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Review articles

Herz J. Zhang1 · Q. Zhang2 · X. Chen2 · N. Zhang1 1
Department of Cardiology, the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China
Received: 17 March 2019 2
Department of Clinical Medicine, Basic Medical College of Seven Years (2014), Hebei Medical University,
Revised: 7 June 2019
Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China
Accepted: 14 June 2019

© Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von

Springer Nature 2019
Management of neoplastic
pericardial disease

Background Surgical method main complication of the parasternal ap-

proach is thoracic artery puncture [11].
Malignant tumors are a common cause Pericardiocentesis For diagnosis with pericardial puncture,
of pericardial effusion. The most com- Volk et al. performed cytological and
mon cancer is lung cancer, followed by Pericardiocentesis is the removal of fluid pathological analyses of 145 patients with
breast cancer and lymphoma [1]. Pri- from the pericardial space between the pericardial effusion. In the cytological
mary cardiac tumors are rare since can- fibrous pericardium and the surface of diagnosis, only 4.8% (N = 7) of patients
cer begins in epithelial tissue, and the the heart, and may be performed as were diagnosed, while the cytological
heart is mainly composed of mesenchy- a diagnostic or a therapeutic procedure and pathological diagnosis rate was only
mal tissue (the only epithelial tissue is [7]. Pericardial puncture is an emer- 6%. Therefore, the diagnostic value of
the endocardium and pericardium); the gency operation that is most commonly pericardial puncture is limited compared
most common cardiac tumor is mesothe- performed in cases where a tamponade with its therapeutic value [12].
lioma [2]. Malignant tumors are a com- threatens the patient’s life. In emergency
mon cause of pericardial effusion and in pericardial puncture, the pericardial fluid Percutaneous catheter drainage
some cases of malignant pericardial ef- is aspirated to restore normal heart func-
fusion; usually, a pericardial tamponade tion and peripheral perfusion. Although The pericardial cavity usually contains
that is life-threatening can be the first ultrasound guidance is the preferred 25–50 ml of liquid [13]. Accumulation
symptom [3]. However, in most cases, method for pericardial puncture [8], of exudates or an exudate volume of
the symptoms progress from an asymp- electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is >50 ml is considered abnormal and may
tomatic state to nonspecific symptoms, also used to indicate when the needle is cause cardiac compression, leading to sig-
such as dyspnea and tachycardia [4]. in contact with the myocardium. Peri- nificant hemodynamic effects and im-
Malignant pericardial effusion is as- cardial puncture is usually performed paired heart filling. For patients with
sociated with poor prognosis in patients through the transthoracic approach at hemodynamic instability, percutaneous
with cancer and is the main cause of peri- the fifth left intercostal space or the catheter drainage under ultrasound guid-
cardial tamponade [5]. Therefore, treat- xiphoid approach between the sternum ance is preferred [14]. Furthermore, pro-
ment aims to relieve symptoms, maintain and the costal margin [9]. In the event gressive percutaneous catheter drainage
hemodynamic stability, and prevent re- of a life-threatening situation where im- can reduce the abnormal hemodynamic
currence of fluid. However, owing to the mediate ECG monitoring or ultrasound deterioration of the postoperative para-
diverse causes of malignant pericardial is not possible, a blind pericardial punc- doxical hemodynamic instability (PHI;
effusion and the complexity of symptoms ture may be performed. However, this usually hypotension and shock within
[6], there are numerous challenges for the method has unacceptably high recur- 24–48 h of drainage) for a large num-
treatment of malignant pericardial effu- rence rates and mortality (50% and 6%, ber of patients with pericardial effusions
sion. This article reports on the latest respectively) compared with methods in- and even those with pericardial tampon-
developments in the treatment of neo- volving ECG or ultrasound monitoring ade [15]. El Haddad et al. performed
plastic pericardial effusion, especially the [10]. The main complications of peri- extended catheter drainage on 212 pa-
clinical application of immunotherapy in cardial puncture are arrhythmia, cardiac tients with malignant pericardial effu-
the treatment of neoplastic pericardial ef- puncture, pneumothorax, and coronary sion. The recurrence rate of pericar-
fusion (. Table 1). vascular injury. Other complications dial effusion was 10–14%, and the maxi-
associated with pericardial puncture mum benefit was observed when catheter
include peritoneal puncture, liver or drainage was within 3–5 days [16]. In
stomach injury, and diaphragmatic in- cases of pericardial tamponade, patients
jury (under the xiphoid approach); the are prone to fatal hyponatremia, which

