Name: Year& Section: 3/BSE/E1

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Year& Section: 3/BSE/E1

KWL Activity
Direction: Fill out the “what I learned column”

What I know What I want to know What I learned

1. I have prior knowledge 1. I want to know its
about some approaches standards

Direction: Suppose you are Social Studies teachers now. Choose a topic in one among the
subjects you are teaching. Develop a learning activity using one among the varieties of
teaching methods.

Content- Paglakas ng Europa
Learning outcomes- Masusuri ng mga mag-aaral ang pagusbong ng Europa; it ay ang
borgeoisie, merkantilismo, National Monarchy, Renaissance, Simbahang Katoliko at

You will assume the responsibility for helping your group to use one of four reading
strategies to discuss assigned reading, summarizing, questioning, predicting. As you read
take notes based on your assigned strategy and be prepared to lead a discussion for your
role in your group.
Summarizing Questioning Clarifying Predicting
Beyond reading Pose atleast three Find atleast three Identify atleast three
what happens to questions about the five unknown words text-related
Europe. Identify reading: these could or thoughts and then predictions; these
what you think are include questions explain it. predictions should
the three most that adress confusing be based on new
important events, parts of the reading, developments in the
details from the or thought questions reading and your
reading and explain that the reading predictions should
and explain why makes you wonder help your group to
they are important about. anticipate what will
and how ther are happen next.

Rubric for the activity

Score Description
20 The objectives and task are aligned to the learning outcomes. Mechanics/
guidelines on how to perform the task is very clear.
15 The objectives and task are aligned to the learning outcomes. Mechanics/
guidelines on how to perform the task is clear.
10 The objectives and task are aligned to the learning outcomes. Mechanics/
guidelines on how to perform the task is slightly clear.
5 The objectives and task are aligned to the learning outcomes. Mechanics/
guidelines on how to perform the task is not clear at all.
0 No response/tasked not attempted.

Congratulations! You made it. Please be ready for the next activity.

KWL Activity
Direction: Fill out the “what I learned column”

What I know What I want to know What I learned

I learned the Based Teaching
Approaches thag can help me in the

Because of this subject I learned the

conceptual approach, reciprocal
teaching, problem-based learning,
project-based learning, 4A’s
approach, and role play and
simulations in teaching social studies

I learned the strategies that can help

me and my future students to learn
and apply the concepts learned to
different situations.

You made it. Prepare yourself for the next activity.

5- Minute non-stop writing

Your 5- minute non –stop writing begins NOW!
From the lesson, realized that…..

From the lesson, I realized that in Teaching Social Studies lessons, there are strategies that can be
used by teachers to teach effectively and efficiently. These strategies can help students learn and
apply the concepts learned to different situations.

You made it. Prepare yourself for the next activity

Comprehension Check
Direction: Read the questions carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Once the social studies teachers assign groups, students will begin the investigation
process. At this point, the most important task of a teacher is to:

A. assess the performance of the group.

B. demonstrates skills necessary for success

C. help students choose the best solution quickly.

D. fully support the free exchange of ideas.

2. I want to engage students into brainstorming activity before starting the lessons. In which
one should she engaged in?

A. Break down barriers

C. Develop creativity
B. Selectively involve the students

D. Generate many ideas

3. After discussion on the topic “Societal Problems of Municipality A, a teacher requires

students to act out real situations and encouraged them to provide solutions through
dramatization? What simulation discussion technique is used by the teacher?
A. Role playing C. Jury trial technique
B. Dramatization D. Socio-drama

4. Which of the following invigorate students to assess own and other’s work (projects)
objectively based on developed criteria?

A. 4A’s approach

C. Reciprocal teaching
B. Problem-based teaching

D. Project-based teaching

5. In problem-based learning, the process of learning is more important than what tie students
will be learning. Which of the following situations best reflects this truism among students?

A. Solve the problem correctly

B. Get the right solution to the problem

C. Determine the given facts

D. Know how to solve the problem

6. Which of the following can you suggest if the grade 8 Araling Panlipunan teacher carries out
learning through some activities like sorting ideas?
A. Project-based learning C. problem-based learning
B. Reciprocal teaching D. Conceptual approach
7. The Social Studies teachers want to teach their students to value life, which learning activity
is most appropriate?
A. Simulation C. Jury trial
B. Dramatization D. Role playing
8. Which of the following will you suggest to a history teacher who wanted to engage the
students into the learning process starting from performing the activity, in-depth analysis,
abstraction and apply the concepts/skills to new situation?

A. Deductive method C. Inquiry approach

B. Discovery approach D. 4 A’s approach

9. The problem-based learning model has all the following features EXCEPT:
A. Authentic investigation C. production of artifacts
B. Collaboration D. highly structured learning environment
10. In social studies, problem-based learning can be used as a strategy to differentiate
instruction in several ways. Which of the following is not a way that problem-based learning
enables differentiation?

A. Students use their strengths C. Students make choices

B. Students work together on different task D. Students grade themselves
11. The second-year students were discussing a topic on climate change. Each group is required
to come up with a solution that would protect the environment. Which of the following is
most appropriate to use by the teacher to attain tangible results?

A. Simulation C. Problem-based learning

B. Reciprocal teaching D. Project –based learning

12. Which of the following is appropriate if the social studies teachers wanted the students
exercise their summarizing skills while formulating verbal summaries of the topic “
Pagkakaisa sa Gitna ng Pagkakaiba”?
A. 4A’s approach C. Reciprocal teaching
B. Conceptual approach D. Reciprocal teaching

You made it. Prepare yourself for the next lesson.

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