Module Unit 2 Ma 326 Hbo

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Republic of the Philippines


Certified ISO 9001: 2015
Main Campus : University of people, nature,
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, Philippines innovation and entrepreneurship


Second Semester AY 2020 – 2021 HUMAN BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATION ( HBO )
By : Ralliegh F. Vizcarra, RMT,MBM,MSPH,PhD,CBO,DBA,DPA – Associate Professor II


Understanding the Nature of Man as Human

Organizational Behavior which entails the interface between human behavior and the
organization, and the organization itself. This is a discipline that is multi-disciplinary in nature which
allows Man in his interactive interplay among Human in the Organization which necessitate the
psychosocial models, system approaches and properties of man drives the platform for an
organizational workforce understanding on their needs and wants and their performance contribution
in the organization.
Based in the pattern of the presentation as presented in the Course Outline, this unit presents a
cascading flow of discussions and learning in overviewing Man as Human, Philosopher’s perceptions
from western and oriental origins about Man, psychosocial models of man and the system approaches
and properties of Mans, thus bringing the theoretical concepts and outlining the specifically the
following sub-topics :

1. Overview of Man as Human

2. Perceptions of Man ( Western Philosophers )
3. Perceptions of Man ( Oriental Philosophers )
4. Psychosocial Models of Man
5. System Approaches and properties of Man

Understanding an organization is a complex, competitive world. This equally requires a

stand out knowledge of understanding Man as Human. In the study of Man as Human in this sub-unit
This also integrates the Philosophical statements of various Philosophers on their Philosophical
insights and discernments about Man. Man in the context of psychological and social being exhibits
Man in his integral being as Psycho-Social entity.. The necessity of understanding Man must be broadly
expanded to knowledge on the system approaches and distinct properties of Man as a key player in
any existing functional Organizations.


This course is designed to extend your knowledge of organizational behavior from an

individual, group, and organizational perspective; and to encourage you to reflect on and apply
this knowledge in ways that will enhance your abilities of future professionals.

The General learning objective includes :

 Appreciate the concepts of Man as and entity of Human
The Specific learning objectives include :
 Recognize An overviewing of Man as Human;
 Describe the Perceptions of Man ( Western Philosophers );
 Define the Perceptions of Man ( Oriental Philosophers );
 Illustrate the Psychosocial Models of Man; and
 Appraise System Approaches and value the properties of Man

Dr. Ralliegh F. Vizcarra Associate Professor II RFVIZCARRA@ISU 2021

Republic of the Philippines
Certified ISO 9001: 2015
Main Campus : University of people, nature,
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, Philippines innovation and entrepreneurship


1. The Nature of Man : An Overview :

Study of Man is a unique area of study since it takes man as the subject
and object of knowledge ( According to Martin Buber ). One has to enter
completely to reality in order to become aware of human nature and wholeness.

Man are Humans (known taxonomically as Homo sapiens, Latin for

"wise man" or "knowing man" are the only living species in the Homo genus.
Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago,
reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago.

Man as Humans have highly developed brain and are capable of

abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. This mental
capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the hands for
manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than
any other living species on Earth. Other higher-level thought processes of
humans, such as self-awareness and rationality are considered to be defining
features of what constitutes a Man as Humans into as “ Person “

Man as Humans are uniquely adept at utilizing systems of

communication for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, and organization.
Humans create complex social structures composed of many cooperating and
competing groups, from families to nations. Social interactions between
humans have established an extremely wide variety of values, social norms,
and rituals, which together form the basis of human society.

Man as Humans are noted for their desire to understand and influence
their environment, seeking to explain and manipulate phenomena through
science, philosophy, mythology, and religion. This natural curiosity has led to
the development of advanced tools and skills, which are passed down
culturally; humans are the only species known to build fires, cook their food,
clothe themselves, and create and use numerous other technologies and arts.
The study of Man as humans is the scientific discipline of anthropology.

2. Man according to Some Western Philosophers :

Man ( in the words of Thales ) “ Man born from

other animals – quickly find nourishment for themselves;
man alone needs a lengthly period of sucking, so that he
had been originally as he is now, he could never have
survived “

According to Engelber Van Croonerburg : The Western world, also known as the West, refers to
various regions, nations and states, most often consisting of the
majority of Europe, Northern America and Australasia. The
Western world is also known as the Occident (from
1. Man is raised above the abyss of the Latin word occidens, "sunset, West")
nothingless SOURCE : Bavaj, Riccardo: "The West": A Conceptual
2. Man lives on dividing line between the Exploration , European History Online, Mainz: Institute of
European History, 2011
past , the present and the future
3. Man is embodied

