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I. Circle your choice A, B, C or D before the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest.
1. A. season B. feature C. increase D. threaten
2. A. necessary B. approach C. language D. American
3. A. nearby B. difficulty C. healthy D. documentary
4. A. university B. use C. understand D. student
5. A. smoke B. home C. photo D. fog
6. A. accept B. accurate C. success D. accident
7. A. further B. furniture C. purity D.. surgery
8. A. importance B. difficulty C. desire D. determination
9. A. question B. expectation C. investigation D. occupation
10. A. prepare B. receive C. expect D. end

I’. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others
1.A. experience B. available C. temperature D. discovery
2.A. Chinese B. impression C. engineer D. succeed
3.A. generous B. general C. grocery D. genetic
4.A. humane B. habit C.household D.hobby
5.A. understand B. separate C. modernize D. correspond

II. Circle your choice A, B, C or D before the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. He showed us the house....................he was born.
A. which B. where C. in where D. in that
2. Mr. Smith was....................in a road accident.
A. dropped B. wounded C. injured D. damaged
3. You can’t leave the country....................a passport.
A. no B. without C. if not D. unless
4. New York is famous....................it skyscrapers.
A. as B. with C. for D. of
5. The cost of the hotel room doesn’t usually....................the price of breakfast.
A. include B. add C. contain D. share
6. If you want to have a pet, you must be ready to....................care of it for several years.
A. have B. take C. look D. need
7. If I were you, ....................buy this house.
A. I’d B. I’ll C. I’d have D. I
8. The villa is conveniently .................... about a mile from the shopping center.
A. stationed B. placed C. located D. put
9. The first National Park was....................two years ago.
A. set B. established C. located D. stationed
10. If I hadn’t drunk so much coffee, I....................better.
A. would have slept B. slept C. will sleep D. sleep
11. The park has changed so much that I cannot....................
A. realize B. recognise C. identify D. notice
12. We enjoy....................to classical music.
A. to listen B. listening C. listen D. listened
13. The Eiffel Tower is still ...............man-made structures in the world.
A. a very high one B. highest one C. the higher one D. one of the highest
14. The park...............hundred of species of endangered animals.
A. contains B. consists C. composes D. holds
15. Is modern English different ....................old English?
A. from B. of C. in D. on
16. Do you know who ................... the washing machine?
A. discovered B. invented C. founded D. realized
17. What books ................................Mark Twain's best works?
A. considered B. consider C. are considering D. are considered
18. It’s essential to....................the environment.
A. care B. protect C. prevent D. restrict
19. Trees, grasses and other plant life......... an important part in the natural circulation of water
and thus help conserve it.
A. make B. play C. keep D. have
20. He asked me ......................... the book I borrowed from the library .
A. if I found B. if I had found .
C. whether I have found D. whether I found
21. The water in this river is ....................... for all of us to swim.
A. clean enough B. too clean C. enough clean D. clean
22. Neither Kim nor his friends ............................ good at math.
A. is B. has been C. are D. be
23. If you want to find an answer ........................ this question, please have a look at "Vietnam
Economy 1990 - 2000" book.
A. for B. on C. about D. to
24. Since Le was so shocked by the sad news, she found herself ..................... with tears.
A. trembled B. to tremble C. be trembling D. trembling
25. Never staying up late at night is the first thing ............... if you want to stay young and beautiful.
A. remember B. to remember C. remembering D. remembered

III. Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that is incorrect. (10 points)
1 He invited me to having dinner with him and his family.
2. This is the school at which Uncle Ho used to studying when he was young.
3. Alike her elder sister, Jane prefers working as a model.
4. Tom apologized to the postman for being unpolite to him.
5. If the question were not so difficult I will be able to answer it.
6. He didn't get the job despite of his experience in the field.
7. He practises speaking English every day in order to he can speak it fluently

