6 Grade English Language Exam

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6th Grade English Language Exam

Name ______________________________

Points _____/100

1. Complete each sentence with a suitable word.Use Present Simple Tense.

( Plotëso fjalinë me fjalën përkatëse. Përdor kohën e tashme.)

1. You______(read) a lot of books.

2. Emma’s sister ______(play) the keyboard in a band.
3. We________(not play) tennis.
4. It really _______(want) an apple.
5. I ___________(not wear) a blue uniform.
6. ________ she_______(listen) to music?
7. Mark__________(come) from Australia.
8. __________ they ________(want) to go to the party?
9. Danny________(go) to Westminster Primary School.
10. ____ we _____(wear) this hat?

2. Make sentences. Use frequency adverbs.

( Formo fjali. Përdor ndajfojlet e shpeshtësisë)

1. My parents/drink tea./always _____________________________________________________

2. She is /on time./usually___________________________________________________________

3. always/ Your dogs are/energetic. ___________________________________________________

4. never/ eats fish./Andrew__________________________________________________________

5. popular./usually/Pasta is __________________________________________________________

6. Christine is/sometimes/hungry at lunchtime.__________________________________________

7. James/never/watches TV. __________________________________________________________

8. I/do my homework./always_________________________________________________________

9. Lisa/gets up before Robert./never____________________________________________________

10. They/often/walk to school.________________________________________________________

3. Write the correct time.
(Shkruaj orën e saktë)

1. 7:40 _________________ 6. 10:15____________________

2. 6:45 _________________ 7. 15:35____________________

3. 8:00 _________________ 8. 14:55____________________

4. 9:25__________________ 9. 18:50____________________

5. 17:05_________________ 10. 19:30____________________ /10

4. Label the pictures

(Emëro ushqimet në fotografitë)

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