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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Name: ARLYN S. JASMIN Date Submitted 11/2/2021

Subject/s: PROF. ED 5 Year and Section CRASH COURSE
Professor: MS. M. RAZALAN

1. Prepare your own plan on how you can apply metacognition to improve your study skills.

After knowing metacognition on learning is definitely a big help for an aspiring teacher like me. Since I
was taking up an education course, maybe it’s time to change my studying technique which is metacognition. I
will not just be studying my lesson but to learn to remember for the long term. For me to learn more, I will use
metacognition to remember what I learned, making connections and truly understanding it. In the end, I can
now create my own concepts. I will start by thinking about my way of thinking, how I learn, how I think and how
I should think to better my learning.
Since learning is made digitally today, it is not enough to just read, memorize or conceptualize
something. I have to learn the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ behind everything. It takes time, effort, practice and an
awareness to improve knowledge to a new context.
In order for me to do it, I think I will need the following steps in achieving my goals to better my learning
● Identify or spot any concept that I want to learn
● Planning. In this step it is important to put away any distractions
As a mother with a lot of work at home, I need to manage my time well for my family and for my
● Know my strengths and weaknesses. The things that I know & I don’t know in order to assess
myself over concepts that I want to learn.
● Ask question or self-questioning in able to adapt my learning strategy
In this step, I can change the way I think by collecting data from my assessment on questions.
Then, focus on questions that I got wrong then take a deeper question why
I get it wrong.
● Lastly, is to evolve or improve my learning and see to it that my knowledge will grow in order to
remember it.
For this step to be successful, I need to consider the basic questions to ask myself before, during, and
after studying to attend to the decisions that can make a difference in my performance. I will use my time to
recall, analyze, interpret, and apply information which helps improve my study skills.
Before Learning While Learning
Take Time to Plan: Pause to Monitor:
After Learning
● What am I supposed ● How am I doing? Reflect and Evaluate:
to learn? ● Am I on track with my
● What did I learn?
● What strategies plan?
● Did I achieve my goals?
should I use? ● Do I understand what
● What could I have done
● How much time do I I’m learning?
have? ● Should I adjust my
● Is there anything I still
don’t understand

Answers to these questions may not come quickly but they can create an opportunity to change how to
approach my goals when things aren’t working out the way I want them. As a learner, I must contend with my
personal strengths and weaknesses, the nature of the task, and the strategies available to accomplish and
overcome any challenges.
To put it simply, first, I need to plan my approach to a learning topic, especially how I will digest the
information. Then, monitor my comprehension of the topic as I study with actions such as practice tests.
Finally, evaluate the results of my learning when I finish and modify my approach as needed.
This simple step of learning and practicing metacognition means, that I will be my best indicator for
whether I am prepared for a test/learning or not, the same time this will help prepare myself for more effective
learning in the future because I will be able to make the best choices when my materials and teachers don't
deliver what I need.

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