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University of Portsmouth

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Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Accountancy & Financial Management

Independent Study Project



BAAFM 16 / Singapore

2021 April
University of Portsmouth
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Contents: Page

Introduction & Welcome Message 3

Module Description 5

Course Content 7

Assessment (Details and Templates) 8

Project Submission Guidelines 11

Appendix 1: Research Proposal Template 13

Appendix 2: Final ISP Project Marking Criteria 14

Appendix 3: Explanation of Marking Criteria (Research Proposal) 16

Appendix 4: Explanation of Marking Criteria (Final Submission) 17

Appendix 5: UOP Grading System 19

Appendix 6: Policy on Late Submissions and Academic Integrity 21

University of Portsmouth
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This introduction provides a summary outline of the module, including details of the tutor, a
brief description of the module content, the learning outcomes expected at the end of the
module, the arrangements for the delivery of the module and details of the recommended


Welcome to Faculty of Business and Law. We are one of the largest and most successful
university-based business schools in England. We offer a full range of degree programmes in
a variety of combinations of business and management disciplines, including law and
economics, and in a number of delivery modes.

Our educational offering is underpinned by innovative and business relevant research. Many
of our academic staff combine excellence in research and scholarship with considerable
business and consultancy experience. Through our degree courses, we offer you the
opportunity to learn current best practice in the resolution of business problems within the
context of an academically rigorous conceptual framework.

We are strongly committed to developing graduates who can operate in the increasingly
complex and global world of business, where boundaries across organisational functions, and
across geographical and cultural settings, have become fluid and dynamic. For us, graduating
is not a final destination but the beginning of a life-long learning journey as part of an
international community of Portsmouth graduates.

We aim to be your partners in this journey and in your continuing professional development.
We aim to help and guide our graduates to become responsible global citizens, who aspire to
create real and lasting social value.

We are delighted to offer you our BA (Hons) Accountancy and Financial Management
programme through Kaplan and wish you well with your studies.




University of Portsmouth
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Mr Chong Kok Jong

MBA, BCom, CPA(Australia)

Kok Jong graduated from Murdoch University, Australia, with a Bachelor of Commerce degree.
He started his career as an analyst in property investment, and has also gained account
management experience in the information technology, and the travel and hospitality industry.

Kok Jong has subsequently obtained a Master of Accounting degree from Curtin University of
Technology, Australia, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Heriot-Watt
University, U.K. In the past 16 years, he has held various managerial and professional positions
in education and training services sector.

Kok Jong’s has been committed to lecturing and training courses in accounting and
management. His passion for academic lecturing is reflected in his application of practical
experiences in class and dedication to student queries. His main interest is to ensure that
student will enjoy learning by acquiring knowledge and developing skills that can be applied in
real life, and at the same time achieving success in examination.

Kok Jong holds a CPA (Australia) qualification. He is currently pursuing a research interest in
education administration.
University of Portsmouth
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1. To provide students with the opportunity to study an area of special interest in greater depth
than the general curriculum
2. To provide students with the opportunity to undertake independent investigation through
desk based research skills
3. To encourage the development of critical and analytical skills
4. To provide students with the opportunity to integrate theoretical and conceptual knowledge
within a critical literature review


This module is structured around a series of lectures, class debate and, where relevant,
case studies and video materials. Class participation is an essential component of the
design of this course. All students will be expected to engage in class discussion and
debate in order to facilitate the formation of their critical judgements.

Upon successful completion of each module, you will be awarded 20 Credits or 10 ECTS
(European Credit Transfer System)


The following is a broad outline of the amount of time it is expected will be required to complete
each module:

Class Contact: Lectures and workshop 36 hours

Specified Learning Activities (project preparation & research) 6 weeks


The recommended textbook and supplementary readings for this module are:
Hart, C. (2018). Doing a Literature Review (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications.
University of Portsmouth
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• Greetham, B. (2014). How To Write Your Undergraduate Dissertation. (2nd ed.).

Palgrave MacMillan.
• Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., Griffin, M. (2013). Business Research Methods,
International Edition (with Qualtrics Printed Access Card) (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.
• Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2009). Research Methods for Business
Students, FT Prentice Hall London.


