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Activity II
1. Enumerate and discuss the five (5) derivative words stipulated from the
preamble of the 1987 Philippines Constitution.

Love → is patient and kind. Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant
or rude. It does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable or resentful. It
does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. We love our partners
and our children and our pets and friend and, if we're lucky, our jobs and
hobbies and much more, but not all in the same way. And even our love for a
single person varies and changes, not just over the years, but over the span of
moments, as passion can turn to tenderness, which can turn to a desire to
protect and serve, and then turn back to desire, all between the beats of a
simultaneously fickle and courageous heart. In light of this, maybe the best we
can say is that love in the Bible, like love in our everyday lives, is important,
complicated, and at times a bit squishy. That is, it is too powerful and
mysterious to be fully defined or grasped by any of us. Love never.

Truth → The truth is not formulaic, neither is it a law. It’s not dead—
it’s life, it’s a living thing, and it’s the rule that a creature must follow and the
rule a human must have in their life. This is something that you must understand
more from experience. No matter what stage you have arrived at in your
experience, you are inseparable from God’s word or the truth, and what you
understand of God’s disposition and what you know of what God has and is are all
expressed in God’s words; they are inextricably linked with the truth.

Truth is the aim of belief; falsity is a fault. People need the truth about
the world in order to thrive. Truth is important. Believing what is not true is apt
to spoil people’s plans and may even cost them their lives. Telling what is not
true may result in legal and social penalties. Conversely, a dedicated pursuit of
truth characterizes the good scientist, the good historian, and the good

Freedom → generally, is having the ability to act or change without

constraint. Something is "free" if it can change easily and is not constrained in
its present state. In philosophy and religion, it is associated with having free
will and being without undue or unjust constraints, or enslavement, and is an idea
closely related to the concept of liberty. A person has the freedom to do things
that will not, in theory or in practice, be prevented by other forces. Outside of
the human realm, freedom generally does not have this political or psychological

Peace → a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there's
no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom. Peace
means being free from persecution due to one’s nationality, immigration status,
race, ethnicity, political affiliation, religious beliefs or sexual preference. Peace
also comes from the comfort in knowing that you have a roof over your head,
food to eat and loving family members and friends. Peace is having no fear of
what the others will think of the way you act, the way you behave. Peace is
respect. Respect of the other people around you, respect of their own right to
live free of fear and judgement, respect of the fact people can be different
than you and they should be, respect of yourself.

Justice → is the principle that people receive that which they deserve,
with the interpretation of what then constitutes "deserving" being impacted
upon by numerous fields, with many differing viewpoints and perspectives,
including the concepts of moral correctness based on ethics, rationality, law,
religion, equity and fairness. Justice is a concept of moral rightness based
ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, equity and fairness, as well as the
administration of the law, taking into account the inalienable and inborn rights
of all human beings and citizens, the right of all people and individuals to equal
protection before the law of their civil rights, without discrimination on the
basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, color,
ethnicity, religion, disability, age, wealth, or other characteristics, and is
further regarded as being inclusive of social justice.

2. What is self-awareness?


As we all know, self- awareness is being known as being aware of

ourselves, but at the same self-awareness is something that many (if not most)
of us lack. Self-awareness pertains to us being conscious of the fact on our
conditioning such that we could efficiently manage our moods and emotions
(especially the ones that might not be so healthy).
3. Reflect yourself the different classification of good citizenship, values,
based on the 1987 Philippine Constitution.


By living according to good citizenship values which we can derive from

the preamble of the Constitution - Faith in God, Unity, Patriotism, Work,
Respect for Life, Respect for Law and Government, Truth, Justice, Freedom,
Love, Equality, Peace, Promotion of the Common Good, Concern for the Family
and Future Generations. As for me, to be a good Filipino citizen, I should obey
Almighty God and live according to His teachings, recognize the absolute value
of human life and the human dignity of every person including myself, and values
orderliness, diligence and excellence in everything I do. To be a good citizen, I
should look after the welfare of my family and the future generation.

4. Explain the importance of human rights to every Filipino citizen.


Human rights are essential to us, Filipino citizen, for it is the basic rights
that we inherent from birth until death. These rights include the right to life
and liberty, personal security, freedom from torture, freedom from
discrimination. Human rights are important for it signifies indemnity for us all,
especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation.

