 5x5’ hole (‘ = mouse feet) has
on branches are found. opened up in the ground. Descending about
9’ down into total darkness.

Room of pillars
Large stone door
with strange
inscriptions. There
is only a stone wall
behind it

6 7
The hole in the roof † If open flame is carried in room: 2 in 6 The flooded rooms The Gallery
chance some old cobwebs catch on
Forrest floor caved in, revealing a fire. This will for a very short period After turning corner a small stone Movement can heard from up
tunnel. 10’ drop. Dark corridor. light up the complete room exposing stairs lead downwards and end in a ahead. Walking mouse skeletons
runic carvings on the roof and walls. flooded corridor. The water is dark are trying to get past a barricade
† Carved stone floor, clearly mouse and is seeping in through the hastily constructed by Billy by the
made. † The runes were used by the stones in the wall. entrance to the furthest room.
necromancer who used this crypt for
† Smell: enclosed tomb his experiments. They are esoteric † Smell: Damp, moist, and some mold. † 2d4 walking skeletons
and incomprehensible.
† The dampness of the room makes † Wall are covered with old images of
The crypt The dome torches go out easier. Roll a d6 mouse knights and ladies, feating,
every turn on a 6 mark an extra fighting & justing.
Six mostly empty ossuaries. Dust High domed ceiling covered in usage dot.
and cobweb have been disturbed in faded depictions of mice knights at † A faint light up ahead from Billy’s
multiple places. war with mysterious robed mice. † The water is tainted with the dead torch.
and is poisonous to drink.
† Perl necklace in one of the ossuaries † A red scarf lies on the floor. Billy has † Overturned old rotten table is pushed
(250p) dropped this as he fled from the † In the second alcove there is a huge against the entry to the furthers
walking dead. Close to the westward stone chest. Within it rests a knight of alcove, behind it Billy is fighting to
† A mouse femur bone lies on the floor exit. the order that built this Mausoleum. keep the skeletons out.
(1d4 damage) He is still resting in peace and is
† Slight breeze coming from the stairs buried with a silver crown (1500p) † As soon as light fall on the skeletons
The room of pillars (leading down) in the north of the and a ruby crested ring (350p) and a they turn to attack the newcomers.
room. fine but old sword (40p, not useful in
Dusty. Cobwebs. Untouched for battle anymore). † Billy is brave and in a good fighting
decades. Four large pillars. Stair to † Musty smell and sound of dripping spirit. Will join any fight or effort to
huge stone door covered in runic water coming from the passage † In the furthest room the water sip save him.
inscriptions. leading east. out between the stone walls, down
into whatever depth lies below. In the
† Stone door: Very hard to open and † An ancient silver mirror stand by the dark water a fallen silver candelabra
lead to nowhere, behind it is only stairs (500p). Very heavy. (350p) lies hidden.
stone slabs like the rest of the walls.
† Two aggressive leeches hide in the

8 9
Nature Patrol kid
Who awoke the dead?
A mouse necromancer, that has long since
passed away, used the tomb for his
2hp, STR 5, DEX 9, WILL 8
experiments. The undead he summoned † After returning from the trip the boys quickly spread
Attacks: d4 knife
outlived him and have been waiting the heroic tales of what has happened. Billy’s parents
Wants: adventure patiently ever since. are ever grateful and let the heroes know they are
ever welcome at their table.
Leeches The inverted tower leads down to further
8hp, STR 9, DEX 7, WILL 8 catacombs and the wizards old laboratory † Local wiseman and herb-master PeregrinWinterholme
and home. To be explored some other time, seeks out the heroes after hearing of the rumors. He
Attacks: d4 bite
perhaps without the kids. is worried something more foul will escape from the
Scoring 4 damage in one bite:
attaches to target, remains tomb now that it is open. He asks them to help him
stuck even if killed, doing d4 get there and seal it up for good.
damage each round until pried
of with successful opposed STR The trip back home † Players hear a rumors that the word of the tomb has
The trip back home is uneventful and most spread and that an expedition of tomb robbers are
Wants: to suck blood are eager to get back. Some boys can be setting out from the settlement in a few days to clear
heard retelling exaggerated stories about it from valuables. Will the player mice get there first
Skeletons the player characters deeds. and reap the riches themselves?
6hp, STR 10, DEX 8, WILL
Roll for weather.
Armor: 0/3* Attacks: d6 spear
or d8 throw opponent
*3 against damage from piercing Dming suggestions
and slicing weapons Playing with more experienced players
Wants: return to eternal rest. feel free to increase the number of
skeletons and potentially expand the cave
further down the inverted tower.

Put time pressure on players to find the

lost boy. Maybe they here weird sounds or
movement coming from the bottom of the
inverted tower. Let them feel like they did
not have time to explore too much of the
cave, make them want to return.

