Book 3 Musa in The Court of Pharaoh

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Sf I THE GLORIOUS MUSA IN THE COURT OF THE PHARAOH AYESHA ABDULLAH SCOTT Go-Published by DEWAN BAHASA DAN PUSTAKA an PUSTAKA YAMIEN SDN, BHD. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ‘Kuala Lumpur First Printing 1999 © Author: Ayesha Abdullah Scoct 1998 © Mllustration and Concept : Pustaka Yamien Sdn. Bhd. 1999 All Rights Reserved, No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any ‘means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying. recording. of any information storage ant retrieval system, without permission in writing fram the Director-General, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. PO, Box 10803, 30926 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Negotiation is subject to the calculation of royalty. or hemerariam. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia ‘Cataloguing-in-Publication Data ‘Scom, Ayesha Abdullah ‘Musa in the court of the Pharaoh. Book 3 fAyesha Abdullal Scot {The glottous prophet series: Musa) ISHN 983-6262 50-4 (set) ISHN 983-02-6257-1 ISIN 98362-62512 (xt) ISBN 083-62-6256-3 (pole) 1. Moses (Biblical leader) im the Koran, 2, Prophets, Pee Lite. I. Series 297.246 ic. 3, Koran stories, Malay. —— LIBRARY SECTION BINTULU DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Primed by ‘Percetakan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ‘Lot 1037. Stukim Perindustrian PKNS ‘Ampang/Hulu Kelang Selangor Darul Ehsan cen. Lae ‘And I invested you with love and affection and I had an eye upon you so that you would grow and develop under My observation.’ Taha 20: 39 why % fier Musa as. had completed his period of suckling, his mother took him to the Palace as commanded to be brought up as the adopted son of the Pharaoh, As Musa started to grow up, the Pharaoh became very atiached to the young boy. Musa was both attractive and very strong, a lot stronger than any other little boys of his age and a lot stronger than most grown men, Everyone who come in contact with the young was a capital offence to touch any part of the Pharaoh's | Ay wore Hoi i) ei, 4 ai es The Pharaoh used ty keep the boy near him most of the time. He even let Musa Sse =e invested you wi sit by his side on his golden gilded chair EarORd apace while he was holding court nd | Rel arse epee: you so that you would grow ond develop under On one of these occasions, when the oe een hea Pharaoh was teaching the people in the reba 27. court about how he was one of their gods, | Musa as usuall was sitting by his side: | Suddenly without apparent reason, Musa playfully got up and tipped the golden chair over. The Pharaoh toppled to the floor, his crown flew in one direction and his ' spectre to another Silence shocked the court. Quickly the guards standing on cither side grabbed Musa, ready to put him to death at the Pharaoh’s command The Pharaoh who was still sprawled on the floor recalled once more his dream and wondered if this was the child that was going to destroy him Once again, Queen Asiya who was one of the most intelligent women of the time intervened. Realising the danger Musa was in, she hastened to help her husband get up, while the guards set the jewelled encrusted gilt chair back up and collected the Pharaoh’s crown and spectre. Queen Asiya was a believer of Allah §.W.T. and was later on crucil her own Quickly, belore the Pharaoh could make any commands concerning Musa, Queen Asiya said, “My Lord! The acts of little ones have no weight in the seales of understanding, Musa is but a child and does not know what he is doing. His strength is a great honour to us who have raised him. If you still doubt whether Musa knew what he was doing or not let us test him. Bring two plates, on. one plate put some red rubies and on the other some pieces of red glowing coal, If he picks the rubies, we will know he has understanding and can be punished but if he picks the fire, then we will know he does not yet know right from wre The Pharaoh agreed and the two plates were brought and set before Musa. Musa looked at both plates and then his hand slowly reached out towards the plate containing the rubies, Before he could touch it, the archangel Jibril a.s., on Allah’s command, took Musa‘s hand and made him pick up-the red hot coal and put it fp his mouth Screaming, Musa dropped the coal and mee everyone could see that his hand and mouth defect) from my were burnt, In fact, Musa’s tongue was so aoe badly burnt