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The pie chart and the table give information about the primary causes of

worldwide land degradation and their effects in three different areas during the

In the pie chart, it can be seen that there were three major reasons including
over-grazing, deforestation, and over-cultivation and the proportion of them
accounted for 35%, 30%, 28% respectively. Obviously, the figure for excessive
consumption of grazing in cattle was the largest percentage in 3 main causes.
The rest proportion of the pie chart was 7% which indicated other unknown

Of 3 regions, the land in Europe had to suffer the most severe impact by
deforestation at 9.8%, while 0.2% and 1.7% were recorded in North America
and Oceania. For over-cultivation, the highest percentages of damaged land at
7.7% was witnessed in Europe again and especially there was no influence
happening in Oceania. In contrast, Oceania was the most prominent illustration
for the regions which had land degradation by over-grazing, at 11.3 %. In the
overall land of degradation, the land in Europe was destroyed the most roughly
at 23%, while 5% in North America and 13% in Oceania were displayed.

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