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Patient-controlled analgesia

Michael Stone MB ChB FRCA

Bob Wheatley MB ChB FRCA

Although the term patient-controlled analgesia postoperative period is one of the major limita-
(PCA) covers a variety of techniques where tions of the analgesic techniques that preceded Key points
patients self-administer analgesic drugs (e.g. PCA. Intermittent intramuscular opioid injections Patient-controlled analge-
entonox in labour or oral analgesia postoperative- and fixed-rate infusions of opioids are unable to sia, when used appropri-
ately, is a safe and effec-
ly), the term is usually taken to refer to self- deal with a 10-fold difference in opioid consump- tive method of providing
administration of intravenous drugs. The tech- tion between patients in the postoperative period. opioid-based pain relief
nique was developed initially for the relief of pain Similarly, they are often not flexible enough to Safety and efficacy is
in labour using a simple mechanical arrangement cope with the varying demands of an individual optimised by education,
where patients opened a clamp to self-administer patient whose pain is likely to increase during local guidelines and mon-
itoring supervised by an
a dilute solution of meperidine. Sophisticated mobilisation or physiotherapy or at different
acute pain team
electronic pumps were subsequently developed times of the day. The underlying principle of PCA
Choice of opioid does
but these were used mainly for research purposes. is that the patient controls the dose of analgesia not effect the incidence
It was not until the late 1980s that simple, administered. This allows each patient to receive of side-effects or effec-
portable PCA pumps were introduced into every- the appropriate dose of analgesia for them at that tiveness of analgesia
day clinical practice. PCA is now used common- particular time in their postoperative course. A background infusion
ly in many hospitals throughout Europe. The pharmacokinetic basis of PCA is that increases the risk of res-
piratory depression
Although postoperative pain control is the com- patients titrate their plasma opioid concentra-
There is little evidence
monest indication for PCA, the technique is also tions to values above the minimum effective to suggest that patient-
used in other acutely painful situations such as analgesic concentration (MEAC) but below controlled-analgesia
pancreatitis, rib fractures, sickle cell crisis and the minimum toxic concentration (MTC), the improves surgical out-
acute exacerbations of chronic pain. so-called analgesic window (Fig. 1). Although come
this is a useful concept to explain PCA, it is
important to remember that the log dose–
A rationale of PCA response curve for opioid analgesia is not linear
The marked between-patient and within-patient but a steep sigmoidal curve. This means that,
variability seen in the response to opioids in the once the analgesic threshold is reached, small
Serum opioid concentration

side effects


Increasing Michael Stone MB ChB FRCA

pain Specialist Registrar, Department of
Anaesthetics,York District Hospital,
York YO30 7HE
22 4
4 6
6 8
8 10
10 12
12 16
Bob Wheatley MB ChB FRCA
Loading dose PCA bolus doses Retired Consultant Anaesthetist
(for correspondence)
Time (h) Tel: 015394 88981
Fig. 1 Pharmacokinetic basis of patient-controlled analgesia.

British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 3 2002

© The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002 79
Patient-controlled analgesia

