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a church in pursuit of God, with a passion for people

PO Box 491150
Leesburg, FL 34749
Office: (352) 365-2594 Fax: (352) 365-2594
Randy Gideons . Lead Pastor . Warehouse Church

Salvation . Healing . Set Free . Discipled . Equipped . Empowered . Serving

I t has been a few months since I started

what turned out to be a series of
messages on the above steps of the
Christian maturity process. I was able to
freely minister week after week on the first
Each church needs to do the same to
prepare its soldiers for service.

It's all found in Ephesians 4:12. Check it

four steps and then I seemed to hit a wall
when I got to the equipping part. As I I look forward to seeing how God works
began to question God on why this was through the last few steps.
happening I felt that the timing was not
right to finish the series. This reminds me of something that
happened in the warehouse just recently.
Then we had the picnic, the Brock's, and The air conditioning contractors have
Easter Sunday's message by Cliff to worked for months bringing our whole
position us for the remaining topics. HVAC system up to code. New ducts,
I believe we are to be freshly equipped refurbishing air handlers/compressors,
with updated tools and instructions for our new controls and much more. It all came
new season. I believe we are going to down to the first new thermostat that was
receive an empowerment by the Holy switched on to see if they had done their
Spirit that will prepare us for our new job right. There was a joy among the Del
season. And I believe that all of this has Air bunch when that first cold air began to
been moving us to a greater "service" in filter through the building. The process
God's Kingdom. had worked!

Matthew 20:28 We must follow Christ's plan from

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to salvation to service...we must!
be served but to serve..." ..."until we grow up into all aspects of Him
who is the head, even Christ."
Our maturity is made evident when we
reach a place in our lives when we are
prepared for service in the Kingdom.

The Armed Forces have worked out

programs and procedures to prepare,
train, equip and empower our groups for Check out Randy’s blog on the
military service. Warehouse website.

I f you know me at all, you know that I

am no orator and as a general rule, I
don’t use 1000 words when 10 will
do. It does cause some conflict at
times when discussions are needed but
for the most part, I try to get to the point
and move on. Can anybody out there
dryer, paying a light bill, patching an
asphalt road, welding broken steel… you
get the idea. The sermon is being spoken
daily on a one on one basis. Your actions
are speaking to the public.
Did your parents ever say to you, “Do
as I say, not as I do”? How did that work
understand my point of view? Yeah, most for you? It didn’t work did it? A verbal
of those hands are from guys. So, sermon spoken from someone that isn’t
keeping this in mind, you can ascertain walking the walk is just as useless.
that this article won’t be about wonderful However, the daily sermon spoken by the
flowery speeches. co-worker is priceless. When you go
I love to read church signs. Most of through something and a non-believer
them I laugh at because of how “religious” sees how you walk through it, they notice.
they sound. I often read them and say to When they go through it, they will
myself, “I wouldn’t go there just because remember and could quite possibly come
of how ridiculous the message on the sign and ask how you got through it. If you
is”. Yes, I admitted that! However, there slam your finger with a hammer, what
was one a few months back that really comes out of your mouth? That is a
made me think and I had to say that I perfect time to preach a sermon. There
TOTALLY agreed with that church! The are countless ways to preach like that.
sign read; “GO Ye Into All The World Keep this in mind; you are the only
And Preach The Gospel- USE WORDS Jesus that the majority of the people you
IF NECESSARY” deal with in a day will ever see. What will
I have to admit that it fired me up that your model say about your Jesus?
there was another person out there
somewhere that thought like I did! He Here’s your challenge:
acknowledged the need to preach and GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND
witness. The thing that I like is that it was PREACH THE GOSPEL- USE WORDS
the working model that the person was IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!
referencing. You see, salvation sermons
have their place but statistically speaking,
they are somewhat ineffective. Think
about how many folks hear that sermon
and walk out with no change. Now
ponder the number of folks that are saved
while talking to their coworker digging a
ditch, hammering nails, working on
motors, digging a drain field, fixing a
Submitted by Brenda Petersen

Time is in His Hands by Wendy Pope

"So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated
its enemies." Joshua 10:13a (NLT)

