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BA 110



(Part 1)


Guide Questions 
(Managerial Ethics)
• Why should graduate school students learn  Managerial Ethics? 

Managers make decisions on a daily basis that affect their entire organizations.
Not only do their decisions impact their own jobs and livelihoods, they also have
consequences (positive or negative) for the business as a whole, including personnel,
customers and the community in general. Management ethics are a crucial component of
safeguarding individuals and groups from the potential negative consequences of poor
managerial decision-making. 

• Is Managerial Ethics applied in your current  workplace? 

Yes. Having a positive working environment in the workplace, it protects

company assets. It can prevent property theft and falsification of documents by
implementation of workplace ethical standards. It also helps to protect business from
loss of income due to employee’s dishonesty.

• In your view, how would you contribute to  apply Managerial Ethics in your
I will treat customers and partners fairly.
They shouldn’t overcharge for products or services or overstate the value of what
they offer. They should make every effort to keep their pricing, delivery, and service-
level commitments to customers. They shouldn’t make unrealistic promises and should
take responsibility when they make a mistake. Just the perception of being
untrustworthy or being caught in a lie can damage a reputation.

• Is Managerial Ethics applied in our government? Why or why not?

Yes. Ethics provide accountability between the public and the administration.
Adhering to a code of ethics ensures that the public receives what it needs in a fair
manner. It also gives the administration guidelines for integrity in their operations. That
integrity, in turn, helps foster the trust of the community. By creating this atmosphere of
trust, the administration helps the public understand that they are working with their best
interests in mind.
Guide Questions
(Tobacco Issue)

 What are the advantages given by the tobacco industry in the economy? How about the
Advantages: 1. Gives Employment to community
2. Cultivates Revenue
Disadvantages: 1. Expensive
2. Death and Illness

 Do you think the current tobacco companies in the country are doing better than harm?  
Why or why not? 
 Because Tobacco companies “falsely marketed and promoted low-tar and
light cigarettes as less harmful” than regular cigarettes to keep people
smoking and sustain revenues.

 Is our current government handling our tobacco issue very well? Why or why not?
 Because The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world
has ever faced, killing more than 8 million people a year around the world. More
than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2
million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. (1) All
forms of tobacco are harmful, and there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco.
Cigarette smoking is the most common form of tobacco use worldwide

 In your own view, what is the ideal or appropriate legislation that should be made on the
issue about the tobacco industry? Expound.
 Base my own research for, those who see the problem primarily as regulatory, the
legislation appropriate policy response is to force action to soften or rescind policy.
6 For those who see more systemic forces at work, the solutions focus on adopting
policies that will assist in transitions to more diverse and sustainable economic
Guide Questions
(Internet Revolution)

 Why do you think the Internet Revolution is the most important for the
business sector?
 Yes, I think the internet becoming a powerful tool for
employees, the impact on business is undeniable. Porter’s five force
model is a framework for industry analysis, business strategy
development and study competition, the rise of social network sites
where now all human activities are present.

 The internet revolution is an unavoidable technological phenomenon.

How would you introduce this sector (such as agricultural and fisheries)
That do not even have the resources to access it?
 Yes, the technological phenomenon introduce, revolution has
reached around the world, with important consequences for business,
government, and the labor market. Computer-aided design,
telecommunications, and other developments are allowing small
players to compete with traditional giants in manufacturing and other

 Do you think the project geared towards cyber technology enhancement?

Should be prioritized by companies? Why or why not?
 Yes base my research the technology geared enhancement towards
human interaction with natural resources such as society recognized
and manages to the limits of the system and prioritized by the different
technologies services.

 Are you satisfied with the government’s current program in response

To internet revolution? Why or why not?
 Yes, the government satisfied Internet program because it’s a global system
response of interconnected computer networks that use the Government operations
are those activities involved in the running of a state for the purpose of
producing value for the citizens. Public administration is a vehicle for
expressing the values and preferences of citizens, communities, and society as a

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