5. List down the seven intermediate values related to socialization and define


1. Fellowship or Pakikisama is a typical trait of a Filipino, in its simplest

sense meaning “getting along with others.” Pakikisama entails a genuine
intrinsic appreciation of togetherness. Group harmony and unity is
valued and people want to get along rather than stand out.
2. Reciprocity or Utang na Loob literally means "a debt of one's inner
self." It is also often translated as a "debt of gratitude." Utang na
loob is considered an important "accommodative surface value", along
with hiya and pakikisama.
3. Looseness and Security in the Family is one of the Filipino values
where family members stick together and reside near each other and
older children must make sacrifices for the young ones. The family is
the wailing wall of the members.
4. Respect for Elders is when a Filipino child meets an older family
member with a gesture of taking the older relative’s hand and placing
it on his or her own forehead to express profound respect. It can also
be shown when younger children uses “po” and “opo.”
5. Personalism is a high value placed on sensitivity and regard for others,
respect and concern, understanding, helping out, and consideration for
others’ limitations.
6. Patient Suffering or Pagtitiis is the kind virtue and is a source of
strength and a sign of challenge that can only be understood by those
who have reached a reasonable level of maturity.
7. Panindigan is a Filipino personal principles or conviction. This is having
a firm continuance in a course f action in spite of difficulty or

6. Write the factors that affect value formation and the types of experiences
that influence value formation.


The factors that affect value formation are influences and experience.
Influences depend on a person’s internal influences such as intellectual and
emotional capabilities. The types of experiences that influence value formation
are the liturgical experience, bible experience, learning experience, and human




1. How will you differentiate the RA 9163 to RA 7077 in line with the
implementation of National Service Training Program in the Higher education


- R.A 9163 or known as National Service Training Program is for all

gender. It can also help to improve our community by means of community service;
feeding program and helping unfortunate citizens. It aims at heightening civic
consciousness and defense readiness in the young person by developing the morals
of service and nationalism. Its assorted constituents are specially designed to
heighten the youth’s active part to the general public assistance. On the other
hand, R. A. 7077 is only for boys and provides the base for the enlargement of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of war, invasion or rebellion. It helps
in alleviation and deliverance during catastrophe or catastrophes and is active in
socioeconomic development.

2. What are the Components of the National Service Training Program (NSTP)?


- There are three components of NSTP. The Reserve Officer's Training

Corps, Civic Welfare Training Service, and the Literacy Training Service. The
Reserve Officer's Training Corps or ROTC is the program component
institutionalized under Section 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077 that is
designed to provide military training to motivate, train organize and mobilize them
for national defense preparedness. Civic Welfare Training Service or CWTS is the
program component or activities contributory to the general welfare and the
bitterness of life for the members of the community. Lastly, the Literacy Training
Service or LTS is designed to train students to teach literacy and numeracy skills
to school children, out-of-school youth, and other segments of society in need of
their service.
3. Give at least 10 good deeds that you promote or sustain reverence and respect
the Philippine Flag.


• On the National Holidays, especially historical and special occasions the Philippine
flag shall be displayed in all public and private places.

• Never use the Philippines flag as a curtain or tablecloth. • Never use the National
flag as a staff or whip.

•The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as ground, flood, water or
other objects.

• Do not make fun, or Destroy the flag.

• The flag should not be used for decoration clothing or product design.

• Put the National flag in a presentable and respectable way.

• The flag should not be thrown away. It should be solemnly burned to avoid misuse
or dissertation.

• Always do a sign of respect to our National flag. Never be ashamed of our flag.

• The flag should be replaced immediately when it begins to show a sign of tear.

4. The practice of volunteerism as a approach in order to reach national

development and International understanding. Every Filipino should be educated of
volunteerism to foster social justice, solidarity and sustainable development. As
NSTP student, how will you exercise/practice volunteerism in your Home,
Community, and School.


• HOME - As a NSTP student, i will practice my volunteerism by simply doing House

hold chores without getting any order from my parents, and also respecting my

• COMMUNITY - By simply participating at any community services, participating in

community programs that aims to provide a good service and essential benefits to
the people within the community.

• SCHOOL - By simply participating at any school event's and program's that help
the self-improvements, performance, boosting socializing skills, increasing the
Community involvements, and awareness of local organizations and social issues.



After reading this module, the students are required to answer the following items;

1. After completion of NSTP program, how could you help the government to
prevent or minimize the threats to national security? Explain the details of your
actions. Protecting Against Disease COVID-19 is a reminder that the threat of a
global pandemic is ever-present. It’s a call for national governments to be prepared.
Governments have a number of ways to safeguard their citizenry from diseases and
viral threats.

Connecting Laboratories By connecting research laboratories, governments can

create an infrastructure for easy, collaborative work toward vaccines and other

Government Communication Government communication can also play an important

role; for example, through clear communication about the importance of hand-
washing, social distancing and mask-wearing, governments can educate citizens on
how to keep themselves safe.