8. If I were you, I didn't buy that old building
9. His father was quite satisfied about his success.
10. The teacher asked her weather she knew how to solve the problem.
IV. Read the 3 following passages and circle the best answer A, B, C or D.
Passage A:
English has for more than a century and a half (1) ________ called a world language. The
number of people who speak it as their mother tongue, has been estimated at between three hundred
million (2) ________ four hundred million. It is recognised as an (3) ________ language in countries
(4) ________ 1.5 billion people live. In China, the importance (5) ________ to learning English
is such that a televised teaching course drew audiences of (6) ________ to 100 million. But this
spread of English throughout the world is relatively recent. In the late sixteenth century English was
spoken by just (7) ________ five million people. The arrival of English in North America was the key
step in its (8) ________ expansion. The United States is a huge commercial market and this has
tended to promote the English language in many (9) ________ nations. About eighty per cent of the
data stored on the world ‘s computers is believed (10) ________ in English and nowadays insufficient
knowledge of English can be a problem in businesses.
1 A being B been C is D be
2 A to B or C and D with
3 A official B office C original D main
4 A which B who C that D where
5 A attached B attaching C attach D which attach
6 A having B on C up D down
7 A below B beneath C less D under
8 A nation– wide B world – wide C country – wide D world– through
9 A others B another C other D various
10 A is B to be C being D that
Passage B:
Revising for exams is not as easy as it looks. You will need to work out which routine suits you
best, and (1) _______ stick to it. Some people like studying at night when it's quiet, whereas others
find the early morning is a (2) _______ time to get things done. You might enjoy (3) _______ to
music while you revise, but this can be unhelpful. Can you really concentrate (4) _______two things
at once? So think (5) _______you turn your radio on!
. Your diet is also important while you are revising. This may be a more than usually
(6)_______period of your life, when you should take extra care to eat properly. No missed meals, no
junk food, or endless cups of coffee! Get plenty of exercise as well. If you've got fed up with (7)
_______ you're doing, or find it hard to concentrate, go for a walk to clear your head. (8)
_______exercise will help to keep your body fit and your brain working (9) _______ Finally, you also
(10) _______to take time off. Go out occasionally, see your friends, make time to relax. Then you
will return to your studies fresh and full of enthusiasm!

1 A then B than C after D often

2 A best B good C worse D well
3 A to listen B having listened C listen D listening
4 A on B in C of D for
5 A unless B if C before D after
6 A stressy B stressed C stressing D stressful
7 A which B what C that D who
8 A Strongly B Every C Regular D Always
9 A well B energetic C good D correct
10 A must B should C need D may
Passage C:
Trees are amongst the biggest and longest-living things on the Earth, some dating back longer
than the oldest buildings. But (1) _______ being nice to look at, trees also (2) _______ an
important role in improving the quality of our lives.
On a world-wide (3) _______ forests help to slow down the effects of global warming by using
up the gas (4) _______ as carbon dioxide and giving (5) _______the oxygen we need to breathe. At
local neighbourhood level, trees also (6) _______ important environmental benefits. They offer shade
and shelter, which in (7) _______ reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool (8)
_______ buildings; at the same time, they also remove other impurities from the air we breathe.
Urban trees are especially important because for many people they provide the only daily (9)
_______ with the natural world. What's (10) _______ urban trees also provide home for birds, small
animals and butterflies. (11) _______ the trees we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures in
our cities. Regrettably, (12) _______ , trees in cities are now coming under (13) _______. There is a
limit to the level of pollution they can (14) _______ and, down at street level, their roots are being
seriously (15) _______ by the digging needed to make way for modern telephone, televisi on and other
1 A as far as B as long as C as soon as D as well as
2 A play B show C act D serve
3 A scale B size C range D area
4 A called B known C titled D referred
5 A in B away C up D out
6 A bring B make C take D find
7 A turn B place C order D reach
8 A opposite B close C next D nearby
9 A junction B touch C contact D taste
10 A more B else C most D other
11 A Throughout B Beyond C Without D Outside
12 A therefore B whilst C however D despite
13 A risk B threat C danger D warning
14 A stand in for B face up to C put up with D face back on
15 A concerned B disturbed C interfered D involved

V. Circle the sentence A, B, C or D nearest in meaning to the original sentence. (5 points)

1. She can't possibly stay up to finish her homework tonight.
A. She can't do her homework tonight.
B. It is absolutely possible of her to stay up to finish her homework tonight.
C. She can't possibly get up to finish her assignment tonight.