that it remained twisted and fire which Muso put in his scarred till the end of his life. mouth when he was an infant? Taha 20:27 On seeing what had happened, Queen Asiya rushed to pick Musa up and comfort him. Turning to the Pharaoh she exclaimed, “You see, he did not know what he was doing, he was just playing!” The Pharaoh kept quiet for a while, then replied, “agree with you, L will spare his life." Then looking at the sobbing Musa, he addressed Musa’s wet-nurse (Musa’s mother), “Take the boy away and tend to his wounds, give him anything that he wants, anything at all. Keep him with you and do not bring him to the palace anymore until he knows how to behave properly Once again, due to Queen Asiya’s intervention, Musa’s life was spared. However, some other versions say the Pharaoh’s anger was caused not by Musa knocking his chair over but by Musa yanking his beard. Which version és correct, only Allah S.W.T. knows. As Musa grew up, his real mother revealed her identity and secretly taught hin all about the true Lord, Allah $.WT. He knew and love all his real brothers and sisters. Musa, real when anyone was around. When he was sure that no ene was watching, he would show the greatest love he could to his mother and the rest of his family. So the situation remained the same, year alter year, umtil Musa reached the age of fourteen. Shorily alter his fourteenth birthday, he was returned to the Palace where Queen Asiya arranged for an education suitable for her adopted son, Egypt at started talking about the Egyptian religion and the so-called divinity of the Pharaoh From the age of fourteen, most of his life had been spent in the royal palaces but as he got older, he became mor d more restless and curious as to what happened outside the palace, Daily he spent more and more time walking out into the city and observing wha was going on. é when he was walking about, he saw an Egyptian man called Qalan fore Qalan was one of the Pharaoh's taskmaster and was a very hard and cruel man. All the while the man was begging Qalan to let him go and earn some money to support his wife and children. The Egyptian refused to. listen and kept dragging the man along. When the Israilite saw Musa, he cried out to him to protect him from the Egyptian taskmaster 4.2 man of Bani Israil to do some heavy unpaid work for him. - his porey (his ratgen the chbuen of am) and D)_ the other of his foes. The man of his (own) party asked him for Musa became very angry at the Egyptian’s cruelty to one of his own race and decided to intervene. Stepping Seats tas pe tauatier | eiween the Israeli and the Egyptian, Musa insee eet eta gently, or what he thought was gentle, Prophel Etta pushed him away. Unfortunately Musa was unaware of how great his own strength was and his hand went right into the man’s chest. Morially injured, Qalan collapsed on the ground and died shortly alverwards. The Israilite looked on in horror, then panic-stricken he fled before the soldiers could arrive. Musa kept silent and turned to the palace. He was full of sadness for what he had done. He had only intended to push the man slightly, not t0 harm hi and definitely not to kill him. He really had not known how strong he was. No longer angry, Musa found his heart full of remorse and 1S ge st lace, Musa locked himself in his ht p forgiveness. Musa swore that he would never commit another crime, sorrow, Retuming swiltly to the chambers and spent the whole ni aying and begging his Lord for “He said, “My Lord! Verily, | have wronged myself so forgive me.” Then He forgave him. Verily, He is Off-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. He said, “My Lord! For that with which You have favoured me, I will never more be a helper for the ‘mujeimun (criminals, disobedient to Allah, unbelievers, sinners ete). al-Qasas 26:16-17 The soldiers who had by that time arrived at the scene, searched and searched for the killer but although they had a m of Musa they could not find him. Of course no descrip one thought of looking in the Royal Palace or of questioning the Queen’s adopted son The next da the streets. being dra , Musa, unable to settle once again secretly went out into As he was walking, he came across the same man once again ged off to do forced labour. Seeing Musa approaching he begged him once again to help him. Musa however full of regrets for his Actions of the previous day. became enraged with the man. Jibril a.s. and Mikail a.s. are two of the four honoured arch-angels Staring angrily