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Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................5
Installation Instructions ....................................................................................6
The Avantext® TechPubs™ Manager ...............................................................7
Starting the Program ...................................................................................7
Using the Program ......................................................................................8
Launching a TechPubs Product ...............................................................8
Adding TechPubs Products......................................................................9
Removing TechPubs Products...............................................................10
Copying a TechPubs Product to Your Hard Disk Drive..........................10
Updating TechPubs Products.................................................................11
The Avantext TechPubs ................................................................................12
The Work Area ..........................................................................................12
The Document Pane...............................................................................13
The Navigation Pane ..............................................................................17
The Toolbar ............................................................................................18
Title Pages.................................................................................................20
Home Page.............................................................................................20

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Section Title Pages.................................................................................21
Searching ..................................................................................................22
The Search All Window ..........................................................................22
Searching Within a Document................................................................24
Printing ......................................................................................................25
Order Forms ..............................................................................................27
Populating Order Forms .........................................................................27
Viewing, Modifying, and Printing Order Forms.......................................28
Options ......................................................................................................29
Options Specific to the Viewer ...............................................................29
Options Specific to TechPubs ................................................................32
Contacting Avantext.......................................................................................33

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Thank you for your purchase of the Avantext® TechPubs™ CD. Your
purchase is one that you can trust, knowing that it has been a proven
performer around the globe. The Avantext TechPubs are recognized
throughout the aviation industry for the high quality, consistency, and
exceptional value they provide. No other program available today can equip
you with the same level of benefit.
This user guide tells you how to install the Avantext TechPubs
Manager and the TechPubs software, then guides you through the various
functions, options, and capabilities of the program. Please use it freely, and
keep it near your computer for quick reference. We believe you will benefit
greatly from knowing more about what you can accomplish with our program.
If you have any questions or suggestions after reading this manual,
please call our customer service department at (800) 411-6355 or (610) 862-
1054, or visit our website at

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Installation Instructions
Follow these steps to install the TechPubs Manager onto your computer and
add the first TechPubs product you purchased.
1. Insert the TechPubs CD or DVD into your CD/DVD drive.
2. Double-click on the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop.
3. Double-click on your CD/DVD icon.
4. Double-click on Install.exe. (If you are running Windows® XP, your
My Computer icon may be located on the Windows® Start Menu)
5. The installation screen appears. Follow all on-screen instructions.

NOTE: It is only necessary to follow this procedure for the first TechPubs
product you purchase. To add additional TechPubs products, see
“Adding TechPubs Products.”

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The Avantext® TechPubs™ Manager
The Avantext TechPubs Manager is your central access point for all Avantext
TechPubs products. This program manages all of the TechPubs products
that you have purchased and installed on your computer. Additionally, the
program gives you the option of installing the content of the products to your
computer’s hard disk drive or network file server so that you do not have to
continually change CDs. It also allows you to update the contents of the
products when your next subscription updates arrive.
Starting the Program
¾ Click on the Start button in the lower left-hand corner of your desktop
(on the Windows taskbar).
¾ Move the mouse over Programs and then over Avantext and
TechPubs. Click on Avantext TechPubs Manager.
¾ An icon called Avantext TechPubs Manager was placed on your
Windows® Desktop during installation. Double-click this icon to start
the program.

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Adding TechPubs Products
1. If you are adding a TechPubs product from CD or DVD, insert the
disk into the drive from which you want to run the product.
2. Click on the Add button on the right side of the TechPubs Manager
main window.
3. Click on the down arrow in the drive list box
3a) If you are installing from a CD or DVD drive,
select the CD or DVD from which you wish
to run the TechPubs product.
3b) If you are installing from a hard disk drive or
network location, select Browse…. Browse
to the drive and folder that contains the TechPubs product and
click OK.
4. Click the OK button.
NOTE: The first TechPubs product was added when you installed the
TechPubs Manager.

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Removing TechPubs Products
1. Select a manufacturer and product as described in steps 1 and 2 of
“Launching a TechPubs Product.”
2. Click on the Remove button. A dialog box asks you to confirm your
intention to remove the product.
3. If you have copied the content of the TechPubs product to your
computer’s hard disk, a dialog box asks if you want to remove the
product content.
Copying a TechPubs Product to Your Hard Disk Drive
1. Select a manufacturer and product as described in steps 1 and 2 of
“Launching a TechPubs Product.”
2. Click on the Copy button.
3. Browse to the location on your computer’s hard
disk drive to which you wish to copy the product
content. Click the OK button. A window appears
and shows you how much space is available on
the drive and how much is required.
4. Click OK to begin the process of copying the
content to your drive. A progress window is

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Updating TechPubs Products
If you are running your TechPubs products from CD or DVD and have not
copied them to your computer’s hard drive, there is no need to update
product content. Simply discard the old disk and replace it with the new disk.
If you have copied the content of a TechPubs product to your hard disk drive,
you must update the content when you receive a new disk. Follow these
steps to update your product.
1. Insert the updated disk into your computer’s CD/DVD drive.
2. Click the Update button.
3. A dialog box appears. Select the CD or DVD
drive into which you inserted the disk.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that you do
not de-select the Remove existing
content checkbox on this dialog box.
4. Click the OK button. A progress window shows you the progress of
the update process.