On completion of this module, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate the ability to select a suitable topic for investigation and to appreciate its
relationship with current developments in the respective subject area(s);

2. Demonstrate the ability to define clear research aims and to select and review secondary

3. Apply creative thinking to problem solving;

4. Draw meaningful conclusions and recommendations from the sources reviewed;

5. To develop employability skills needed in today’s commercial environment and understand

the graduate employment market.
University of Portsmouth
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Topics FT Session PT Session

Topic 1: Introduction to module and topic choice 1 1

Topic 2: What makes a good project 2 1, 2

Research imagination (Chapter 1)

Topic 3: Research question and literature review 3 2, 3

Purpose of literature review (Chapter 2) 4 3

Research proposal presentation & review I 5 4

Research proposal presentation & review II 6 4

Topic 4: Critical reading and thematic analysis 7 5

Classifying and reading research to review (Chapter 3)

Literature review: analysis and evaluation (Chapter 4, 5) 8 5

Literature review: analysis and evaluation (Chapter 6, 7) 9 6

Topic 5: Final submission structure 10 6

Organising ideas, findings & writing the report (Chapter 8, 9) 11 7

Topic 6: Planning, presentation and referencing 12 7

Reflection, feedback and review
University of Portsmouth
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The marks for this module will be allocated as follows:

Assessment % Due Date

Coursework – Student Portfolio 10

Project Rationale; & Literature Spreadsheet 30 June 2021

(Combine these two tasks in one word

processing file. Submit file to Moodle by due

Coursework – Research Proposal 10

Presentation Slides Submission 17 September 2021

(Submit presentation file to Moodle by due date)

Oral Presentation FT: 20 September 2021

PT: 26 September 2021
(Present research proposal in class, after which
submit recorded video presentation file to

Coursework – Final Submission (Witten) 80 24 November 2021



Preparation of a Student Portfolio, which will demonstrate on going student engagement with
the Module. This will include writing a 300 words Project Rationale, completing a Literature
Spreadsheet on analysing FIVE (5) pieces of academic literature relevant to your chosen topic.

Choice of Topic

You can choose any topic in the area of accountancy, accounting and financial management
(or possibly another business discipline with the agreement of your tutor). You should look for
a specific issue or problem to investigate, rather than a general topic. Current news stories,
ideas from your classes or work experience are all good sources of ideas for projects. As a
general rule, a good topic or research question is one to which you cannot find an easy
University of Portsmouth
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The Research Questions

You are expected to identify a relevant topic for your ISP, clearly state an appropriate research
questions and offer a practical and academic rationale indicating why your topic and these
questions are worth further study.

You are encouraged to draft your title and research questions, in no more than 300 words, and
in no prescribed format. There is no benefit to writing more than the bare minimum to convey
your ideas. Note that a ‘question’ is something which takes a question mark on the end, not a
statement or a vague heading.


Your Proposal is the plan for your final ISP research document. You are expected to
identify a relevant topic (if it has changed from the topic chosen for the first submission, this
should be justified as an appendix to your text), and clearly explore appropriate research
questions. You must also discuss the significance of the main issues and theoretical debates
around your research questions or problems, by developing arguments based upon the
secondary sources you have reviewed.

Delivering a FIVE (5) minute presentation, outlining specific aspects of your project.

Template for the Research Proposal explained

• Title - suggesting focus/ aim of project clearly

• Rationale - why is this topic worth investigating? Should include academic as well as
applied justification for your choice.

• Research Objectives - why are the specific accomplishment you hope to achieve at the
end of study?

• Research questions - what is the issue or problem that you are investigating? Phrase up
to 3 questions which you will attempt to answer through your literature review discussion.
These may later be useful as sub-headings to divide your discussion into clear sections.

• Literature review - identify main area(s) of theory/ academic debate relevant to topic and
outline the current state of research/ understanding of topic, discussing the significance
of this literature to your project. Sources should include the above 5 sources, and
preferably additional academic/ professional/ government research, reports, statistics,
newspaper articles and information gathered from the Internet (although you should
consider carefully the validity and reliability of web-based materials).

• Research methods – indicate how do you plan to gather the data, what research design
would you considered in relation to the questions raised.
University of Portsmouth
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• List of References – At proposal stage, you should be able to indicate that you have the
skills to identify at least (minimum) 3-5 credible and academically rigorous sources
upon which to base your arguments for the literature review. These should be formatted
according to APA referencing style.

• You may also include conclusion that shows anticipated outcome of research, or a
statement of how unique and innovative your work is, whether it achieves a useful new
insight into the subject, or simply replicates existing work.

