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First Quarter
The learner demonstrates understanding of : Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to asset one’s identity; strategies in listening to
CONTENT STANDARD and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported
speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and
PERFORMANCE appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
STANDARD communication, using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors.


SEPT 1. Handbook Rules and regulations Why is there a need to Identifying the rules and Interactive Discussion Obedience
2021 Orientation do help us become a follow rules? regulations Responsibilit
better individual in the y
Week 1 society and community.
These rules are made How do the rules help Recognizing the importance Open-Group
not to restrict us from us become a better of the rules in one’s life. Discussion Reflective writing
doing some things, but individual? Camaraderie
these allow us to Respect
become responsible,
responsive, a
respectable to the needs
of others and the

Why is there a need to

study language?
Familiarizing the objectives Interactive Classroom Reflective Writing
2. Orientation English is a living of the course and the manner Discussion Openness
of Course language. Thus, this How can we learn the of computing the grades. Responsibilit
Descriptio language is undergoing English language? y
n innovations as time
goes by. Keeping track
of the basics as well as
the trends of the
language makes us
better communicators
in response to global

Why is there a need to

assess one’s learning in
language and literature Diagnosing, assessing, and
accumulated over the evaluating one’s strength and
years? weaknesses in language Time-pressured Paper-Pencil
learning. exercises Test (Answer
Assessing the seventh
grade students’
3. Pre- Honesty
learning on language
Assessment Perseverance
becomes a guide on the How do we respond
of One’s Determination
extent of work a during meetings?
student has to undergo
to make his/her
Why do we need to be Respond during an election
learning efficient,
aware of the correct
effective, and goal-
response a protocol
during meetings?
Speaking exercises
Speaking checklist
An individual’s Reading-
personality can be aloud
determined by the way strategies Responsiveness
4. Correct he/she speaks. As Responsibility
Response for
seventh grade students,
it is important to
determine the correct
response and protocol
in conducting meetings.
This helps us become
competitive individuals
who are responsive to
global concerns.


WEEK 6. Philippine Philippine literature is a How is our own EN7LT-I-b-1: Discovers Guided Nationalism Oral and Written
2 Literature: composite product of literature different from literature as a means of Quizzes
Tracing the rich natural other countries’ connecting to a Reading Group
our heritage of the literature? significant past Group quizzes
Ancestral Filipinos. The literary EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2: Scans works
Roots works of early Filipino for specific information
writers reflect the Why do we need to
culture of Filipinos study our literature? EN7RC-I-c-7.1: Reads
such as beliefs and intensively to find
ceremonies. answers to specific

How significant are EN7LT-I-a-1: Discovers

legends and tales to the literature as a means of
youth of today? connecting to a
Written quiz
Philippine literature significant past
Nationalis (essay); Giving
includes legends and CLT Groupings; modified endings
other tales that are EN7LT-I-a-2: Describes the m
7. Philippine Guided Creativity to a story
handed down through literary genres during the pre- discussion
generations by word of colonial period
How the
World mouth, and are told
Began more for entertainment.
Much of
these stories tell MSJI-1: Discuss the importance of Timeline
lessons and knowledge legends and tales to the present making
that should be taken youth. (Sequencing of
into consideration by events)
the younger generation. MSJI-2: Strengthen one’s
How do specific sets of nationalism through the
Philippine literary appreciation of our very own
works imbibe our literary works.
cultural heritage? Individualized
story analysis
8. Other forms Short stories and folk Reflection Writing
of songs show how Nationalism
Philippine Filipinos share are Group work; Critical
Literature: transfer values, time- pressured Thinking Comprehension
Short Stories traditions, and beliefs drills questioning
and Folk from one generation to
Songs another through the
The lessons and themes that
Monkey the literary works
and the convey.

