Republic of The Philippines: Region I Schools Division Office San Gabriel ST., Bonuanboquig, Dagupan City

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division Office
San Gabriel St., BonuanBoquig, Dagupan City


NAME: __________________________________ DATE: ____________

GRADE & SECTION: ______________________ SCORE___________

MULTIPLE CHOICES. Select the best answer for the questions. Write the letter of your answer on the blank
before the number.

_____ 1. It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less important
things or spontaneous desires. It may be developed with the help of self-discipline.
A. self-confidence B. determination C. persistence D. managing stress
_____ 2. Journal writing helps you become the Scriptwriter of your life. Which is not a practical reason to
maintain a journal?
A. It is personal and private. C. It is expensive.
B. It is creative and productive. D. It is preventive and pro-active.
_____ 3. Robert became a long-time basketball star. In court, he plays with the will to win and unmindful of
whatever obstacles until the very last second. He owns a personal effectiveness of _____________.
A. creativity B. teamwork C. persistence D. skillfulness
_____ 4. A method of mental maps, which allows you to materialize, visualize and scrutinize all your ideas,
which in turn contributes to the emergence of new ideas.
A. creativity B. critical thinking C. constructive thinking D. generating ideas
_____ 5. Everybody wants to be happy. But, many misunderstood the true meaning of happiness. Being
happy is _________.
A. to recognize that it is worthwhile to live, despite all the challenges, misunderstandings and
times of crises.
B. to be a victim of problems, but become an actor in history itself.
C. to be afraid of one's feelings.
D. to treasure only smiles.
_____ 6. Five months ago, Sheila broke up with her boyfriend who said that she is stout. Since then, she
experienced a distorted view of her body size and shape. As a result, she hardly eats at all and
became underweight. She also exercises excessively. Sheila have a common eating disorder called
A. anorexia B. bulimia C. food phobia D. binge eating
_____ 7. It means making use of all the personal resources like talents, skills, energy and time, to enable you
to achieve life goals.
A. personal effectiveness B. personal capabilities C. personal growth D. personal abilities
_____ 8. Which of the following is not a support strategy for person with mental health illness?
A. Spend time with the person, listen to his/her concerns.
B. Encourage the person to seek help and support from an adult.
C. Learn as much as you can about mental illness so that you understand what is going on
for them.
D. Put the person's life before your friendship. If the person mentions thoughts of suicide, keep
secret, even if the person asked you to do so.
_____ 9. It means not expressing your own needs and feelings, or expressing them so weakly that they will
not be addressed.
A. passive response B. aggressive response C. quick response D. assertive response
_____ 10. When you try to see yourself into the mirror, you see the characteristics that you were nurtured or
born to have. This is your ____________.
A. actual self B. ideal self C. self-concept D. self-esteem
_____ 11. It is the ability to understand, use and manage our emotions.
A. emotional intelligence B. understanding C. critical thinking D. comprehension
_____ 12. It is the self that you aspire to be.
A. actual self B. ideal self C. self-concept D. self-esteem
_____ 13. What substance that could damage the brain?
A. inhalants B. cocaine C. steroids D. all of the above
_____ 14. Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be feeling (even when you don’t actually
know) or putting your shoes to others is called _______.
A. sympathy B. synchronize C. empathy D. emotional
_____ 15. Kara eats a large amount of food (often junk food) at once, usually in secret. She uses laxatives
and exercise excessively. There were times that she would pour salt to her dessert to make it inedible in
order to get herself to stop eating. Why is Kara behaving differently?
A. Kara is having a food-related disorder called anorexia.
B. Kara is having a food-related disorder called bulimia.
C. Kara is feeling anxious and worried.
D. Kara is simply dieting.
Answer numbers 16-19 based from this situation:
Mr. Abalos, 60 years old, went to a free movie for senior citizens for the first time one Tuesday.
He waited on a long queue. When he was near the ticket window, a rich-looking man came in front of
him and got to the head of the line.
_____ 16. Mr. Abalos ignored the man, stood in the line and did not say anything. His response to the
situation is ______.
A. passive response B. assertive response C. aggressive response
_____ 17. Mr. Abalos called for the security for help and demanded the man be taken away from the line.
His response to the situation is ______.
A. passive response B. assertive response C. aggressive response
_____ 18. Mr. Abalos told the man he needs to go to the end of the line because many have been waiting.
His response to the situation is ______.
A. passive response B. assertive response C. aggressive response
_____ 19. Which of the following is the most appropriate response?
A. Mr. Abalos should ignore the man because he might get into trouble.
B. Mr. Abalos should call for security for help and demand that the man should be taken
away from the line.
C. Mr. Abalos should tell the man he needs to go to the end of the line because many have
been waiting.
D. Mr. Abalos should leave and come back next time because his mood changed.