The FINAL ISP Project

The main assessment for this unit is the ISP project document with a word limit of 3,700 words
(excluding references/bibliography and any appendices). This should be an extension and
further development of your Proposal and as such, will be presented in a way that develops
the arguments associated with the research questions in a well-evidenced and structured way.
Make sure you consider any weaknesses of your Proposal as highlighted in your Tutor’s

Developing your literature review for the final ISP

You should offer a critical analysis (which means discussing both sides of any arguments from
a range of credible sources and using these as evidence to support your own conclusions).
The majority of the literature you refer to and consult in the production of your project should
be sourced at a high level of academic credibility, i.e. academic texts, journals articles and
research reports. Secondary data may be incorporated and some secondary analysis of
previously published research data may be undertaken (if appropriate). Additional material can
be drawn from the Internet and from newspapers, but it is envisaged that this will be mainly for
illustrative purposes and not be the core of the material sourced. Use of Appendices should
be limited to content which is clearly relevant and specifically referred to in the main body of
the document only.

In your literature review, you will be expected to provide critical discussion of the significance
of the findings from your sources and indicate how this aids in answering your research
questions. You must justify any claims you make about your topic, using the academic
sources to support your arguments. This means providing references to existing research
and reasons why you assert something is so. There should be a strong theoretical approach
adopted throughout the discussion which may, for example, be achieved by using and applying
theory/academic debates to undertake an analysis of practical problems and issues that
(business) organisations are facing.

Your project should then offer conclusions and a final evaluation of the chosen topic in which
you make recommendations for future research or investigation. This discussion should again
refer back to and address/ answer your research questions. It is important to note that your
conclusions should be more than a summary of your discussion. Instead, you should discuss
the implications of your findings, directly in relation to your research questions. Guidance
will be given on this important part of the process in the lectures and Workshops.
University of Portsmouth
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Template for the FINAL ISP Project explained:

• Title - suggesting focus/ aim of project clearly

• Rationale - why is this topic worth investigating? Should include academic as well as
applied rationale. You should note how these questions relate to existing literature on the

• Research objectives - why are the specific accomplishment you hope to achieve at the
end of study

• Research questions or problem(s) - key issues that your project addresses

• Literature review / critical analysis and discussion - provide an overview of your topic,
identifying the main academic and applied issues. Areas discussed should clearly relate
to your research questions but excellent projects will show how the chosen topic maps
onto broader business debates. You should critically discuss academic theories and
concepts as well as existing research/secondary data in order to thoroughly evaluate the
current situation regarding your topic. Clearly identify each section with sub-headings
and ensure you have addressed each of your research questions, analysing the
significance of your findings and supporting your arguments with appropriate references.

• Research methods – indicate how do you plan to gather the data, what research design
would you considered in relation to the questions raised.

• Conclusions & recommendations for future research - drawing together the main points
you have raised so far, you should state your answers to the research questions/
problems you set yourself at the beginning of the project. These conclusions should
logically flow from earlier discussions and should include recommendations or ideas for
future research into the topic.

• References (and/or Bibliography) – a Reference list is a full, correctly compiled list of all
sources specifically referred to in the ISP using APA format. A Bibliography is a list of all
other sources which you consulted in the production of your work, but did not cite
(optional). You may consult the library’s excellent referencing help pages via the ‘useful
links’ page on Victory or directly from:
University of Portsmouth
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General submission guidelines (presentation and layout):

Layout: Use the template headings (as provided in Appendices in this handbook). Check you
have covered each section of the marking criteria. Clearly indicate sections through use of
appropriate subheadings, to structure your text to help the reader to follow your line of
argument more clearly.

Writing style: Whilst the Proposal can be written in report style, the final ISP project MUST be
written in full-sentence essay structure, adding tables, model diagrams, bullet lists and
appendices as appropriate.

Presentation: Word-processed (not hand written), using black ‘standard’ 11-12pt font for your
text (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman), with a minimum of 1.5 line spacing and the default
margins setting for MS Word (e.g.: no less than 2.5cm top and bottom and 3cm left and right
to allow the marker room for writing notes and feedback on your work).

• Ensure your Student Number is on the front cover and on each page NOT YOUR NAME!
(‘header/ footer’ tool is useful for this)
• Print your work double sided to reduce paper usage
• Do not place your work in any kind of folder – simply staple it and your coursework front
sheet together when you submit it to the coursework office, it does not need to be bound.

For advice on how to write references using APA format:

See referencing guidelines in the library and from the University’s Information Skills or Library
support web pages:

For step-by-step instructions relating to any type of source, including websites, films, radio,
blogs (although not recommended!) etc., use:

For an online tutorial provided by the American Psychological Association who devised the
style go to:

If the source you are referring to or citing was originally published in a language other than
English, you should follow the instructions via: .
You may need to provide a translation of the citation and/or title for the purpose of clarity in
your project.

