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Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: VI+VII
Number of students:
Subject: Science
Topic of the lesson:
What is Science
Duration of the lesson:
30 min
Date: 16-8-2021

General Objectives:-
In the end of lesson students will be
learn or able:
 To learn the meaning of science.
 The scientific method of
 The safety rules to be observed in
science laboratories.

Specific Objectives:-
 To define the word science.
 Use of science
 Things which are related to the

Teaching Method:-
Students will tought through (examples
and explanations)<Inductive method.

White board, marker, chart paper, flash
cards and lcd.

Previous knowledge:-
Teach basic things, give dictation of
difficult words+meaning and
introduction of the topic (what is

Annoucment the topic:-

Today we are going to learn about what
is science?

Yesturday which things i teach you? Iam
giving you some word and you have to
write spelling of these words and also
Words for dictation and meaning:
1. Hazardous substances
2. Apparatus
3. Nutritious meals
4. Discovered
5. Investigations
6. Constantly
7. Accurate
8. Rapid
9. Discoveries
10. Comfortable
11. Prevent
12. Cure
13. Illnesses
14. Diseases
15. Invention


What is science?
Science is the systemetic study of
It is a body of knowledge that is
constantly changing through the use of
better and more accurate tools for

The scienctific method of

The scientific method is the most
common method used by scientists in
their investigations.
 Making careful observations or
accurate measurements.
 Recording the obeservations or
readings in appropriate forms.
 Coming up with a hypothesis
 Planning and carrying out
experiments to test the hypothesis.
 ^
If the results support the hypothesis,
it becomes a theory.

The safety rules in the

General safety rules:
 Do not enter the laboratory without
the teacher's permission.
 Open all doors and windows unless
otherwise instructed by your
 Do not carry out any test or
experiment without the teacher's
Use of science:
Have you noticed that our daily lives
are closely related to science? How
do you think that the food we eat,
the clothes we wear, the transport
we take or the energy we use are
related to science?

Things which are related to the

An artist needs to know the science of
mixing colours and painting materials.
A photographer needs to know science
to understand the nature of light.
A homemaker needs to know science so
that he or she can cook well-balanced
and nutritious meals for the family.
We all need to know science beacuse it
is closely related to our lives.

Your h.w is to memories
What is science?
Use of science?
Tell the name of things which are related
to science.
Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: VI
Number of students:
Subject: Geography
Topic of the lesson:
The Earth
Duration of the lesson:
25 min
Date: 17-8-2021
General Objectives:-
In the end of lesson students will be
learn or able:
 To learn about the earth.
 To know the importance of earth.

Specific Objectives:-
 To define the earth.
 To know about seasons.
 The earth's movment.

Teaching Method:-
Students will tought through (examples
and explanations)<Inductive method.

White board, marker, chart paper, flash
cards, videos of earth and different

Previous knowledge:-
Chapter of The Universe which is
completed and take assesment and
check the homework of that lesson.

Annoucment the topic:-

Today we learn about The Earth.

The Earth: Round or flat?
If early people thought about it at all,
they naturally assumed that the Earth
was flat.
This is how you can prove to yourself
that the Earth is a sphere:
If you stand on top of a hill or a
mountain, and look at the distant
horizon, you will notice that the horizon
is always curved.

The Earth's: movements:

The Earth is actually moving in two ways
at once:
a) It is turning on its axis and completes
a single rotation in twenty-fours. Or if
you want to be really accurate, 23 hours,
55 minutes, and 41 seconds.
b) It is travelling in a huge ellipse round
the sun. It completes one revolution
round the sun in 365.3 days.

The Seasons:-
As young children, we also become
aware of changes in temperature: at
some times of the year, it is very hot, at
others, cooler. These changes in
temperature correspond to the four
Spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The topic of presentation is explain how
it is possible to prove that the Earth is a
I select one brilliant student of the class
and give task or presentation topic
he/she prepare her/his self for that
topic. So for next day he/she also make
props or arrange objects or flash cards
for explain their topic in intresting way.