Review articles

Table 1 Indications for different treatments of PBP is between the xiphoid and the
Treatment Indications left rib; given that the left rib is prone
to fatal complications such as pneumo-
Surgical method
thorax, the xiphoid process is preferred
Pericardiocentesis Pericardial tamponade
[27]. Several reports have shown that
Percutaneous catheter drainage Patients with hemodynamic instability
for patients with recurrent pericardial ef-
Pericardial window Recurrent large effusion or cardiac tamponade fusion and hemodynamic abnormalities,
Thoracoscopic pericardial Patients with hemodynamic stability PBP complications and effusion recur-
window (TPW) rence rates are lower than in traditional
Balloon pericardiectomy (PBP) Patients with pericardial tamponade or hemodynamic surgery [28–30]. Given that PBP is sim-
ple, rapid, and safe, it can replace tradi-
Surgical pericardiectomy Patient life expectancy is very limited due to severe tional surgical xiphoid incision in some
complications or hemodynamic instability
cases, becoming the preferred treatment
Antineoplastic treatment for pericardial tamponade or clinical or
Systemic chemotherapy Malignant pericardial effusion caused by lymphoma and hemodynamic deterioration [31].
small cell lung cancer
Local injection of cytostatic or Malignant pericardial effusion caused by most tumors
sclerosing agent
Surgical pericardiectomy (under
Radiotherapy Malignant pericardial effusion caused by lymphoma,
the xiphoid or thoracic incision)
leukemia, and mediastinal tumors
The most commonly used approach for
surgical pericardiectomy is under the
Immunomodulatory monoclonal Advanced cancer patients xiphoid or thoracic incision. When
the patient is hemodynamically stable,
Immune adoptive therapy Advanced cancer patients, especially melanoma patients
there is no significant difference in post-
operative complications and effusion
may be improved by pericardial drainage xiphoid, lateral, or anterior thoracotomy recurrence rate for either TPW or PBP
[17]. However, ultrasound-guided peri- [21]. However, an anterior sternal ap- compared with invasive surgery [24].
cardial puncture or catheter drainage may proach is more effective for obese pa- Therefore, in circumstances whereby the
have additional limitations/risks when tients, women with larger breasts, and life expectancy of the patient may be
the pericardial fluid is not free and is patients with ascites [22]. very limited owing to severe complica-
located in the lateral or posterior posi- The most common method for PW tions or hemodynamic instability, the
tion. Therefore, the surgical method may is the thoracoscopic pericardial window subclavian pericardial incision is the
be safer for patients who are difficult to (TPW) or balloon pericardiectomy (PBP) preferred method for PE surgery [32].
discharge or are considered at risk of re- to create the pericardial window. Thora- However, extended catheter drainage is
lapse [18]. coscopic pericardial window has to be the preferred treatment for hemodynam-
performed under conditions of single ically stable patients [33]. In the event
Pericardial window lung ventilation and general anesthesia; that a pericardial biopsy is required to
therefore, TPW is only suitable for pa- confirm the diagnosis, a less traumatic
The most common surgical treatment is tients with hemodynamic stability [23]. TPW or PBP approach is preferable.
pericardial window (PW). This involves Furthermore, for pericardial tamponade Patients with pericardial effusion,
creating a real window by a partial peri- and PHI patients, TPW is absolutely con- regardless of the type of drainage, may
cardiectomy, thereby creating a channel traindicated. Therefore, the application suffer pericardial decompression syn-
to allow for long-term drainage to an benefit of TPW is relatively limited. How- drome (PDS), a rare complication with
adjacent space, usually the pleural cav- ever, forspecific indications, itcanbe very extremely high mortality [34]. Although
ity [19]. The advantage of a PW is that beneficial [24]. The postoperative com- there is no uniform clinical manifestation
it prevents the risk of a second pericar- plications and recurrence rate of peri- or definition of PDS, it usually manifests
dial effusion and cardiac tamponade; the cardial tamponade are also lower than as PHI and/or pulmonary edema [35].
main mechanism is thought to involve those of traditional pericardial incision Furthermore, patients with pulmonary
the infiltration of pericardial fluid into [25]. Generally, PBP is performed un- embolism and neutropenia are more
the mediastinum and pleural cavity or der local anesthesia. By exchanging the prone to PHI [36]. Therefore, following
fluid discharge after the epicardium and guide wire and introducer, an expansion pericardial drainage, it is important to
pericardia inflammation [20]. The main balloon is placed for the parietal peri- be aware of the risks of PDS.
indication for a PW is recurrent large ef- cardium, and manual inflation is used
fusion or cardiac tamponade. The most to create the pericardial window, allow-
commonly used surgical approaches for ing for the pericardial effusion into the
creating a PW are through either a sub- chest [26]. The most common approach

