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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Band Registration Authority ‘QUEZON oITY REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE Cransfer Certificate of Title / No.6, Iris HEREBY CERTITIED shat certain land situated in the Musieipality..of,Op02,-~ Frovinge.-0f--Gelviey- Enid App tines onn-n--bounded and dserbed as flows! A parcel of land Clot S62e0 of the subdivieion plan Peda'275, being a por- fion ofeLot M62 of the Cadastrat Survay af Oron, GoL-R0. Cad. Kecord lo, 995), Batyituated in the Barrio of Booc, Municipality of Opon, Frovince of Cabu. Bounded Hn the 2s, by Lote 276 and 27? of Opon Cedantray on the “i. by hot HFS of Opon Halastre; and on the Si. by Lot 4A2-B of the eubdivision pten. Beginning at a Hint marked "1" on Man, being N71 dem. 53H, 218647 m. From DeBs!. Yoo 5y fheon Cadastre, thence &, 8h de. 12'¥., 342i m to point 2; thence ve 70 der. Nie, 29.35 he to point 3; thence N. HD dee, OO'W., 70.00 m. to point 4; thence ‘is registered in accordance with the(PRNRUND'GF OR PAIpBnfSRewsiration Decree in the name of* KSPPEL GH SHIPYARD LAND, THC, 8 domentic corvoratin organized and existi| venue, Laruabopa Citys ‘as. wner thereof in Jee simple, subject to suck af the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of ‘sald Decree as may be subsisting, and to Iv 1s FURTHER CERTIFIED that said land was ofiginally registered on the Of cys im the Year nineteen unde ad. Registration Book of the Offig ofthe Register of Deeds Of .un..Pbadis ‘Pageniny 0 Original Cerificate of Title No. nad ursuant 10 Decree No. issued in L. RC. .Cadagtirad... Recor NOM %mGae0.-25-- 1M the Me OF uum This cerieate is a transfer from ...ersuunfae...Certfieate of Tile No. is cancelled by vrte hereof in soar as the above-described land is concerned. OWNER’S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE ) Entered at the. Cify.of.hanunlas Philippines op the Aten day of mney In the year” two thousand. and -puiTyoxgeomt 2th: after the omer's nan {Orr pont ade “State the civil status, name of spouse if married, age if a of citizenship and residence of the i registered owner. If the owner is a martied woman, state also the citizenship of her husband. If the Ind is registered inthe mami of he conga parinerhip, state he eliznship obo spouses MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES (When necessary use this page for the continuation of the technical deseription) Batty No, ocossnnnnnS9ptinuation of Yechnical Description — ‘ IN. 22 dogs OO". 70109 . to point 5; thence 8 39 dep. 2NH., 27.31 m. to _ | point 65 thence 8. 22 dem. 59'H., 17.00 m. to paint 7; thenes 4, 30 dep 8's, 1E.06 a to point ®; thence £. 5 dep. O12, 30.25 a, to point 94 thence 5. WS deg. ULIE., 29.07 me to point 10; thence 2, 26 dogs 22'8%, 13.15 m to the point of bepianing; containine an area of TWO "OUSaND THO JUNDRED AND TNO (2,202) SGUARE YSPIRS, core or lee. A11 points raferred to are indicated on fhe plan and on the ground and marked by Old Wones; hearings true; declination 1 dope 26%b., date of the oniginel survey, i T9z7-dee. 1, 192% and that |, of the subdivicion aurvey, Sept. 20, 1928. i aR. “Hesisper of Deesa {fil & (Memorandum of Encumbrances continued on Page (Technical Description continued on Additional SI i i : ‘ | 2 (Continuation of the Memorandum of Encumbrances from Paz sono JuDicin, FoR No. 109.0 ‘Revised January 2000) REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Land Registration Authority eee HEGLETEY OP Dien YOR ME nnn EAECLAPU ITY Tris HERESY CERTITED that certain land situated in the ..ctinaiahen sts. ‘mp bsiasnbounded and described as follows: AP af the cubsivieian plan faali275, heine @ por tion of Lot 462 of the Caastral Survey of