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Wednesday, February 2, 2010 (13:00) College III Conference Room

Present: Hannah Schwarz, Benedikt Blomeyer-Bartenstein, Stephan Huerholz, George Bugan,

Matthias Seel, Anna-Lena Schindl, Tilak KC, Adriana Trutzenberg, Ivo Kirov, Lisa Begusch,
Elisabeth Steven, Ivo Kirov, Mihai Cîrlănaru , Ryan Cairns, Johannes Deselaers

Absent with excuse: Rainer Fiege-Köllmann

I. By-Laws

The Committee members discussed their by-laws and were voted upon.

Put in all by laws a statement:
 The chair has to ensure to write a committee report required by the USG. The Committee
reports should be handed in bi-weekly unless specified differently in the beginning of the
year. Each chair is to hand in an end of year report of the activities which were concluded
during the year and should include suggestions for the future chair of the committee.

Votes of Approval for Committee by laws

FHC – 11
SC – 11
AAC – 11
CEC – 10
PFC – 11
ERC – 11
EAC – 10
PRC – 11
UFC - 11
Ombudsperson – 11

II. Miscellaneous

Tilak – Design is almost complete, but there are a few minor changes which
Elisabeth – Graduation committee to be invited to the meeting on Sunday
Sunday, February 6, 2010 (20:00) Student Activity Center

Present: Benedikt Blomeyer-Bartenstein, Stephan Huerholz, George Bugan,

Matthias Seel, Anna-Lena Schindl, Tilak KC, Adriana Trutzenberg, Ivo Kirov, Lisa Begusch,
Elisabeth Steven, Ivo Kirov, , Rainer Fiege-Köllmann, Ryan Cairns, Johannes Deselaers

Absent with excuse: Matthias Seel

Late: Mihai Cîrlănaru
Late Excused: Hannah Schwarz

I. Olympix

 There were minor changes to the Olympix document

 Should be forwarded to the GSA
Vote: The document should be voted on

In favor: 11
Against: 0
Abstain: 0

II. Budget update

Budget: 13980.35

Major Events this semester which need to be taken into account:

 Grad Ball
 Vagina Monologues
 Spotlight
 Brimun
 Year Book

 Lisa to send around the budget to Parliament

III. Christmas Market Money

Money made at the Christmas market – money is to go to charity

Need some other cause to give it to?
SOS Kinderdorf - 7
Kids at Jacobs – 4

Money will go to SOS Kinderdorf

IV. Lost Dishes

 Food Committee last week and topic of lost dishes and cutlery lost.
 Each semester 5000 Euro is spent on cutlery
 GSA is also discussing the issue

 Send out a spam – Adriana and Rainer in charge
o Send as an official email
o Statistics from Aramark will be given
 Article in the Pulse of the world
 PR committee to send out semester

V. Awards at Jacobs

 Passed by the Academic Council

 Johannes is in process of updating and will send it around of updating
 College prices
 Coherent procedure for all college awards
o Selection criteria should be the same
o Group to be set up
 One person representative for each college
 Krupp - Elisabeth
 CIII - Rainer
 Nordmetall - George
 Mercator - Mihai

VI. ICFT procedure

 Meeting held by Ango on Friday last week

o ICFT weekends will take place after Easter
o ICFT members were at the game coordinating and selecting man of the match etc
 Members of the sports committee should rather take part in coordinating
 Two people to watch the games
 Issue should be resolved in the meeting on Friday
o ICFT needs to be institutionalized

VII. Class size/availability

 Elisabeth – many complaints towards class size

 Letter of complaint towards some of the responsible senior members
 Action needs to be taken as soon as possible
 Elisabeth to draft the letter of response with Anne
o Need to send around email by Tuesday with the draft so that it can be commented
VIII. Miscellaneous

 Johannes – Work shop on internal communications

o Will get some ideas of what to present at the meeting
 Elisabeth – Graduation
o Lida and Helmut will come next week with their application
 Adriana – Office Hours and Sunday dinner Parliament table
o Efficiency – wasn’t a very efficient activity
o Johannes was the only one who had somebody show
o Office hours will be terminated
o Dinners will not be official
Wednesday, February 9, 2010 (13:00) College III Conference Room

Present: Hannah Schwarz, Benedikt Blomeyer-Bartenstein, Stephan Huerholz, George Bugan,

Matthias Seel, Anna-Lena Schindl, Tilak KC, Adriana Trutzenberg, Ivo Kirov, Lisa Begusch,
Elisabeth Steven, Ivo Kirov, Ryan Cairns, Johannes Deselaers

Absent with excuse: Rainer Fiege-Köllmann, Mihai Cîrlănaru

I. POTW Funding

Situation: A pulse of the world representative came to the meeting to voice the funding
application which they are seeking. Savannah was present at the meeting to represent the Pulse
of the World

1. Full funding – with pre-condition that there is a search of other funding sources. Funding
is 200 Euro per issue, which will amount to 400 Euro per month
 In Favor - 12

II. Class size / availability follow-up

Situation: the issue, brought up on Sundays meeting, concerning class sizes which do not
accommodate the number of students which apply.

 A Letter has been written and will be re-drafted with the new points taken in from the
meeting today, and then sent off to President Treusch.

 A meeting to be set up in order to discuss and present examples of the issue.