Dr. Ralliegh F. Vizcarra Associate Professor II RFVIZCARRA@ISU 2021

Republic of the Philippines
Certified ISO 9001: 2015
Main Campus : University of people, nature,
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, Philippines innovation and entrepreneurship

4. Man is above all sub humans

5. Man rises above the lower levels of his existence
6. Man teaches consciously beyond himself into being of which he partakes – and
become more than he is.
7. Man has the experience of his existence
8. Man exists to stand out
9. Man is related to his body
10. Man is a being in the situation
11. Man is more than his life
12. Man possess his own values
13. Man is creative.
14. Man is the Homo viator
15. Man can experience pain and suffering, but he can also find meaning in them
16. Man is a being into death
17. Man experiences joy and pain
18. Man has super temporal dimensions

3. Man according to the Oriental Philosophers :

The Hindu view of Man : - Man is seen

“ Self Realization “ consisting five sheaths

1. The self dependent on Food ( Annamayatman )

2. The self as vital Breath ( Pranamayatman )
3. The other self consisting of Will ( Manamayatman )
psychological layer
4. The self or Consciousness ( Vijamamayatman )
Intellectual layer
The Orient is a term for the East, traditionally comprising 5. The self or pure bliss ( Annandamyatman )
anything that belongs to the Eastern world. The continent of
ASIA classified into the Near East, Middle East and Far East: the
geographical and ethno-cultural regions now known as West The Buddhism view of Man :
Asia, South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. Originally, the
term Orient was used to designate the Near East, and later its
meaning evolved and expanded, designating also the Middle - Man is a subject to the law that all things rise, decay
East or the Far East.
and fall. There is no soul. There is no permanence
SOURCE : Tseng, Timothy (2009). Asian American Christianity
Reader. California: Institute for the Study of Asian American - Man is composed of Five Aggregates : . Matter,
Christianity. Filipinos are unique for being the only Oriental
people profoundly and consistently influenced by Occidental Sensation, Perception, Mental constructs and Consciousness
culture for the last four centuries.

The Confucianism view of Man : - Man is regarded as Moral being and a Social Being.
True man is a noble man ; ( chun-tzu) a superior man and such a man is asid to be a man of
( jen ) human heartedness; a man of all around virtue. Man is expected to posses four
virtues :

1. Human heartedness ( jen )

2. Righteousness (yi)
3. Ritual or propriety (li)
4. Wisdom (chic)

Dr. Ralliegh F. Vizcarra Associate Professor II RFVIZCARRA@ISU 2021

Republic of the Philippines
Certified ISO 9001: 2015
Main Campus : University of people, nature,
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, Philippines innovation and entrepreneurship

The Taoist view of Man : - Man is advocated as natural and spontaneous, simple and
necessary. That by everything and anything comes to be is the “ Tao “

Man is regarded as born he has the properties that he should necessarily have

Two levels of Man’s knowledge :

1. The lower level – the finite point of view when man sees distinctions like
those between right and wrong “
2. The higher level – when man sees things in the light of heaven, that is from
the point of the “ tao “ that things though different are united and become

The other attributes of Man : Man has also been described as a KNOWERE, in dialogue ,
in communications and a lover

The meaning of being a MAN : According to Roman Tagle Jr. ( towards becoming a Man for others ) :

1. Being in the world

2. Being at the world
3. Being through others
4. Being with others
5. Being for others
6. Being into Self project
7. Being into death
8. Being into God

4. Different Psychosocial models of being a Man :

1. Psychoanalytic Model – this is based on Sigmund Freud :

ID - operates in terms of the pleasurable principle; concerned

with immediate gratification. Moral considerations.

EGO – mediates the demand and meeting of id and the realities of

the external world. Reason and Intellectual Resources

SUPER EGO – outgrowth of learning and the moral values of

society. Inner control, the conscience.

2. The Bahavioristic Model – originated from the works of

John Watson and expanded by B.F. Skinner

That man by psychology has inner psychic to outer behavior

which is objectively observable

Dr. Ralliegh F. Vizcarra Associate Professor II RFVIZCARRA@ISU 2021

Republic of the Philippines
Certified ISO 9001: 2015
Main Campus : University of people, nature,
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, Philippines innovation and entrepreneurship

This model makes allowance for behavior which is good or evil; rational or irrational
depending on individual’s conditioning

3. The Humanistic Model – contributed by Carl

Rogers ( Self concept ) and Abraham Maslow
( Hierarchy of Human Needs )

This model is characterized more by its positive

growth than by coherent set of principles of
personality development of Man.

4. The Existential Model – Its origin from philosophy and literature

than from science.

