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BREAKING NEWS: Strange and zombie-like behavior has been linked to a new

virus, Algebrainium, being researched in university labs. University officials

are strongly recommending that students remain in their homes and away
from anyone infected. Those who have been infected can be distinguished from
others by a dot on their hand. Anyone with this mark is infected. Due to the risk
of outbreak, students have been quarantined in their classrooms. Every day, a
zombie infects one non-infected person and they become a zombie.

Inquiry Question : If I became a zombie today, and a zombie infects one person per day,

how many days would it take for this class to be overrun by zombies?

Activity: The teacher will be the first zombie (you can tell who is a zombie by the dot on

their hand). Remember a zombie can only infect one person per day. The lights turning on

and off signifies a new day.

Prediction: I believe the zombie attacks will take __________ days before everyone is infected

with Algebrainium.

Track the data of people infected by Algebrainium in our class:

Days # of

0 1

Think about how this type of growth relates to the Coronavirus. Why do you think

doctors were so worried about it?

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