So i give you today's homework and
mention in dairy with date or day.
 Do reading of this chapter
 Underlined words you have to
memorize meaning of that words.
 Assumed
 Climbed
 Overhead
 Seemed
 Progressive
 Harbour.
Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: VII
Number of students:
Subject: History
Topic of the lesson:
Measuring time
Duration of the lesson:
25 min
Date: 18-8-2021
General Objectives:-
In the end of lesson students will be
learn or able:
 What is measuring time
 What is BC and AD calenders

Specific Objectives:
 To define Measuring time
 The world in the beginning
 The earliest humans

Teaching Method:-
Students will tought through (examples
and explanations)<Inductive method.

White board, marker, chart paper, flash
cards, videos of earth and different
Previous knowledge:-
 Introduction of why learn history
 Define why learn history
 Explain why learn history.

Annoucment the topic:-

 Today we learn about the
Measuring time.
 The world in the beginning
 The earliest humans.

Measuring time:-
For thousand of years people who have
needed to measure time, even if it was a
rough estimate. The primitive hunter-
gatherer, who wanted to know how
much longer he could go on before
making camp, learned to estimate by
looking at the sun.

After Christian,
 Muslim year

After Christ
Anno Domini
 Christian Year
The world in the beginning:-
No one knows how or when the universe
and the world begin. The Earth is only a
small planet of one of the smaller stars,
the sun.
The first living thing seems to have been
the green slime we see on stagnant

The earliest in humans:-

The first 'people' appeared in East Africa
and were probably half-way between
humans and apes.
They were short and bent forward as
they walked.
I have write dairy on the board students
will notice presentation topic and
prepare them self to memorize some
points about the topic and in morning
assembly you have to explain it.

Read the topics at home:-
 Why learn history?
 Measuring time
 The world in the beginning.
Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: English
Topic of the lesson:
Duration of the lesson:
25 min
Date: 19-8-2021

General Objectives:-
 At the end of this topic student
would be able to understand what is
 The try to do not belive on fake
 Differentiate the difference
between fake and actual news.
Specific Objectives:-
 To define the word Rumors.
 To explain the word Rumors with
 To explain the difference of truth
based news and fake news

Teaching Method:-
Student will tought through videos and

A.V Aids:-
Teacher will show the video related to
the topic (L.c.d), board, marker, flash
cards, book, notes.
Previous Knowledge:-
Oral intro of topic (Rumours)

Today's topic:-
Teacher will describe the topic, through
explaination examples and importance
of the topic.

Definition of Rumours:-
Fake news which is not based on truth.

When teacher enter the class teacher
will say to students there is Cockroch
inside in your chair.
Students, get nervous and try to shout
than teacher said i was just joking it's
fake news , than she will come to the

They have to write few line about the
event which is based on Rumour.

Teacher will write some sentences on
the board students have to identify
which is Rumour and which is real news.
Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: II
Number of students:
Subject: Computer
Topic of the lesson:
Different types of
Duration of the lesson:
30 min
Date: 20-8-2021

General Objectives:-
 At the end of this topic student
will learn about computer.
 What is computer?
 Different types of computers.

Specific Objectives:-
 To define word computer.
 Use of computer.
 Classification of computer.

Teaching Method:-
Student will tought through inductive

A.V Aids:-
Teacher show to the students different
type of computers through pictures and
explain through book and also show
them live computers and use of
computer in library.

Previous Knowledge:-
Introduction of computer (oral).

Today's topic:-
Teacher will describe the topic, through
explaination examples and importance
of the topic.

Definition of computer:-
Computer is a device capable of
processing data according to a program--
a list of instructions.
The data to be processed may represent
many types of information including
numbers, text, pictures, or sounds.
Computers can be classified into the
following categories.
 Analog computer
 Hybird computer
 Digital computer

Analog computer:-
Analog system works by measuring
continuous change in the data.

Hydbird computer:-
A combination of computers that are
capable of inputting and outputting in
both digital and analog signals.

Digital computer:-
Digital computers are very fast
depending on the very latest
technologies used nowadays.

Exercise :1
Answer the following questions:
Q:1 Name the different types of
Q:2 What is a digital computer?
Q:3 How will you define analog

On the book pg no:- 5
Exercise :1
Fill in the blanks:-
So students you have 2 days holidays
thats why complete your homework task
as well as assessment.

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: Social Studies
Topic of the lesson:
What is a good Citizen
Duration of the lesson:
40 min
Date: 21-8-2021

General Objectives:-
Students able to know or understand
how to be and what makes, a good
Specific Objectives:-
 What makes a good citizen
 Why we have rules
 Why we need to follow authority.