H as there ever been a time when

you longed for just a little more
light in your day to accomplish
your tasks? When you need more time, do
you ask God for it? After all, time is in His
did not want to know God better through
prayer and His Word. My problem was
that I believed I could manage the time in
my day better than He could. I believed
the lie that told me I was in control,
hands. arranged my day, and accomplished
As we read in today's key verse, God much. The lie told me I did not need God
knew Joshua needed a little more time in for the little details of my day-to-day living.
his day, so He gave it to him. The lie told me I did not need to tithe the
Joshua and the Israelite armies were in first fruits of my day to God. The lie lied.
battle against five combined Amorite Like the Amorite armies were defeated,
armies to conquer the land allotted to eventually so was my lie.
them after crossing the Jordan. Joshua Over the last decade I have learned
and his men were tired. The warring for like Joshua, to call on God and ask Him to
the land had been intense. As the leader, "let the sun and moon stand still" so that I
Joshua decided to travel all night for a can accomplish what He has ordained for
surprise attack. And then Joshua asked me to do. It is my desire to be at peace
God to hold the sun and moon still so they with His timing and not to complete my
could fight. checklist.
Over a decade ago God called me to Do I believe He has held time in His
radically trust Him with my time and get up hands for me? Yes I do. How can that be?
each morning before the sun rose to He is God, the great I AM, and the Creator
spend time in prayer, and in His Word. of time. I am just a little "i am not" enjoying
How can I do this? I remember asking the the story of God one day at a time.
Lord. When you need more time, will you
I argued: I am a busy wife and mother. ask God for it? Will you trust Him to hold
The baby is only a few months old. I need your time in His nailed-scarred hands?
It never occurred to me to ask God to help Dear Lord, help me know You are good
me by adjusting my time so that I could and that I can trust You. Remind me
walk in obedience to Him as well as take today that my time is in Your hands. In
care of all my other responsibilities. Jesus' Name, Amen.
Eventually I obeyed, but not
wholeheartedly. My problem wasn’t that I
"What is a motto you live by?"

Lucas James ~ It's all good. Jim & Ruth Bruce ~ Do to others as you
would have them do to you.
Jeff Light ~ If you're gonna be dumb,
you gotta be tough. Becky Anderson ~ God is in control.
He can do what is humanly impossible.
Cheryl Clark ~ It is what It is! Move on. There is nothing that will happen to me
that God doesn’t see. If He allows it,
Sonia Shearer ~ Don't spit in the wind then He has a plan to use it and He will
or stand next to someone who does! bless me for being His instrument. God
is watching out for me, He only wants
Mela Striker ~ Leave everything better good for me, I am the apple of His eye!
than you found it. This is especially
true for kitchens, beaches, and people.
I also often use "will it matter in ten
years?" When I find myself getting
really stressed out or irritated about
something, if it doesn't pass the ten
year rule:

Joel Hayes ~ Life's a

garden, dig it!

Duane Sturgess ~
People don't care how
much you know, until
they know how much you

Brenda Sims ~ Don’t

complain...its giving
praise to the enemy!

Elise James ~ "You do

what's right, even though
you don't want to". (My
Mama taught me this...)
by John & Julie Macrae
Learning Godly Sorrow

2 Corinthians 7:10 "Godly sorrow brings (with a capital 'S'), repenting not just for
repentance that leads to salvation and the sins others may see but for the
leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow deepest-rooted sins that bring us guilt and
brings death." despair.
Godly sorrow brings repentance that
Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer leads to trust in the Savior.
to the pattern of this world but be
transformed by the renewing of your The common theme in worldly sorrow
mind. Then you will be able to test and is that of self - our plans, our sins, and
approve what God's will is... His good, especially our emotions. It can leave us in
pleasing and perfect will” a desert - constantly searching for a
solution to our problems – seeking a new

