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The Tax-Free
Tax-Free Retirement

  Author: Patrick Kelly

  National Best Seller
  Endorsed by “GIANTS” in
life insurance industry
Seeking A Tax-Free Retirement
Educational Workshop
A Discussion of Retirement Vehicles and Taxes

Making The Most of Your

Retirement Dollars
Presented By:
Roger H. Ely
Facts About National Debt1
•  $12,181,196,745,000.40 – “Official” US Debt
as of 1/05/101

•  $9,381,368,108,595.10 – “Official” US Debt

as of 3/6/081

•  2.8 trillion “Official” increase in 22 months

•  Real National Debt is $73,833,829,491,000.002

-  What’s the difference between the “Real” and “Official”?

•  Your share of the real US debt is: $239,000.002

1. US National Debt Clock
2. Truth in 2008
Facts About National Debt1

1. Social Security Administration sample statement from

There are only two ways to combat
the growing debt…

1. Spend Less
2. Tax More
Are we spending less as a government?

We are spending more

than we ever have in the
history of our country.
So the only solution seems to be…

Higher TAXES
History of Federal Individual Income
Top Marginal Tax Rates

Source:, referencing IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin Pub 1136

• Taxes have averaged 65% since inception. Think they’ll go up or down?

Smart Retirement Money Order
1.  Free Money
2.  Tax-Free Money
3.  Taxed Deferred Money
4.  Taxable Money
Smart Retirement Money Order
1.  Free Money
-  Inherited
-  Matching 401(k) Money
2.  Tax-Free Money
3.  Taxed Deferred Money
4.  Taxable Money
Smart Retirement Money Order
1.  Free Money
2.  Tax-Free Money
-  Roth IRA
-  Life Insurance Cash Value*
3.  Taxed Deferred Money
4.  Taxable Money

*Policy loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit and may result in a taxable event.
Withdrawals up to the basis paid into the contract and loans thereafter will not create an immediate taxable
event, but substantial tax ramifications could result upon contract lapse or surrender. Surrender charges may
reduce the policy's cash value in early years.
Smart Retirement Money Order
1.  Free Money
2.  Tax-Free Money
3.  Taxed Deferred Money
-  Annuities
-  Tax-Qualified Plans such as
401(k), IRA, etc.
4.  Taxable Money
Smart Retirement Money Order
1.  Free Money
2.  Tax-Free Money
3.  Taxed Deferred Money
4.  Taxable Money
–  Wages
–  Capital Gains
–  1099 Interest
Smart Retirement Money Order
1.  Free Money
2.  Tax-Free Money
3.  Taxed Deferred Money
4.  Taxable Money

Any contribution above the match of

your 401(k) becomes tax-deferred
money, and skips over #2 completely.
Let’s take a look at the difference
between a Tax-Deferred plan and
a Tax-Free plan.
Traditional IRA Roth IRA
Tax-deferred Tax Free

Tax Tax
Deferred Deferred
Growth Growth

Taxed As $0 Federal
Ordinary Tax For
Income Qualified
On Withdrawal Distributions

0 Tax on Tax
Deposits Deposits
Would you rather pay tax on this…
Traditional IRA Roth IRA
Tax-deferred Tax Free

Tax Tax
Deferred Deferred
Growth Growth

Taxed As $0 Federal
Ordinary Tax For
Income Qualified
On Withdrawal Distributions

0 Tax on Tax
Deposits Deposits
Or this?
Traditional IRA Roth IRA
Tax-deferred Tax Free

Tax Tax
Deferred Deferred
Growth Growth

Taxed As $0 Federal
Ordinary Tax For
Income Qualified
On Withdrawal Distributions

0 Tax on Tax
Deposits Deposits
When you put your money
into an IRA or 401(k) are you
really saving tax?

No. Simply delaying tax -

which actually compounds
the tax problem.
If you were a farmer would you
rather pay tax on the seed…
or the harvest?
Problems with Roth IRA

  Contribution and Income Limitations

  Access Prior to Age 59 ½

  Safety
“Real” Answers to “Real” Questions

  How is this possible?

  This seems to good to be true…

  Why haven’t I heard of this before?

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