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The Avantext TechPubs
While the TechPubs program is relatively easy to learn, a general
understanding of Windows operation (using a mouse, scroll bars, drop-down
lists, menus, etc.) is necessary.
The Work Area
The TechPubs program includes a document pane that displays documents,
a navigation pane at the left side of the window that helps you browse
through the current document, and toolbars and a status bar that enable you
to perform common tasks.

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The Document Pane
The document pane displays the current document. PDF documents
maintain the look and feel of a paper book.
You can increase or decrease the magnification used to display documents
within the Document Pane. There are several ways to increase or decrease
the magnification level:
• Fixed magnifications. Click on the Actual Size, Fit in Window, or Fit
Width toolbar buttons. The Actual Size button ( ) displays the
document at 100% size, the Fit in Window button ( ) displays the
entire page, and the Fit Width button ( ) displays the document
• Incrementally. Click on the or toolbar buttons, or use the
View>Increase Zoom or View>Decrease Zoom menus.
• Marquee Selection. Click on the button to select a document area
to zoom in to.

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Avantext TechPubs documents contain hyperlinks. A hyperlink is an
electronic link from a distinctively marked place in a document to a related
document or section. Click on a hyperlink to activate it and navigate to the
related reference.
Avantext uses three discrete hyperlink types, each underlined with a different
color. Each type performs a different action as detailed below.

Red Links Red links are links within the document you are viewing. When
you click on a red-underlined link, you are taken to the page
containing the linked information. For a short time, the linked
item blinks on and off.
Green Links Green links are similar to red links but take you to another
document. For a short time, the linked item blinks on and off.
Blue Links Blue links are links that, when clicked, add the underlined part
number to an order form. They do not take you to another
section or document. For more information, see this manual’s
“Order Forms” section.

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Selecting, Copying, and Pasting Text and Graphics
To copy and paste information from one document into other documents and
applications, follow these steps.
1. Select the area to be copied. You can do this in either of the
following ways:
• From the menu bar, select the Edit menu. The drop-down
menu displays the available selections. Click on the Text,
Column, or Graphics selection tools to highlight the text you
want to copy.
o The Text selection tool enables you to select the text on
a document as the document structure flows.
o The Column selection tool selects text in a bounded or
outlined region (a marquee) that you define with your
o The Graphics selection tool enables you to identify a
portion of the page as a graphic. Use your mouse to
define and select a bounded region (a marquee). When
you copy it, this region is treated as a graphic, or image,
by Windows (as opposed to plain text).
• Place your pointer at the beginning the of region you want to
copy, click the left mouse button, and hold the left mouse
button down as you drag the pointer to the end of the
selection. Release the mouse button.
2. Copy the selected text. You can do this in any of the following ways:
• Click on Edit>Copy.
• Click the Copy toolbar button .
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• Hold down the control key (usually Ctrl) on your keyboard as
you press the C key (Control + C = Copy).
3. Paste the copied text. Place your pointer at the point in the document
or application where you want the copied information to appear.
Then do either of the following:
• Click on Edit>Paste.
• Hold down the control key as you press the V key (Control + V
= Paste).

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The Navigation Pane
The navigation pane provides tabs with bookmarks and thumbnails allowing
you to navigate the document. It is divided into two tabs: Bookmarks and
Bookmarks provide a table of contents
representing the sections of a document.
Click on a bookmark to navigate to that
area of a document.
Bookmarks can contain “child” (indented)
bookmarks. Click on the (+) or (-) to show
or hide child bookmarks. If a bookmark is
blue, it has child bookmarks.
Thumbnails provide a miniature view of a
document’s pages. Click on the Thumbnails
tab to display the document’s thumbnails. Then
click on the thumbnail for the page to which you
want to navigate.

To hide the navigation pane, click on the open tab (e.g., Bookmarks). Click
the tab again to re-open the pane.
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The Toolbar
The toolbars contain buttons that allow you to perform the common functions
described below.

The Open button allows you to manually open a document.

