4/5 - However Is Would Still Be Best If You Named Each Sample Differently Ie A-K or 1-9 Instead of 1-3 Three Times

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4/5 – however is would still be best if you named each sample differently ie a-k or 1-9 instead of 1-3

three times

 2/2

 - The stomach does not store food it breaks it down, a better answer is the liver

d) Using apparatus to test for production of CO2 and/ or the uptake of O2 in both plants of animals

 3/3

 3/3 – mention that it could pollinate a different flower not the same flower also note that insects do
not search for pollen but nectar or are attacked by smell or colour
 2/4 this is basically asking the advantages of asexual reproduction e.g. potatoes, onions

 3/3

 3/3

 1/1

 2/2


 5/5


2/4- the first part about population size is correct due to energy conversion in tropic levels however the
second reason is far too vague and often not true a better characteristic of a the prey is where they get
their food from e.g.- prey species eat other animals where as non-predators eat plants, also the point
who were making would be better articulated as “predators evolve better adaptation to hunting and
catching prey species such as teeth, claws etc while prey species evolve adaptations to better suit
survival of these predators e.g. – camouflage or hearing
1/2 - Parasitism can often be defined as a special kind of predator prey relationship so it is safer to go
with another type of symbiosis such as mutualism or commensalism

2 – could be worded better for example make use of key terms you have learned such as increased
sustainability or stability (makes it easier to mark and the easier to mark a paper is the more mark you
are likely to earn)

a)1) put simply there will always be varying environmental conditions which cause genes to be expresses
in different ways here is a nice simple article on the matter for your own personal knowledge

 1/4 – your thinking along the correct lines however are missing two important points, 1 is that
selection occurs in plants as well (in all organisms) and two is that the characteristics which are being
selected are different, that’s is. In natural select is it is the characteristic which helps an organism survive
or propagate (usually through surviving to get a chance at reproduction) where as in artificial selection it
the character which the selector most desires that is being breed for example if one plant produces
large or sweet fruit then the seeds from that plants will be used of those of another which posses a less
desirable characteristic

Note -Not only animals


6.a)i) a poorly worded question surely what they are trying to ask is to draw and describe a typical knee
joint (or hinge joint) and how it works (you could also use ankle or toes though are harder to draw and a
hip joint ie ball and socket joint takes more explaining but is still important to learn)

A hinge joint is a type of synovial or free moving

joint, that works due to opposing muscles groups
with pull the bones about the plane of the joint.
Hinge joints include the fingers, toes, elbows, knees,
ankles and lower jaw. These joints may be free
moving but just like hinges on a door, they only allow
movement in one direction.

 3/9

 6/6 – though I am a bit tempted to say that those are essentially the same characteristic you may
want to be as varied in your answer as the question allows to show you knowledge on the matter thus a
more different adaptation can be the production of a fruit that animals consume and as such distribute
seeds which are passed through their digestive tracts

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