ver wonder why things aren't going pastor, group, church, therapy,
as you imagined they might? Ever psychologist, counselor or the like. Its not
find yourself consistently sinning in surprising however – its just the way we
the same way? Do you blame someone were before we accepted Christ – deep in
else for your situation? Down in the a world of self – and some of the thoughts
dumps? Depressed? Constantly seeking a and behaviors that were formed way back
new place or face to discuss your then can be the hardest to discover and
problems? Perhaps you're a victim of deal with.
worldly sorrow? What Paul is saying in Romans is that
we have a lot of worldly thought and
So what is worldly sorrow? behavior patterns to unload and unlearn
before we will be able to discern God's will
Worldly sorrow comes from our for ourselves. He's really telling us that
awareness of our breaking the law. we need to examine ourselves daily for
Worldly sorrow centers upon the plans any tendency to fall back into our old,
which we make by ourselves. worldly lifestyle. He's also telling us that
Worldly sorrow centers upon what we we need to reject sin for what it is – not
feel within ourselves. It focuses on our just clean up our lives on the surface but
emotions. start to address those deep-rooted sins
Worldly sorrow results in us leaving that are part of our nature and inheritance.
many sinful ways, but not hating and “Easy to say and much harder to do”,
turning our backs on sin itself. I hear you murmur. Yes indeed! But every
Worldly sorrow leaves us powerless journey starts with a step – and
to resist temptation. completing the journey requires many
Worldly sorrow causes us to look to steps – persistently and determinedly
other people for assistance. making one step after the other. The key
to getting there efficiently is to keep on
And what about Godly Sorrow? track – the direct track to the goal and
avoid those little excursions to the side
Godly sorrow brings about a that waste time and effort.
comprehensive repentance, not just a
turning from our sins but from our Sin
The fact is that Jesus promised us the As we cast aside each and every one
Holy Spirit as our counselor and of our worldly ways with true, godly
comforter, not a group, guru or other sorrow, the weight of guilt and the veil of
'earthly savior' – He is the only one that worldly sorrow will lift and we will begin to
can help us. It is in Him and Him alone experience the freedom and joy of a
that we must put our trust for the solution relationship with Jesus. That's the
to our problems. Good News! He is with liberation we can expect when we begin to
us 24/7 – always open, available with the focus our thoughts on God rather than on
kindest listening ear, the warmest ourselves and our worldly
embrace and the most powerful (not disappointments.
necessarily palatable) solutions. He loves Worldly sorrow is possibly the most
a quiet one-on one conversation – in fact powerful weapon the enemy uses to
He craves it. He wants to speak to us prevent us from experiencing joy and true
when we are ready to give Him our freedom in our lives as the result of a full
undivided attention. relationship with God. By the grace of
Jesus also told us that the world cannot God, we have our own, personal
see or accept the Holy Spirit so the comforter and counselor, the Holy Spirit –
worldlier our focus the less likely we are to cry out to Him. He's waiting for your call.
be able to see the Holy Spirit work in our
lives. This is what Paul was reinforcing in
Romans 12 – it requires our consistent, Stay updated with our friends
positive work on our part to reject the John & Julie Macrae as they travel
ways of the world, or at least our And spread the news of Jesus Christ!
willingness to be transformed, in order to
begin to know God in the way He wants
us to.

08... Zachariah Greene 23… Jennie Walleker

12... Brenda Rapp 24… Patti Lutz
12… Savanna Harbaugh 24... Savannah Greene
13... Beckie Weaver 25… John Anderson
13... Ernest Machamer, Jr. 29... Christopher Rapp
15... Travis Windham 31… Amy Bowersox
21… Abra Coulson 31... Joy Machamer
A Time to Plant, A Time to Heal