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

Antineoplastic treatment Herz

© Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2019
Three major physiological conditions
have greatly limited the efficacy of tu- J. Zhang · Q. Zhang · X. Chen · N. Zhang
mor chemotherapy. From blood to Management of neoplastic pericardial disease
cancer cells, therapeutic drugs must pass
through: (a) the vessel wall, (b) the Abstract
interstitial space, and (c) the cancer cell At present, there is no accurate and effective Although pericardial injection of drugs is
method for treating neoplastic pericardial effective for pericardial tamponade and
membrane [37]. These barriers render
effusion. This study analyzed the current recurrent pericardial effusion, these methods
the penetration of anticancer drugs very literature on the treatment of neoplastic can only temporarily relieve symptoms and
low, leading to the lack of sensitivity of pericardial effusion to provide advice and cannot prolong the life of patients. In recent
most tumors to treatment [38]. However, guidance for clinical treatment. Surgical years, immunotherapy, especially adoptive
it has also been reported that systemic treatments include pericardial puncture, immunotherapy, has achieved good results
extension of catheter drainage, pericardial in the treatment of neoplastic pericardial
chemotherapy is more effective in ma-
window, and surgical pericardiotomy. Each effusion, thus providing a novel treatment
lignant pericardial effusion caused by surgical procedure has a corresponding option for neoplastic pericardial effusion.
lymphoma and small cell lung cancer indication, and the best treatment is selected
[39]. Topical delivery of a chemother- according to the patient’s specific conditions. Keywords
apeutic drug is a method of delivering Systemic chemotherapy is effective in Neoplastic pericardial disease · Pericardi-
lymphoma and small cell lung cancer that um · Treatment management · Cancer ·
a drug to a target site with minimal sys-
are sensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs. Immunotherapy
temic exposure. Systemic administration
of chemotherapeutic drugs can cause se-
vere toxicity, and therefore local delivery Behandlung neoplastisch bedingter Erkrankungen des Perikards
of these drugs to pathological tissues is an
important means of improving the safety Zusammenfassung
and efficacy of cancer chemotherapy [40]. Gegenwärtig gibt es keine genaue und Chemotherapeutika ansprechen. Obwohl die
Furthermore, studies in animals have wirksame Methode zur Behandlung eines perikardiale Injektion von Medikamenten
neoplastisch bedingten Perikardergusses. Für bei Perikardtamponade und rezidivierendem
demonstrated that sustained drug deliv- Perikarderguss wirksam ist, können diese
die vorliegende Arbeit wurde die neueste
ery systems at the tumor site enhance Literatur zur Behandlung neoplastischer Verfahren die Symptome nur vorübergehend
the antitumor effects of the drug [41]. Perikardergüsse analysiert, um Hinweise und lindern und die Lebensdauer der Patienten
For common tumors that are transferred Anleitungen für die klinische Behandlung zu nicht verlängern. In den letzten Jahren wur-
to the pericardium, pericardial infusion geben. Chirurgische Behandlungsansätze den durch die Immuntherapie, insbesondere
umfassen die Perikardpunktion, länger ausge- die adoptive Immuntherapie, gute Ergebnisse
in the pericardium for the treatment bei der Behandlung des neoplastischen
dehnte Katheterdrainage, Perikardfensterung
of pericardial disease caused by lung und chirurgische Perikardiotomie. Jeder Perikardergusses erzielt, wodurch eine
cancer, pericardial injection of triammo- chirurgische Eingriff hat eine entsprechende neuartige Behandlungsmöglichkeit für
nium for the treatment of breast cancer Indikation, und die am besten geeignete den neoplastisch bedingten Perikarderguss
pericardial metastases, for malignant Behandlung wird entsprechend den geschaffen wurde.
spezifischen Bedingungen des Patienten
blood diseases such as lymphoma and Schlüsselwörter
ausgewählt. Systemische Chemotherapie
leukemia, consider using radiation ther- ist gegen Lymphome und kleinzellige Neoplastisch bedingter Perikarderguss ·
apy [42]. For other tumors that metas- Lungenkarzinome wirksam, wenn diese auf Perikard · Behandlung · Krebs · Immuntherapie
tasize to the pericardium, local injection
of a cytostatic or sclerosing agent—such
as 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin, cisplatin,
interleukins, and other conventional limitations of chemotherapeutic drugs thermore, the use of microbubbles as
chemotherapy drugs—into the pericar- and radiotherapy, researchers are forced a drug delivery vehicle effectively trans-
dial cavity is routinely used. However, to develop new drugs or new routes of ports curcumin to cervical cancer cells,
most of these treatments only relieve administration to enhance the efficacy reducing cytotoxicity and increasing
symptoms and are not successful in and reduce the side effects and adverse bioavailability [49].
curing the disease. Additionally, many reactions of treatment. For example, an
studies have shown that radiotherapy inhalable powder formulation contain- New treatments for malignant
has pericardial toxicity and, as such, this ing 5-fluorouracil micro-nanoparticles pericardial diseases
treatment modality is not recommended has been developed for use in the treat-
[43–45]. The best indication for radiation ment of metastatic melanoma [47] and Immunotherapy
therapy is extensive pericardial infiltra- a photothermal control system with syn-
tion of cardiac tumor-encapsulated or ergistic chemical photothermotherapy Immunotherapy is based on the idea
unresectable tumors, such as mediastinal has been applied in the treatment of that cancer exhibits immunosuppressive
tumors [46]. Therefore, owing to the multidrug-resistant cancer [48]. Fur- up-regulation of co-repressor receptors

