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Yes i read and love all his books but you cant hide

the racism in all his books especially in least four of his least known books… But he was
product of his times people say walt disney was racist and anti-Semitic but he before
holocaust we had persecuted jews for years the nazis just build on the hatred .Walt disney
hired jews so that says something. But going to jack london he was product of time of great
racist slavery may have been banned but we didnt really treat native people better. Also lots
of people were violent and cannibals who he talked about in this books so naturally you
wouldnt seem as people you want to friends with. I sure he been horrified to be known as
racist. People who are take statues of well known figures or rename places to avoid having a
racist or some one who have bad historically press so robs us of our history and history to
sort their agenda. I sorry black people but gollywogs werent meant to be racist my mum
had one and she not racist and i think time we stopped with everything been thought as
racist or offense or edited to modern tastes . I dont want books written years ago rewritten
for modern times . Kids dont generally pick up racism up when they read mary poppins ,
noddy or any other children book which adults want tocensor. If they do we just need to
explain the context . I good amount of the classics children and adult were racist and sexist
but they wrote years ago most around victorian times or earlier and or in jack london case
at the time before first world war and during he died in 1916 and people were very different
then changing this classics to suit modern tastes would run the context and not help
children understand how we changed from those days. I think in uk especially we come a
country afraid to hurt anyone and time we learn that we thought for civil liberties in two
wars and with woman vote and yes we shouldnt go to far with free spreech but edited our
books for modern tastes and give our traditions is too far. It just feed the racists or people
like my dad who feel certain groups of people are taking our communities over there not
but changing our history , literature and traditions just add to the problem and gives a
excuse to hate immigrants.

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