at the man he lifted his hand as if to strike the Israilite. When the man saw this he started shaking and quickly shouted, “Ah, it’s you the Egyptian killer, are you going to try te kill me today?” Letting go of his victim, the Israilite ran off to fetch the soldiers to arrest Musa Musa did not know what to do. If the Pharaoh found out what he had done, even though it was an accident, he would surely punish him. While he was thinking what he was going to do, the carpenter who had made the wooden box for him as a baby came running towards him. Embracing him warmly, the carpenter warned him that they now knew it was him who had killed the Egyptian yesterday and they were on their way to arrest him. “Quick Musa! You must leave straight away before they kill you.” The archangel Jibril a.s. not only brought revelation to the prophets but also by the setae, commands of Allah Almighty, q& “a looked after them, as well as . Se bringing down ale a FF their enemies ote, on Gy Bewildered, Musa asked the carpenter where he should go. He had never lelt the city and he did not know anything about travelling. “Follow your heart, Allah $,W(T, will guide you and protect you, now go quickly, before they catch you,” the carpenter replied Thanking the old man, Musa fearfully left the city begging his Lord to save him. As soon as he had escaped through the city gates, he started walking towards Madyan, a distance of a month's journey away. Musa would surely have lost his way in the desert but Almighty Allah sent the archangels Jibril and Mikail a.s. to look after and guide him. The & two angels protected him from all the ‘ dangers of the road and wild animals as well as from the burning heat of the day and the bitter cold of the night Tibril travelled, in front of Musa to shorten the road, while Mikhail rolled it up behind them. In this manner, a months journey was shortened and by the permission of Almighty Allah, it was completed in seven days and nights. So Musa started on the long journey which would free the Bani Israil from the Pharaoh and bring them eventually to the promised land, Smee ae a - attractive ; beautiful; handsome befitting : appropriate 10; suitable for gilded : covered with gold or other precious metals identity ; the individual characteristics by which a person is recognised knowledge : facts or experience mortally ; fatally observation : to see; to perceive remorse : sorrow; regret spectre : a ceremonial staff held by a monarch as a symbol of his authority taskmaster : a person who enforces discipline or oversees the work in progress TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. When was Musa’s a.s. mother first asked to bring Musa a.s. to the Palace? 2. How did Musa a.s. upset the Pharaoh? 3. What did Queen Asiya suggest that the Pharaoh do before punishing Musa a.s.? 4. How was Musa a.s, tested? 5. How did Musa burn his mouth? 6. At what age did Musa return to the Palace? 7. Name three of the subjects Musa a.s. studied. 8. Why did Musa a.s. strike Qalan? 9. Who warned Musa a-s. that the soldiers were looking for him? 10. In what direction did Musa go to escape the Pharaoh and his soldiers? ISBN 983-62-b257-1 Hajjah Ayesha Abdullah Scott was born during 1960’ in a small fishing village in Sussex. England. She embraced Islam in! 1975. At Loughborough University she studied law, economics and politics. Since returning 10 Malaysia with her husband, she has been active ly involved in teaching Islam as well as editing Islamic news lettets. Several of her books already ed are Bismillah (Ta ha), ren of Islam Aislamic For mn of poems) and The Childrens Remeonbranee and Supp Series (DBP). Her t ww divided between her family, writ- ing, and social welfare work Courageous Ch ndation), Search (colle ’ tan i FURTHER BOOKS IN THE PROPHET MUSA a.s. SERIES Walid Comes to Egypt The Birth of Prophet Musa a.s. # Musa in the Court of the Pharaoh ¢ Prophet Musa a.s. and Prophet Shu‘ayb as. # The Staff of Prophet Musa ais. @ Musa a.s Receives his Prophethood Musa as. and The Pharaoh's Sorcerers 4 The Siory of Mashitah and The Death of ‘Queen Asiyah # The Exodus # The Golden Calf # The Revelation of the Holy Torah #The Story of Qarun # The Promise Land 4 The Story of The Cow # Musa and Khidr as. # The Death of Prophet Harun a.s. and Prophet Musa as. @ The Modesty af Prophet Musa a.s. # The Disobedience af Bani Israil # Prophet Adam as. and Prophet Musa as. # The Wisd Prophet Musa Kalimullah

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