WEEK 9. Stress and It is of utmost How can correct MJI-3: Use correct speech Competence Pronunciation
3 Intonation importance that seventh intonation help you intonation and pitch in daily Active Confidence Exercise (p. 66)
Four grade students know gain new friends? conversations. Listening Determination
Pitch how to express Speech drills Role Play
Level themselves better to Why do we need to EN7OL-I-b1.14: Uses
s make new have intonation and appropriate features of
acquaintances and variation of voices speech like pitch, stress, Knowledge Test
friends. The proper when we speak? juncture, intonation, volume
delivery of intonation and projection and
and pitch would help rate/speed of speech in
Stressed them in expressing their differing oral
& ideas confidently and communication EN7OL-I-d-
Unstress impress the people you 1.14.3: Uses the
ed words are conversing with. correct stress (primary,
secondary, tertiary and
weak) when reading
EN7LC-I-a-5.1: Listens
for important points
signaled by stress and
intonation EN7LC-I-a-
5.2: Notes the changes in
stress and intonation that
affect meaning
EN7OL-I-f-1.14.4: Uses the
rising intonation pattern with
Yes-No and tag questions; the
rising-falling intonation with
information-seeking questions,
option questions and with
WEE 10. Sentence, As much as we want to Why can’t we exist Differentiate a sentence from a Direct Instruction Independence and Sentence
K Fragments, be independent and free without the help of a fragment; Humility Construction
4. and Run- ourselves, we cannot significant other?
ons remove the idea that we
need something or How can we lessen our
someone to complete dependence to others?
us. We basically cannot Identify run-on sentences and Class Discussion
exist without the other errors. Written
assistance of God. Assessment

Subject and Predicate

are like faith and deeds. How can we Exemplify being a true Group Work:
Writing Faithfulness paired
11. Recognizin One cannot just stand associate subject and Christian by combining Sentence Analysis
Drills Open- with charity
g Subject on its own without the predicate to our faith and deeds in our lives. Group
and company of others. spiritual life? Think-Pair-Share;
discussions Independence
Predicate In just one sitting,
you could travel the Why do we need to
Complete S/P Familiarize the Dewey Perseverance for Library (Locate-
world appreciate the Decimal System and the Card Research Work The-Book-
through books. It is existence of books? Catalogue Activity)
Library Discussion
12. Library therefore necessary How can books help for easier access to the books (A Tour into the Lib) Paper and Pen Test
Resources: that one must be us as a student? in the library.
The familiar how books EN7LT-I-a-2-1: Recognizes the Independent Exercises
Dewey are being classified features and codes of the
Decimal independently. school’s library catalogue
System system (focus on library
sections and the Dewey
Decimal Classification System)

OCT 13. REVIEW There are no secrets to How prepared are you Review previous lessons Light Honesty and Review
2O2 FOR THE success. It is only the for the upcoming Responsibilit
1 FIRST result of preparation, examinations? discussions Quiz y Quizzes Exam
PRELIM hard work, and learning
WEEK EXAM from failure. bee Drills
WEEK 14. Elements of In order to achieve our How important are Identify the elements in a Discovery Learning Perseverance and Role
2 a Short desired goals in life, small details in story. Hope Playing
Story we need to take a look accomplishing EN7RC-III-a-8: Uses one's Activities
at the parts that make something? schema to better understand
Sequenci ourselves holistic. A the text Direct Instructions
ng of story can be Gives meanings to
Events understood well by unfamiliar words uses Reflective Writing
looking into its them in sentences
My elements (parts) that EN7LT-III-a-5: Discovers
Brother’s make it complete Literature as a tool to assert
Peculiar (whole). one's unique identity
Chicken EN7OL-I-b1.14: Uses the
correct speech, juncture,
stress, volume, and projection
and rate/speed of speech
EN7G-III-a-1: Links sentences
using connectors that signal
chronological and logical
WEEK 15. Writing as Writing is a skill that Why do we need to Write a story creatively Discovery learning Creativity & Short Story Writing
3 a Macro can be mastered write? using knowledge in sentence Perseverance
Skill through time. It is one structure
of the methods of
expressing ones
Creative Writing thoughts and feelings.
A lot of things can
happen if one writes.