Upon, SeleReO. Yad. itenrd| io. 995), Jnbtunted in the Jacrio of Loon, Tunfeinality af Open, Province of Sctuy founded] Ney by Uhsnnol no nane!s on the Ns, ty Lot 298 of Opon Cadastre; an 1 by iat MBS of Open fom the iy of the aubtivision plany and on the al ty Est. ‘no none). Serinning at 2 roint marees "1" on olan, bein BF Nos 5, Onan Satentre, thanee 3. Bh don. 4H 1 reeitered in accordance withthe Provision of the’ Property EPPaL, C480 SHIPYARD ANDY ING,, a dorestic corporat lander the Tawa of the Philippines with peinaipal ofttes wwenue, Leru-Lapa City. a me thera ee smal, suet t sich ofthe encumbrances mentioned in Sesion 44 of said Deree as maybe subsisting ado > Te is FURTHER cERTINED that said land was orfinally registered OM the of Tad “in she Jear nineteen hudred and Region Book fice of the Register of Deeds Of matiainnnn pases a Orginal Cerf of Tle No, vnucny zy burnt Decree No. fssued in E.R, C. 2 Record No, Lhe tN nthe aM Of don This crifcate is a twansfr fom wwiseaaiatinn... Certifeate of Tile No, 30d ts canceled ky virtue hereof insofar ase above-described fri concerned. OWNER'S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE Philippines, om the «Asi day of lw in the year two thousand and -tivamiiauinaad, ‘*State the civil status, name of spouse if married, age if e minp, citizenship and registered owner If the owner is @ married woman, state also the eiizenship of her hisband. If the land is reestered in the name ofthe conju partnership. stats the citizenship of beth spouses MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES. (When necessary use this page forthe continuation of the technical deserjtion) xGentinuation of echnical Deserintion~ 26,00 m. to point 2; thence S. 85 deg, 37'W., 17.01 m. to point 3} thence S. [dome O15 82.11 me to point 4; thence 8. €3 der. SAIW., 40.02 m to point 5 £1 dare 09". » 60.08 m. to point 6; thence S.A deg. 48 We, 57.5h me i NG dex. 30'%., 17.95 m to point A; thence 5. ho dee. OO} Wes, 2.27 m. ta point 95 thence 6, 22 deg. 22¢H., 28,46 m. to point 10; thonce S. 86 dog. 31°¥,, 27485 m. to point 11; thence 5. 77 deg. YA'H, 22.20'm, to point 12) thence S. 61 deg. 13'V., 99.47 m. to point 134 thenca'N, 7 dege 05! gl 23-21 sto point 14) thence N. 27 dep. OMtM., 6.50 m. to point 15; thence Ne fp 49 deg, OO'E., 25.90 m. to voint 16; thence, 49 ders OnE., 94.0) m to point ‘32s thence N. SF dees DO'E., 31,00 m. to point 1; thence N: 46 dems ODE.” 27, 20 m. to point 193 thence 3. °5 de. O0'E,, 164.40 m. to point 209 thence K 1s dee, 00'2., 19400 ms to print 21; thence) iy 36 dem. OO'Z,, 15040 me to point 2 thence Ne 50 deg. Ot, 25.55 m to point 23; thence N, 42 dnp, 00°, 4O.57 nf 2 point 2k; thence i, 77 dee. 43'5., 50.89 n. to point 25; thence Me I ae | 23'Ess 95.33 a. to voint 26; thence 8. 49 dee BiH , 95000 8. 22" doe. 00", 5, Wo'deg. 00°3,, 70,00 9. top 205 the to point of the beeinnine: conteining an aren of WIANY THREE THOUSAND Fivs PLIDIED FITLE NINE (93,550) RQUiAae VOTES, or less. £11 potute referred to are indicated on the’ plan and on the grou points 25 is old corner and the rast by Old Hons. (bearinre trusy declinstion 1 den. 2578.4 date of the original survey, *azust 1, 1927-December 31, Ind, and that of the subiivirion aurvey, Sertesber 2, presen ACTIN, A Bogisthr of Seeds r (Memorandum of Encumbrances continued on Page uu (Technical Description continued on Additional Shes? . OWNER'S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE upc, Po’M No. 109.0, . (Revised jamaszy 2000), Boot 2. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Hand Registrution Authority QUEZON CITY REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE Transfer Gertificate af Title orl 1s wenesy ceRTIMED that certain land situated in the ....tnhetpelity. 