Economic Intervention Governments may also offer intervention in the economy,

whether through widespread payments to citizens or with a more targeted stimulus
to industries hit hardest by shutdowns.

Emergency Management Emergency management systems may be put into place,

ensuring that governments have all the right tools to decisively communicate with
citizens in the event of an emergency.

2. To expound your idea on national security concerns, make a reaction statement

on the following task;

Climate change can reasonably be expected to increase the frequency and intensity
of a variety of potentially disruptive environmental events--slowly at first, but then
more quickly. It is prudent to expect to be surprised by the way in which these
events may cascade, or have far-reaching effects. During the coming decade,
certain climate-related events will produce consequences that exceed the capacity
of the affected societies or global systems to manage; these may have global
security implications. Although focused on events outside the United States,
Climate and Social Stress: Implications for Security Analysis recommends a range
of research and policy actions to create a whole-of-government approach to
increasing understanding of complex and contingent connections between climate
and security, and to inform choices about adapting to and reducing vulnerability to
climate change.

2.1. Identify of at least one (1) national security issue that the Philippine
government is facing today.

The global map of COVID-19 cases is stark evidence of a cautionary tale still being
told. Uncertainties on vaccine availability, immune response, and even viral
properties still puzzle scientists, floor leaders, and governments – and kill and ill
people with no let-up.

Pandemics are likened to wars and major natural disasters because of the
devastation they bring. We don’t see troops bleeding on a battleground or people
crushed under the rubble of demolished buildings, yet the prevailing fear of the
invisible enemy – hunger from economic damages and the uncertainty of pandemic
solutions putting us at our wits’ end – are enough reasons to frame it as a security
Module 3:
Health Care and Drug Education

1) choose at least six (6) ways to maintain health care at home | community that
are more appropriate in a family and community.
Explain the details of each answer;

1) Keep moving - fitness is essential to good health. Exercise makes a huge

difference both in how you and your family feel and what illness you get.

2) Promote peace - peace on earth begins at home. Seek non-violent ways of

resolving conflicts at home, in school, at work, or in a community.

3) Think of yourself - a good self-image is a foundation of good health.

4) Immunize - when you immunize, you prevent illness for your family and help
prevent (epidemics) COVID19 in your community.

5) Put safety first - safety at home, safety at play, safe driving, firearm safety
will keep you and your family healthy.

6) Eat right - eating a well-balanced, low-fat diet, wholesome food will keep your
family feel healthy and cure what illness you get.

2) Describe briefly the six basic nutrients needed by our body to stay healthy.

♣ Protein-protein is having its moment, and not just in the workout community.
Protein is essential for good health. Protein provides the building blocks of the
body and not just for muscle. Every cell, from bone to skin to hair, contains protein.

♣ Carbohydrates - are necessary for a healthy body. Carbs fuel your body,
especially your central nervous system, and brain, and protect against diseases,
according to the Mayo clinic.
♣ Fats - fats often get a bad rap but recent research has shown that healthy fats
are an important part of a healthy diet. Yes, fats are high in calories, but they are
an important energy source for our body.

♣ Vitamins - are vital for warding off disease and staying healthy. The body needs
these micronutrients to support its functions. There are thirteen essential vitamins
that the body needs to function properly, including vitamins A, C, B6, and D.

♣ Minerals - much like vitamins, minerals help support the body. They're essential
for many body functions, including building strong bones and teeth, regulating your
metabolism, and staying properly hydrated and some of the most common minerals
are calcium, iron, and zinc.

♣ Water - you can go for weeks without food, but you can't last more than a few
days without water. Water is crucial for every system in our body. It's also the
main thing we are made of. About 62% of our body weight is water.

3) Discuss the ways of taking body temperature and pulse rate. Answer: — there
are four ways in taking body temperature, consider the following Oral Temperature
- only recommended for adults and children ages six years and older.

♠ Rectally (in the anus) – rectal temperatures are not recommended for children
younger than six years or anyone that cannot hold the thermometer in the mouth.

♠ Auxiliary (under the armpit) – auxiliary temperatures are less accurate and
about 1°c lower than oral. Place the thermometer in the armpit and have the child
cross his/her arm across the chest and hold his/her opposite upper arm.

♠ Electric thermometer – they are quite accurate but some are expensive.
Temperature strips are convenient but should only be used to measure auxiliary
(armpit temperature)

There are 4 ways to get the pulse rate these are the following.

› count the pulse after the person has been sitting or resting quietly for 5-10

› place two fingers gently against the wrists; don't use your thumb.

