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Section: BSED-SCIENCE 1A Date submitted: DECEMBER 2, 2020

Worksheet on the Analysis on the Cavite Munity of 1872ACTIVITY 2.1

Read and analyze the accounts of Trinidad Pardo de Tavera, Jose Montera y Vidal and Rafael Izquierdo. A table below is
provided to guide you on your analysis and interpretation of the documents. Complete the table by answering the information
being asked.

Contextualization of the ACCOUNTS

Trinidad Pardo de Tavera Rafael Izquierdo Jose Montero y Vidal
WHO • Trinidad Pardo de Tavera • Rafael Izquierdo • Jose Montero y Vidal
• Who was the author?
• He was born on April 13, 1857 and • He was born September 30, 1820 and died • He was born on January 28,1851
• Background information
his life was end at the age of 67, on November 9,1883. He was a Spanish and he is a Spanish Historian,
(nationality, gender, class,
March 26, 1925. He entered the military officer, politician and states man. who interpreted that the Mutiny
occupation/profession, religion,
school of Ateneo Municipal de was a Spanish Military Officer, politician, was an attempt to remove and
age, region, political beliefs,
Manila, Colegio de san Juan de and statesman. He served as Governor- overthrow the Spanish Colonizers
educational background, cultural
tetran, University of santo Tomas General of the Philippines from April 4, 1871 in the Philippines
to January 8, 1873. He was famous for his
and University of Paris. was a
use of "Iron Fist" type of government,
Filipino physician, historian and
contradicting the liberal government of his
politician of Spanish and Portuguese predecessor, Carlos María de la Torre y
descent. Trinidad, also known by his Navacerrada. He was the Governor-General
name T. H. Pardo de Tavera, was during the 1872 Cavite mutiny which led to
known for his writings about different execution of 41 of the mutineers, including
aspects of Philippine culture. the Gomburza martyrs. Izquierdo also acted
as Governor-General of Puerto Rico from
March 1862 to April 1862.

WHAT • The event is just a simple mutiny • He insisted that the mutiny is stimulated • The Cavite Mutiny is an aim of
since up to that time the Filipinos and prepared by the native clergy, mestizos natives to get rid of the Spanish
• What are the key
have no intention of separation from and lawyers as a signal of objection against government in the Philippines, due
information/details provided by
Spain but only secure materials and the injustices of the government such as not to the removal of privileges
the author?
• Was it the full story? Was it education advancements in the paying provinces for tobacco crops, pay enjoyed by the laborers of the
accurate? country. However, the mutiny was tribute and rendering of forced labor. Cavite arsenal such as exemption
• What did the author not want to used at a powerful level. Also, in this from the tribute and forced labor.
talk about? time, the central government • No, Because in spite of Rafael and the
deprived friars of the powers of other Spanish. They just stated the events • Yes, the democratic and
involvement in civil government and that they blame Filipinos instead of republican books and pamphlets,
in governing and handling protecting them throughout their power and the speeches and preaching of the
universities. wealth that they had, and It is not clearly apostles of these new ideas in
identified if Indio’s planned to inaugurate a Spain and the outburst of the
• Yes, it’s accurate because it clearly monarchy or a republic because they don't American publicists and the cruel
explains what happen in the past in have a word in their own language to policies of the insensitive governor
cavity mutiny, between the revolt in describe this different form of government, whom the reigning government
Filipinos and Spaniards whose leader in Filipino would be called sent to govern the country.
"hari". However, it turned out that they would Filipinos put into action these
• The authors not want to talk about set at the supreme of the government a ideas where the occurring
the result in the friars afraid that priest, that the leader selected would be conditions which gave rise to the
their leverage in the Philippines Jose Burgos or Jacinto Zamora which is the idea of achieving their
would be a thing in the past, took independence.
advantage of the mutiny and
reported it to the Spanish plan of the rebels who guided them, and the
government as a broad conspiracy means they counted upon its realization • Being biased in spanish version
organized throughout the is the thing that they want to talk
archipelago with the object of • The mutiny was used by the colonial about
abolishing Spanish sovereignty. The government and Spanish friars to implicate
Madrid government without any three secular priests, Mariano Gómez, José
attempt to investigate the real facts Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, collectively
or extent of the alleged revolution known as Gomburza
reported by Izquierdo and the friars
believed the scheme was true.[