III. Miscellaneous

 Adriana – GSA meetings

o The meetings for the GSA will be taking place on Wednesdays
 Stefan – President search
o Apart of an internal search committee will be an undergraduate student, and this
committee will work in coordination with an external committee to find available
applicants for the position of President from 2013 onwards.
Sunday, February 13, 2010 (20:00) Nordmetall Conference Room

Present: Benedikt Blomeyer-Bartenstein, Stephan Huerholz, George Bugan, Elisabeth Stevens,

Matthias Seel, Anna-Lena Schindl, Tilak KC, Ivo Kirov, Mihai Cirlanaru, Adriana Trutzenberg,
Hannah Schwarz, Ryan Cairns, Johannes Deselaers

Absent with excuse: Rainer Fiege-Köllmann, Lisa Begusch

Late: Hannah Schwarz, Ryan Cairns

I. Grad Ball Committee

- sponsorship plan to give companies different options to promote on campus -> no positive

- for further sponsoring: party on the 4th of March, service auction Thursday before

- ticketing: reservation done, second round: admin & faculty, third round: remaining tickets first come
first serve

- Graduation ceremony: in case sports hall is not finished -> building company will rent the tent
(already on reserve)

- regulations for future Grad Ball Committee elections:

- this year’s committee: good if USG elects in the beginning, at least one German speaker
would be helpful, Yearbook incorporated
- taskforce with members of USG, GSA, CAIA and current Grad Ball Committee to set up

II. Awards

- final document going to be sent around tomorrow

- Community Award replaces Child Awareness Award, College Pioneer and Women’s Award are
discontinued as discussed by last year’s government

- College Awards:
- CNM also giving out this semester following Mercator’s regulations (with exception that
graduates are eligible, same as in C3)
- taskforce with Rainer, Mihai, Elizabeth, George and Johannes as set up last week will
continue discussion and eventually involve College Masters

III. Home Page

- The home page for the USG is almost complete. Tilak will go around to individual
parliamentarians to ask for certain information

IV. Miscellaneous
- Johannes – class size/availability
o President will receive the letter on Monday
o Drop and Add is on Wednesday which is probably too late for anything to take affect
this semester
- Johannes - By-Laws
o The By-laws are to be sent to Parliament and to student court
o The by-laws will also be put up on the web site
- Benedikt – ICFT
o The dates for the tournament still need to be agreed upon
- Johannes – ASTA
o Addressing other universities to sign a document which will affect funding for
o The question is whether the USG should partake in the activity – more will be
discussed on Wednesdays meeting
- Adrianna – Graffittee
o Graffittee will start to be cleaned up in the week
- Tilak – Nordmettal kitchen
o The kitchen cannot be used as a social area, like the other colleges, outside the meal
o Issue is to be discussed on a later date
- Stephan – Olympix document
o Need to call for an organizing committee
o Will be forwarded to the GSA
o Will notify the college masters
- Elisabeth – Works council
o A follow up on the members of the works council should be conducted as the person
who was supposed to be on the works council has been taken off
Sunday, February 20, 2010 (20:00) Student Activity Center

Present: Benedikt Blomeyer-Bartenstein, Stephan Huerholz, George Bugan, Elisabeth Stevens,

Matthias Seel, Ivo Kirov, Mihai Cirlanaru, Adriana Trutzenberg, Hannah Schwarz, Rainer Fiege-
Köllmann, Lisa Begusch , Ryan Cairns, Johannes Deselaers

Absent With Excuse: Anna-Lena Schindl, Tilak KC

I. Update from Works Council

Deyan was present at the meeting and gave an update to Parliament on what has been happening
in the Works Council. He presented a report for 20.02.2011.

Deyan presented the development, current activities progress and future goals which have and
would be undertaken while they are in the Works Council.

One of the biggest concerns which Deyan was faced with was the language barrier (most
activities are carried out in German), but it is manageable.

Works council report will be sent around to the Parliament mailing list. If there are any points
for Deyan, they must be sent before Tuesday as this is when they will be meeting again.

II. AStA – Response Hochschulpolitik

Johannes and Benedikt have formulated a document to reply to the Hochschulpolitik. The letter
is stating that we will not sign the documents which they are presenting to us

The question arises of whether or not Parliament should encounter into subjects such as Politics,
this will be discussed in a later meeting.

III. Committee Reports

 UFC – contact Sebastian Blümmert for some financial figures

 ERC – Student Government, AstA, (possibly a higher member of staff) will come to
Jacobs either on the 12th or 19th of March
 FHC – Need to start organizing the housing procedure
 SC – teams and clubs – being discussed with dr. Thiel. There will be 5-6 clubs which will
be in place for several years. Olympix committee applications should be sent out,
question of whether applicants should be discussed in Parliament or rather in the Sports
 Secretary report -
 AAC – Anna is not present at the meeting tonight
 PRC – Tilak is not present at the meeting tonight

General Comment
All committee reports should be sent in on time, there will be stricter enforcement on the
committee reports in the future.

IV. Student IT Support

 The Student IT support are back to their office hours

V. Miscellaneous

There are changes to be made to each committee by-laws
The defense committee and Secretary General should also have by-laws (Johannes and Ryan)

Service Auction – Grad Ball

This year we participate in the service auction again
Decisions will be made later on what we want to bake

Grad Ball Task Force

The task force should be set up and members of Parliament need to be a part of the task force
 Elisabeth
Lisa – Sports Hall
 Rainer will ask dr. Thiel on the question

Meeting was closed.

Next meeting points

Committee reports of AAC and PRC
Zimbabwean CID

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