Use the appropriate

Everything in the conjunctions in Direct Instruction Role Playing
Conjunctions universe is connected. Why do we need to writing. Competence and
What we do, either have connections? Meticulousness
good or bad, always has
an effect.
Understanding the
connections that
govern the world of Writing Drills
English grammar How can we create Paper-Pencil Tests
helps us understand better connections to
not just language itself our friends?
but our existence as a
human being.

WEEK 16. We exist in a world How can we know that Distinguish fact from opinion Discovery Learning Fair Judgment and Paragraph Analysis
4 Distinguishi governed by Science something is real or Being Analytical
n g Facts and Religion. Though unreal? Inductive Approach in dealing with Creating
from both of these are life’s problems. statements derived
Opinions already separated in Socratic from facts
modern society, we Reflective Essay
cannot deny the fact Questioning on One’s Opinion
A Tale of that they are still Why do we need to find about a certain
Marinduque compared in terms of out the authenticity of a issue.
explaining the existence certain thing?
of things in this world.
For us to be able to
judge and identify
things, it is needed for
us to determine
whether such data is a
fact or opinion.

How can we determine

the cause of an
existence> Discovery Informal Debate
Science teaches us that
in every action, there is Why should we Learning Think-
Identify the causes and effect Keenness
always a reaction. dwell on the effect
17. Cause and in all aspects of life.
Identifying the action and not on the Pair-Share
and reaction makes us cause?
better thinkers and
The Land
exercises our cognitive
and the Rain
abilities not just in
language but in real-
life scenarios.

WEEK 18. Synonym Conundrums, How do you face Identify the meanings of Direct Instruction Perseverance in Individual
5 s and mortification and difficult situations synonyms and antonyms finding solutions Paper- Pencil
Antonym ubiquitous are some of in your life? through the use of context to problems Tests
s the words which puzzle clues.
you, and if not
answered, may put you
to shame. But to think, Discovery Learning
these words are
nothing but common.
19. Context All the difficult words
Clues can be understood
using context clues
either its synonym or
Independent Exercises
Identify the meanings of
synonyms and antonyms Interactive Group Activity
20. Words Stumbling across and How do you identify through the use of context
With unfamiliar word is like the meaning of the clues.
Multiple encountering difficult words through context Discussions Socratic
Meanings situations. One may clues? Oral and Written
simple evade these Tests
situations, but this Questioning
person does not escape
from the fact that
his/her problems are
not solved.

NOV 21. REVIEW There are no secrets to How prepared are you Review previous lessons Light Honesty and Review
FIRS FOR THE success. It is only the for the upcoming Responsibilit
T FIRST result of preparation, examinations? discussions Quiz y Quizzes Exam
WEE PERIODICA hard work, and learning
K L from failure. bee Drills
Second Quarter
The learner demonstrates understanding of : Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to asset one’s identity; strategies in listening to
CONTENT STANDARD and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported
speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources;
PERFORMANCE extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and figurative
STANDARD language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.


WEEK 1. Introduction to Drama clearly portrays the How does drama mirror Compare and Contrast Drama Brainstorming; Direct Camaraderie and Self- Short skits; KWL Cart
3 Drama real world by presenting life? from a narrative literature; Instruction Awareness
man’s significant experiences
in a grand, moving, and Perform short skits by group;
colorful ways. Emphasize how drama relates to real Group and Individual
life experiences. Tasks

