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Name: Nur Fatima Azzahara Binti Mohamad Habibullah

Subject:Crown & Bridges

Instruments MCQ

1)Dental instruments are classified according to their uses into EXCEPT:

A) cutting instruments
B) restoring instruments
C) preservation instrument
D) diagnostic instrument

2) most hand instruments regardless of use are composed of three parts EXCEPT:

B) Nib
C) Shank
D) Blade

3)The rotational speed of an instruments is measured in revolutions per minute (rpm). Which of
these ranges are generally NOT recognized?

A) Medium or intermediate speeds 12,000 to 200,000rpm

B) Medium or slow speeds 35,000 to 120,000 rpm
C) High or ultrahigh speeds abov 200,000 rpm
D) Low or slow speeds below 12,000 rpm

4) Rotary cutting instruments have certain design features each instrument consist of these 3 parts

a) Shank
b) Blade
c) Neck
d) Head

5)At the present time air abrasive equipment is beng promoted for these reasons EXCEPT:

A) stain removal
B) debriding pit and fissures prior to sealing
C) proximal slicing, or reduction of all types of preparation
D) micro mechanical roughening of surface to be bonded
Principal of tooth preparation

1) The principal of tooth preparation may be divided into three broad categories EXCEPT:

a. Biologic considerations
b. Physical considerations
c. Mechanical considerations
d. Esthetic considerations

2) Prevention of damage during tooth preparation to EXCEPT

a. the adjacent tissues

b. soft tissues
c. pulp of the tooth being prepared
d. occlusal cavity of the tooth itself

3) Biologic considerations is subdivided into three important considerations EXCEPT:

a. prevention of damage during tooth preparation

b. conservation of tooth structure
c. considerations affecting future dental health
d. satisfactory of the patient .

4) which of these are NOT the causes of irreversible pulpitis:

a. extreme temperatures
b. chemical irritations
c. mechanical pressure
d. microorganisms

5) Which of these are NOT the cause of injury in the pulp:

a. temperature
b. chemical action
c. mechanical force
d. bacterial action

6) Mechanical considerations can be divided into three of these categories EXCEPT:

a. providing retention form

b. providing resistance form
c. providing comfort to the patient
d. preventing deformation of the restoration
7) The following factors must be considered when deciding whether retention is adequate for a
given fixed restoration: EXCEPT:

a. Magnitude of the dislodging forces

b. geometry of the tooth preparation
c. roughness of the fitting surface of the restoration
d. materials being cemented
e. film thickness of the luting agent
f. esthetic considerations

8) Whenever possible accomplishment of an esthetically acceptable result without the use of metal
ceramic crowns is preferred.. because of these reasons EXCEPT:

a. more conservative to the tooth structure

b. the restorative material will not approach the appearance of the intact enamel
c. the material used is now being famously promoted all over the world

9) If a partial-coverage restoration is poorly prepared, the patient may demand that it be replaced
by a metal crown, and the result will be these EXCEPT:

a. unnecessary loss of tooth structure

b. pulpitis
c. greater potential for tissue damage

10) Esthetic partial coverage restorations depends on accurate placement of these EXCEPT:

a. potentially visible facial margin

b. potentially visible proximal margin
c. potentially lingual margin

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