The "Answer Sheet" Is Sent To Your Kosma's Email

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1. It is expected that you will finish doing this Mid Term Test in

100 minutes

2. All the answers are preferably typed single spaced in Arial

12 font

3. The “answer sheet” is sent to your Kosma’s email

4. After all the answer sheets are collected, arranged and

combined them into one folder, the Kosma then send it and

enclosed with the list of attendance as soon as possible to

my email :

Ministry of Religious Affairs

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Jl. Syeikh Nawawi al-Bantani, Kota Serang, Banten
Subject : Practice of Translating Semester/Class: V/ A, B, C, D, E
Study Program : English Education Duration : 100 minutes
Lecturer : Ilzamudin Ma’mur Day/Date : Friday, 29 Oct, 21
I. Answer the following questions appropriately!
a. What do you know about ‘proper translation’ and ‘inverse or service
b. How important and relevant are both translation directionalities in terms
of its roles in present globalized world?
c. Have you read any book as the work of inverse translation ? Mention the
titles of both the original book and the translated one.
d. Method, process, and procedure of translation are three interrelated
terms in the theoretical aspects of translation. How should you apply
each of them in doing translation (in practice) ?

II. Translate the Following Texts into English well !
Text 1
Penerjemahan, kendati secara akademis sebagai subdisiplin linguistik
merupakan fenomena yang muncul baru-baru ini saja, sejatinya ia merupakan
tindak komunikasi sosial yang telah dilakukan orang dan berlangsung selama
berabad-abad. Peminatnya meliputi tidak saja para linguis dan sastrawan
tetapi juga para pakar dalam bidang yang semakin menjauh dari linguistik
seperti antropologi, psikologi hingga matematika. Kenyataanya penerjemah
telah memainkan peran krusialnya di sepanjang peradaban umat manusia
mulai dari masa klasik, abad pertengahaan, hingga zaman modern sekarang.
Selain itu, dari sudut kajian teoretis, peredebatan apakah penerjemahan itu
ilmu, teori, seni, keterampilan atau selera masih terus bergulir sebagaimana
direfleksikan oleh beragamnya judul buku tentang penerjemahan. Namun
demikian, perkembangan terahir nampaknya, istilah translation studies lebih
banyak digunakan para teoretisi dan praktisi penerjemahan, suatu istilah
payung, karena mencakup penerjemahan dan penjurubahasaan, yang
diperkenalkan pertamakali oleh James Straton Holmes.

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