0: ~--hrastince of. Geb,..Ahdlinninans... bounded and described as fll ie 4 parcel of land (lot No. "62a of the subdivision plan Tid=l275, veine’a portion of lot 462 of the Cadastral Survey »f Opon, Gsl.R.O. Cad. Record Now 5), situated in the Barrio of Iooc, Manicipality of Opon, Province af Cebie unded on the ts, by Channel (no name. NByy by Tot 462-1 of the cube ty Int 462-5 of the subdivinton plan; on the SW. by '» Spon Cadastre; and on the WW, by Channel (no uare). Seinning st a joint marked "1" on plan, being S, 80 der. 12"W., 621.07 m from BeB.Me Nos Sy thence N65 deg. O6'H.,'57.60 m to point 23 thance N. 35 deg, 546, 178.89 al is registered in accordance with AS°PDUMDRD Dak FHipeAy Registration Decree in the name of KEPPEL C3BU SHIPYARD LAND, INC,, a domestic corporation orranised and exiet: inder the Taye of the Philippines with orine/pal office addrase st Ted Clelond jivenne, “apu-Lapu City, = ‘as ovmer thereof in fee siraple, subject to such of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of said Decree as may be subsisting and to It ts rurTHeR cERTIMIED that said land was originally registered on the Of vin: Biainesncnn 1M Uhe year nineteen hundred and Regisiration Book of the Office ofthe Register of Deeds of. pagenea as Original Cerificate of Tile No. uQeten co, Pursuant to Decree No issued in LR, C....AA AERA... Record No, Aix 6a68. 15, in the name Of nes. ‘This certificate is a transfer from ...staNBEAx... Cerificate of Tile No. 1s cancelled by vrwe hereoftn so far as ihe above-described land is concerned. Enered at Philippines, on the. L (Register of Deeds) ‘State the civil satus, name of spouse if married, age if a inidr, citizenship and residence of the reeistered owner. If the owner is a married woman, state also the citizenship of her husband. If the land isreistred in the name ofthe conjugal pastnership, state the citizenship ofboth spouses. MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES (When necessary use ths page forthe continuation of the technical description) Mont imuation of Technical Description- ito point 3; thence N. 646 deg. 16'E,, 80.38 4.0 m. to point 5; thence S. 42 deg. 00'W., 40,50 *. to noint tee, 00° %.y 25.53 m. to point 7; thence 8, 36 deg. O'%., 15.110 m. to point Bs fthenon 5. 12 dem, O0'W., 19.00 m. to point 9; thence N. 85 dog. OO" 4 16.40 a to noint 10; thence S. 46 deg. 10'%., 27,09 m. to point 14; thence §, 58 deg. }O0'W., 31,00 m. to point 12; thence 3. 45 dec. 00'H., 94.00 m. to point 135 thence &. 45 deg, 00'W., 25.99 m to point 1 3 thence S, 27 deg. OO'H., 6.50 m4) £9 point 152 thenon 8.'llo dog, 05'425'35421 ms tn the point of beginnings cons taining en a of BLEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (11,465) SQUARS HE: Elmore or Tess. All points referred to are indicated on the plan and on the proung ‘points 1 and 5 inclusive, are wrked old Monumenta; point? dy old P.leS. conce mans.; point 3 by old edge of Raradera Vharfy add noint | by Old comer; beari truy dec. 1 deg, 26'S, date of the original survey, “urust 1, 1927-December 31, 1928, und that of the suntivieton survey, (Memorandum of Encumbrances continued on Page ou. (Technical Description continued on Additional Sheet OWNER’S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE. REPUBLIC OF ' PHILIPPINES mest DEPARIMENT OF JUSTICE Hand Registration Authority UEZON oITY . LaPULAPU CITY REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE, Granster Certificate of Title \ Bo. sta I'S HEREBY CERTIMED shat certain land situaied in the 2 Jozog,, La ity... Phi Mioninen: bounded and described as fallows: A parce} of land (Int 285-5 of the subdivision plan Pad~53775, being @ por of Lot 286, Opon Cadastre (Fac-11, LeRsCe Record Mo, 905), situated in the Mart of Lowoc, Municipality of Opon, Province of Cebu, stand of Mactan. Bounded on'| the S¥., along line 1-2 by lot 2B6-A of the subdivision! plan; on the North alo: Tine 2-3 by Lot Sf, Opon Cadastre (Fee-11); on the NB,, along line Se! by Lot 285, Ovon Cadaotre (Fecm11); and on the SB.y along line ket hy Lot 266.0 of tal subdivision plan. Beginning st a point narked "1" on plan, being 5. 