_____ 20. It is the body's response to anything that makes us feel threatened or pressured. It is caused by any
kind of demand, to which we must adapt, adjust, or respond.
A. pressure B. stress C. anxiety D. demands
_____ 21. It means asking for what you want or saying how you feel in an honest and respectful way that
does not infringe on another person’s rights or put the individual down.
A. passive response C. quick response
B. aggressive response D. assertive response
_____ 22. Physical activity can make you feel good physically and build confidence. What are other benefits
of physical activity?
A. Improves your mood C. Helps you sleep better
B. Improves self-esteem D. all of the above
_____ 23. A person diagnosed with this disorder can start to think that people are trying to control them or
read his mind. Even though the things they see, hear, believe or feel might not be true, his brains think
they are real and true, and that can be very scary.
A. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) C. Anxiety (Panic Disorder)
B. Schizophrenia D. ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
_____ 24. Havighurst proposed a bio-psychosocial model of development, wherein the developmental tasks
at each stage are influenced by the individual's physiological maturation. At which development
stage does a person learns to walk and talk.
A. infancy and early childhood C. adolescence
B. middle childhood D. early adulthood
_____ 25. At which development stage does a person develops fundamental skills in writing, reading and
A. infancy and early childhood B. middle childhood C. adolescence D. early adulthood
_____ 26. What influences a person's self-esteem?
A. puberty and development B. media images C. families and school D. all of the above
_____ 27. Why is self-esteem important?
A. It is important because feeling good about yourself can affect your mental health and
how you behave.
B. People with high self-esteem usually feel more in control of their lives and know their own
strengths and weaknesses.
C. People with high self-esteem know themselves well.
D. all of the above
_____ 28. Which of the following is not a definition of stress?
A. Stress is an emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.
B. Stress is the feeling one gets from prolonged, pent-up emotions.
C. Positive emotions held inside let you suffer from stress.
D. Negative emotions held inside let you suffer from stress
_____ 29. When a person tries to adjust to decreasing strength and health and retirement, he is at the
developmental stage of __________.
A. adolescence B. early adulthood C. middle adulthood D. later maturity
_____ 30. Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical development
occur resulting to changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
A. adolescence B. early adulthood C. middle adulthood D. later maturity
_____ 31. At age three, Josh is hard to focus and sit still though, he can make his work in a quiet room. He is
a kid who can learn to control his thoughts and body by figuring out what helps him focus but he is as
smart as other people. He has as disorder called _______.
A. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) C. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
B. anxiety (Panic Disorder) D. ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
_____ 32. Manny Pacquiao transformed himself from a lanky school dropout to a junior boxing champion. He
trained crazily all day and all night when possible. His one-of-a kind story continue to inspire many
boxing fans because of his _______.
A. self-esteem B. self-image C. competitive D. determination
_____ 33. People with this disorder feel scared even if they are safe and there is nothing to be afraid of. They
might have very bad dreams that seems so real or think something bad is going to happen again.
A. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)C. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
B. anxiety (Panic Disorder) D. ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
_____ 34. What best describes "encouragement"?
A. Encouragement is the lifeblood of a relationship.
B. Encouragement develops a person's psychological hardiness and social interest.
C. Encouragement enhances a feeling of belonging which leads to greater social interest.
D. All of the above
_____ 35. It is the body's response to anything that makes us feel threatened or pressured. It is caused by any
kind of demand, to which we must adapt, adjust, or respond. It is the body's automatic way of
reacting to changes, challenges, and demands placed on us.
A. feelings B. stress C. emotions D. discouragement
_____ 36. Six-year-old Sam has a hard time talking about his feelings, understanding people's actions, and
being social. He is also very sensitive about being touched, scared and uncomfortable when hugged.
His brain works differently. What disorder does he have?
A. panic disorder B. Autism Spectrum Disorder C. ADHD D. Bi-polar disorder
_____ 37. It is a graphical technique that mirrors the way the brain works and helps to make thinking visible.
A. critical thinking B. daydreaming C. mind mapping D. brainwashing
_____ 38. How can we grow our intelligence?
A. Practice and learn new things B. Enroll in private school C. Sleep well D. Eat a lot
_____ 39. The ability to express your wishes and beliefs in a positive way.
A. assertiveness B. passiveness C. aggressiveness D. emotional
_____ 40. Retirement age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are experienced.
A. early childhood B. late childhood C. middle age D. old age

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


TVL - SHS Teacher II Assistant Principal II Principal III

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