Teaching Method:-
Student will tought through inductive

A.V Aids:-
Pens, markers, pencil colors, colorfull A-
4 size papers, and worksheets.

Previous Knowledge:-
Introduction about what is a good citizen
Today's Topic:-
What is a good citizen.

Good citizen is a person who respect
others and their property, is helpful,
considerate, and willing to put other
first, respect the environment and does
not damage it an anyway and is well
mannered and pleasent.
 Add ant other characteristics of a
good citizen that applies directly to
your classroom or community.
 Ask the students for their opinion
on their characteristics.
Guided practice:-
 Divide the students into two groups
of 2-3 ask them to think of a scenario
and how a good citizen would
respond and how a bad citizen would
 Have the groups present their short
skits to the class.
 After all the groups have brainstorm,
on the board what makes a good
citizen and what makes a bad citizen.

Work on the Iam a good citizen
How they think a good citizen would act
instead of having them work on their

How a good citizen acts.
How a bad citizen acts.

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: VII
Number of students:
Subject: Science
Topic of the lesson:
Support and
Duration of the lesson:
25 min
Date: 23-8-2021

General Objectives:-
 To know about skeleton and
 To explain function of skeleton.
 To identify the importance of
 To explain how can we able to
run, walk and move.

Specific Objectives:-
 To define the word support and
 To explain the function of
 To identify the bones.

Teaching method:-
Students will tought through examples
and explainations (Inductive method)
A.V Aids:-
Chartpaper, flash cards, pictures.

Previous knowledge:-
Oral introduction about the topic of
support and movement.

Today's Topic:-
 What is skeleton
 Importance of skeleton
 Function of skeleton.

 Skeleton is hard structure.
 Skeleton made up of bones.
 There are 206 bones in human
 Skeleton gives the body it's shape.
 Allow the movement.
 Skeleton provides protection for
organs and stores minerals.

 Muscle is contavaetile tissue
grouped into coordinated system.
 Musculer system made up of over
600 muscles.
 Kind of elastic tissue makes up
each muscle.

Write down the function of skeleton and
Write the vital organ.
You may take help form book.

Take one A-4 size paper and make the
drawing of skeleton system on it with
the help of book.

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: II
Number of students:
Subject: Science
Topic of the lesson:
My Body
Duration of the lesson:
20 min
Date: 24-8-2021

General Objectives:-
This simple lesson or topic will help
student gain a basic understanding of
different body parts.
Student will be able to identify some
common body parts.
Specific Objectives:-
 To know about my body.
 To know different body parts.
 Highlights of importance body parts.

Teaching Method:-
Student will tought through (inductive

A.V (Aids):-
Chart paper or A4 size paper, worksheet,
body parts video (L.E.D)

Previous Knowledge:-
Reading of topic my body and teacher
explain and tell difficult words meaning.

Today's Topic:-
 My body
 Different body parts
 And it's functions

Tell the students you are going to listen
to a song help them review their body
Play the body parts song for kids.
Than tell to students it's functions each
part has play different role in our body.

Class work:-
 Teacher distribute the white A-4 size
papers to all students and say them
make your own body and label your
body parts.
 And one-by-one teacher call the
students and they tell about body

Write answer of these questions in your
science copy.
 Function of hands
 Function of feets
 Function of mouth.

Give each student different different
Some are to make hands
Some are legs and feets
Some are eys and nose

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: Mathematics
Topic of the lesson:
Sharing Money
Duration of the lesson:
40 min
Date: 25-8-2021

General Objectives:-
 From this topic students will learn or
to know about sharing money
 Also learn multiplication tables.
Specific Objectives:-
 Students will be able to model money
exchanges with manipulative.
 Students learning to solve problems
related to sharing money by using
play money.

Teaching Method:-
Students will tought through examples
and activities.

A.V (Aids):-
Students math journal
Smart board
White board
Play money (Dirahms and dollar)
Money worksheet.

Previous knowledge:-
Revision of multiplication.