As a rule of thumb, if ANY words you use in your work are not your own, you MUST state the
author, year and page number of the original work AND use “quotation marks”. The
University’s guidelines for the penalties imposed on poor scholarship and plagiarism will be
strictly adhered to by the markers.
University of Portsmouth
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(Note: This MAY be written in report style, or in full sentences as per an essay)

Student number: Degree Pathway:

Submission date: Workshop Tutor:


RATIONALE FOR STUDY (academic and applied) including - how is your work unique and

RESEARCH QUESTIONS (no more than 3)



What methods of research and data collection will be employed?


What are the anticipated results?


Key literature sources (list at least 5 credible, preferably academically rigorous sources i.e. journal

articles) These must be formatted correctly, according to APA referencing style.

University of Portsmouth
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Student number:

Workshop tutor:
% Mark x
Section Comments Weight

Rationale of Study,
Research Objectives

• Clarity
• Academic justification
• Applied rationale
• Clear objectives

x 0.20 =
Research Questions

• Linked to rationale,
• Appropriate focus
• Breadth of coverage

Research Methods
• Data collection approach

Literature Review &

Critical Discussion
• Breadth and depth of
• Structure and clarity of x 0.5 =
• Critical analysis
• Relevance and quality of

Conclusions &
Recommendations for
Future Research x 0.20 =
• Flow from discussion
• Related to questions
Logical/ reasonable
University of Portsmouth
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Referencing (&
Bibliography) Style;
Report Presentation
& Organisation x 0.10 =

Marker’s comments:
Total mark =
University of Portsmouth
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The ISP research proposal is marked in accordance to the following sections:

1. Title

2. Rationale of Study

3. Research Questions

4. Literature Review

5. Research Plan (Methods)

6. Conclusion (Expected Outcome)

7. Proper Referencing Style

8. Presentation & Organisation

University of Portsmouth
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The final ISP project (3,700 words) itself is marked out of 80%, divided into four weighted

1. Title, Rationale, Research Questions 20%

2. Literature Review & Critical Discussion 50%

3. Conclusion & Recommendations 20%

4. Referencing Style, Report Presentation & Organisation 10%

Rationale & Objectives

Clarity: You are expected to clearly state why you have chosen your topic.

Academic: You must provide a fully referenced academic justification for the project (e.g.: the
issue is under-researched, requires updating, is a new use of theory, a contemporary issue

Applied: The topic must be related to a definable business problem/ issue for which evidence
should be provided (e.g.: newspaper report, previous research etc.)

Research Questions

Linked to rationale: Your questions should directly address the issue/ problem you identified in
your rationale.

Appropriate focus: You should not adopt too broad or narrow a stance towards your topic.

Breadth: You should not have too many (or too few) questions

Research methods: what types of research & if research design focuses on secondary data

Literature Review & Critical Discussion

Coverage: You should incorporate a range of literature in this section, including both
academic and applied material. This could include but is not limited to: academic journal
articles; industry reports (e.g.: MINTEL), professional bodies (e.g.: CIPD, CBI), statistics (e.g.:
Labour Force Survey), trade magazines (e.g.: Management Today), credible internet
sources, broadsheet newspapers; textbooks and other academic books and so on. It is not
necessarily the number of sources you cite, but the relevance, currency, quality and
academic rigour of your sources which is important (i.e. focus on peer reviewed, scholarly
journal articles as the predominant source type).
University of Portsmouth
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Structure & clarity: You should write in a clear concise manner and structure your sections, so
that it flows logically towards your conclusions.

Critical analysis: Your discussion should be analytical and evaluative rather than simply
describing the content of other sources. You should build an argument throughout your work
and compare and contrast differing points of view. These arguments should be well evidenced
and supported by credible sources.

Relevance: You should show the relevance of the material you discuss throughout, evaluating
the significance of your findings. Excellent work will locate the topic in a broader business &
social context but the relevance of any ‘digressions’ must be clearly signalled to avoid losing



Conclusion & Recommendations

Flow from discussion: Your conclusions should stem from your discussion. You would not
usually incorporate entirely new material in this section, nor introduce fresh insights into your

Related to questions: You should summarise the key points from the preceding section and
analyse/ evaluate them to answer/ address the questions you identified at the beginning of the
project. One way to do this is to arrange your conclusions section with each question as a

Logical/ reasonable: Your recommendations should be a constructive consideration of

further research that might be carried out on your topic in the future. Strong projects will
consider the limitations of non-empirical studies (e.g.: those based solely on secondary data
or a review of published literature) and suggest ways these might be overcome.