WHY • Because they want to convey the • Because they want to convey the Filipinos • Because they want to convey the
Filipinos rights in their labor rights in their labor Filipinos rights in their labor
• Why was the document
written? • The purpose of the author is to give
• What was the purpose of the • The purpose of his work was to make
a clear information about what Filipinos afraid to them. That our native lands • Likewise, to the purpose of Jose
author? What motivated the happen to our country in a past were in proper when they governing the he did the document for biased
author to write? decades and what we suffered from country. purpose he indeed makes a way
• Who was the intended all colonizer. He's motivation was to
audience? For whom was it that Rafael Izquierdo is right all the
awake all the residents of the way.
written? Philippines' that were not weak and • The intended audience was the Indio’s, that
we can start again through fighting are not loyal to them will experience the
• Same with Rafael. The intended
and bring back our country to its death if they want to. To make a scene that
native audience was the Indio’s, that are
they are powerful that no one can win the
not loyal to them will experience
fight against them
• The intended audience was "us" the death if they want to. To make
who are not witnesses about what a scene that they are powerful that
happen to the Philippines' to keep it no one can win the fight against
from what time it started to become a them
fighter for our land. And it also, a
proof that Filipinos are strong even
without weapons like Spaniards have
we still manage to fight for the sake
of our country
WHEN • On 20 January 1872, about 200 • January 20, 1872 • January 20, 1872
men comprised of soldiers, laborers
• When was it written?
of the arsenal, and residents of
• Was it written on the same • It was written in the same year when the • after the original text was written,
Cavite headed by Sergeant
year the event happened or mutiny happened. In the night of January 20 he just makes another argument to
years later? Lamadrid rose in arms and 1872 agree with the side of Rafael
• What was the historical assassinated the commanding
background of the time? What officer and Spanish officers in
were the other significant events sight. The insurgents were • According to the accounts of the two, during • same with the account of Rafael
happening during this time? expecting support from the bulk of 20 January 1872, the district of Sampaloc Izquierdo.
the army unfortunately, that didn’t celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto,
happen. The news about the mutiny unfortunately the participants to the feast
reached authorities in Manila and celebrated the occasion with the usual
Gen. Izquierdo immediately ordered fireworks displays.
the reinforcement of Spanish troops
in Cavite. After two days, the mutiny
was officially declared subdued.

• It was written in the same year when

the mutiny happened. In the night of
January 20 1872

• At this period of time more events

that Filipino was celebrates like the
Independence Day at the 12th day
of June. And others, but the year on
1872 was one of the events were
unforgettable for all Filipinos whose
are succeed on the events.

WHERE • It’s made from Primary Source • It’s made from Primary Source • It’s made from Primary Source
• Where was the source made? • Yes, he is because he is the witness • Yes, on his account, Rafael Izquierdo was • Yes, he is involved on his
• Was the author involved in the of about what happen. also involved. account
• Did the author have an opinion • Tavera believed that the Spanish
on the event? • Izquierdo blamed the unruly Spanish Press • His bias was against the Filipino
friars and Izquierdo used the Cavite people and the jesuits
for “stockpiling” malicious propagandas
Mutiny as a powerful lever by
grasped by the Filipinos
magnifying it as a full-blown
conspiracy involving not only the
native army but also included
residents of Cavite and Manila, and
more importantly the native clergy to
overthrow the Spanish government
in the Philippines. It is noteworthy
that during the time, the Central
Government in Madrid announced
its intention to deprive the friars of
all the powers of intervention in
matters of civil government and the
direction and management of
educational institutions. This turnout
of events was believed by Tavera,
prompted the friars to do something
drastic in their dire desire to
maintain power in the Philippines.
Evaluating the information
What claim/s does the author • The author on this account claimed • This account was claimed that spaniard are • The account claims on the report
make? Does it describe the that the mutiny of Cavite gave the powerful than the owner of the country and and how the event was an attempt
actions of the elite or “ordinary” conservative elements that is those they intension to fight against native filipinos. im overthrowing the spanish
people? From whose perspective? who favored a continuation of the government in the Philippines.
colonial Medius viridians describe
the action of Spaniards who been
leading the Philippines.