S ome of us take massive action

when it comes to our spiritual
walk. We then abuse our
physical man and ask God to
heal us. I believe that God sometimes
overrides our bad habits and is merciful in
I am totally familiar with the verse in
scripture that says if you sow sparingly
you shall also reap sparingly. I was
determined to sow abundantly; it is my
desire to turn this situation around as
expeditiously as possible. As many of you
spite of our unbalanced life style. But I have commented my efforts have been
also believe that God wants us to take paying off. Despite years of abusing the
massive action when it comes to our temple, ONE SEASON of faithfulness has
temple. Following is a testimony from yielded an amazing crop of health.
Kelly a member of the Warehouse Church On April 7, 2011 I had labs drawn and
who decided to take action. God has on the 14th I returned to the doctor for the
greatly blessed her efforts. Please pray for results. In brief, they are as follows: I had
her as she continues on the path of Health taken off 20 pounds, trimmed off at least
and Wellness. 10 inches, my blood sugar was within
normal range as was my A1C, my
cholesterol level was back in normal
“On December 30, 2010 the doctor range for the first time in several years,
handed me a diagnosis that had potential and I felt great! There were only two
to cause great fear for me. She told me I negatives in the whole report—my blood
was diabetic. After I got through the pressure was elevated and I had injured
season of tears, I determined that it was a my ankle and would not be able to run in
time to laugh in the face of the enemy. As the Spring Fling. Irregardless, I walked
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 states, there is a the Spring Fling, and I finished the race!!!”
time to plant and a time to heal. I decided
it was time for me to make a change and
to respect my body, the temple of the
Holy Spirit. Kelly failed to mention that she walk/ran a
As a result of the diagnosis, I 5k in Fruitland Park. She beat her last
embarked on a new journey; a journey of race time by 15 minutes and won a 3rd
exercising and eating right, a journey of place Medal for her age group. Let’s
determination and accountability. Central applaud her efforts and pray for her as
to success on this journey were: she continues on the path of health and
submitting to an exercise plan developed wellness.
by a personal trainer, being accountable
for everything I chose to eat or not eat,
and choosing daily to sow health and
fitness into my life. Invaluable in the
process were my many friends who were
often a text message away, tools provided
by and a good
sense of humor! Tonia Hayes is an
ACE certified Personal Trainer
by Sonia Shearer