Read the play. Identify the

qualities that make the literary
piece a drama. Guided Reading
Do you know people who What are the indicators Appreciation to culture Comprehension
The New Yorker in pretend not to know anymore that a person is a and tradition activities
Tondo the local customs and traditions hypocrite?
after they have stayed abroad
for some time? They would
make you feel that they are
hypocrite. More often than not, What makes one to wake
some become hypocrite up to reality?
because they see other
country’s ways as more
“sosyal”. They play roles and
they are good at it.
WEEK 2. The The elements of drama, How can I creatively Identify literary and theatrical Interactive discussion; Creativity; Teamwork Oral and Written
4 Elements of literary and theatrical present man’s experiences elements of drama; Develop creativity Group Work Tests
Drama aspects, would guide using the in presenting the life’s
everyone on how to drama piece we have experiences through drama as shown in
effectively relate and portray created? the plan.
drama back to the audience.
With careful, creative, and
unified planning, everything
would be smooth and

3. Idiomatic Whenever we are fed up of How do you hide or show Become a better speaker, writer Inference; Sentence Clarity in Expression Phrase and sentence
Expression s walking on a path strewn with artistically your feelings and reader through idioms in Analysis; Discovery drills
WEEK roses, isn’t it quite a comfort through words? different expressions. learning
1 when you run into someone and
Empowerin take cover from all of your
g problems?

4. REVIEW There are no secrets to success. How prepared are you for Review previous lessons Light discussions Honesty and Responsibility Review Quizzes
FOR THE It is only the result of the upcoming
WEEK SECOND preparation, hard work, and examinations? Quiz bee Exam Drills
2 PRELIM learning from failure.

WEEK 5. Advertisem Media, either electronic, print, How can we know the Analyze media materials found in Interactive Discussion; Transparency Role Playing Activity
3 ents or social, are everywhere. The underlying messages in an magazines, television, and social Buzz Sessions
media are an instrument not advertisement? media.
Propagand a just for transferring of
Strategies messages. They also convey
in hidden messages that make on
Advertisem think, analyze, and adapt.
WEEK 6. Scanning and Skimming and scanning are How can we understand a Read and understand specific set of Independent Reading Independence Reading Drills
4 Skimming two specific speed-reading reading material in a short reading materials in a short period of
activities, which enable you to period of time? time.
cover a vast amount of
material rapidly. These Direct Instruction
techniques are similar in Why do we read?
process but different in
Reading purpose. Quickly looking over
Comprehen an article is neither skimming
sion nor scanning.
Activities Both require specific steps to
be followed.

WEEK 7. Subject- Verb To avoid arguments, one time What advantages do we Determine the subject and the correct Interactive Discussion; Developing Written and oral
5 Agreement or the other, a person should get from making an verb in a sentence; Write a sentence Guided Writing; harmonious exercises; Sentence
learn to be humble and accept agreement? with a prepositional phrase and Discovery Approach relationship. writing
that an agreement would which observes correct SVA;
make both ends meet. In Strengthen the bond of peace through
sentences, the subject and its How essential is making an agreement.
verb always have to agree so agreement in achieving a
as not to make anyone who peaceful world?
happens to read or hear it
confused. If so, there could
have been a more peaceful and
chaotic world.

8. REVIEW There are no secrets to success. How prepared are you for Review previous lessons Light discussions Honesty and Responsibility Review Quizzes
WEEK FOR THE It is only the result of the upcoming
1 SECOND preparation, hard work, and examinations? Quiz bee Exam Drills
PERIODIC learning from failure.
Third Quarter
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to
CONTENT STANDARD and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech,
passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and
PERFORMANCE appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
STANDARD communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.