76 dap. 214 257.62 m. from B.B.M. No. 5, Opon Cadastre, (Facm11), thence N. 30 deg. OMtW, 1s vegtred in ecordance wih the SBEBH GPO" ReaNration Deere tn the name fe KEEPEL CBBU SHIPYARD LAND, TNC., a donestic corporation organized and exiat under the laws of the Philippines with principal office addrees at Jed Cleland Avenue, Lapolapu City, as owner thereof in foe simple, subject to such of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of ‘said Decree as maybe subsisting, and to I is URTHER cERTIMED that sid land was origilly regiered on the o Ban Ih the yor nineteon are and Redisvaion Book ofthe Oe of the Reser of Deets of oa Pagelisiivas Original Certificate of Title No... USed nd. C.- Shaka. Record Ne, SOS-Gaae 45 nie nme oy: This certificate is a wansfer from ...PRA0RLRE... Certificate of Title No. . ts canceled hy vie hereofinsofaras te above desribed land is coneroad. Eniered at Philippines, on the et day of --.8iaced. 5 fm thy year 0 thousand and ~Swo=tounard at. A2OD_ Rom, fee after the owner's nama. Gvner's gosta aes) ‘State the civil status, name of spouse if married; age if a minor, citizenship and residence of the reeistered owner. If the owner is a married woman, slate also:the citizenship of her husband. If the ‘and is restored in the name ofthe conjugal partnership, state the citizenship ofboth spouses, MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES {When necessry use ths page forthe continuation of the technical description) xfontiquation of Technical Description- \ 40-93 m. to point 2; thence 5. 8h deg. 1512, 25,56 m, to point 3; thence S. deg, OW'E., 25.23 m. to point 4; thence S. 5h dag. 16'¥ of beginning; containing an area o “11 sointn referred to are indicat g|42°: G¥t+ cone. mons, 15 x 60 cas. except point 5 by Old PeL.S. cyl cones ng) 13x fo ones Beavines true. Dats of the original eurvay, Aug. 1927-000, 26, 190K and that of the subdivision survey, ipril 23, 2958\\Aporoved, July 195%. Ry Regidter of Deeds [ie (Continued on Additional Sheet . esd omit Fone No, 100.0 : a oie ene 958) = = REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. SN No.S809832 UBC oF eine Ro. 5809332 Gand Registration Authority UEZONGITY REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THR... Transfer Certif In 1s HERny CERTIFED that certain land situated in the ..Baxate..0£-Leooy-Lapy—Layit~ ity, Bnilinppineas... » bounded and deseribed as follows A paroe) of lend (lot No. 315 of the Cadastiel Survey of Opon, LRG. Recor io 905), situated in the Barrio of loa, Municipality of Opon, Province of Geol {Ieland of Mactan. Bounied on the SW. S--7-8-9 by iot 466 Casarto Patelinghg & by fot 314 (Bieno Baring); on the S® and NE., along line 12-13914 PY itech SPUR SEE AIOE SRNEE) By eA A, da BGR) KEPPEL CEBU SHIPYARD LAND, TC., a donestic corporatinn organized am! exiath index the lawe of the Philippines with principaloffice address at Dad Cleland were, LapumYam City, las owner thereof in fos tiple, subject to sich of the encumbrances mentioned in Seton 46 of sald Deeree as maybe subsisting. and to NOTTOR CF DIS PRNDENS ao per Entry No. 9602-V=urVp By rerDivil Oase No, 4522-L dated Oob.1e, 1995. Ir g curren cHRTineD that sa! land was orginally requred on the oid. pices ae eee Registration Book of the Office of the Register of Deeds of sau MaMa aod bs Orgel rea ef Bia ta Aka ai issued in LR. C. sm Stee... oF Record No. aoetens