Student Achievement-Lynn

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Innovation Plan: Closing the Achievement Gap During the Pandemic

Yolanda Spencer

Georgia Southern University/ Instructional Technology

ITEC 8133

Problem: Closing the Achievement Gap During the Pandemic

In education, closing the learning gap is a national concern during the

Covic-19 pandemic. So many of students were not able to get the attention and

help needed while learning online. Educator’s top priority is to make certain

that all our students are successful, but the pandemic, has negatively affected

many of our students’ academic performance on standardized testing. The

pandemic was, and still is a huge set-back in America and other countries

around the world, Educators from all over the country are discovery and using

various resources to help with closing the academic achievement gaps in

reading and math. Today, differentiated school planning and programs are

resources of constantly change that appeals to the students’ interests and


Proposed Solutions with research evidence:

Research suggests that there are many strategies available to closing the

achievement gap. stated that while there is no magic formula,

evidence from a variety of sources (including the What Works Clearinghouse)

shows that thoughtful investments can make a difference. School and district

leaders can choose from four evidence-based strategies to help students catch

up academically: in-school acceleration, high-quality tutoring, programs offered

outside of school hours, and summer learning and enrichment. These

evidence-based strategies can be incorporated throughout the school year and

summer with proper funding.


Rough Plan of Action & Implementation

1. To close the achievement gap, the school system will start a tutoring

program that consist of specific hour in the morning, before school and

in the evening, after school. This program should be school-wide and

year long. Continuous announcement and letter will be sent home

regarding the day, teacher, and time each subject is taught in the

morning and evening.

2. Enrichment Day: This program is designated to enhance educational

skill where students have an identified deficit in Reading and Math.

Teachers will use differentiated instructions to enhance growth in the

deficit areas. This enrichment day will be on a specified day, once a week

along with a modified schedule that will be incorporate within the regular

schedule. The students will be assigned to specific teacher during a

certain time of the day for this differentiated instruction. As students

master a specific skill, the student is moved onto enhanced learning.

3. Summer school program is blended model approach with two options:

face-to-face and virtually. The program will be ELA and Math focus with

Science and Social Studies integrated withing district provided lessons. It

will also include embedded social and emotional learning practices. The

summer program will incorporate whole/small group instruction,

modeling, student conferences, specialized strategies, interventions

based on student needs, transportation provided along with breakfast

and lunch.


(May 2014). Researcher Agree that the Pandemic Will Worsen Testing Gaps. But How Much? Retrieved

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