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ca eons THE GLORIOUS PROPHET MUSA BOOK 10 THE GOLDEN CALF AYESHA ABDULLAH SCOTT Co-Published by DEWAN BAHASA DAN PUSTAKA PUSTAKA YAMIEN SDN. BHD. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur 1999 First Printing 199% © Author : Ayesha Abdullah Scott 1999 © Illustration and Concept : Fustaka Yamien Sdn. Bhd. 1999 ‘All Rights Reserved, No part af this book may be reproduced ar transmitted im any form oF by any ‘means, electronic or mechanical. inckading photoeapying. recording. or any Information storage and ‘retrieval system. without permission in welting froma the Director-General Dewan Wabasa dan Pustaka, #0. Box 10803, 30926 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Negotiation is subject to the calculation of royalty ‘or honorarium. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia ‘Cataloguing-tn-Pob thon Data Scott, Ayesha Abdullah ‘The golden calf. Book 10, Ayesha Abdullah Scott. ‘Tike glorious prophet series : Musa) ISBN 983-62-6250-4 (set) ISBN 983-62-6271-7 ISBN 983-62-6251-2 (seth ISBN 983-62-6270-9 (pbk.) 1, Mases (Biblical leader) in Ube Koran, 2. Prophets, Pre-tslamic. 3, Koran stories, Malay. L.Tite. Mt. Series, 297.246 LIBRARY SECTION ELOPMENT AUTHORITY Printed by Percetakan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Lot 1037, Mukim Perindustrian PANS ‘AmpangiHulu Kelang Selangor Darul Ehsan “Then he produced for them a calf of saffron hue, which gave forth a loving sound. And they cried, “This is your god and the god of Musa, but he hath forgotten.” Taha 20:88 he time that the Egyptians were killing the children of the Bani Israil. many mothers hid theif” baby boys in a’secret cave to save their'lives. ers had hidden their children, they had great difficulties in going to the cave to look after them. The women ‘were all closely watched and followed, so sometimes days would they could r away to the cave and feed their children. Almighty Allah knew what was happening and He ordered the Archangel Gabriel a.s. to go to the cave daily to send nourish- ment to these children and to look after them. oe up each day in the presence of an: d even when -adultsThey-could still see things that other people could not. £. sAmong these children th samiri He grew up to become-a great goldsmith. Of all the Bani Jsrail'there was n6p one that could match his skill: He also ofthe most skillful liars and troublemakers, always looking for ways of making Mischief and arguments among the Bani Israil. Samiri had of course gone with not however accept Musa’s a.s- kept looking for ways to tum the Bani against Musa a.s. and his unseen God. One day when the Archangel Gabriel a.s, was A bringing a message from Almighty Allah to Musa a.s., a Samiri saw and oairiet him. On this Particular occasion Archangel Gabriel a.s. was mounted on a magnificent horse, known as the “Horse of Lifes" Sat Both the horse and Archangel Gabriel a.s. were unseen to everyone except. Musa a.s. and Samiri. ; Samiri noticed that there was a little bit of soil which was beneath th horse’s hoof. Quietly and very quickly Samiri scooped up the invisible e and hid it evgyall be ee Bind che'right me ee “If you are truely a Prophet, ask Almighty Allah to give you a Holy Book otherwise we will not believe in you or follow what you say,” chal- lenged another. Reluctantly Musa a.s. retumed to the top of Mount Tur and humbly entreated Almighty Allah to give him a Holy Book. After a while Almighty Allah replied, “They shall have their Holy Book but let them be warned, if they do not follow the commands and laws written in it, [will punish them with such a punishment that it will become a lesson for all of mankind Praising Almighty Allah. Musa a.s. descended from the mountain but the nearer he got to his people the more heavy hearted he became. Musa a.s. knew because of the characteristics of the Bani Israil, they would not be able to follow Almighty Allah's commands and would only be inviting His Anger. Mf you climb Mount Tur in Egypt nowadays, you can see and enter the small cave where Musa a.s. did his seclusion! Musa 4s. told the Bani Israil that Allah $.W-T. had agreed to give them their Holy Book butt also warned them of the great burden they would have to carry. Musa as. also warned them of the terrible punishment they would be given if they did not follow the laws and commands written in the Holy Book, Musa’s a.s. words fell on deal ears and the Bani Israil insisted on having their own Holy Book, no matter what the consequences were. Wearily, Musa a.s, retreated to an isolated spot and prayed to Allah S.W.T,, “O Almighty