› it is hard to feel the pulse in the wrists, locate the carotid artery in the neck,
just to either side of the windpipe. Press gently.
› count the beat for 39 seconds and then double the results for beats per minute.

4) Explain drug abuse and its prevention measures.


→ During abuse or substance abuse refers to certain chemicals to create

pleasurable effects on the brain. Drug abuse is the continuous misuse of any
substance, licit, illicit which results in changes in an individual's physical, mental or
behavioral conditions. Drug abuse exists when a person continually uses a drug after
its intended purpose.

– there are prevention measures for drug abuse these are the following.

Classification Management

Abstainer Preventive Education

Experimenters Counseling
Occasional Users
Regular users

Drug dependent Drug Rehabilitation

Mentally ill chemical abuses Psychiatric treatment

(substance induced psychosis)

5) What are the prohibited acts including fines and penalties of RA 9165.

≈ importation of dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential

≈ Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution, and
Transportation of dangerous drugs and for controlled precursors and essential
chemicals. ≈ section shall be imposed.

≈ maintenance of Den, Dive, or resorts.

≈ employers or visitors of a Den, Dive, or resorts. ≈ manufacture of dangerous

drugs and/or controlled precursors
and essential chemicals.

≈ Manufacture or Delivery of Equipment, Instruments, Apparatus, and other

paraphernalia for dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential

≈ Possession of Dangerous Drugs.

≈ Possession of equipment, Instruments, Apparatus, and Other Paraphernalia for

dangerous drugs.

≈ Possession of Dangerous Drugs during parties, social gatherings, or meetings.

≈ Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Paraphernalia for dangerous drugs during

parties, social gatherings, and meetings.

≈ use of dangerous drugs.

≈ Cultivation of culture of plants classified as dangerous drugs or sources thereof.

≈ Maintenance and keeping of Original Records of Transactions of Dangerous Drugs

and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals.

≈ unnecessary prescription of dangerous drugs.

≈ Unlawful prescription of dangerous drugs.

6) Make a narrative report with your experiences during this time of pandemic
COVID19; use the following pointers below.

Waking up early for school, hanging out wit peers, going home late, doing
home works, studying late at night, sleeping late; those were my ordinary days as
usual, but when a virus breakout it quickly spread throughout the globe, every
country panicked and declare a nationwide quarantine. Then, the world stopped, No
works not classes. The pandemic changed people’s daily ordinary lives.


The world declaring quarantine might have helped people safe from being
infected by the virus, but the sudden change in life won’t. Staying at home for half
a month or so, on work, classes and even meet-ups is driving most people crazy.
Drawing them to a corner and limiting them to their freedom is quite shocking,
which ends up to anxiety depression, but not for me, I’m kind of person that can
stay in his bedroom for three whole days, as long as there is food, books, TV, art
supply and gadgets, but most importantly, internet. When the pandemic started and
the country declared nationwide quarantine it was a challenge at first, because
there’s part of me that goes to school and hanging out with friends, but as time
goes by I overcome is step by step.


My first week was not that hard I adjusted quickly for I’m not the outgoing
type. Instead of waking up early, I started waking up late, no school means I’m free
for the whole day and I can do what I wanted, and so, I did. I watch from youtube,
sketch something, play videogames, read books, and sleep a lot. It was quite
enjoyable. I didn’t feel a little scared at all.


My days were quite fun doing everything I wanted it really favours me,
because I’d rather stay at home and read books, play videogames, do a sketching,
and watch TV all day, than go outside and d nothing convenient. It also helped me
rise my confidence for a little, because I’m not quite confident on my looks wearing
a mask hides my face makes me at ease at times.


Me being a introvert means I deal with social anxiety, I overthink a

times which make me nervous at all times. Imagine you wanna ask someone
something but you first create scenarios in your head on what the outcome will be,
if you did so, It’s hard to find a transportation because of the strict distancing and
the service fee rose up too, especially that University is far from my home, so
doing errands from school are quite challenging for me. Also, making sure that I
won’t get infected by the virus is a hard one too. Being clueless on who’s person is
infected, is like suspecting every person who is possibly involve in a crime.


Part 1: know the basic principle in disaster management.