The Print button displays a print dialog box and enables you to print
the current document.
The Copy button allows you to copy selected text or graphics. See For
instructions on making selections, see this manuals “Selecting Text
and Graphics” section.
The view navigation buttons allow you to navigate backward or forward
through the documents you have viewed. They function similarly to an
Internet browser’s navigation buttons.
The page navigation buttons allow you to navigate through the
pages in a document:
Navigates to the first page of a document.
Navigates to the previous page in a document.
Navigates to the next page in a document.
Navigates to the last page in a document.
The Home button navigates to the title page for the current document.

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The fixed zoom buttons allow you to change the magnification of the
current document. The Actual Size button ( ) displays the document
at 100% size; the Fit In Window button ( ) displays the entire page;
and the Fit Width button ( ) displays the document width-wise.
The zoom buttons allow you to increase or decrease the
magnification. The three buttons are:
Increase Zoom
Decrease Zoom
Marquee Zoom allows you to select an area of a document to zoom
in to. (A marquee is a bounding outline.)
Displays the Search All dialog. See the “Searching” section of this
manual for instructions on searching documents.
The Order Form button displays a parts order form for the current
manufacturer. See this manual’s “Order Forms” section.
NOTE: Not all manufacturers’ TechPubs currently support order form
functionality. If your product does not support order forms, this
toolbar button is not present.

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• Parts Listings
• Maintenance Manuals
• Flight Manuals
• Wiring Diagrams
• Service Publications
• Miscellaneous Publications
NOTE: If wiring diagrams or parts listings are not listed within the
appropriate section, they may be included in the product’s
maintenance manuals.
To access a title page for a specific section, click on that entry on the main
title page.
Section Title Pages
When you click on a Home page
section, the section title page
appears. The title page is a list of all
documents within that section. Each
entry contains a hyperlinked
document number and the
document’s subject. The manuals
are in order by number. To access a
manual, click on the green
hyperlinked number.
When there is more than one type of
document within a section, such as
Service Letters and Service Bulletins, a separate header identifies each type
of document.
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There are two options for searching within the TechPubs. Search All
searches through all documents, and Find searches within the current
The Search All Window
Use the Search All tool to launch
a search for one or more
keywords within up to six
document types. Launch the
Search All window by moving the
mouse over the binoculars icon
on the tool bar, then pressing the
left mouse button.

When the window opens, all

the document boxes are checked. All documents will be searched for your
keyword(s) unless you de-select the types of documents you have no interest
in searching.
• To de-select all the document types, put your mouse pointer over the
None button and click the left mouse button. All the checkmarks in
the boxes disappear. Now you can choose one or more of the
specific document types for your search by placing the pointer in a
box, then clicking the left mouse button.
• To re-select all the document types, move the mouse to the All
button and click the left mouse button.
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Move the mouse pointer into
the Search String box and click
the left mouse button. The mouse
pointer turns into a blinking cursor
line. Enter the keyword(s) you
want to find. If you have searched
before, you can use the or the
to browse through earlier
keyword selections.

You can select or de-select where your keywords may be found by

moving the mouse pointer to the Search Title and Search Text boxes, then
clicking the left mouse button to select or de-select the box.
Move the mouse pointer over the Search button, then click the left
mouse button to launch the search.
The Search All tool supports Boolean keyword searches. A Boolean search
uses operators such as AND, OR, or NOT to define a relationship between
terms. For example, to search for “thunder AND lightning” will uncover every
item in which both the word thunder and the word lightning appear. A search
for “thunder OR lightning” will find every item in which either the word thunder
or the word lightning appears. A search for “thunder NOT lightning” will
suppress items that contain lightning and display only those that contain

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Searching Within a Document
The Find function allows you to search within the current document for a
word or phrase.

To perform a Find:
1. Click the Search>Find menu.
2. Type the word or phrase that you wish to locate.
3. Click on the Find button.
If the phrase is located, the page it appears on is displayed in the Document
Pane with the phrase highlighted. The Find button changes to Find Again.
Click on the Find Again button to move to the next iteration of the phrase.

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Most of the TechPubs printing options are similar to those for other Windows
To print a document, follow these steps:
1. Open the document you will be printing.
2. Click on the print button on the toolbar or choose File > Print from
the menu bar.
3. If you are not printing to the default printer, select a printer from the
Name drop-down list.
4. If desired, click on the Properties button to adjust your printer’s
preferences. These options will vary depending upon your printer.
5. Select from one of the three page ranges: All, Current Page, or Page
Range (Pages From/To). The Page Range option accepts a
contiguous range of pages.
6. Select any of the following options, and then click OK.
Reverse Pages
Reverses the order in which pages print. This is useful if your
printer prints back to front.

Print as Image
Sends the output to your printer as an image. This option will
result in longer print times but can solve some printing problems.

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Print to File
Creates a PostScript file and saves it to your hard disk drive
instead of printing.

Shrink Oversized Pages to Paper Size

Shrinks large pages to fit the currently selected paper size, but
does not enlarge small pages.