Allah! The creator of all things. The Bani Israil insist on having their own Holy Book despite my warnings. Please grant their desires and have méfey6n them.” Before he had finished his supplication, Archangel Gabriel a.s. had appeared before him, He told Musa a.s. that Almighty Allah had commanded him to go into seclusion for thimy days andthe was to fast each day soon as he had reached th ave on the top of the mountain he started to pray and fast non-stop. On the thinieth day, Musa as. became upset at the bad smell coming from his mouth as well as being ashamed to speak to Almighty Allah in these condition. So he took som eet smelling herbs and chewed them to make his mouth fragrant before spitting them out so as not to break his fast. Almighty Allah then instructed Musa a.s. to use Miswak to clean his breath. He revealed to Musa as., “The smell from your mouth during the day of your fast is more pleasing to me than the perfume of Musk.” Since that time it has always been recommended to use miswak before each prayer and after eating anything < eases Almighty Allah and displease Iblis. Almighty Allah also informed Musa a.s.that the smell coming from the mouth of a fasting man was more pleasing to Him than the smell of Musk. Musa a.$. was overjoyed and fasted an extra ten days as inspired by Almighty Allah, forgetting that he had promised his people that he would return after thirty days. Meanwhile, in the valley below, his people were getting impatient and after thiny days he had not returned they, began to moan and complain. “He has deserted us,” some said. “No! Something has happen to him.” others lamented. “His prayer has not been answered because we disobeyed him and took the gold from the Pharaoh and his men’s bodies,” lamented yet others. Harun as,, on the other hand, advised them to be patient, as Musa a.s, would surely return soon. Samiri, who had been listening and watching everything that had happened, saw his chance to lead the Bani Israil astray, He watched as the Bani Israil threw all the gold and jewels they had taken from the dead bodies into a great fire. Amused, Samiri watched knowing that the gold would not burn, only melt. When it had become a molten mess he moulded a golden calf from it. Then, unnoticed by anyone, he took the ~ S0il.which bead eatheered! from the! hoof of she-Horse of Life’ and we Immediately the calf came to life and started mooing like a real baby cow, “This,” said Samiti, “is the God that Musa forgot to show you before he left. Now bow down before it and worship.” ; Alarmed, Harun a.s. quickly rushed in and tried to stop the Bani Israil from worshipping the calf. Addressing the people he told them, “Stop! This is nothing more than a trick of the devil. Do not believe in it. You are in great danger. If you worship that evil cow, you will all surely be punished by ~ Almighty Allah and you may condemn yourself to eternal hell if you do not repent.” : put no matter what Harun as, said or pleaded or warned, the majority ara of the Bani Israil refused to listen to him, In fact they became so angry with him, that they threaten to kill him, if he did not go away and leave them in peace. The more he tied to stop them the more violent they became. rs this sald to them,"“O my people! Ye ore being tested in this: for verily your Lord is YP @) (God) Mast Grocious;s0 follow me and obey my command” They had said,"We will not (>, abandon this cul, but we will 2 devote ourselves to it until Serr ‘Muse returns te us." Taha 2090-91 C79 wu and said I was only jealous of them. Wi y tried to kill us I withdrew with these faithful follc 7 When the rest of the c the anger of Musa a.s,, they realised what they had done was wrong. On 1e they came to Musa a.s. and ver in the time of M a.s., when you comunitted a “4, crime there was only two ways of getting Almighty Allah’s punishment of death DO YOU KNOW? We, who live nowadays, are much more fortunate for all we have to do is ask sincerely and with true repentance for Allah’s §.W.T. for; Insya-Allah we will be forgiven. This is because we belong to the Ummah of Muhammad s.a.w. the Beloved of Almighty Allah. For his sake Almighty Allah has great mercy and forgiveness for us. Musa a.s. went aside and waited for Almighty Allah to instruct him as to what he should do. After a while Archangel Gabriel a.s. appeared to him and revealed Almighty Allah's judgement on his people Sadly but very firmly Musa a.s, addressed his people, “Oh my unfortu- nate people! I warned you not to disobey Almighty Allah, now you must pay the price of your sins, The only repentance that Almighty Allah will accept, if