This model is concerned on the predicament that man in the 20th

century. It emphasize the breakdown of traditional faith, the
depersonalization of the individual to make his existence meaningful
– to make his life count on something.

5. A systems approach to understanding Man :

1. Structural Properties – each man as a living system

possess parts and sub systems which is independent
and has combined action enable the system to function
as an integrated unit.
2. Integrative Properties – built in tendencies to maintain
their organization and functional integrity. Integration is
achieved by transactions with surrounding environment
and well as by the inner organization’s properties of the
system itself
3. Field Properties – Man as an open systems are not self
sufficient but can continue to exist only if to maintain Mike Baxter is a happily married
favorable transactions with their surrounding. father of three daughters who finds
himself the odd man out as he tries to
maintain his manliness in a home
surrounded by women. Mike tries to
Man as a system possesses special characteristics : escape all the female drama at home
in the warm, manly embrace of his job
at the Outdoor Man store, a sporting
1. Self Awareness goods emporium where he is
marketing director. He also revels in
2. Modifiability of action his Outdoor Man vlog, which he uses
3. Use of symbols as a pulpit for his opinions -- which
often have nothing to do with the
4. Concern with information, values and meaning store's merchandise. When he's
supposed to be selling mountain
5. Complexity of transactions with field bikes or kayaks, he somehow ends
up spouting off about the
6. Self Direction environment, health care,
international politics or any other topic
occupying his mind.

Dr. Ralliegh F. Vizcarra Associate Professor II RFVIZCARRA@ISU 2021

Republic of the Philippines
Certified ISO 9001: 2015
Main Campus : University of people, nature,
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, Philippines innovation and entrepreneurship


The teacher's fundamental task is to get students to engage in learning activities that are likely
to result in achieving [the intended learning] outcomes. It is helpful to remember that what the student
does is actually more important that what the teacher does. ( Schuell, 1986, p.429 )

It is vitally and equally important that each activity is meaningful, and ensures student
development and advancement through this module unit. Activities should build in enabling the
students to engage with and develop their skills, knowledge and understandings in different
ways. Meaningful activities engage students in active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and
cooperative ways.

This unit module has been designed to specifically develop an outcome-based learning and
teaching interactive activities to :

 Remember by Recognizing An overviewing of Man as Human;

 Understand by Describing the Perceptions of Man ( Western Philosophers );
 Apply by Defining the Perceptions of Man ( Oriental Philosophers );
 Analyze by Illustrating the Psychosocial Models of Man; and
 Evaluate by Appraising the System Approaches and value the properties of Man


The global pandemic of novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 has forced and reshaped the
contour of education by shifting from face-to-face instruction to full online virtual platform or flexible
teaching learning modalities. These modalities of instruction, flexible teaching learning (FTL)
appears to be the most practical because it lacks restriction of time, place, and pace of study. The
Teacher- Learner engagement using the learning Management System (LMS ) in this module which
has customized to ensure the delivery of teaching and learning documents which includes :


(formerly known as Hangouts Meet) is a video-communication service
developed by Google.


for Education. Classroom is already included in Google Workspace for
Education and works seamlessly with Google Workspace collaboration

According to Grant Wiggins (1998), an authentic assessment is realistic, requires judgment and
innovation., asks the student to “do” the subject, replicates or simulates the contexts in which adults are “tested”
in the workplace or in civic or personal life, assesses the student’s ability to efficiently and effectively use a
repertoire of knowledge and skills to negotiate a complex task and allows appropriate opportunities to rehearse,
practice, consult resources, and get feedback on and refine performances and products.
The within the unit learning tasks and evaluation as a tool in the measurement and assessment of the
learning impact and magnitude of this unit module, the academic subject handler will be providing SELF
POSTER/PHOTOGRAPHS ( Instructional advisories on these learning activities will be progressively posted in
the Flexible Teaching – Learning Modality ( FTLM ) Adapted ) in order to ensure the achievement of the
learning objectives and to carry out the accomplishment of the learning activities.

Dr. Ralliegh F. Vizcarra Associate Professor II RFVIZCARRA@ISU 2021

Republic of the Philippines
Certified ISO 9001: 2015
Main Campus : University of people, nature,
San Fabian, Echague, Isabela, Philippines innovation and entrepreneurship


Organizational Behavior; 2017 ISBN 13: 9781946135155 University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Human Behavior in Organizations by Rodney C. Vandeveer, Michael L. Menefee;
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006

The Nature of Man: Is Man by Nature Good, or Basically Bad?

Israel W Charny Ph.D. Warrior for Life

VideoClip : Concept of Man

Dr. Ralliegh F. Vizcarra Associate Professor II RFVIZCARRA@ISU 2021

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