Evidences used by the author to • used the Cavite Mutiny as a • Spanish government and Frailocracia to • documented the event and
support his claim/s powerful lever by magnifying it as a instill fear among the Filipinos so that they highlighted it as an attempt of the
full-blown conspiracy involving not may never commit such daring act again, the Indios to overthrow the Spanish
only the native army but also GOMBURZA were executed. This event government in the Philippines.
included residents of Cavite and was tragic but served as one of the moving
Manila, and more importantly the forces that shaped Filipino nationalism.
native clergy to overthrow the
Spanish government in the
Spanish friars and Izquierdo used as a
powerful resource by
the expansion, and
more importantly, the indigenous
priests to overthrow the Spanish
government in the Philippines
Language used to persuade the • This account was pursuing me • On Izquierdo account he used the spanish • The author of this also use the
audience (words, phrase, images because the author, Trinidad de version. spanish language same with the
& symbols) Tabera, used the Filipino version. account of Izquierdo.
Interpreting the message Write an essay of your analysis and interpretation of the three accounts using the questions found on the first column as guide.
Do not forget to cite other sources, if you have used any.

• What are the main arguments • Cavite Mutiny, (January 20, 1872), brief uprising of 200 Filipino troops and workers at the Cavite arsenal, which became
in the Cavite Mutiny? Do the the excuse for Spanish repression of the embryonic Philippine nationalist movement. Ironically, the harsh reaction of the
accounts agree or not? Explain. Spanish authorities served ultimately to promote the nationalist cause. The Cavite Mutiny is an aim of natives to get rid of the
• What is your interpretation on Spanish government in the Philippines, due to the removal of privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the Cavite arsenal such as
the author’s message? With exemption from the tribute and forced labor. Yes, they truly explain on what happen during that period. Further than, the mutiny
whom would you was quickly crushed, but the Spanish regime under the reactionary governor Rafael de magnified the incident and used it as
agree/disagree? an excuse to clamp down on those Filipinos who had been calling for governmental reform. A number of Filipino intellectuals
• If you have read other were seized and accused of complicity with the mutineers. After a brief trial, three priests—José Burgos, Jacinto Zamora, and
historians’ interpretation of the Mariano Gómez—were publicly executed. The three subsequently became martyrs to the cause of Philippine independence.
accounts or sources similar to
this, how does your analysis fit • For me is on Tavera's account because he used the Filipino version that had a great cause to all. As a Filipino it is honored
with theirs? How do these that he creates one version for Filipino that I definitely want to say that he is very proud of being a Filipino in spite of tragic
accounts support or challenge events or on what happen there from the colonizer. Nearby, the two accounts it is also great cause, these two accounts have
their argument? the same legacy. Has the same content of accounts. I agree with Tavera's account because he clearly explain on what during
• What is the significance of that period of time. Unlike to Vidal because he just only interpreted agree what Izquierdo state, I would like to say that he’s
these documents to our biased on others.
contemporary times?

• If I read the other historian account, I would choose to read the account that has a strong evidence that made myself believing
of what I’ve reading. And give me a widen interpretation and knowledge that I could share to my ancestors. It explains the
arguments in that account and the challenges that account has. And gave some instances that prove their documents like
some of artifacts and evidence.

• It may serve us, as a primary source of what happened on their time. and for us to acknowledge what happen on the last
period of time on today’s happening. It is well to remember that the seeds of nationalism that was sown in Cavite blossomed
to the Philippine Revolution and later to the declaration of independence by Emilio Aguinaldo which took place also in Cavite.
As for me, the 1872 Cavite Mutiny bolstered the stereotypical belief that Caviteños were the most courageous of my fellow

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