D. It is impossible for her to stay up to finish her homework tonight.
2. Can you tell me her address? .
A. Do you know what is her address?
B. You know what is her address?
C. Do you know what her address is?
D. Can you know her address?
3. People believe that there will be severe earthquakes and tidal waves next year.
A. It is believed that severe earthquakes and tidal waves will have happened next year.
B. It is our belief that their will be severe earthquakes and tidal waves next year.
C. It is believed that there will be severe earthquakes and tidal waves next year.
D. Our belief is that there will be severe earthquakes and tidal waves next year. .
4. Don't forget to turn off the light before you go to bed.
A. Don't forget to make the light off before you go to bed.
B. Remember making the light off before bedtime.
C. Don't forget to switch the light before bedtime.
D. Remember to switch off the light before you go to bed.
5. ''You stole my bicycle!" his neighbour said.
A. His neighbour told him to steal her bicycle.
B. His neighbour thought that he stole her bicycle.
C. His neighbour accused him of having stolen her bicycle.
D. His neighbour accused him to have stolen her bicycle.

VI. Complete each of the unfinished sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence beforw it. (10 points)
1. He can do it better than his friends.
His friends ...........................................................................................................................................
2. She didn't say a word as she left the room.
She left the room ..............................................................................................................................
3. That is the most shocking story I have ever heard.
I have ...............................................................................................................................................
4. He got to the station late and missed the train.
By the time .......................................................................................................................................
5. I'm trying to eat fewer fatty foods.
I'm trying to cut ................................................................................................................................
6. The school was founded ten years ago.
It is ten .............................................................................................................................................
7. So far I have written ten pages of my letter.
I am ................................................................................................................................................
8. " Let 's go for a walk in the park," said Andrew

Andrew suggested that ........................................................................................................................
9. His second attempt on the world record was successful.
He broke ...........................................................................................................................................
10. I 'm sure he doesn't know that his brother is seriously ill.
He couldn't ...............................................................................................................................
VII. Write a passage (of about 150 words) about the importance of fresh water in our daily life
and what we should do to protect it .
...................The end.................

I. Circle your choice A, B, C or D before the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest. (5 points)
1D 2C 3A 4C 5D 6B 7C 8C 9A 10D
II. Circle your choice A, B, C or D before the best answer to complete each sentence. (25 points)
1B 2C 3B 4C 5A 6B 7A 8C 9B 10A
11B 12B 13D 14A 15A 16B 17D 18B 19B 20B
21A 22C 23D 24D 25B
III. Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D) that is incorrect. (10 points)
1B 2C 3A 4D 5C 6B 7B 8B 9C 10B
IV. Read the 3 following passages and circle the best answer A, B, C or D. ( 35 points)
Passage A:
1. B 3. A 5. A 7. D 9. C
2. C 4. D 6. C 8. B 10. B
Passage B:
1. A 3. D 5. C 7. B 9. A
2. B 4. A 6. D 8. C 10. C
Passage C:
1. D 4. B 7. A 10. A 13. B
2. A 5. D 8. D 11. C 14. C
3. A 6. A 9. C 12. C 15. B
V. Circle the sentence A, B, C or D nearest in meaning to the original sentence. (5 points)
1D 2C 3C 4D 5C
VI. Complete each of the unfinished sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the
sentence beforw it. (10 points)
1. His friends can't do it as well as he.
2. She left the room without saying a word.
3. I have never heard such a shocking story.
4. By the time I got to the station, the train had left.
5. I'm trying to cut down on fatty foods.
6.. It is ten years since the school was founded.
7. I am on the tenth page of the letter I’m writing
8. Andrew suggested that they/we should go for a walk in the park.
9. He broke the world record at / on his second attempt.
10. He can't have known that his brother is seriously ill.

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