Media Text Analysis: Key Concepts Guide Questions Analysis

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Media Text Analysis


1. All media messages are A. What is the message of the A. It says here that sometimes
constructed. text? even when they are tired, the
fun or bonding they have as a
family is eating food at Jollibee.
B. How effectively does it B. It represents into reality
because many people relate to
represent reality?
this commercial, especially
nowadays it is rare for a family to
have a bonding

2. Media have embedded values A. What lifestyles, values and A. When I order I go through
and points of view. points of view are represented in online and sometimes walk in
the text?

B. Who or what is missing?

B. I think what is lacking in their

commercial is the prices and the
menu. Because not everyone
knows the prices

3. Each person interprets the A. What message do you A. The chicken is for children,
messages differently. perceived from the text? because the foods are focused
on children
B. That other people
B. How might others understand
misunderstand because the price
it differently? Why?
in the commercial is different
than the reality when they order

4. Media have commercial, A. What is the purpose of the A. The purpose of the text or the
ideological, or political interests. text? commercial is to inform or
realize to other families that
bonding is important, because in
B. Who is the target audience of our time other families do not
the text? have time to bond.
B. Those family members who
are losing time for each other
5. Media messages are A. What techniques are used in A. the technique they used was
constructed using a creative the text? the one they showed that
language having its own rules. because of eating jollibee a
family has a bonding.
B. How effective are the
B. because of the techniques
techniques in supporting the
they use, many will be
messages or themes of the text?
encouraged to imitate it and
they will be more encouraged to
have bonding.

Name: ___ABENIR, SUGAR A._________________________________________

Course: ___BSA_1C________________________________________

Directions: Choose an advertisement whether local or international (image or video) then make a Media Text Analysis of
it using the Key Concepts of Media Literacy. In the first column are the key concepts in each row. Guide questions for
each questions for each key concepts is in the second column. On the other hand, your analysis, which are your answers
to the guide questions will be put on the third column.

Include the image of the advertisement you have analyzed before the table of Media Text Analysis. If you used a video
advertisement, include a screen shot of the video, you need also to put the link to the video advertisement.

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