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Grammar Worksheet

Past Continuous
Use the prompts to write a full sentence
a) She / eat / pizza. Was she eating pizza?
b) They / go / to the cinema. Were they going to the cinema?
c) We / walk / the dog. We were walking the dog.
d) I / shop. I wasn’t shopping.
e) You / do / your homework. You were doing your
f) Steven and Amanda / drink / tea. Steven and Amanda
weren’t drinking tea.
g) My siter / clean / the kitchen. Was my sister cleaning
the kitchen.
h) We / listen / to music. We were listening to music.
i) It / snow / all day yesterday. It was snowing all day
j) I / play / a computer game. I was playing a computer
k) The teachers / talk / in the staffroom. The teachers were
talking in the staffroom.
l) You / play / yesterday. You were playing yesterday.
m) He / speak / English. He was speaking english.
n) You / swim / in the river. You were swimming in the
o) My mother / do / exercises. Was my mother doing
p) My father / prepare / salad. My father wasn’t prepare

We use I myself. a reflexive pronoun to
refer You yourself. back to the subject of the
helped sentence or clause.
He himself.
She Reflexive pronouns end in
herself. (singular) or "-selves"
(plural). It itself.
You (plural) yourselves.
We ourselves.
They themselves.
We can also use reflexive pronouns
for emphasis (as “intensive pronouns”). For example, “I did the homework myself” emphasizes the
fact that nobody helped me to do my homework.
⚫ Complete each of the sentences below.

1. My brother likes to practice his English by talking to himself. .

2. James wasn’t careful and he cut itself with a knife.

3. My sister and I looked at ourselves in the mirror.

4. The repair shop was closed, so I fixed the car myself.

5. Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night?

6. Cats can get clean by licking themselves.

7. (A) Did the cleaners clean the house? (B) No, I did it myself!

8. Mr. Smith burned himself while he was cooking.

9. He dried itself after he took a shower and went downstairs.

10. Can you teach yourself to play the piano?

11. My little sister dressed herself. She didn’t need any help.

12. Why is your dog scratching himself? Does it have fleas?

13. John and Thomas, did you ask ourselves the question?

14. Mrs. Brown, please help herself to the cookies and drinks.

15. I introduced themselves to my new classmates.

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