Expand Small Pages to Paper Size

Expands pages smaller than the paper size to fit the currently
selected paper size, but does not shrink large pages.

Auto Rotate and Center Pages

Adjusts the document’s orientation to match the printer
orientation options.

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Order Forms
Certain TechPubs products contain manufacturer or distributor order forms.
These forms allow you to populate, print, and save parts order forms.
Populating Order Forms
In products that contain parts-ordering information, the parts catalogs have
blue hyperlinks on all part numbers. Clicking on a blue hyperlink allows you
to add the underlined part to an order form. After clicking on the hyperlink,
you are presented with a window containing the part number, nomenclature,
and a default quantity for that part. This information may be modified by
clicking in the appropriate field and making your change. When you are
ready to add this information to your order form, click on the OK button.

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Viewing, Modifying, and Printing Order Forms
To access the order form, click on View in the menu bar. Then click on View
Order Form or on the order form button on the toolbar. An order form like
the one below is displayed.

The user profile collects information such as Bill To and Ship To addresses,
then stores it on your computer for use on future order forms. You can modify
the user profile at any time.
To print a completed order form, click the Print button. The Print dialog box
appears and allows you to change the printer, print additional copies, and
select the number of pages to print. Click the OK button once you have made
your selections.
To exit the order form, click the Close button.

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The TechPubs product contains several options that control the behavior of
the software. This section details the functionality of these options.

Viewer Options TechPubs Options

The TechPubs application shares its viewer with other Avantext software.
Consequently, there are two different sets of options within the application.
Options Specific to the Viewer
To access viewer-specific options, follow these steps:
1. Click View>Options>Viewer.
2. Select any of the following options and then click OK.
Prompt before closing program
Changes the location that order forms are saved to on your hard disk

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Redlist font size
Changes the size of the font used to create search results.
Links Flash
Determines the number of times the viewer flashes over a reference
after you click a hyperlink. If you want the TechPubs viewer to stop
flashing sooner, you can adjust this number down.
The number of flashes also determines whether the link destination
remains highlighted after flashing. To keep the destination
highlighted, select an odd number.
Link flashes for XXX milliseconds
Determines the length of time, in milliseconds, that the viewer
flashes over a reference after you click a hyperlink. Use this option if
you want to specify flashing duration by milliseconds instead of by
number of flashes.
Keyword Searches
Allow fuzzy searches
Displays a slider control on the Search All window that allows you to
specify fuzzy searching levels.
Documents that have been converted from paper are run through a
process called OCR. OCR recognizes all of the text within that
document and adds it to the search database. Some characters—for
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example, 0 (zero) and O (the letter O) may be misrecognized by the
OCR process.
Fuzzy searches allow for commonly misrecognized characters in
searches. To make your search broader rather than narrower, you
can adjust the Fuzzy Search Level up to level 10. The higher the
number, the fuzzier (that is, broader) the search. As you broaden the
search, results may become too numerous to be helpful.
Show sorting options
Displays a drop-down list on the Search All window allowing you to
control how search results are sorted. The options available for
sorting are:
• Natural – Search results appear in the order in which they are
• Weight – Each hit in the search result is assigned a value, or
weight, based on its applicability to the search terms. Search
results are then displayed in order by weight.
• Subject –Search results appear alphabetically by subject.
• Library – Search results are sorted according to the library in
which the document is contained (Maintenance Manuals, Parts
Catalogs, etc.).
Multi color results
Displays the search results in multiple colors. This generally makes
the results much easier to read.
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Show weight with results
Each hit in the search result is assigned a value, or weight, based on
its applicability to the search terms. If you select this option, the
weight is displayed with the search results.
Maximum hits returned
Dictates the maximum number of search results that are returned
with a single search. Any results beyond this number are truncated.
Default Zoom
Changes the default magnification at which documents are initially
opened. If a document setting exists, it overrides this value.
Options Specific to TechPubs
To access TechPubs-specific options, follow these steps:
1. Click View>Options>TechPubs.
2. Select the following option and then click OK.
Default form save location
Changes the default location to which order forms are saved on your
hard disk drive.

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Contacting Avantext
Technical Support:
If you have any questions or are having technical difficulties with the
TechPubs CD, don’t hesitate to call our technical support team at (800) 411-
6355 or (610) 862-1054. We provide technical support Monday through
Friday, 8am until 6pm (EST).

If you have questions regarding your account or other general inquiries, you
can contact our sales team at (800) 998-8857 or (610) 862-1054. Sales
information is available Monday through Friday, 8am until 6pm (ET).

General Inquiries:
Phone: (610) 862-1054 -or- (800) 998-8857
Fax: (610) 862-1055 -or- (800) 544-9252

Visit our website at for 24 hour sales and support.

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