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Desak Putu Muliani Purnama Dewi C1118081
Ni Putu Ayuk Chandra Verghinia C1118084




TAHUN 2020


Desak Putu Muliani Purnama Dewi C1118081 AS PATIENT

Ni Putu Ayuk Chandra Verghinia C1118084 AS NURSE


Ayuk : good morning miss desak , im nurse ayuk. How are you today ?

Desak : morning nurse ayuk, it’s better and no more fever

Ayuk : how was your slepp last night miss?

Desak : soundly and sleeping as usual

Ayuk : it seems that miss ayuk condition has improved from the results ot the laboratory
showing increased and no more fever and condition miss ayuk has improved so i will explain
the discharge planning and home treatment.

Desak : so i can go home now ?

Ayuk : yes, miss desak can go home today and this prescription has to be bought before going
home, and the parents can refill the prescription

Desak : okay nurse ayuk

Ayuk : before comng home I will explain how miss desak is healing at home, before I will give
you a signed from discharge planning on counselling before leaving.

Desak : okay. I’ll sign it

Ayuk : I’ll explain hoe to treatment miss at home, before that do you know what kind of illness
miss ?

Desak : yes I know, I suffer from fever

Ayuk : okay right, a fever can be prevented if the illness or the condition that causes it can be
avoided. Since fever is most often brought on by infection, one of the precautions one can take is
to follow a claean, healthy pattern of living. Have you done the thing ?

Desak : I am not

Ayuk : in turn miss and family avoid diligent handwashing, cleanliness of the house, not
sharing the use of eating and drinking utensils with others, not sharing personal items, such as
towels, clothes, or toothbrushes, with others, maintaining and improving the immune system by
sufficient rest, a clean, healthy, and nourishing diet, regular exercise and physical activity, and a
sufficient amount of water consumption. It was like that before if you had anything you wanted
to ask ?

Desak : no nurse

Ayuk : Well, if there's no question, I'm gonna hand out a brochure and the form of discharge
planning that can leave it to me, well, thank you for your cooperation. good morning.

Desak : okay thank you nurse ayuk, good morning

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