1. D There is a cliché that states Why is there a need for us to Apply the fundamentals of theatrical Group Work Teamwork Pre-rating Drama skills
WEEK rama “Practice makes perfect!” practice? play and hone the skill of dramatic Perseverance using a rubric
3 Practices For a better output and arts
presentation, one must be
able to master his/her roles How can we achieve
in a play so that in return, excellence?
he/she can be the master of
his/her chosen field of
How do you express your
appreciation to something or
One must be appreciative someone? Describe the nouns that they see around
them; Use adjectives in spoken and Role Playing; Teacher-
and grateful to what we have Interactive Discussion;
How powerful are words in written communication Sense of Appreciation Made Tests
and not complain to what we Discovery learning
2. Adjectiv our daily life?
do not have, gives us
feeling of contentment and
A Glass of
Milk Paid in
3.Drama There is a cliché that Why is there a need for us to Apply the fundamentals of theatrical Group Work Teamwork Pre-rating Drama skills
WEEK Practices states “Practice makes practice? play and hone the skill of dramatic Perseverance using a rubric
4 perfect!” For a better arts
output and presentation,
one must be able to master
his/her roles in a play so
that in return, he/she can be
the master of his/her chosen
field of specialization.

How can we achieve

Our existence here on earth excellence? Apply the fundamentals of theatrical Drama Presentation rubric
DRAMA play and hone the skill of dramatic
PRESENTATIO has, had, and will have a
climax. A climax is basically arts Group Work Teamwork
is the peak of something in Perseverance
our lives.
The hard work that one has
experienced during practices
will now come to an end.
The climax will tell us how
well did we practice, and
whether or not our practices
are successful or not.

4.Linking and Verbs does not only tell How can we survive the Use verbs correctly in paragraphs. Interactive Discussions Competence Writing drills; Oral
WEEK 1 Auxiliary action. It may also tell complexities of life? quizzes;
Verbs something such as state of
being. Knowing the KWL Chart
Dahong differences of verbs helps us
Palay in understanding not just the
basic rules of the English
Character language but the complexities
Analysis of life as well.
We are all created with a Why do we have pairs? Analyze words for language and
pair; Adam & Eve, Yin & grammar success. Think-Pair-Share
Yang, Husband & Wife. Perseverance in Written Drills; Pinoy
When speaking of pairs, analysis; Henyo
5.Analogy semantics as a branch of the Meticulousness
English grammar tells us that
some words also have their How can we live
corresponding pairs. harmoniously with our
Knowing these pairs helps us pairs?
to analyze language and
determine how the world
WEEK 1.REVIEW Examinations, either in How prepared am I for the Be determined to prepare all costs for Individual task Determination Group and Individual
2 FOR THE school or in life, help one exam? the examination. Quiz
THIRD person in accomplishing his
PRELIEXAM or her dreams through
learning from failure or
from successes.

WEEK 1. Pronouns In the absence if one, there How can a gap or a loss be Discover the antecedents of Interactive Discussions; Critical Thinking Phrase and Sentence
3 will be someone who would replaced? pronouns; Answer the activity under Buzz Sessions Drills
stand for you. In the loss of a time pressure; Strengthen self-help
2. Pronoun- loved one, a friend or anyone skills by discovering concepts all by
Antecede dear, that person may not be oneself.
nt totally replaced but al least,
Agreemen t there’s another entity that
wold fill in the gap.

Pair Work Teacher-made tests

WEEK 3. Transi A student must learn to be How dependent are you to Pick out simple subject and simple God-fearing,
4 tive independent at some cases your parents? predicate in a given sentence? Obedience, Following
Verbs and try to step out one’s Inductive Approach Procedures
comfort zone to be able to How should you make Identify a direct object in a given
face one’s fears and decisions for yourself sentence and point out the transitive
apprehensions in life. considering the values verb used. Oral Drills
taught by your parents
and the school? Complete a given sentence with a
direct object.

