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srendaen "beautiful, only applied to things of natural beauty not to
Tel'Quessir the collective name elves use for their race. translates into
common to mean, "The People".
rysar a span of important time or a generation, depending on its
context. Usually, it is used to measure the reign of a specific
elven ruler. Rysar are further broken down by aeloulaeva,
pyesigeni, or a particular ruler's reign.
oloth elgg ssussun "Darkness slays light."
N'Vaelhar Shadow soldiers. Singular: N'Vaelharn.[
N'Tel'Quess "Not-people". A derogatory term elves use to describe non-
Maethe "perhaps", modern elven slang
Laran "regal" or "one who is regal"
hond ebrath True friend(s)
Fete Fire
biir "garbage", used as an insult against those of half-elven and
human heritage
Al hond ebrath, uol "A true friend, as the trees and the water are true friends."
tath shantar en tath
lalala ol hond ebrath
Aes “Hunted”
aegiskeryn shield guardian

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