Table 1 Ideal characteristics of an electronic PCA device particular opioid is more effective or associated with a lower
Regulatory approval incidence of opioid side-effects. However, individual patients
Ease of use for patients and staff and readily distinguishable from other may have a markedly different response to different opioid
infusion devices
drugs. The benefits for an individual patient of changing from
Lightweight, portable, with a power source, battery back-up and a power
failure alarm
one opioid to another have to be weighed against the
Flexible programming to allow increased complexity and risks within a hospital of using
reliable delivery of a set dose more than one drug for PCA.
lockout facility
maximum hourly dose PCA settings
background infusion
record of dose given and failed attempts Bolus dose
Occlusion and air-in-the-line alarm
The bolus dose delivered to the patient should be the smallest
Method of telling the patient that a dose is available
amount capable of producing an appreciable analgesic effect.
Lock to prevent tampering
If the bolus is too small to produce an effect, the patient can
lose confidence in the system and will often stop pressing the
increases in plasma concentration may result in effective anal- demand button. If too large a bolus size is selected, the inci-
gesia. Further increases may lead to opioid side-effects rather dence of side-effects can be increased. Frequently prescribed
than further improvements in analgesia. In some patients (e.g. bolus doses are morphine 1–2 mg, meperidine 10–20 mg and
elderly, obese patients undergoing upper abdominal surgery), fentanyl 10–20 µg. The volume of the bolus dose is also
the difference between MEAC and MTC may be so small that important. Volumes of < 0.5 ml will often fail to trigger an
it will be very difficult to provide analgesia without signifi- occlusion alarm.
cant opioid side-effects, including respiratory depression. Lockout interval
The lockout interval should be set to prevent further doses
Equipment being delivered until the bolus dose has had time to achieve
The majority of commercially available delivery systems are peak effect. Despite the fact that i.v. morphine takes 15 min to
electronic pumps which are simplified, robust versions of the exert its peak effect, the lockout interval is usually set at 5–10
Cardiff Palliator that was introduced in 1976. The ideal charac- min.
teristics of an electronic PCA device are shown in Table 1. Dose limits
PCA should be administered to patients with colour-coded Although most modern PCA pumps have the ‘safety feature’
giving sets which incorporate anti-syphon and anti-reflux of allowing the user to set hourly or 4-hourly limits for opioid
valves. Many of the ideal characteristics of a PCA pump are met usage, there is no clear opinion on how this facility should be
by disposable devices which are able to provide PCA as effec- used. It is not a substitute for careful patient monitoring to
tively as electronic PCA pumps. ensure patient safety.
Background infusion
PCA regimens There is little evidence that the use of a background infusion
PCA is a technique for the maintenance of analgesia. Therefore, improves analgesia or sleep in the postoperative period.
it is assumed that the patient will have been titrated to comfort Furthermore, the addition of a background infusion has been
with a loading dose of opioid prior to the commencement of shown to increase the incidence of respiratory depression and
PCA. Variables of the PCA prescription are the choice of opioid the incidence of programming errors compared with PCA
drug and settings of the PCA pump, i.e. bolus dose, lockout alone. Although background infusions should not be used rou-
interval, dose limits and background infusion. tinely, they may be useful in patients who are already on high
dose opioids.
Choice of drug The widely used morphine PCA regimen of a 1 mg bolus
The most commonly used opioid for PCA is morphine but dose with a 5 min lockout interval and no background infu-
others are used also (e.g. diamorphine, meperidine, fentanyl, sion allows the patient to administer a maximum of 12 mg h–1.
tramadol). There is no evidence from clinical studies that any This maximum dose is adequate for the majority of patients in

80 British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 3 2002

Patient-controlled analgesia

pain and ineffective analgesia is usually due to failure to use Table 2 Risk factors for respiratory depression with PCA
the device properly. Pre-operative patient education and post- Background infusion
operative re-inforcement are more likely to improve analgesia Morphine bolus dose > 1 mg
than merely increasing the bolus dose or introducing a back- Elderly
ground infusion. Respiratory disease (including obstructive sleep apnoea)
Proxy control
Concomitant sedatives
Patient factors
Operator error
Patients’ expectations of quality of pain relief are likely to be Equipment failure
formed by their previous experience and the information they
receive pre-operatively. Quality of pain relief is not necessar-
ily the most important factor for the patient when judging the However, the risk of respiratory depression with PCA is
quality of postoperative care. Several other factors are seen as increased to 1.1–3.9% if a background infusion is used. Although
important to patients, e.g. independence, self-control, privacy the incidence of respiratory depression in a hospital with an APS
and re-assurance. The use of PCA for postoperative pain relief and appropriate supervision is likely to be low, well-publicised
allows the patient to retain some degree of control at a time cases of respiratory depression still occur. Table 2 lists the risk
when they often have to relinquish other areas of personal factors for the development of respiratory depression.
control. Other advantages of PCA from the patient’s perspec- Documented operator errors have included the use of the
tive include not having to bother nursing staff, avoidance of wrong drug (e.g. mixtures designed for epidural use) and pro-
repeated intramuscular injections and a rapid onset of effec- gramming errors (e.g. inappropriate bolus doses), incorrect
tive analgesia. drug concentrations and incorrect background infusions.
Equipment failure is a rare cause of respiratory depression
Patient selection
with PCA as modern pumps have several ‘fail-safe’ design
It is important to realise that not everybody will benefit from features. Early reports of siphoning of syringe contents asso-
PCA. Any patient having an operation who is likely to require ciated with pump failure or cracked syringes have led to the
potent opioids for postoperative analgesia can be considered. routine use of anti-syphon valves and avoidance of position-
Exclusions include patients unable to understand how to use the ing PCA pumps above patient heart level. Failure of anti-
system, e.g. the very young, confusional states. The safe use of reflux valves or failure to use them has led to cases of respi-
PCA in children over 5 years of age requires education of staff, ratory depression.
patients and parents and the use of standardised protocols. The safe use of PCA within a hospital relies on the imple-
Although PCA has been shown to be more effective than mentation of agreed guidelines and supervision by the APS
intramuscular analgesia in elderly patients, caution should be (Table 3). There is clear evidence that this approach improves
exercised in this age group because of alterations in postoper- the safety and efficacy of PCA.
ative cognitive function and reduced opioid requirements.
Care should be taken in patients with impaired renal excre- Table 3 Key responsibilities of the acute pain service (APS)
tion of the metabolites of morphine or meperidine and those
who are particularly sensitive to the airway effects of opioids, • Provision of a continuing education programme for both medical and
nursing staff caring for patients using PCA
e.g. morbid obesity, obstructive sleep apnoea.
• Ensuring the use of a single regimen throughout a hospital so all staff
are familiar with the drug, pump and settings
• Clear instructions on who is responsible for problems related to PCA
Safety of PCA and provision of easy access to the APS if they arise
• Ensuring availability of staff capable of dealing with emergencies associ-
The major safety concern regarding the use of PCA is severe
ated with PCA, e.g. respiratory arrest
opioid-induced respiratory depression. The incidence of this • Ensuring minimum standards of observations, including respiratory
complication in hospitals with acute pain services (APS) is rate, sedation score, pain score at rest and on movement, pulse and
0.1–0.8%. This compares with a risk of 0.2–0.9% for respira- blood pressure
• Provision of a written action plan for the management of common
tory depression following intermittent intramuscular opioid
problems, e.g. inadequate analgesia, emesis, respiratory depression.
analgesia and 1.7% for continuous i.v. opioid infusions.

