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Date: 11/9/2021 Candidate: Duane “DJ” Jenner

Context/Grade Level: Summarize contextual information about your students, such as English language proficiency, cultural background, funds
of knowledge, interests, reading level, developmental learning and/or behavioral needs.

The majority of my students are very social and work well together. However, I can tell that they are a little out of sorts due to Covid and some
students who completed the school year with distance learning. I have found that some of my students need extra support, while other students
need to be challenged. Students have been feeling caged in some ways due to all of the Covid rules and restrictions. The majority of our
students are low income and on free and reduced prices lunch. A lot of them do not have a stable home life, and Covid has made things even
more challenging. I have 24 students, 14 boys and 10 girls. 3 of my students are English Learners. 2 of my students have a speech IEP and 3
more students have an IEP with goals in Math and ELA. 2 students have a 504.

Standards: copy and paste from:

History-Social Science, Grade 6

World History and Geography: Ancient Civilizations |

6.2.1: Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early
civilizations. .

Visual & Performing Arts, Grade 6

Visual Arts | 2.0 CREATIVE EXPRESSION: Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts | Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools
2.1: Use various observational drawing skills to depict a variety of subject matter.

English Language Development, Grade 6

Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways | B. Interpretive
6: Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly
through language.

Objective: State what you want your students to know, understand, and/or be able to do by the end of the lesson.

By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the river systems and physical landscape in ancient Egypt that promoted its success
and growth by drawing an accurate map of ancient Egypt.
Academic Vocabulary: Identify specific words or phrases students will need to know, so they can engage, practice or evaluate target content.

Nile River, inundation, irrigations, Delta

Observation Focus: If this is a lesson to be observed, please identify which Dimension (one of the 6 Cs) will be the focus. Include at one TPE
and one or two TPE Support Elements by copying and pasting from:

Content -
Uses multiple assessment strategies and data to modify instruction and inform student learning
3-3a Designs and implements cross-curricular learning segments

3-3b Integrates the visual and performing arts

Creativity -
Uses Strategies to promote active student participation including the visual and performing arts
1-7 Provides access to the curriculum through the visual and performing arts

Optional Video: If you have a video you’ve uploaded to your Google Drive, please paste the link here.

CalstateTEACH 3.0 Lesson Frame


Procedures Use students’ prior knowledge to engage Provide learning experiences for students to Provide opportunities for students to reflect
their interest in the target content. explore and develop their understanding of on their new learning and connect it to the
the target content. world and/or other content areas.

I will discuss Egypt with the students by We will watch a video called, “The Students will use their Chrome Books to
asking them what they already know Importance of the Nile River in Ancient continue to learn about ancient Egypt,
about Egypt. They may have learned Egypt.” We will also view various images the Nile River, Delta, and major cities.
about Egypt in lessons, from TV shows of the Nile and the Nile Delta to visually They will draw a map depicting the Nile,
or movies, or online. I will draw popsicle see why it had such an impact on creating images and symbols to highlight
sticks to have students share what they Egypt’s agriculture, water supply, and at least 3 ways that the Egyptians used
know. We will also complete a KWL trade. the Nile. They will label key features of
chart on the board, discussing what they their maps, including water sources and
know, want to know, and then at the end landforms.
filling in the section for what they

Adaptations Will any students need differentiated content Will any students need differentiated Will any students need a differentiated
and/or an alternate pathway to access the process activities to make sense of and/or product to demonstrate their learning of
target content? process the target content? target content?

All students will be able to access this Students with an IEP can use All students will create a map of ancient
content. text-to-speech technology as they are Egypt that highlights the Nile River and
researching. Students will also be able shows how they used this resource
to use various visuals to help them (symbols to show fertile farmland, water,
understand the content and I will display trade routes, etc.). Students will work in
these images of the Nile and the partners to create this and these pairs
landscape on the screen. My EL will be strategic pairings, putting
students always have the help of my students with a peer that they work well
bilingual aide or EL Coordinator. with and can support and encourage.
IEP students have the resource room
available as needed and my EL students
have the support of my aide and EL

Technology How will you and your students use How will you and your students use How will you and your students use
technology to engage with the content? technology to interact with and process the technology to evaluate understanding of
content? content?

We will use PowerPoint to display Students will use their Chrome Books to Students will complete short answer and
images of ancient Egypt and maps of the do further research about ancient Egypt multiple-choice questions about Egypt
land. We will watch a video to learn and to find images and maps to help and the importance of the Nile on the
about the Nile’s importance to the them create their own map. Google Classroom.
people and to the growth of Egypt.

Assessment Pre-Assessment Formative Assessment as Progress Formative or Summative Assessment

How will you assess your students’ prior How will you determine if your students met
knowledge and how might they self-assess How will you gather data about what students the target objective? How might your
their own prior knowledge? are learning as you teach? How might students self-assess their outcomes?
students measure their own progress toward
their objective?

We will discuss Egypt and what they After watching a video about the content Students will complete their maps that
already know. We will also discuss what we will think-pair-share to discuss this highlight the Nile and show how it was
we want to know and hope to learn by content. Students will also do research used. We will also complete the
starting a KWL chart as a class. on their Chrome Books together, asking “learned” section of our KWL chart.
and answering questions about the
content. I will be checking in with
students to see how they are doing and
what questions they might have as they

Reflection After teaching the lesson, reflect on whether or not your students met the lesson objective?
Use evidence to describe how you know.

Application Thinking about your students’ performance in this lesson, what will you include in the next lesson to support your students’ learning?

Prescription Pad

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