10 11
Duchy of the 1. Large moss clad rocks.
Slowly elevates
thorny branches of
these bushes
for sacrifice

Grinning Oak
15. Acorn creek - mouse
towards the mountains 9. The Poppy fields - large settlement - 350 mice
in the north meadow where the - capitol of the duchy.
2. Ruminant pasture poppy grows abundant Mirthful trading hub
3. A psionic snail lives during the late near the river

Hexcrawl here. Sensitive

individuals might
notice strange dreams
summers. Seed
collectors and herbalist
venture far to collect
16. The ship setting -
ancient stones stood
up in the shape of a
and a force vibrating the valuable flower ship at the edge of the
the air culminating in 10. The Grinning Oak - a river. Voices whisper
hallucinations holy oak tree. here at night
4. Home for a colony of Ceremonial place. 17. The falls - mice gifts the
toads. Small huts made Things, weddings and water treasure in
from clay with straw crownings are held return for change of
roofs. There is a water here luck
lily covered pond 11. The bumblebee road 18. Hillgrave - mouse
where they lay their connect the Green settlements - 150 mice
eggs (shrine to a Order with the river - sleepy village but
forgotten God at crossing. Road has house much treasure
bottom) grown more dangerous retrieved from the
5. Windswept grassland to travel lately and barrows. A few retired
6. Ancient apple tree. there is rumors of owls adventurers live here.
Order of green mice picking off mice at 19. The ancient barrows.
have a monastery (see night Builders unknown.
Thistle Kingdom #1). 12. Mushroom forest Massive networks of
They keep bees here. (inedible). A guild of old tunnels under these
Further east lies the alchemist operate here hills.
great old forest 13. Tower of Daybreak -
7. Open grassland - Home Duke’s stone tower.
to a stout herbalist. Guards route between
Well versed in the Acorn creek and river
healing crafts and crossing. Taxes are
cruse-lifting stored here
8. Blackberry thorns - 14. Blind rat oracle lives in
Many mice homestead cave here. Will share
under the protective foresight in exchange

Duke Oakbound (mouse) Free assembly of Toads The Merchant Guild

Resources Resources Resources
Encounters Rumors • Mice knights • Pact with the owl Ichabod • Lots of pips
1. d6 Mice knights on patrol 1. Mice knights are looking for 4. The stout herbalist schemes • Birth-given right to rule • Fearless troops • Hired landsknechts
smuggler and might pay a hefty with the toads to get materials • Tower of Daybreak • Skillful shaman • Spies in every town
2. 2d4 Wayward bees reward for their capture for necromantic experiments
Goals Goals Goals
3. d8 Toads on expedition 2. Mice have gone missing at 5. Faeries enter this realm at
4. 2d6 Carousing landsknechts night on the bumblebee road, the ship setting ○ ○ Repay debt to banker ○ ○ Retrieve ancestral spells ○ ○ Establish in Hillgrave
locals fear it’s the owls 6. Sacrifice something of
5. Psionic snail hallucinations personal value at the falls and ○ ○ ○ Pass on Duchy to son ○ ○ ○ ○ Establish new village ○ ○ ○ Dominate river trade
3. There is treasures beyond the water nymphs will cure bad
6. The owl Ichabod imagining under the ancient ○ ○ ○ ○ Rein in the guild ○ ○ ○ ○ Chase off psionic snail ○ ○ ○ ○ Weaken the Duke
barrows in the south luck, in-grown nails and poverty

12 13
Heavy armored infantry

The landsknechts are a group of mercenary Landsknecht

mice, constituting primarily of heavy 6hp, STR 10, DEX 10, WILL 9
armored infantry. They are hired as full Armor 1
companies of about a hundred mice. This
includes soldiers, cooks, engineers and
Attacks: d10 pike/halberds
everything else needed for a sustained
Wants: honor, spoils & adventure
campaign. They fight armored, wielding pike
weapons or halberds. The landsknechts are
well known throughout the land and are said
to always get the job done. They are not Playing a landsknecht
cheap. If you roll 6 HP you have the option to choose a background
in the landsknechts. You do this by substituting your normal
They take all types of jobs ranging from tax background roll for a roll on the table below. Your Item B will
collection, sieges, expansionary warfare, always be heavy armor.
counter-revolutionary activities to forming
city guards. If you are actively serving in a company you are also
expected to pick a pike or halberd as your weapon.
Only the toughest mice are accepted as
recruits and the training is hard. Pips Background Item A
1 Cook Pots & pans
Fighting in formation the most fearsome 2 Blacksmith Hammer (1d6)
fighters fight in the front rank, the so called 3 Soldier Flask of brandy
Doppelsöldner. They get twice the pay of a 4 Doppelsöldner (front-line soldier) Big flask of brandy
normal soldier to offset their increased risk. 5 Captain Fancy uniform
6 Field surgeon Bone saw

14 15
Thistle Kingdom is an unofficial fanzine for the
game Mausritter. A table top roleplaying game
where players play as mice!

This winter issue contains:

• An adventure: take the young mice in the

Nature Patrol on a camping trip! What could go

• A ready to go hex-crawl map.

• The heavy armored infantry landsknechts.

In this issue content, layout, & art is created by

Christopher Käck.

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