or the majority of my life I have had I am now aligning myself up with someone
trouble in the financial department. I who has more wisdom than me in the area of not
have experienced periods in my life only finances, but also with an entitlement and
that I have had plenty and times that poverty mentality spirit. This isn’t about adding
I have not had much. The past 12 years have two and two and knowing that they total 5. Just
been especially difficult. As hard as I have tried, kidding, I wanted to make sure that you were
I have had a poverty spirit on me that caused me paying attention. This isn’t about balancing the
an intense struggle with finances. check book, though that is very helpful. This is
I went to a conference and God began to about alignment, and getting into balance. It is a
deal with me about aligning myself with people spiritual issue, not intellectual.
who knew how to deal with finances and to If your car is out of alignment, the tread on
submit myself to their scrutiny. This was not your tires doesn’t wear evenly. When they
easy for me to do since I like to lead and I hate become uneven, there is a chance of a blow out,
being under scrutiny. It is also not easy to find which then causes us to stop in our tracks.
someone that I trusted enough to be totally open Personally, I’m tired of the blow outs and being
with and know that they would still respect and stopped in my tracks because I have failed to
love me through this process. The final thing align myself up with the word of God and
was finding someone who was willing and had someone who can help me. We all struggle with
time to take on this task, especially with me something that keeps coming around and hitting
since at times I’m slow at comprehension. At the us in the face. Opening ourselves up to
same time, God had begun dealing with a very someone is very difficult.
good friend of mine about talking to the church I have openly shared this because I know
regarding a poverty spirit. As she and I began to that if I am struggling, others are as well, though
converse and she began to pray with me, God it may be in a different area. Struggles almost
showed her that I had a spirit of double always, have a spiritual root somewhere. When
mindedness. For those of you who don’t know we don’t recognize that, we are only putting a
what that means; it means going two directions band-aid on the problem, which is surely to show
at once. I knew immediately that she was right. up again because we have not gotten to the core
It hit me directly in the face. I wanted what God of it. Only God can heal it up, but it takes
wanted, but I wanted what I wanted too. I wasn’t leaders to help us walk through it.
ready to give up my wants but knew that I must Alignment….I’m still working on it.
in order to advance. A spiritual root to my
problem was exposed. I have submitted myself
to her authority in this area.
To come into alignment, we must first get
honest with ourselves. Sometimes that is the
hardest thing that we do. We rationalize our
weaknesses to ourselves. We say to ourselves
that we can continue to do the same thing over
and over and get a different result. Well, folks,
that is the definition of insanity.
Every Sunday ~ DON’T FORGET!!
averagejoe’s Café 1st Sunday of the month we will collect the
"Change Cups". For those of you who
Free continental breakfast served from need to pick up one of our "red" cups we
10:00am to 10:20am will have some on Sunday.
Contact: Renee Stoffel @ 253-2465 Your spare "change" helps
those in need in our church
and our community.
Contacts: Aaron Symonds @ 330-1928
Mela Striker @ 365-1006 2nd & 4th Sunday ~
S T A T U R E Youth Group @ 1:00pm
Community Center West Room
WAREHOUSE NURSERY & PRESCHOOL Contact: Neal Hayes 365-1496
We believe in ministering to the needs of Next Meeting: May 22
even our littlest members. Our qualified
teachers create a positive experience that
introduces nursery and preschool children 1st Friday ~
to the love of Jesus early on.
Contact: Jill Porvaznik @ 793-1326 READER’S Book Group @ 6:30pm
New this year in Reader’s Group!
We will be picking a book from the Bible
WAREHOUSE KID’S each month to read. Hope you can join us
Warehouse Kid’s is for all boys and girls in for the discussion!
Kindergarten through 6th grade. We Brenda Sims Home
provide a combination of games, interactive 600 Bidwell St, Fruitland Park
characters, and fun filled songs capture Book to read:
kid’s attention while showing them that The Book of Song of Solomon
living for God is the best way to live! Contact: Brenda Sims (352) 787-5266
Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385 Next Meeting: May 6
2nd & 4th Friday ~
Harp & Bowl - Worship & Intercession elev
The Harp & Bowl theme is from Rev. 5 Young Adults of 18 to 29 years old gather
where the 24 elders and the 4 living for fellowship and different activities.
creatures are giving the Father and Son Ultimately, Elevation's vision is to give
the glory that's due them. The harp young adults a platform to fellowship, to
represents music and worship and the serve, to do life together.
bowls are described as the prayers of the Contact: Vance Harbaugh (941) 720-3912
saints. Our goal is to worship God as
vertically, directly, and interactively as CREATIVE ARTS
possible and to pray the heart of Jesus in Drama! Dance! Pantomime! Sign
every situation that God leads us to. language! Flags! Children's ballet! These
Cochran Home are just a few venues that have been
3233 Indian Trail, Eustis, 32726 incorporated into the Creative Arts
Snacks at 6:30; Harp & Bowl at 7:00 Ministry at the Warehouse Church. The
Contact: Cliff Cochran @ 483-3140 message of salvation through Jesus
Next Meeting: May 13 & 27 Christ and the ministry of worship are key
factors in the foundation of our Creative
Arts Ministry. Many people are blessed
through the visual arts and this is why this
ministry exists. Look for future
4th Friday ~ opportunities that will allow community
Older Gents @ 11:30am oriented theater and dance.
Contact: Barbara Smith @ 315-1400
Older Gents is an opportunity for men
over 50 to meet for lunch and enjoy great
conversation over a variety of topics that
affect all of us.
Golden Corral, North Leesburg
Check out the web page at
Contact: Leo Lenschow 429-2563
Next Meeting: May 27
for everything on the
calendar this month.

Saturday, May 14 ~
Love & Marriage
Jeff & Sue Myers home at 6:30pm
41737 Kendra Lane, Weirsdale
This is a monthly gathering for young
couples married 15 years and less
(or soon to be married).
We hope you will join us as we
pursue discovering God's principles to
"becoming one" in our marriages; in our
relationships with one another, and with
If you need assistance in finding a sitter
for your children, please give Sue @
504-6506 a call and she will try to assist
Contact: Brian Sellers 504-6221
Wax on wax off?

