Social Studies Study Guide: Ghandi

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Social Studies

Study Guide
India & Ghandi - Great Depression - Rise of Fascism - WW2
Fernanda Sanchez, Bruno Chavarria, Julio Molina

Ghandi Rowlatt Acts: These laws allowed the government to jail

Two Groups formed to rid India of foreign rule protesters without trial for as long as two years.
- The Hindu Indian National Congress
- The Muslim League Salt March: In 1930, Gandhi organized a demonstration
to defy the hated Salt Act. Indian could buy salt from the
Participation of India in WWI British government and pay sales tax on salt. Gandhi and
- 1 million Indians troop enlisted in the British Army his followers walked about 240 miles to the seacoast.
- British government promised that would eventually
lead to self-government. Amritsar Massacre: To protest the Rowlatt Acts, around
- Upon their return, they were again treated as second 10,000 Hindus and Muslims gathered in Amritsar,
class citizens. Punjab in the spring of 1919. Consequently, the British
- Radical nationalists carried out acts of violence. commander ordered his troops to fire on the crowd. In
ten minutes nearly 400 Indians dies and about 1,200
were wounded.
Strikes and Demonstrations
- The British arrested thousands of Indians who had
Mohandas K. Gandhi: Leader of the independence
participated in strikes and demonstrations.
movement. Gandhi’s strategy for battling injustice
- In the Salt March, 60,000 people were arrested in-
evolved from his deeply religious approach to political
cluding Gandhi.
- In 1935, the British Parliament passed the Govern-
ment of India Act and it provided local self-government
but not total independence.

Depression What was the basic difference between Hoover
and Roosevelt in handling the economic
hardship of the United States?
Hoover was very ignorant of the economy of the United
Explain the main reasons for the optimistic view about States, he never passed bills to help the economy
the future of America at the beginning of the 20th recover. On the other hand, Roosevelt was the one that
century. passed the New Deal and restored the economy back
After World War I ended, America turned into a country of first to normal by signing the New Deal and abolish
world potency. This marked the beginning of the twenties, where prohibition.
everybody lived the American dream.
What was the New Deal?
What were the events that led to Black Tuesday? It is a domestic program of the administration of U.S.
The events that led to Black Tuesday were; food surplus, banks Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1939,
giving out loans like if they were on liquidation, and the stock which took action to bring about immediate economic
market being a complete disaster. Many farmers were now losing relief as well as reforms in industry, agriculture, finance,
money and ended up not paying their loans to the banks and waterpower, labor, and housing, vastly increasing the
everyone sold their shares because Wall Street was falling down. scope of the federal government’s activities.
This marked the beginning of the Great Depression.

What was the effect of the great depression in United

States and in the world?
Since most of the nations were dependent of the U.S, the crashed
economy nationally became one globally. Eventually, the Great
Depression led to a trade war between Europe and U.S because of
the taxes in their imported goods. Finally, there was an abrupt
decline in standards of living occurred around the world. As
demand for goods and services fell, many companies were forced
to shut down and led to increasing unemployment.


Fascism Rises
Context Italy
Fascism: A political movement that is extremely nationalistic, Fascism gains power in Italy because of
gives power to a dictator, and takes away individual rights. disappointment over the Versailles Treaty,
inflation and unemployment in Italy.
United States, Britain, and France remained strong despite
the economic crisis caused by the Great Depression. Millions Mussolini promises great changes that will
of people lost faith in the democratic government; therefore, rescue Italy’s economy and promises to
they turned to an extreme system of government called rebuild armed forces.
He comes to power in October, 1922, during
Fascists promised to revive the economy, punish those the march of Rome and becomes known as Il
responsible for hard times, and restore order and national Duce.
pride. Their message attracted many people who felt
frustrated and angered by the peace treaties that followed Mussolini ordered a massive invasion of
World War I and by the Great Depression. Ethiopia in October 1935. The aim of invading
Ethiopia was to boost Italian national prestige,
which was wounded by Ethiopia's defeat of

March of Rome Italian forces at the Battle of Adowa in 1896,

which saved Ethiopia from Italian
In October 1922, about 30,000 fascists marched on Tome to colonization.
demand Mussolini’s position in the government. Mussolini waited
in Milan to see if the overthrow succeeded, and then joined and
pretended to have led it. The King decided that Mussolini was the
best hope for his dynasty to survive and puts him in charge. King
Victor’s plan was to let Mussolini destroy the communists and
then quickly get rid of him.