you wish to be forgiven, is to suffer the punishment of death, Either this or continue your lives as disbelievers and be thrown into the burning fires of hell at your deaths.” iveness and Se CUm CRU Soe TL ener eine angen eae ee] been, all 70 000,0ne by one agreed to the punishment of death. Musa a.s. OORT ECL COLe eR Cems Te ato URE UTM LCA Cos MUON RDC ett ha cOt bro OS Donen Cen CLL ace See enn Oat TR UR aU Cone ore SUC Ue ee CT SCT MCG Soom LTS aes bette ated entire night in prayer with tears in their cyes, asking for forgiveness. At the SRC CUM UMM meres b ie item RIPE conse A CeMe eg mT iS SOMA lb men EAU bm eae Len gaara Te baa ea ae Ce know how they were going to carry out the punishment, After all, it was their CEC URDU mre Cee Iam IU eD Unni CROs] Le ee econ em Cu Cm mee naa Date are TD so they could not see what they were doing. On and on the punishment ONCE ACCUMULA MELO eset aco ten Con Tt AM LTH ETE ELT DCU Cece CL e PYBani Israil are ruined thereis bardly. enough of ai a a When, Musa a,s. saw the dead boeies! ‘on his face and cried to Almighty ‘Allah; "The: ‘Almighty Allah commanded the followers of Musa a.3. to pray fifty times a day, as well as having to fast six months every year! Us to bury the dead,* Almighty Allah in return spoke to Musa as., “Are you.not pleased with my commands. Evert now those who repented and suffered theif pune istiment are now enjoying their rewards in Para- dise For @havedorgiven.them completely and they will suffer no more trials or pamy inthe grave or on the Day of Judgement,” We must remember it takes alot of faith and courage.10 submit oneself to. death because of your sins, But Allah S.W.T. is ever Merciful and rewarded their courage and repentance with eternal peace and comfort. Musa a.s. and the remaining Bani Israil then buried the dead according to the Law‘s of Almighty Allah As for Samiri, he too was punished. He was not given a choice but was banished from the Bani Israil. Unforgi- ven by Almighty Allah he was con- demned to spend the rest of his life as an outcast in the wilderness among the wild animals and beasts. a.s. said, “Get thee ‘gone! but thy (punish ment) in this life will be that thou wilt say, ‘touch me not’; ‘and moreover (fer a future penalty) thou hast @ promise that [fy D\, will:not fail: Now look ot thy god, PF) of whom thou hast become a Bd) “Gevoted worshipper: We will tA certainly (melt) it in o blazing fire ond scatter it broadcast in the sea!” OSSA astray : leave the correct path characteristics : qualities which are distinguishable from others consequences : as a result conversed : talked descended : come downwards exile : 0 be banned from one’s home or country goldsmith ; a person skilled in fashioning gold illicit relationship ; illegal sexual contact between people impatient : quickly annoyed lamented : a show of great sorrow or regret lowing sound ; a deep sound of mooing from a cow miswak : a twig of the miswak tree used for cleaning teeth nourishment : food and water reluctantly : unwilling saffron hue : yellowish orange colour solitude : being alone; seclusion = soul : inner spiritual being of a person T YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1, What did the Bani Israil demand of Musa a.s.? 2. Why was he reluctant to ask Almighty Allah to grant their desires? 3. Who was Samiri? 4. How many days did Musa a.s. tell his followers he would be on the top of Mount Tur? 5. When Musa as. did not return after that period of time, what did the children of Israil do? 6. What did Musa as. do to the tablets of the Torah when he returned from the mountain after communing with Almighty Allah? 7. Why was Musa a.s. angry with his brother? 8. Where did most of the gold that made the calf come from? 9. How did Almighty Allah make it easier for the faithful to kill the disobedient? ‘What happened to Samiri? illage in am in sity she during 1960 in a small fishing ngland. She embraced I At Loughborough Un studied law, economies and pol letters, Several of her ullah (Ta ha), (islamic Foun jon of poem ISBN 983-62-b271-7 | 92000 | lll 9 Magaze!ze27 14 FURTHER BOOKS IN THE PROPHET MUSA a.s, SERIES Walid comes to E Musa a Prophet Musa a 4 The Staff of Pro 5. # Musa as Receives His Prophethood ¢ Musa a. and The Pharaoh's Sorcerers # The Story of Mashitah and The Death of Queen Astyah # The Exodus # The Golden Calf # The Re u ih # The of Qarun # The Lest of The Promise Land # y of The Cow# Musa and Khidr as. Death of Prophet Harun as. and The Modesty of Fro obed and Prophet Mu Musa Kalimullah nth of Prophet Pharaoh sphet Shu'ayb as

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