1. Discuss the implication of RA 10121 in disaster risks reduction and management.

√Republic Act 10121

Section 13. Accreditation, Mobilization and Protection of Disaster

Volunteers and National Service Reserve Corps, CSOs and the Private Sector. The
government agencies, CSOs, private sector and LGUs may mobilize individuals or
organized volunteers to augment their respective personnel complement and
logistical requirements in the delivery of disaster risk reduction program and
activities. The agencies, CSOs, private sector LGUs concerned shall take full
responsibility for the enhancement, welfare and protection of volunteers, and shall
submit the lists of volunteers to the OCD, through the LDRRMOs for accreditation
and conclusion in the data base of community disaster volunteers. A national roster
of ACDVs, National Service Reserve Corps, CSOs and private sector shall be
maintained by the OCD through the LDRRMOs. Accreditation shall be done at the
municipal level. Mobilization of volunteers shall be in accordance with the guidelines
to be formulated by the NDRRMC consistent with the provisions of this act. Any
volunteer who incurs death or injury while engaged in any of the activities defined
under this Act shall be entitled to compensatory benefits and individual personnel
accident insurance as may be defined under the guidelines.

2. Formulate a disaster management framework in your locality based on the six (6)
thematic areas under the disaster management cycle.







1. What is environmental conservation and protection?

Environmental conservation and protection is a practice and/or activities that an

individual, organization, and government performed to protect and maintain the
natural environment. Hence, it is careful to use natural resources, the awareness of
protecting different species regardless of their kind, and their usefulness to
human activities because we are the steward/protector of the environment.
Furthermore, Environmental conservation and protection does not only how to
protect nature and how to use it justifiably but also to repair the damages made by
the natural disaster caused by natural phenomena and inhumane acts such as acts
of degradation.

2. Discuss the 7 environmental principles.

1.. Nature Knows Best “Ang Kalikasan and mas Nakakaalam” (Balance in Nature) This
principle is the most basic and in fact, encompasses all the others. Humans have to
understand nature and have to abide by the rules nature dictates. History and our
experiences are full of examples to prove the validity of this principle. This
principle only surfaced when many of the detrimental effects of technology were
recognized and coined thereon as “ecological backlash.”

2. All forms of life are important “Ang Lahat ng Uri na may Buhay ay Mahalaga”
(Diversity and Stability) Each organism plays a fundamental role in nature. Ex. It is
easy to appreciate beautiful organisms like butterflies, especially if one knows their
important role in pollination.

3. Everything is connected to everything else “Ang Lahat ay Magkaugnay”

(Interdependence) This principle is best exemplified by the concept of the
ecosystem. In an ecosystem, all biotic and abiotic components interact with each
other to ensure that the system is perpetuated. Any outside interference may
result in an imbalance and the deterioration of the system.
4. Everything changes “Ang Lahat ay Nagbabago” (Change) Humans should rethink
their relationship with the environment. Changes that they think may be beneficial
to the environment often turn out to be disastrous. Environmental technologies
should be given priority if a man would want more positive changes in the
environment. It is said that the only permanent thing is change.

5. Everything must go somewhere“ Ang Lahat ay may Patutunguhan” (Materials

Cycle) When a piece of paper is thrown away, it disappears but it does not cease to
exist. It ends up elsewhere. Gases released in smokestacks may disperse but they
will end up a component of the atmosphere or brought down by rains.

6. Ours is finite earth “Ang Kalikasan ay may Hangganan” (Finiteness of Resources)

The earth’s resources can be classified as either renewable or non-renewable.
Renewable resources are those that can easily be replenished by natural cycles (e.g.
water, air, plants, and animals) while non-renewable resources are those that cannot
be replenished through natural cycles (e.g. ores of various metals, oil, coal) Just
how long would the earth be able to sustain demands on its resources? This is a
question that needs serious reflection. Unless the factors of population growth,
lifestyles, and polluting technologies are checked, the collapse of the earth might
be inevitable.

7. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation “Maganda ang

Kalikasan at Tayo ay Taga-pangasiwa ng Lahat ng Ginawa ng Diyos” (Stewardship)
Among all creatures, humans are the only ones made in God’s image and have been
given the right to have dominion over all His creations. Being the most intelligent
and gifted with reason, humans are capable of manipulating creation to their
advantage. Yet, creation exists not to be ravaged or abused but to be taken care
of. Humans cannot exist without nature. They are co-natural with the environment
they live in. If the environment they live in is destroyed, it will go Homo Sapiens.

3. The importance of solid waste management.

Solid waste management is necessary to be done especially in our time. The issue
of improper garbage disposal is a trendy issue not only in our country but in the
world. It is the most controversial issue in the environment primarily caused to an
increase in weather conditions or climate change. "Basura mo, impulse mo". A simple
saying, but thought great discipline. A basic act but has a great impact on our
environment, fellowmen, and our responsibility as a Stewart. Keeping your waste and
disposing of it in proper waste disposal will help lessen the problem of pollution and
other injustice acts that can destroy our nature.

4. What is climate change and its effect on man.

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods
that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average
weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for
example, greater or fewer extreme weather.

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