ae ee Ths conene Wa ranger Bom weather Criteie of Tie Ne ( cevdi fe org here a OS ie ott OWNER'S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE ae: Emered at Philippines, on the 3 ath 00.Re. m Arrest: ; a bent) AB ‘State the civil status, name of spouse if mated, age if @ mind, citizenship and residence of the registered owner. Ifthe owner is a martied woman, state also the eiGzenship of her husband, If the land is registered inthe name ofthe conjugal partnership, state thecitizenship ofboth spouses. MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES (When necessary use this page fr the continuation of the technical description) Gontiruation of Technical Description = | 5 joe ate BBs» slong Line 16-17 by Lot 320 (Sabas 4 and on the 8., along line 17-1 by Lot 319 (Valer! 4) {Fhorg), 11 of Chon Cadastre, Beginning ate point sakked "1" on plan teing | 85,34 eg. 40'W., 448,07 m. from 8,,M, lo. 5, Opon Cadastre, thenee 29"W.4 20.67 n. to point 24 thence Ne 47 dog, 49"Wsy 7-40 mt to point 3) tree Ne 26 deg. 57'W.y 25458 n. to point dr thence N, 25'dos, O71", 20.82 m 34 thence S. 76 deg. 00'W., 14.58 m. to point 6 thence M, 66 eg. 33" Sores ,Podnt, 73 thence N. 56 deg. 2918, 49.19 m to point 8} thence 8. 18 des. 29°Res 20-88 9. to point 95 thonoe 3. 59 deg. OL", 26,01 m. to, point 10) tne see tye cing 19260 me to point 11; thence 8. 53 dem 13*Z.y 50047 me to BERG IRE thence S. 50 deg. 44%¥5 15.43 m to point 15; thence 8, 28 deg, 39° Digs mytgePeimt Ms thence S. “deg. 17%, 8,71 m. to paint 15} thence’. 56 Be neta teetdehy*0petnt 161 thoooe By odes. OF¥-» 38461 m- to point 174. the «56's» 8480 m- to the ppint of beginnite: containing an erea of STKE THOUSAND TERE ATNDRSD FORTY NINE (6,349) SQUARH MEPERS. ALL polute catered Hea’ re indloatet on the plan and marked on ¢ nd by P.leS. oy, conc, tones 15 x 60 ons, Bearings trus, Date of the Seigital survey, dag. 1937 Decethens I ‘pr0so0re |P-SANGHBA In, Regipter of Deoda i ie Entry Nos 761-VAXXI[I-D.3.-LRMIIR REQUEST By Jennifer J). Necsixon, Presi ent of Keppel Cebu Shipyard “and, Inc., requesting the Registerof Yoeds to eanoel the notice of Lis pentens annotated on the parcel of land desceized in this certificate of title under Antry Nov 902-V-X1V-D.3. relative to Civil Case No | 4322-1 for the reason that the subject case or action had already been decidedl set forth on the tcoument on file eibaoribed and worn to bafore-Hotary Publié {| Manuel B, Pastrana, 2s per Doc, Now 33 Page No. 2} Boo'No, 635 Series of 2001, Date of the Tnatrument~ = =July 15, 2001. ‘Data of the Inscription ~ July 18, 2001 at 3:00 pam, Bntay Noo 762—VoxX21I-D.3.ai6NTRY OF JUDGHAT- By the Pirst Division Sup: fourt, Nantla, Toreaita G, Digateip, Deputy Clezk of Court % Chief Judioiel R. Office, certifying that on December 6, 2000, a resolution rendered in the the said cage, which road aa follows: "G.R. NO. 145589 (Dra. Lydia Asnarm“1fonso, ete. ve, Cristita a.k. Cristina dela Crus, et al.). - Considering the alle gations, iseues, ant ansunente alduced in the petition for reviey on oertiorad{. of the resolutions of the Couft of Appeals dated June 27, 2000 and September 2000, the Court resolves to DENY tho petition for failute of the petitioner td surticiently show that the Court of Appeals conmitted any reversible exror in the challenged renolutiona an to vawzent the exercise by thin Court, of ita dssoretionary appellate juFisdiotion in this case." and that the cane has on | January 25, 2001 become final and executory and is hereby recorded in the Boo! ol of ermabey:costosankhi on Hage 10 (Technical Description continued on Additional Sheet. Date of the Instrument~ ~Jan, 9, 200). Date of the Insoription = =July 18, 2002 at 3100 p.m.

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