MSDS - Sika Grout

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Safety Data Sheet Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex i % [1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF i THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING ‘Adentifcation of the substance/preparation de name Product name or Tad Cekacrouo 218 New 5) Use of the substance/preparation ‘Chemical product tor construction and industry Sompanviundertaking identification Manutacturer/Distributor + PLT. Sika indonesia ‘JL. Raya Cibinong - Sekasi km 20 Limusnunggal Cileungsi or 18820 vee Telephone no. + 48221 8230005 Fax no. 2 #8225 823 08 e-mail across of person = response forthe S06 Emergency telephone number + 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION The prods dase a dangerun accord o Uc TOSUTES and WSGAIGAS Classification 2 XER41, R37/38 RAB ‘Human heatth hazards + Risk of serious damage to eyes. itatng to respiratory system and shin, May cause sensitisation by skin contact, © ‘Additional hazards + Hancling and/or processing ofthis material may generate a dust which can cause ‘mechanical irtation of the eyes, skin, nose and throat ‘See section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symptoms. 3.__COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemica famiy ¥ Mure of ements, aggregates and adaves Characteristics Ingredient name [eAaSnumber [x [EC umber [Casiicaion ———] uare $102) | gs0e-60-7- |s076 | 200-670-4 |Notdassied, Cement Jesesr-1s-1 (3550 |e6-0484 |xcnat eons oy Ras ‘Soe section 16 for the full text of the R- | Phrases declared above | | [1] Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard [2] Substance with a workplace exposure limit f Occupational exposure mits, if available, are listed in section 8, Pie afiaiw i a SikaGrout® 215 New can = 2 15.09.2009 25 4. FIRST AID MEASURES First-aid measures Inhalation + Get medical attention, Ingestion + Do not induce vomiting untess dzected to do so by medical personnel. Maintain an open airway. Seek immediate medical attention. Skin contact + Flush contaminated skin wih plenty of water. Remove contaminated doting and shoes. Wash contaminated ciothing thoroughly with water before removing ©, or wear gloves. Continue to rinse fr a east 10 minutes. Obtain medical atenton y ~smptoms ooeur. Eye contact Get medical attention immecsately, immediately tush eyes wth plenty of water, cecasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Check for and remove any contact lenses. Continue to rinse for atleast 10 minutes. Chemical bums must be Souioa promptly by a physician Notes to physician + No specific reatment. Treat symptomaticaly. Contact poison treatment specialist ‘immediately #iarge quantities have been ingested or inhaled. ‘See section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symptoms, 5. _FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media Suitable Use an extinguishing agent sutable forthe surounding fre. Not suitable None known: Special exposure hazards: No spectic fre or explosion hazard Hazardous combustion; Decompostion products may include the following materials: products sulfur oxiies metal xidefoxdes Special protective + Freighter should wear appropriate protective equipment and self-contained equipment for freighters breathing spparatus (SCBA) wih full fce-plece operated M postne ee mode. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions + Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not touch or walk through spit material. Avoid breathing dust. Provige adequate ventilation, Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Put on appropriate personal Protective equipment (see section 8). Environmental precautions : Avoid dispersal of spit materia! and runoff and contact wih si, waterways, drains ‘and sewers. Inform the relevant authorties ifthe product has caused enuronmental pollution (sewers, waterways, ol or alr. Large spilt + Move containers from spill arca. Prevent entry into sewers, water courses, ‘basements or confined areas. Vacuum or sweep up material and place i a designated, labelled waste container. Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal ‘Small spill + Move containers from spil area. Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a designated, labelled waste container. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE | Handling "Paton appropriate personal protective equipment (eee secon 8). Eating, drinking. and smoking should be prohibted in areas where this material is handled, stored ond Processed. Workers should wash hands and face before eatng, drinking and smoking. Do not get in eyes o: on skin or clothing. Do not breathe dust Use only wih adequate ventlation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate, Keep in te orginal container or an approved alternative made from a compatible ‘material, kept tightly closed when notin use, Empty containers retain product residue and can be hazardous, Bate ofitoue 1 00s, MSDS no. 606028. 265) SikaGrout® 275 New 15.09.2009 3/5 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Storage ¢ Packaging materials Recommended [iezaled and kept upright to prevent leakage. Do not store in unlabelled eoteetere, Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination + Use original container. 8. _ EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Recommended monitoring: procedures Exposure controls ‘Occupational exposure controls Hygiene measures f Respiratory protection Hand protection Eye protection ‘Skin protection : Environmental exposure controls Bate ofiswue = = Ingredient name Quartz (Si02) ACGIH TLV (United States, 1/2008). Notes: fraction; 0 Appendhx © paragraphs. ath eepiable ,TWA: 0.025 mg/m 8 hour(s). Form: Respirable fraction Cement ACGIH TLY (United States, 1/2008). Notes: The value is for total dust containing no asbestos and < 1% crystalline silica. TWA: 10 mg/m? 8 hour(s). methods for the assessment of exposure by inhalation fo chemical agents and ‘national guidance documents for methods for the determination of hazardous substances. + Use only wth acequate ventilation. fuser operations generate dust, fumes, gas, Yapour Or mist, use process enciosures, local exhaust venilaton or other engineering Controls o Keep worker exposure to akbome contaminants below any recommended Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handing chemical products, before cating, smoking and using the lavatory and atthe end of the working period, ‘ipbroptiate techniques should be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing. Wash contaminsted clothing before reusing. 4: Inert material; P2: Xn; P3: 7, No special measures required. + Chemicat-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should bbe wom at al imes when handling chemical products ia risk assesement indicetee this is necessary. Recommended: Butyl rubberinivie rubber gloves, Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a risk assessment indicates this s necessary to avoid exposure io Iu splashes, mists Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task ‘being performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before. handling this product. Recommended: Use barrier skin cream. MSDS no. + 806026 5) [SikaGrout® 215 New 15.08.2009 45) 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTI IES | Appearance, Form 2 Powder. Colour : Grey. dour Odouriess. Loose bulk density = ~1700 kg/m? 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability = The productis stable, Conditions to avoid No specific data, Materials to avoid + No specific data PezgTuous decomposition: Under normal conaions of storage and use, hazardous decompostion products products: should not be produced, 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION _ Potential acute health effects Inhalation Inttating to respratoy system. May cause ination, Ingestion + Infating to mouth, throat and stomach, Skin contact + lntatng to skin, May cause sensitisation by skin contact Eye contact + Severely inating fo eyes, Risk of serious damage to eyes. Chronic effects + Repested or prolonged inalation of dust may lead to chronic respiratory irtaton, Once sensiized, a severe allersic reaction may occur when subssquenity oomsocd to very low levels 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Environmental effects + Avoid contact of spit material and rune wih sol and surlace waterways. Bo nol {empty into drains; dispose ofthis material and its container ina safe way, 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Methods of disposal + The generation of waste should be avolded or minimised wherever possible. Emply Containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its contalver ‘must be disposed of in a safe way. Dispose of surplus and non-recyclable products Ya alicensed waste disposal contractor. Disposal ofthis product, soluons and any by-products should at all tmes comply with the requirements of environmental, protection and waste disposal lecisiation and any regional local authority Fequirements. Avoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contact whh soi, waterways, drains and sewers. Packaging + Completely emptied packagings may be given for recycting. Empty packaging may stil contain hazardous residues. Empty packaging should be removed by a licensed waste contractor. MSDS no. : 806036 4

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