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"I edited this comment so the replies make no sense"

After finishing his edit, he begins laughing heartily as he saves the changes to
his previously tolerable comment. His chuckling comes to a steady end as he fully
relaxes on his chair, closing his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes shoot open and his face
violently straightens. He stands up, and fully extends his arms straight and
outwards to his sides. His body begins slowly levitating upwards, seemingly
breaking the very fundamental rules of reality itself. As he goes against all logic
and reason with his vehement hovering, his eyelids drop and rise up again to reveal
godly lights beaming from his eye sockets. A disembodied heavenly choir resonates
from the abruptly omniscient man. A deific shock wave is fiercely expelled from his
body, leveling his house and the surrounding neighborly architecture unworthy of
his divine presence. Screams are heard from all directions, from both his family,
neighbors, and bystanders walking by. Before continuing his ascent, his lips part
to deliver one final message to the mere mortals surrounding him.


He looks up, and with one swift movement, launches to the heavens, to properly
acquire his ownership of the universe itself.(edited)
[7:02 PM]
Maniacal Laughter

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