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Department of Finance

Department Order No. 1-09 dated 06 January 2009

The need of various local government units for accountable forms is s

very pressing issue considering the. expected heavy volume of transactions in
the local treasuries this January 2009. The National Printing Office, however,
has been unable to accommodate the official requests of various local
government units for the printing of accountable forms despite the official
inquiry of this Department. In view of the almost urgency of this matter it is
hereby advised that the local treasurers of provinces, cities and municipalities
may proceed with the printing of their own customized accountable forms from
private printing service providers in accordance with the provisions of
Executive Order No. 378 subject to the following conditions, to wit;

1. The customized accountable forms as requested and ordered by

the local government unit concerned have not been delivered by the
National Printing Office despite repeated inquiries;

2. The printing services to be provided by the private sectors superior

in quality;

3. The printing services offered by the private sector is at a lower cost

than what is offered by the National Printing Office;

4. The private printing service provider is able to meet the target

completion time of local government units;

5. The customized accountable forms are pre-numbered for control

and accountability: and

6. The name of the incumbent local treasurer is not printed in the

accountable forms as movement of treasurers will result in
its wastage.

Further, to avoid the occurrence of similar problems in the future, a .pro-fonna

communication (attached as Annex A) is hereby suggested for local government
units in the request for requisition of customized accountable forms from the
National Printing Office in accordance with Executive Order No. 378. A list of
eligibly private security printers (attached as Annex B) is also provided Air the
information of all local treasuries.

Local Finance Circular No. 1109 dated 29 January 2009

Page 2

WHEREAS, pursuant to its mandate, there is a need for BLGF to assume

the role of granting eligibility to private security printers for the printing of LGU
standard, customized and accountable forms, for proper monitoring and
safeguarding of the finances of the LGUs, as well as to ensure that the LGUs
are dealing with legitimate service providers, and thus prevent the proliferation
of fake receipts:

NOW, THEREFORE, the following guidelines in the eligibility/pre-

qualification of private printers for the printing of standard/customized
accountable forms are hereby promulgated and issued:

1. All private security printers seeking eligibility shall submit the

following eligibility/prequalification requirements to the Bureau of Local
Government Finance (BLGF) Pre-qualification Committee, for review and

Page 5

5. Grounds for Disqualification/Non-renewal/Revocation of Eligibility:

 Private printer does not meet specified requirements

 Falsification/misrepresentation of documents submitted
 Pending/unresolved criminal case or private printer is blacklisted
 Unsatisfactory performance
The BLGF shall immediately create a Pre-qualification Committee and
Technical Working Group as its support staff, which shall immediately convene
and oversee the eligibility/pre-qualification process of interested private
printers, as well as prepare the specific guidelines in the printing of
specialized/customized accountable forms.

In the meantime, and pending the pre-qualification process, all local

treasurers may continue to tap the services of private printers listed under
Department Order No. 1-09 dated January 6, 2009 until June, 2009.
Thereafter, all local treasurers should source their treasury and assessment
forms only from printers duly pre-qualified by BLGF.

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