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In German, the letter "w" is pronounced as a "v," as in "was" or "wehrmacht.

" Carry
this over into your English for a significant impact. Vat this does is start to add
a Germanic flavor to your speaking. Use it only vere you pronounce the "w" in
English; you vouldn't use it for vords like "write" or "wriangle" but you vould for
"we," "webster," "war," and "was."

Rule 1.1: "Wh" is just "v"

For vords vis a "wh" write it simply as "v." "What" is vat, not vhat.

Rule 1.2: No two letter words

For vords like "we" make it "vee." No two-letter vords!

In linguistics, the "th" phoneme (smallest unit of sound) is an alveolar fricative

(sound caused by friction of air) with two sounds: voiced and unvoiced. The voiced
"th" is found in words like "this," "that," "another," and "those." The unvoiced
version is heard in words like "thing," "pith," and "thought."

Rule 2.1: Voiced "th" is "z"

Using zis rule, "this" becomes "zis" and "that" becomes "zat." Using Rule 1.1: No
two-letter words, "the" is "zee."

Rule 2.2: Unvoiced "th" is "s"

Zis is anozer important rule. Zee vord "thought" becomes "sought" and "things"
becomes "sings." Are you seeing how zis goes? Getting zee hang of zees sings?

Try to be mindful of zee times ven zee pronunciation is different.

Here vee simply replace all instances of "f" vis zee "v" sound. "Oven" is written
and heard as "ofen" and "very" is "fery." Are zere ozer vords zat start vis or
contain "v" zat you can sink of?

Gif it a shot!

Rule 4: Vords starting vis "st" and "sp" are changed

Pay special attention to vords zat start vis "st" and "sp."

Rule 4.1: "sp" becomes "shp"

Zere are some vords zat start vis "sp" like "spin" and "spot." Vords like zees zat
start vis "sp" should be typed "shp" so it vould be "shpin" and "shpot,"

Rule 4.2: "st" becomes "sht"

Zese vords are fery common like "stop," "stay," and "store." Zey vould be
pronounced "shtop," "shtay," and "shtore," respectifely. Zere are some shpecific
pronunciation for zees vords, as vell, and are cofered in zee next section.

Rule 6: Gerunds get schpecial attention

In English, a gerund is a ferb ending in "ing." In our German accent, vee vill copy
and say zees endings as "ink." In zis example, "ending" is seen and hear as
"endink" and "spinning" is "schpinnink."

It adds a fery schpecial touch if you heafily aspirate zee "k" at zee end

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