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Marriages below the age of 18 years has become a common issue in countries.

Millions of people are

getting married at an early stage. Almost one third of the girls in the developing countries are married at
an early stage. Do you agree or disagree on early marriage?

People who agree the practice of getting married early expose some pros arguments. First, marriage is a
big decision and it does not have a perfect time. It is clueless and can take place at any point of time.
When getting married early, it does not pressure of having kids in the near future.

Marriages below the age of 18 years has become a common issue in countries. Millions of people are
getting married at an early stage. Almost one third of the girls in the developing countries are married at
an early stage. Do you agree or disagree on early marriage?

People who agree the practice of getting married early expose some pros arguments. First, marriage is a
big decision and it does not have a perfect time. It is clueless and can take place at any point of time.
When getting married early, it does not pressure of having kids in the near future.

The second argument is about being responsible. When people marry early, responsibilities also
increase with time. Girls would have enough time to learn the household works and can make them a
responsible daughter – in – law and a wife. The same applies to men as well.

However some people disagree to get married at an early age. One thing is about lack of understanding.
Marrying at an early age can create a lot of understanding issues between the couple. The level of
understanding is developed only when the girl and boy are matured enough to understand each other
and their environment.

Additionally, getting married at early age often causes financial insecurity. Most of boys who marry at a
young stage are not even well settled. They know that they needs a lot of money to carry out the family

Finally, whatever the arguments are, marriage has become the basic necessity of life. Some people get
married at an early stage while some marry a little later in life. Whenever you choose to get married,
make the best preparation and life will go on well.

Marriages below the age of 18 years has become a common issue in countries. Millions of people are
getting married at an early stage. Almost one third of the girls in the developing countries are married at
an early stage. Do you agree or disagree on early marriage?

People who agree the practice of getting married early expose some pros arguments. First, marriage is a
big decision and it does not have a perfect time. It is clueless and can take place at any point of time.
When getting married early, it does not pressure of having kids in the near future.

The second argument is about being responsible. When people marry early, responsibilities also
increase with time. Girls would have enough time to learn the household works and can make them a
responsible daughter – in – law and a wife. The same applies to men as well.
However some people disagree to get married at an early age. One thing is about lack of understanding.
Marrying at an early age can create a lot of understanding issues between the couple. The level of
understanding is developed only when the girl and boy are matured enough to understand each other
and their environment.

Additionally, getting married at early age often causes financial insecurity. Most of boys who marry at a
young stage are not even well settled. They know that they needs a lot of money to carry out the family

Finally, whatever the arguments are, marriage has become the basic necessity of life. Some people get
married at an early stage while some marry a little later in life. Whenever you choose to get married,
make the best preparation and life will go on well.

Marriages below the age of 18 years has become a common issue in countries. Millions of people are
getting married at an early stage. Almost one third of the girls in the developing countries are married at
an early stage. Do you agree or disagree on early marriage?

People who agree the practice of getting married early expose some pros arguments. First, marriage is a
big decision and it does not have a perfect time. It is clueless and can take place at any point of time.
When getting married early, it does not pressure of having kids in the near future.

The second argument is about being responsible. When people marry early, responsibilities also
increase with time. Girls would have enough time to learn the household works and can make them a
responsible daughter – in – law and a wife. The same applies to men as well.

Marriages below the age of 18 years has become a common issue in countries. Millions of people are
getting married at an early stage. Almost one third of the girls in the developing countries are married at
an early stage. Do you agree or disagree on early marriage?

People who agree the practice of getting married early expose some pros arguments. First, marriage is a
big decision and it does not have a perfect time. It is clueless and can take place at any point of time.
When getting married early, it does not pressure of having kids in the near future.

The second argument is about being responsible. When people marry early, responsibilities also
increase with time. Girls would have enough time to learn the household works and can make them a
responsible daughter – in – law and a wife. The same applies to men as well.

However some people disagree to get married at an early age. One thing is about lack of understanding.
Marrying at an early age can create a lot of understanding issues between the couple. The level of
understanding is developed only when the girl and boy are matured enough to understand each other
and their environment.
Additionally, getting married at early age often causes financial insecurity. Most of boys who marry at a
young stage are not even well settled. They know that they needs a lot of money to carry out the family

Marriages below the age of 18 years has become a common issue in countries. Millions of people are
getting married at an early stage. Almost one third of the girls in the developing countries are married at
an early stage. Do you agree or disagree on early marriage?