I started out on this journey many years ago. I

made the choice to live for Jesus the best I knew
how. I fell more times than I cared to get up from.
But the love that Jesus had for me always met me
I came to a stretch of broken glass that was as
wide as a driveway in little pieces the size of
orange seeds for the most part. Some were so
small that I had to sweep the remainder into a pile
in my time of need. and use my hand as a dust pan just to get it all up.
For the last 10 years or more I’ve been on this Just as soon as I was done in one spot, another
walk with Jesus on a one on one intimacy. I put popped up in front of me. Then I turned just right
pleasurable things around me aside as much as and saw glass in the cracks of the sidewalk and my
possible. Even though there were more downs flesh said, “Not the cracks too?” And in a
than ups, one thing remained constant and true and millisecond I heard the Spirit say, “Yes all”. So I
that was Jesus Christ, whether in spirit or word. sighed and began picking it up from the crack as
Recently my pastor referred to the Karate Kid well.
movie in a sermon. Now, I like most have seen this Then my flesh started to whine just enough for
movie (if you haven’t I highly recommend it). I the Lord to hear me. And he calls to mind that all
heard what he was saying but not until lately did it this is for his children. It’s not just about me. But He
become a reality for me. has His reasons. My heart went out to my daughter
See for months and years Jesus has had me Gail when I was in the presence of Jesus. So again
picking up garbage, real garbage cans, bottles and that love engulfed me. I kept on picking up glass
trash things most people wouldn’t touch with gloves as cars and trucks drove by within inches of hitting
on let alone without. But in faith I went out in one me at times. I thought about what Jesus brought to
town after another, state after state, year after year. my mind, his words of compassion and how I
Well, after picking up all the garbage around this needed to know. And sure enough when my flesh
lake where I live, the other day I walked around and started to whine again, I heard the Spirit speak and
didn’t find much to pick up. I thought GREAT JOB! at the same time I heard a thump off to my left.
Now I can enjoy the view, right? Nope! Wrong! Then another and another so I looked up and a
When I was ready to just enjoy the view the spirit of man was coming down the sidewalk in a wheel
God said in my heart, mind, and soul, “Pick up the chair and the Spirit said, “This is my child.” Wow,
glass from the ground.” What? I said all the broken okay then! Two minutes later wooshhhh...a boy on
glass?” I thought to myself, I picked up all the a bike whisks by me. The spirit says, “This is my
garbage already, and my flesh just threw a fit child.” Whoa, now that was something!
saying inside me WHAT??????? You’ve got to be I choked back the tears as I started to put
kidding, right? All I can see? I felt like a little kid things together as never before. My God, I thought,
that had just cleaned her room and was soooooooo what a blessing. Let all the people think whatever
ready to go play only to have my Dad say no not they like, I got it. I know that what I’m doing is for
yet, still not finished. Still work to do kiddo. I began you Jesus and all your children both those that are
pouting. But knowing he was right I said, okay. I now, and those that will be in the future.
thought I don‘t get it all but okay. So I got ready and As I continued I heard some children from
out the door I went. across the highway say that I was crazy and others
It was a little cold so I put on socks to keep my said I was sick and stupid. But my heart kept telling
feet dry. I started walking and picking up broken me, they’re just children and they don’t always
glass a piece here and one there and then BAM!!!!! know what is good for them.
But, I also found courage to start talking to a few of We don’t change overnight. It takes time, years
the children about Jesus and His love and how if some times. Parents should know this, but we are
each one of us tries to do just a little each time we all human in a fleshly body. So we tend to forget
walked around the lake, then in no time it would be about the growth process. Jesus showed me that
clean. Almost every child I talked to or someone when we can’t see a purpose for what he has us
that they knew had been cut while walking around doing, He always has his reasons. It is not all just
there by glass tossed aside carelessly. The about oneself.
smallest of the children, a boy, picked up a piece of Wax on, wax off Danielson. Fight a good fight
red glass and brought it to me and put it into the in faith!
garbage bag and he smiled. Jesus loves you I told
him and smiled back at him. Love and Light,
What Jesus does for every one of us is He Lydia
moves into our heart. He starts in our darkness and
plants a seed of love and light. It grows and the
more we hear the words of God the more we grow.

The storehouse team is patiently waiting to get moved into our new facility so
we can begin our food distribution on a regular basis. After getting into the
building and getting settled we will be doing a major food drive to help the
people in our community. If you haven’t picked up a copy of the supply list,
please pick one up beside our drop off point located in the rear of where we are
presently meeting (by the donuts.). We look forward to lots of participation
from our church family, both in donations and distribution.