Review articles

and ligands that reduce the activity of binant humanized monoclonal antibody treatment, and the only adverse reac-
tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs); directed against VEGF-A [60]. Several tion to treatment was a grade 1 fever.
these include cytotoxic T lymphocyte- recent studies have reported that in pa- These results confirm the safety and
associated protein-4 (CTLA-4), pro- tients with malignant pericardial effu- efficacy of adoptive immunotherapy for
grammed death ligand-1 (PD-L1), and sion, bevacizumab seems to be more ef- malignant pericardial effusion. In recent
T cell immunoglobulin and ITIM do- fective than conventional chemothera- years, much attention has been paid to
main (TIGIT) or immunological evasion peutics such as platinum and sclerosing the cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells
of recognition and elimination [50, 51]. agents [61–64]. Chen et al. administered owing to their non-MHC-restricted tu-
Generally, the clinical application of bevacizumab in seven patients, and re- moricidal effect on natural killer cells
immunotherapy is divided into four ported that only one of the seven pa- and the antitumor activity of T lympho-
categories: immunomodulatory mono- tients had recurrent fluid accumulation cytes [71]. Wang et al. used dendritic
clonal antibodies [52], oncoviruses [53], before death. The median survival time cells in combination with CIK cells to
administration of antibodies or recom- of these patients was 168 days (range, treat malignant pericardial effusion. In
binant proteins that either costimulate 22–224 days; [62]). A similar study using their study, 31 patients with malignant
immune cells or block immune in- intrapericardial cisplatin reported a me- pericardial effusion were randomized
hibitory pathways (so-called immune dian survival time of 120 ± 71 days (range, into a control group (N = 16) and a treat-
checkpoints; [54]), and adoptive cellular 68–268 days; [65]). These results suggest ment group (N = 15). The results showed
therapy (ACT; [55]). Immunotherapy that intrapericardial bevacizumab may a statistically significant difference in the
can induce the body to produce a sys- be more effective than other traditional control of pericardial effusion, treatment
temic immune response to the tumor therapies in treating malignant pericar- side effects, and the quality of life of pa-
and significantly improve the survival dial effusion. tients. Adoptive immunotherapy using
rate of patients with metastasis. How- dendritic cells combined with CIK cells
ever, immune checkpoint inhibitors have Adoptive immunotherapy has therefore been demonstrated to be
side effects including those that cause highly efficient with minimal toxicity
pericardial effusion during the treat- Immunotherapy of patients with autolo- [72, 73].
ment of patients with advanced cancer gous reactive cell populations expanded
[56]. There is also no vaccine to prevent in vitro is known as ACT [66]. Tu- Conclusion
malignant pericardial effusion, and in mor cells are frequently antigenic, but