Today's Topic:-
Sharing Money

Learning intention:
We are learning to solve problems
related to sharing money by using play
What will the teacher do?
I will let students set in the carpet with
their white board.
Then i will tell students a story.
Mansoor is a very kind boy. He is in
grade 3. On day, before he going to
school he saw a three poor children. He
want to give each on 5 dirhams.
What is the total money that mansoor
will give the poor children?
15 dirhams.
If mansoor has already 20 dirhams and
he give poor students 15 dirhams than
how many remaining amount masoor
What will the children do?
Students will set in the carpet and
discuss with the teacher about story.
Teacher will give more questions with
same pattern students will write answers
on their owm boards and show to the

To make a diagram of dirhams and
dollars with the help of book or interent.
And show it on next day.
Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: English
Topic of the lesson:
Use of action words
Duration of the lesson:
30 min
Date: 26-8-2021

General Objectives:-
Students learn about the different action
Use of action words where when which
action word we can use.

Specific Objectives:-
Answer, who, what, when, why, how,
Identify the action words.

Teaching Method:-
Students learn through examples,
definitions and activities.

A.V (Aids):-
Flash cards, cut outs, pictures or drawing
of houses.

Previous knowledge:-
Reading from Grass Huts to Clay Houses.
"The story of Houses" - a story.

Today's topic:-
Use of action words.

1: 1st teacher will come and say Good
morning class!
Everybody stand up.
Great your classmates.
Lets sing the song "if all of the
2: How do you answer the questions
What else?
3. Checkup of assignment
Group leaders kindly collect the
assignment notebooks.
4. Reading the DOLCH words using
5. Spelling: Pretest
1. Cave - The first house that people
lived in was a cave.
2. Framework- They used wood as a
framework of a grass hut.
3. Soft- coton is very soft.
4. Cliff- people before dig and carve at
the side of the cliff.
5. Gift- Mother gave me a gift last

Take one A-4 size paper, think about
story what comes in your mind and draw
on the paper.

Read these word meanings and
memorize it from home.

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: English
Topic of the lesson:
Parts of speech
Duration of the lesson:
20 min
Date: 27-8-2021

General Objectives:-
Students learn about 8 parts of speech.
Examples of parts of speech.

Specific Objectives:-
To know about:
Definition of
with examples.

Teaching Method:-
Students learn through definition and
A.V (Aids):-
White board, markers, led, notebook.

Previous Knowledge:-
Use of action words.

Today's topic:-
Parts of speech

A Noun is the name of person, place,
thing or idea.

Dog, cat, hourse, student, teacher,
apple, mary and etc.

Pronoun replace the name of a person,
place, thing or idea in a sentence.

He, she, it, they, him, his, her, this, that
and etc.

A Verb is a word or group of words that
describes an action, experiences.

Realize, walk, see, look, sing, sit, listen
and etc.

An Adverb tells how often, how, when,
where. It can describe a verb, an
adjective or an adverb.

Loudly, always, never, late, soon etc.

An Adjective describes a noun or

Red, tell, fat, long, short, blue, beautiful,
sour, bitter, and etc.

Conjunction join words or group of
words in a sentence.

And, because, yet, therefore, morever,
since, or, so, until, but and etc.

A Preposition is used before a noun,
pronoun, or gerund to show, place, time,
direction in a sentence.

Ar, in, on, about, to, from, for, and, etc.

Interjections express strong emotion
and is often followed by an exclamation

Bravo! Well! Aha! Hororay! Yeah! Oops!

Take one paper write 3 3 sentence of
each part of speech individually.

Choose words from sentence which you
are write on paper.
And tell which words are these is it noun
pronoun verb adverb or conjuction
Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: English
Topic of the lesson:
Use of Preposition
Duration of the lesson:
25 min
Date: 28-8-2021

General Objectives:-
 To know about use of preposition
 To know preposition words
 To know how to make sentences of

Specific Objectives:-
 Definition of preposition
 Examples of preposition
 Sentences of preposition.

Teaching Method:-
Students will learn through inductive

A.V (Aids):-
English exercise book, note book, white
board and marker etc.

Previous knowledge:-
Learn about parts of speech.

Today's Topic:-
Use of prepositon.

A preposition is a word or group of
words used before a noun, pronoun, or
noun phrase to show directions, time,
place, location, spatial relationships, or
to introudce an object.
Some important or examples of
prepositions are!

At, it, on, of, to, in, by, with, among,
between, for, under, below, beneath etc.