Pick out the simple subject and the

How do you set your simple predicate in a given sentence.
Identify a direct objet in a given
How dependent are you as sentence and point out the transitive
Pair Work Inductive Teacher-made tests
a student and as a child to verbs used.
Just like a transitive verb that Dependence to God
your parents?
must be followed by a direct
4. object to compete the Approach Oral Drills
Intran thought in a sentence, as
sitive God’s loving creation, we
Verbs are never complete without
Him in our life.
Acknowledging one’s
dependence to God
symbolizes our total
surrender and respect to

5. Introd Poetry is a literary form that How do poems give simple Determine the difference of poetry to Interactive Discussion Creativity Poetry Exercises
WEEK uction uses aesthetically written expression, beauty, and art? other forms of literature; Paraphrase a Appreciation
1 to words and rhythm to poem to understand its meaning;
Poetr express emotions, feelings, How can we decode Develop one’s creativity in expressing Poetry interpretation
y and ideas. Often poem’s meaning? one’s
times, its aesthetic sense
confuses readers about its thoughts and feelings through poetry.
The meaning. But if taken Why is there a need for
Housewarmin seriously and if grounded on one to express one’s
g Song one’s experiences, one may feelings through poetry?
decode its meaning. But
because of its aesthetic form,
poems, when expressed, give
a different level and
meaning compared to words How can we interpret a Look for the meaning of a poem
uttered in simplicity. poem? using formalist perspective.

How can we apply the poems

Poetry, just like any genres in reality?
of literature, has elements Direct Instruction Poetry
that we need to unravel and Poetry Exercises
identify for us to be able Competence
fully understand its meaning Interpretation Creativity
and interpretation. Thinking outside of the Written drills
of Poetry

The Naughty

WEEK 2 Reinforceme Poetry teaches us life’s How should we deal with Identify the purpose of the poet in Group Presentation; Positive Attitude, Poetry Writing
nt on Poetry lessons including the natural winning moments in our writing a poetic piece. Responsibility, Sense
ups and downs of Discovery learning
6. Identif our lives. For students, these life? How about our losing of Appreciation,
ying ups and downs can moments? Honesty, Confidence
the eventually be transformed to
Purpo a beautiful pattern in life
se of made stronger by positive
the attitude and affirmative
Poet outlook.

7. Poetr

WEEK 8. REVI Examinations, either in How prepared am I for the Be determined to prepare all costs for Individual task Determination Group and Individual
3 EW school or in life, help one exam? the examination. Quiz
FOR person in accomplishing his
THIR or her dreams through
D learning from failure or
PERI from successes.

Fourth Quarter
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to
CONTENT STANDARD and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech,
passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and
PERFORMANCE appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
STANDARD communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.
WEEK 1. Voices of Voice is a property of a verb How can something in the Discover the difference, use, and Role playing; Discovery Appreciation of the Written tests Simulation
2 the Verbs which indicates whether the active voice change the form the active and passive voice of learning. impact of ways of
subject is acting or acted meaning and depth of the the verb; Display skill in changing expressing something to Activities
upon. Active voice gives one expressed? verbs from active to passive voice. the meaning of the
Active and more emphasis and power to sentence.
Passive Voice whatever things expressed.
It is important, therefore, in
the realm of expression, to
say something in active and
not in passive.

WEEK 2. Degre As we live in this world, we How powerful are words? Identify the three degrees of Discovery Learning; Appreciation Role Playing Activities
3 es of cannot deny that there is comparison; Use each degrees in a Direct Instruction Competence
Comparison comparison in all aspects of sentence. Perseverance
our life. We often compare Why do we compare ourselves
ourselves to others in terms to others?
of material possessions and
3. Abs physical attributes. Thus, in
olute comparing, we use
Adjectives adjectives. These adjectives
vary as to the extent of the
comparison. This lesson
teaches the students on how
words can affect (either
positive or negative) a
person’s confidence and
WEEK 1. Introd After everything is said and What are the things that you Identify the functions and forms of Interactive Discussion Being Smart; Paper and pencil tests,
4 uction done, no matter how you regret ever saying or doing? adverbs; Differentiate adverbs and Becoming less Formative Quiz
to wanted to go back to the What do you do after being so adjectives; Write adverbs that describe Oral Questioning impulsive
Adver time you have done it, all impulsive with your reactions? verbs, adjectives, and another adverbs; 555 – Paragraph
bs you can do is just remember How would you deal with all Become an educated person who is Writing
how it was done. In the consequence? less impulsive with reactions and
The remembering everything, decisions
Land perhaps all you can do could
and ask yourself would be –
the how, when and maybe. All
Rain you could do is just describe
and regret why it happened.
Before this scenario will
Adver happen, one has to be
bial careful or less impulsive
Phras with regard to our decisions
es – one aspect of being a true
educated person.