Thank you for all that you have done to make our community a better place.
Blessings to you,
The Storehouse Team

You can give an offering also. Just make a memo to “Storehouse”.

Emerging Church

number of years ago Randy Gideons today. I believe there are Godly people who have
encouraged me to re-read “Blue Like Jazz” their ears to the ground to hear in part what is in
by Donald Miller – nonreligious thoughts on store for us today. God has not given up on his
Christian spiritually. The question I have to ask people. We are more likely to give up on God
myself again is, what am I parroting. In the pass, I before he would even think of giving up on us yet
have read the “up and coming” new church growth we as the Church have lost our light and as the
book or Christianity Today or Ministry Today and world becomes dim, the church becomes dimmer.
immediately wanted to implement what the piece of Where are the servants, the church has failed to
writing instructed. Because it is, cool. What is cool send them to the lost. Across the nation,
today in religious circles? We don’t care if cool thousands say they are believers and have
people are right or wrong we just want to follow the beautiful experiences in the Lord. Yet, have
cool thing. We don’t understand the simple gospel missed one very basic key, which is so important –
of God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit the kingdom of God cannot be established without
the Action person. I want to follow Jesus if he is it. It is not ministry but being there (living for
cool or not and what he teaches whether it is cool something) and serving as Jesus demonstrated in
or not. the Gospels.
The Jewish faith understands the role of Every Tuesday morning I took Betty to the Lake
Father God in a believer’s life yet is blind to the Arthritis Center in Leesburg, Fl. to receive an
Messiah. Christians have the revelation of Jesus Embrel injection from one of Dr. Miguel A.
as the Messiah yet have not identified with the Gonzalez staff. One day as always, the waiting
Father and his covenant. The Pentecostal room was full of patients. Many of the spouses wait
movement brought to the forefront the Holy Spirit outside. There really isn’t anything to do but wait,
and the gifts yet lost sight of the importance of so many of us use this time to talk (that is a stretch
biblical authority over and against personal for me). I was conversing with a gentleman who is
experience or revelation. A subculture of retired from the Washington, DC police force. We
evangelicalism the so-called emergent church or were talking to another gentleman whom I call the
the post-modern church movement has challenged “Professor” and the conversation is always
us in our walking out our faith in a comfortable challenging. The Professor had to go inside to
suburban environment where many of us live. receive an infusion so we sent him on his way with,
This movement is accused of a salvation by “we will see you next week.” He is a student of
osmosis mentality, where ‘if you hangout with us mind control and Hypnotism. He talks about
long enough you’re in.’ Maybe, just maybe, the demonstrating his craft by bending spoons etc. He
presents of God through the Holy Spirit brings says that the church (most of the times the Roman
people to the Lord as we share our lives and love Catholic Church) doesn’t relate to the present day
on them as Jesus did. Don’t be surprise, God may problems and has never been relevant to society,
use this movement as he has use a number before to human struggle and the underlining quest is
to challenge the stats quo, and any movement that money. (To me that sounds a lot like the protestant
is worth its salt has been contested. church, also) What he believes is not what he says
I am saddened of the dreadful seduction, he believes nor is it what he does. I replied to my
which has resulted in Judaism and Christianity ex-cop friend that I couldn’t let him (the professor)
becoming so acceptable. We all have many ideas get away with one of his comments for it wasn’t that
as to how this happened but most of us admit simple. My retired police officer replied, “It is that
something has transpired and it is not good and we simple, for you know basically things are pretty
have to find our way forward to what God wants for simple.”
He was right! I became heady; I was caught up in even came to chapel, entered by another door and
intellectualizing. The political principle he was were segregated onto benches with no backs or
talking about was straightforward. I was caught up cushions, behind a partition that screened them
in idealism and empty passion. I was not a voice of from the eyes of the congregation, as well as the
change; my heart disagreed because he was liberal pulpit. The regular members of the congregation
in his persuasion and he borders on being an stared, glared, whispered and snorted. To be