Nazis come to power

Hitler joined a group later named itself the National Socialist
German Workers’ Party, called Nazi for short. Its policies formed
the German brand of fascism known as Nazism. Within a short
time, Hitler’s success as an organizer and speaker led him to be
chosen der Führer or the leader, of the Nazi party. Hitler
asserted that the Germans were a “master race.” He called the
Versailles Treaty an outrage and vowed to regain German

World War 2
Rise of Japan Germanification
After a period of reform and progress, Japan fell Hitler quickly militarized Germany after he came
under military rule. Military leaders gained into power, 1935 Hitler announced that Germany
support and blamed the civilian government and would not obey the Versailles Treaty and
the depression for the problems of the country. increases the size of the German Army. He sped
up his expansion after moving into forbidden land
The Emperor became symbol of State power and seeing the weak response France and Britain
because of the military. He restored the traditional had on it.
control of the government to the military.
The Rome-Berlin Axis:
Japanese military wanted to solve the country’s Agreement between Mussolini and Germany in
economic problems through foreign expansion. 1936. A month later Germany made an
This included a conquest of China. agreement with Japan. Germany, Italy and Japan
together became to be known the AXIS POWERS.
Japan wanted raw materials, new markets and
room for its rising population. In 1931 the Japanese Non Aggression pact: Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin
army seized Manchuria which was rich in iron and signed a ten-year non aggression pact with Hitler.

The League of Nations, that included all major
democracies (except the United States) including
Germany and Italy protested, but Japan ignored
the protest and withdrew from the League in 1933
D-Day: The invasion of Normandy, the largest land
to keep invading.
and sea attack in history. It took place on the 6th
of June, 1944.

Start of War Kamikaze: Japanese suicide pilot.

Battle of Stalingrad: A brutal military campaign

On September 1th, 1939 Germany started the between Russian forces and those of Nazi
invasion of Poland. France and the United Germany and the Axis powers in the city of
Kingdom declared war to Germany. Within a Stalingrad. Germany is decisively defeated,
month and with help of the soviets, Poland fell. turning the tide of war.

Phony War: Although France and Britain Kristallnacht: “Night of Broken Glass.” November
mobilized their armies, they waited for a German 9, 1938, Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish
attack that never came. Thus, for 8 months there homes, businesses, and synagogues across
was no action in the war. The press deemed it Germany and murdered close to 100 Jews.
"The Phony War"
Blitzkrieg:“ lightning war.” It involved using
Fall of France: The Germans started an invasion of fast-moving airplanes and tanks, followed by
France in spring of 1940. They bypassed the massive infantry forces, to take enemy defenders
Maginot line through the Low Countries and by surprise and quickly overwhelm them.
punched through the poorly defended forest of the
Ardennes. They encircled the British and French, Attack on Pearl Harbor: A surprise military strike
who escaped in Dunkirk. France fell within two by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon
weeks afterwards, major sucess for Reich. the United States against the naval base at Pearl
Harbor, December 7th, 1941.
Battle of Britain: Germany planned a great
invasion of Britain, and started a bombardment of Battle of Britain: The successful defense of Great
their ports and military airfields, greatly Britain against unremitting and destructive air
weakening their air force. With the British raids conducted by the German air force in 1940.
outnumbered 3 to 1, Churchill ordered a bombing
of Berlin, which made Hitler Fuhreous. As a result, Battle of Midway: A naval battle that took place
the Germans bombed the cities instead, and between June 4th and June 7th, 1942. It turned the
eventually, Britain defeated the German air force. tide of war in the Pacific with the American

Germany Invades Battle of the Bulge: German tanks broke through

weak American defenses along a 75-mile front in
the Ardennes. They are defeated.

Battle of Guadalcanal: Series of World War II land

Hitler and his allies invaded the Soviet Union and sea clashes between Allied and Japanese
during Operation Barbarossa, which failed after forces on and around Guadalcanal Island.
Winter settled in and slowed the Germans down.
In 1942, Hitler wanted to conquer the Caucasus, Armistice: a formal agreement to stop fighting.
which was full of oil. During the battle of
Stalingrad, the Russians decisively defeat the Appeasement: Fairly useless diplomatic strategy
Germans, turning the tide of war. to allow aggression from a rival country to prevent

Pearl Harbor Fall of Japan

On December 7th, 1941, the Japanese make a
surprise attack on Hawaii at Pearl Harbor with the After being soundly defeated at the battle of
intention of disabling their army and destroying Midway and failing to stop the Guadalcanal
their oil reserves. They missed the oil, and invasion, Japan was forced to take a defensive
America immediately declared war. stand. Fierce battles at Iwo Jima and Okinawa
proved that invading Japan would be challenging.
In August 1945, America drops two atomic bombs
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing over 200,000
people. In September, Japan surrenders, ending
the war.

Fall of Germany
After the disaster of Stalingrad, the Soviet Union
started to push back the Germans, and after 3
long years, it was clear that Germany had lost the
war. Hitler killed himself and just over a week
later, Nazi Germany unconditionally surrendered,
ending the war in Europe.

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