10 sentences with Preposition:

1. Besides:
Besides, it's still early for me.

2. Between:
My home is between library and bank.

3. Beside:
The napkin is placed beside the plate.

4. Across:
Her house is across the street.

5. Beyond:
Barcelona football club's sucess is
beyond question.

6. Over:
The window is over the radiator.

7. But:
We are very hungry, but the fridge is

8. Below:
Your grade is below average.

9. By:
I always goes to work by train.

10. Except:
Nobody came the party except George
and Alex.

Think any activity regarding the topic
and share with your teacher.

Make your own sentences and teacher
will check another day.

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: Computer
Topic of the lesson:
Computer Lab Rules
Duration of the lesson:
20 min
Date: 30-8-2021

General Objectives:-
To know how to make discipline in
computer lab
To know what to do in computer lab
To know what is the rules of computer
Specific Objectives:-
9 rules of of computer lab
Maintain discipline
Set all things before enter computer lab

Teaching Method:-
Students learn through instructions.

A.V (Aids):-
Book, flash cards, L.e.d etc.

Previous Knowledge:-
Definition and explaination of computer.

Today's Topic:-
Rules of computer lab.
Computer Lab Rules:-
Enter and Exit quietly
No food and drink
Dont't spread germs
Organize before leaving your area
Print only with permission
Exit Inappropriate sites or leages
No running in the lab
Respect your teacher and classmates
Never give out personal info.

Search on google draw pictures of these
rules on chart paper.

Type chapter the use of computer in ms

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: Computer
Unit: Email
Topic of the lesson:
Safe and Protect
Duration of the lesson:
35 min
Date: 31-8-2021

General Objectives:-
Students learn form this unit or topic
about dangerous thing came from email.
Specific Objectives:-
To teach students how protect their
Recognize the knowledge of students
who are familiar with email technique.
Enrich the knowledge of email technique
of all students.
Recognize the dangerous of emails and
ways to protect from them.

Teaching method:-
Students will learn through examples
and instructions.

Data show
Power point presentation
Power point presentation controller

Presvious Knowledge:-
About Computer lab rules.

Today's Knowledge:-
Email (safe and protect information)

Electronic mail is a method of
exchanging messages between people
using electronic devices. Email entered
limited use in the 1960s, but users could
only send to users of the same
computer. Some systems also supported
a form of instant messaging, where
sender and receiver needed to be online

Assumptions about prior

Students will recognize email may have
dangers should not open all messeges
came to us.
Anticipated problems and
possible solutions:-
Ss may confuse with the a lot of
information, so i will focus to give good
clear information.

Personal focus for this lesson:-

I will give clear rules and cleae
instruction. Also i will make sure they
setting well and listing to me.

Read this topic at home and not in note
book which sentences will tell you about
dangerous and which sentences will tell
you about solutions.
Answer these questions:-
Who have hotmail?
What do you know about Email?
From where virus come?
How protect email from bed or risk

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: Computer
Unit: Computer
Topic of the lesson:
Uses of Computer
Duration of the lesson:
25 min
Date: 1-9-2021

General Objectives:-
To know what is Computer
To know about how to use computer.
To know about functions.
Specific Objectives:-
To know about The word Computer
To learn different ways to use computer.

Teaching Method:-
Students will be learn through examples
and defintion.

Text book, white board marker, flash

Previous Knowlwdge:-
Learn about Email.
Today's Topic:-
Uses of Computer.

The computer is an electronic device
that connects us to people across the
The word 'computer originates from a
lettin word'
Computer meaning calculate.
It was invented for solving problems and
for calculations.
With the development of technology,
computers have evolved to solve other

Uses of Computer:
 Solving sums
 Playing games
 Drwaing and colouring
 Typing a document.
 Listening music.
Make the chart of uses of computer and
show it to me by tommorow.

Read and memorize uses of computer
test will be taken on friday.

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: Social Studies
Topic of the lesson:
Seasons of the year
Duration of the lesson:
25 min

General Objectives:-
 Students learn about the seasons
 Each season play different role
 To know the definition of each
Specific Objectives:-

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca63074Grade:
Number of students:
Subject: English
Topic of the lesson:

General Objectives:-

Lesson plan
Teacher name: Miss
Roll no: ca630742
Grade: III
Number of students:
Subject: Social Studies
Topic of the lesson:
Seasons of the year
Duration of the lesson:
25 min

General Objectives:-

Duration of the lesson:

30 min
General Objectives:

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