List of References

You must produce a complete list of works which you actually cited in the main body, under
“References”, and any other works which you read but did not cite directly, under the heading
of “Bibliography” (optional).

The marker/s will check if you have correctly and consistently applied the APA format to your
citations, references and bibliographic list of sources. If you are unsure, check the following
link to the Library’s PDF
eferencing/filetodownload,68664,en.pdf .

For further details of sources of referencing help, see page 8 of this handbook.
University of Portsmouth
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In addition to appropriate and consistent referencing style, you are also required to conform to
proper report presentation format.



This section of the Study Guide provides students with details of the UOP grading system and
also explains criterion referenced grading (UOP Policy). Under criterion referenced grading,
students are graded on the quality of their work without reference to other students (norm
referenced). For instance, the submission that meets the required guidelines in terms of writing
style, analysis, description and / or summary will be awarded according to the standards set
out. All students’ work is graded to indicate the standard attained using the criterion referenced

University-wide grading criteria:

80+ As below plus:

Outstanding work – contains accurate, relevant material, demonstrates understanding of
complex subject matter & is able to view it in a wider context.
Shows originality and confidence in analysing and criticising assumptions, is aware of the limits
of knowledge.
Likely to add new insights to the topic and approaches the quality of published material.
Evidence of extensive research, uses and presents references effectively.
Outstanding quality in terms of organisation, structure, use and flow of language, grammar,
spelling, format, presentation, diagrams, tables etc.

70-79 As below plus:

Outstanding work – contains accurate, relevant material, demonstrates understanding of

complex subject matter & is able to view it in a wider context.
Shows originality & confidence in analysing and criticising assumptions, is aware of the limits
of knowledge.
Evidence of extensive research, uses & presents references effectively.
Excellent in terms of organisation, structure, use & flow of language, grammar, spelling, format,
presentation, diagrams, tables etc.

60-69 As below plus:

University of Portsmouth
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Very good work – contains most of the information required, is accurate & relevant &
demonstrates understanding of the subject matter & attempts to view it in a wider context.
Shows some originality of thought with good critique & analysis of assumptions, is aware of the
limits of knowledge.
Well researched, good use & presentation of references.

Very good in terms of organisation, structure, use & flow of language, grammar, spelling, format,
presentation, diagrams, tables etc.

50-59 As below plus:

Work that attempts to address the topic with some understanding & analysis, key aspects of
the subject matter covered. Research extends to primary sources.
Appropriately cited and presented references.
Satisfactory presentation with respect to presentation, organisation, language, grammar,
spelling, format, presentation, diagrams, tables etc.
The majority of students might normally be expected to fall within this range.

40-49 As below plus:

Adequate work which attempts to address the topic with limited understanding and analysis.
Some research using texts, Internet & key reference sources with reference citation and
presentation according to convention.
An attempt to follow directions regarding organisation, structure, use & flow of language,
grammar, spelling, format, diagrams, tables etc.

30-39 FAIL
Anything which is inadequate in most or all of the following: length, content, structure, analysis,
expression, argument, relevance, research and presentation.
Work in this range attempts to address the question/problem but is substantially incomplete
and deficient.
Serious problems with a number of aspects of language use are often found in work in this

0-29 FAIL
No serious attempt to address the question or problem, and/or manifests a serious
misunderstanding of the requirements of the assignment.

Acutely deficient in all aspects.

University of Portsmouth
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Policy on Late Submissions and Academic Integrity

You are advised to read the following important documents before you commence your
studies on this module:

1. Guidelines for the Late Submission of Coursework

This document provides a detailed outline of the rules and regulations surrounding the
presentation, submission and marking of assignments. The guidelines provided must be
adhered at all times to avoid an unnecessary loss of marks. Further details can be found
in your copy of Student Handbook.

2. A Briefing Document for Students on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism.

The University understands plagiarism to be the inclusion of another person’s writings or
ideas or works, in any formally presented work (including essays, theses, examinations,
projects, laboratory reports, oral, poster or slide presentations) which form part of the
assessment requirements for a module or programme of study, without due
acknowledgement either wholly or in part of the original source of the material through
appropriate citation. Further details please refer to your copy of Student Handbook.

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. In any assignment, plagiarism means that

you have presented information or ideas belonging to someone else falsely as being your
own original thoughts on a subject.

All assessments/projects submitted must be the result of your own work.

The following statement must be included on the cover page of all assignments

I declare that all materials included in this essay/report/project/dissertation is the

end result of my own work and that due acknowledgement have been given in the

bibliography and references to ALL sources be they printed, electronic or personal.

Signed: Student name/s, student number


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