atheist. identified as “sinners” or to associate with “sinners”
My heart was not right. It took this person's was considered embarrassing, insulting and
comment to challenge me. Where was the Jesus in perhaps even slanderous. Some changed seats to
what I said? It is simple, do as Jesus did, talk as avoid any contact with the “riffraff.”
Jesus talked and be passionate as Jesus was in Following the service, Booth was confronted
word and deed. Jesus likes people and even loves by angry deacons and the pastor who let him know
them. Shame on me I still need to get rid of some that in the future, if he wishes to bring in such
more ... people, they were to enter by the side door and sit
Greg Stier, National youth leader of Dare 2 on those benches in the reserved section.
Share Ministries says, “If we put down our picket William told them that he didn’t see why they
signs and pick up a basin of water and towel to couldn’t worship God the same as the rest of the
wash feet with, then maybe the world would sit up parishioners. The deacons and Rev. Dunn replied
and listen. On the other hand, maybe they wouldn’t. that they were most concerned that these folk may
But either way, we’d be more like Jesus.” be crawling with lice and vermin, and they would
May I ask a question (you are included here make our good women uneasy.
Leo)? Where are the William and Catherine William’s final point was, ‘I know their clothes
Booths’ of the twenty-first-century? are shabby and threadbare. They did the best they
“England was more decadent then, at that could with what they have and they had cleaned
period of time, than we are today. Almost every themselves up for this occasion. Why are you so
minister had a mistress. There was the “rotten concern about their clothes? I’m more interested in
borough system;” vested interest had bought out their souls.’” (1)
the politics,” says Charles Colson long time One fuming community leader responded,
defender of truth. The Booths and their friends “Walking in the front door looking like that gives
were not satisfied with simply holding church. They decent people the wrong impression about our
wanted to help God change people’s lives so they congregation.”
held street meetings, parades, marching bands, Listen – did you hear that? Just a little stretch
and posters, to attract people who felt unwelcome of your imagination now. Yes, in the distance, I can
by traditional church. The Army carried the war hear one of the deacons making a comment to
against sin and misery into the streets befriending Rev. Dunn, “What is Booth complaining about, they
prostitutes, seeking out groups of men who were have a “reserved” section all to themselves” – so
drinking or just hanging out. goes the emerging church movement.
“Booth was also convinced the wealthiest
should show God’s love to the neediest street 1. Helen K. Hosier, William &Catherine Booth.
person. One Sunday, the Rev. Samuel Dunn was Uhrichsville, OH: Barbour Publishing, Inc. 1999: 20-21.
sitting comfortably on his ornate red plush pulpit
chair in the Broad Street Chapel and the
congregation was singing when the chapel’s outer
door suddenly swung open. In came a shuffling,
shabby, almost ragged contingent of men and
women, obviously nervous and uncomfortable in
the presence of the chapel people who were made
up mostly of mill manager, shopkeepers and their
well-dressed wives. Check out Leo’s blog
Behind the ragged group stood William on the Warehouse
blocking the efforts of those visitors who were website at
fearful and wanting to leave the church. Then he
began ushering his charges into the pews. The
Rev. Dunn watched in dismay. It was totally
unprecedented. In those days, the poor, if they
About Mothers Day "Mother" is hiding in the kitchen. Find and circle the
letters that spell out M-O-T-H-E-R.
Mother's Day is intended
to be a day to celebrate
motherhood. Many churches
and families in the United
States recognize the second
Sunday in May to honor
Many years ago, England
observed a day to honor
mothers in mid-Lent that was
called Mothering Sunday. In
the United Kingdom,
Mothers' Day is celebrated in
The first known
suggestion of Mother's Day in
the United States was in 1872
by Julia Ward Howe. She
suggested that people observe
the day on June 2 as a day
dedicated to peace. Others
around the country
campaigned for a Mother's
Day including Mary Towles
Sasseen, Frank E. Hering, and
Anna Jarvis. In 1908, Anna
Jarvis of West Virginia began
a campaign for a nationwide
observance of Mother's Day.
She chose the second Sunday
in May and started the custom
of wearing a carnation. If a
person wears a colored
carnation, their mother is
living. A white carnation
signifies that their mother has
passed away.
In 1914, President
Woodrow Wilson signed a
joint resolution of Congress
recommending that Congress
and the executive branch of
government recognize the
observance of Mother's Day.

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