recent years, monoclonal antibodies and not immunogenic; these tumor-specific Neoplastic pericardial effusion is a se-
adoptive immunotherapy have made antigens are expressed by malignant cells rious complication in patients with ad-
new progress in the treatment of malig- and recognized by antitumor T cells [67]. vanced cancer. There is currently no
nant pericardial effusion. Here, we focus Thus, T-cell-infiltrated tumors may op- standard effective treatment. Pericar-
on the progress of immunomodulatory timally respond to therapies targeting dial puncture is the best treatment for
monoclonal antibodies and adoptive im- immune system inhibitory mechanisms patients with acute pericardial tampon-
munotherapy therapy in the treatment [68]. This view is supported by the ade. Systemic chemotherapy is effective
of malignant pericardial effusion. promising results achieved by tumor-in- in lymphoma and small cell lung can-
filtrating lymphocyte (TIL) adoptive cell cers that are sensitive to chemothera-
Immunomodulatory monoclonal therapy in the treatment of patients with peutic drugs. Intracardiac injection of
antibodies metastatic melanoma [69]. The earliest drugs is beneficial to patients without
use of immunological adoptive ther- recurrence. However, the invasiveness
The tumor vasculature provides nutrients apy for malignant pericardial effusion and high recurrence rate of surgical
for the growth of tumor cells, and the vas- was by Toh et al., who used autologous treatment, as well as the low sensi-
cular endothelial growth factor receptor interleukin-2(IL-2)-activated TILs for tivity and high toxicity of chemother-
(VEGFR) present on tumor angiocytes is local adoptive immunotherapy to treat apy drugs to most tumors, do not aid
a target for immunotherapy [57]. Its lig- carcinomatous pericarditis arising in ad- in improving the survival and qual-
and, vascular endothelial growth factor vanced cancer [70]. They administered ity of life of patients with neoplastic
(VEGF), is a 34–42-kDa homodimeric adoptive immunotherapy of pericardial pericardial effusion. The recent clini-
protein produced by both inflammatory TILs to four patients with advanced can- cal application of immunotherapy for
and malignant cells [58]. Vascular en- cer with malignant pericardial effusion cancer patients—e.g., the treatment of
dothelial growth factor plays an impor- and demonstrated the presence of HLA melanoma by PD-1—provides us with
tant role in the development of malig- class-I-restricted tumor-specific CTLs in a new treatment option for patients
nant serous cavity effusion; VEGF mRNA IL-2-activated TILs in malignant peri- with neoplastic pericardial effusion.
is synthesized in all tumors, and VEGF cardial effusions. Although only four However, the effectiveness and safety of
is also secreted by tumor cell lines in patients were evaluated, one patient sur- future chemotherapeutic drugs and im-
vitro [59]. Bevacizumab, an anti-an- vived for 15 months, one patient had munotherapy, combined with multiple
giogenesis agent, is a kind of recom- no distant metastasis >11 months after

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