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Gryphon Cell Selection Medium, Selection medium for Gryphon

Ampho and Eco retroviral packaging cells.

Box 1 | Basic Info Cat. No. ABP-TC-PHSM050
Contents 50 ml of sterile medium


llele Biotechs Selection Medium, used for Gryphon Cells, consists of Dulbeccos Modified Eagles Medium containing 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum, 300 g/ml Hygromycin and 1g/ml Diphtheria Toxin. One week treatment is recommended (2-3 passages depending on cell density). The selection medium should be renewed with each passage. The DME is a modification of Basal Medium Eagle with a four-fold higher concentration of amino acids and vitamins, and additional supplementary components as indicated below. Recommended selection to be done in T75 or smaller flasks.

Store at +2C to +8C, dark. Stable for 1 year if stored properly.

Component (g/L) Inorganic Salts: CaCl22H2O 0.265, Fe(NO3)39H2O 0.0001, MgSO4 0.09767, KCl 0.4, NaHCO3 3.7, NaCl 6.4, NaH2PO4 0.109 Amino Acids: L-ArginineHCl 0.084, L-Cystine2HCl 0.0626, L-Glutamine 0.584, Glycine 0.030, L-HistidineHClH2O 0.042, L-Isoleucine 0.105, L-Leucine 0.105, L-LysineHCl 0.146, L-Methionine 0.030, L-Phenylalanine 0.066, L-Serine 0.042, L-Threonine 0.095, L-Tryptophan 0.016, L-Tyrosine2Na2H2O 0.10379, L-Valine 0.094 Vitamins: Choline Chloride 0.004, Folic Acid 0.004, myoInositol 0.0072, Niacinamide 0.004, D-Pantothenic AcidCa 0.004, PyridoxineHCl 0.004, Riboflavin 0.0004, ThiamineHCl 0.004 Other: D-Glucose 4.5, HEPES 5.958, Phenol RedNa 0.0159, Pyruvic AcidNa 0.11

Website: Call: 1-800-991-RNAi/858-587-6645 (Pacific Time: 9:00AM~5:00PM) Email: For Technical Support:

References 1. Dulbecco, R. and Freeman, G. (1959). Plaque Production by the Polyoma Virus. Virology. 8, 396397. 2. Smith, J.D., Freeman,G., Vogt,M. and Dulbecco, R. (1960). The Nucleic Acid of Polyoma Virus. 12, 185-196. 3. Rutzky, L.P. and Pumper, R.W., (1974). Supplement to a Survey of Commercially Available Tissue Culture Media (1970). In Vitro. 9, 468.

or Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use. Purchase does not include or carry any right to resell or transfer this product either as a standalone product or as a component of another product. Any use of this product other than the permitted use without the express written authorization of Allele Biotech is strictly prohibited

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