2. REVI Examinations, either in How prepared am I for the Be determined to prepare all costs for Individual task Determination Group and Individual
EW school or in life, help one exam? the examination. Quiz
WEEK FOR person in accomplishing his
1 THE or her dreams through
FOU learning from failure or
RTH from successes.
WEEK 3. Prepo Have you been an instrument How can I become an Determine the correct prepositions that Think-Pair-Share; Perseverance Writing Drills
2 sition so that someone would be instrument to somebody’s should be used in a sentence; Write a Fishbowl strategy; Group Competence
s where they should be? Have success? short paragraph on how to become and discussion
you helped a friend become instrument to somebody’s success.
better? Have let someone Socratic Questioning
be in danger because you
Prepo have allowed him to be so?
sition One time or another, we
al become an accessory to
Phras somebody’s success or
es failure. We help them be
where they should or
should not be.
WEEK 4. Introd Expression comes in many How are feelings, Identify the basic parts of an essay; Direct Instruction; Patience and Essay Writing (Rubrics
3 uction forms, oral and written. Much perceptions, and ideas Determine the things to remember Guided Writing perseverance, harmony Assisted)
to as we wanted to express expressed in an essay? in writing an essay; in words and thoughts
Essay everything though speech, we
have to take note that How can an essay help Identify the kinds of essays and define
On whatever things that are people translate their each.
Discovering written remain longer than thoughts in written words?
Myself that only spoken. Though
writing becomes stricter and
more complicated that the
spoken ones, with
perseverance and patience, it
5. Kinds becomes better and better.
of Hence, writing essays
Essay correctly do not only help an
individual to express his
thoughts better but helping
humanity understand each
other better.

Essay Expression comes in many How can essays help Create an outline of an essay; Direct Instruction; Patience and Essay Writing (part 2)
Reinforceme forms, oral and written. humanity? Narrow broad topics Guided Writing perseverance, harmony (Rubrics Assisted)
nt Much as we wanted to in words and thoughts
6. Narro express everything though
wing speech, we have to take note
Broad that
whatever things that are
Topic written remain longer than
s that only spoken. Though
writing becomes stricter and
7. Main more complicated that the
Idea spoken ones, with
and perseverance and patience, it
Supp becomes better and better.
orting Hence, writing essays
Detail correctly do not only help an
s individual to express his
thoughts better but helping
8. Outlin humanity understand each
ing other better?

9. Prope It is of great importance Why do we need to cite Correctly cite a resource material Direct Instruction; Competence Writing drills
r that one needs to sources? from which the essay was based. Guided Writing Meticulousness
WEEK Docu acknowledge the source of
1 menta a written output. This
tion shows respect to the author
of the book and respect to
Citati yourself as a dignified
on: writer.

10. WRIT Writing needs a well- How do you deal with Develop a well-written essay that Guided writing, Understanding, Reflective Writing
ING focused topic and unlikely events in your reflect the experiences of man. brainstorming, pair Determination, Goad-
AN supported facts that are life? activity. Oriented
ESSA reported accurately. In life, Express in writing the ideas with
Y we like an essay that is driven cohesion and coherence.
by our goals that we want to
achieve supported by our
loved ones and life

Week 11. Revie There are no secrets to How prepared are you for Review the previous lessons/ Group and individual Honesty and Drills, Games
3 w for success. It is only the result the upcoming tasks Responsibility
the of preparation, hard work, examination?
Exam and learning from

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