British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 3 2002 81

Patient-controlled analgesia

Patient outcome failure to treat PONV in these patients often results in aban-
Have the initial claims for PCA in terms of improved analge- donment of PCA resulting in poor analgesia.
sia, reduced opioid consumption, high levels of patient satis- There is little consensus on the ideal drug, or combination
faction, improved outcome and a reduction in side-effects of drugs, that can be best utilised to prevent PONV. Various
been substantiated by recent clinical studies? strategies have been employed and none are entirely success-
ful. Droperidol, cyclizine and ondansetron have all been
Analgesic efficacy added to PCA syringes. There is still no clear evidence that the
In the majority of studies, PCA has been shown to be as effec- routine addition of anti-emetics to PCA syringes is more ben-
tive or more effective than intermittent intramuscular analge- eficial than separate administration of anti-emetics. Any
sia. The inability to demonstrate a conclusive improvement in potential benefits have to be offset against the side-effects and
analgesic efficacy is not as surprising as it seems as many of increased complexity and cost of adding anti-emetics to PCA
the studies compare PCA with optimised forms of intramus- syringes.
cular analgesia in well-staffed units. A reduction in opioid
consumption with PCA compared with other forms of opioid Conclusions
analgesia has not been confirmed in clinical trials. PCA has become established in the last decade as a safe and
effective method of pain relief. The degree of safety and effi-
Patient satisfaction
cacy has been clearly shown to increase if the technique is
The reports of high levels of patient satisfaction due to supervised by an APS. Whilst there is little evidence that PCA
improved patient-control have recently been tempered by has marked advantages over well-organised intermittent intra-
reports that patients perceive several disadvantages to using muscular analgesia, the latter technique is more difficult to
PCA. In a study where a third of patients feared an overdose provide on busy, poorly-staffed wards.
or addiction, only 43% of patients had received pre-operative Future developments in PCA include the use of different
education. Use of written information at an early stage may be routes of administration (e.g. intranasal route), new drug
useful to allay patient anxiety. delivery systems (e.g. iontophoresis) and new pump technol-
ogy (e.g. adaptive PCA).
Postoperative morbidity
In terms of surgical outcome, there is little evidence to suggest Key references
that PCA is associated with a more rapid recovery of bowel
Ballantyne JC, Carr DB, Chalmers TC, Dear KB, Angelillo IF, Mosteller F.
and respiratory function or a reduction in hospital stay. Postoperative patient-controlled analgesia: meta-analyses of initial
randomised control trials. J Clin Anaesth 1993; 5: 182–93
Side-effects Chumbley GM, Hall GM, Salmon P. Patient-controlled analgesia: an
assessment by 200 patients. Anaesthesia 1998; 53: 216–21
A variety of drugs have been used to treat the side-effects of opi-
Coleman SA, Booker-Milburn J. Audit of postoperative pain control.
oids administered by PCA either symptomatically (e.g. anti-
Influence of a dedicated pain nurse. Anaesthesia 1996; 51: 1093–6
emetics), or indirectly by improving the efficacy of PCA with Etches RC. Patient-controlled analgesia. Surg Clin North Am 1999; 79:
opioid-sparing drugs (e.g. NSAIDs and ketamine). Postoperative 297–312
nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a common complaint in the post- Macintyre PE. Safety and efficacy of patient-controlled analgesia. Br J
operative period and is often regarded by patients (and staff) as Anaesth 2001; 87: 36–46
more troublesome than inadequate analgesia. Although PONV
has not been shown to be more common in patients using PCA, See multiple choice questions 54–58.

82 British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 2 Number 3 2002

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