People who agree the practice of getting married early expose some pros arguments. First, marriage is a
big decision and it does not have a perfect time. It is clueless and can take place at any point of time.
When getting married early, it does not pressure of having kids in the near future.

The second argument is about being responsible. When people marry early, responsibilities also
increase with time. Girls would have enough time to learn the household works and can make them a
responsible daughter – in – law and a wife. The same applies to men as well.

However some people disagree to get married at an early age. One thing is about lack of understanding.
Marrying at an early age can create a lot of understanding issues between the couple. The level of
understanding is developed only when the girl and boy are matured enough to understand each other
and their environment.

Additionally, getting married at early age often causes financial insecurity. Most of boys who marry at a
young stage are not even well settled. They know that they needs a lot of money to carry out the family

Finally, whatever the arguments are, marriage has become the basic necessity of life. Some people get
married at an early stage while some marry a little later in life. Whenever you choose to get married,
make the best preparation and life will go on well.

Finally, whatever the arguments are, marriage has become the basic necessity of life. Some people get
married at an early stage while some marry a little later in life. Whenever you choose to get married,
make the best preparation and life will go on well.

However some people disagree to get married at an early age. One thing is about lack of understanding.
Marrying at an early age can create a lot of understanding issues between the couple. The level of
understanding is developed only when the girl and boy are matured enough to understand each other
and their environment.

Additionally, getting married at early age often causes financial insecurity. Most of boys who marry at a
young stage are not even well settled. They know that they needs a lot of money to carry out the family
Finally, whatever the arguments are, marriage has become the basic necessity of life. Some people get
married at an early stage while some marry a little later in life. Whenever you choose to get married,
make the best preparation and life will go on well.

The second argument is about being responsible. When people marry early, responsibilities also
increase with time. Girls would have enough time to learn the household works and can make them a
responsible daughter – in – law and a wife. The same applies to men as well.

However some people disagree to get married at an early age. One thing is about lack of understanding.
Marrying at an early age can create a lot of understanding issues between the couple. The level of
understanding is developed only when the girl and boy are matured enough to understand each other
and their environment.

Additionally, getting married at early age often causes financial insecurity. Most of boys who marry at a
young stage are not even well settled. They know that they needs a lot of money to carry out the family

Finally, whatever the arguments are, marriage has become the basic necessity of life. Some people get
married at an early stage while some marry a little later in life. Whenever you choose to get married,
make the best preparation and life will go on well.


Perkawinan di bawah umur 18 tahun telah menjadi masalah tersendiri di banyak negara. Jutaan orang
menikah pada usia dini. Hampir sepertiga dari anak-anak muda di negara berkembang sudah menikah
pada usia dini. Apakah Anda setuju atau tidak dengan persoalan pernikahan dini?

Orang-orang yang setuju dengan menikah diawal usia memaparkan beberapa argumentasi. Pertama,
perkawinan adalah keputusan besar dan tidak memiliki patokan waktu yang tepat dan bisa dilakukan
pada setiap waktu. Menikah dini mempunyai keuntungan tidak di haruskan segara mempunyai
anak.Menikah pada usia muda, wanita juga lebih enerjik untuk mengurusi urusan rumah tangga pada
usia muda, kondisi kesehatan wanita juga biasanya paling baik saat dia berada diusia muda sehingga
tidak beresiko untuk melahirkan. Selain itu interval krlahiran anak jg lebih bisa di atur karena tidak
terbatas oleh umur.
Alasan kedua adalah tentang masalah tanggung jawab. Ketika orang menikah dini, tanggung jawab juga
meningkatkan seiring waktu dan dapat membuat mereka bisa bertanggung jawab sebagai seorang
menantu dan juga istri. Hal ini juga berlaku sama bagi para laki-laki.

Namun beberapa orang tidak setuju akan pernikahan di usia dini. Satu hal adalah tentang kurangnya
pemahaman. Menikah pada usia dini dapat menimbulkan masalah kesalahpahaman antar pasangan.
Tingkat pemahaman juga berkembang seiring usia yang matang agar bisa saling memahami satu sama

menikah di usia dini sering menyebabkan ketidakamanan tentang keuangan. Sebagian besar laki-laki
yang menikah pada usia dini masih belum mapan. Padahal mereka pasti membutuhkan banyak uang
untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawab keluarga.

Selain itu para wanita muda yang tidak bisa mengatasi urusan rumah tangga dan pekerjaannya, akan
lebih mudah mengalami depresi, sehingga banyak yg berakhir dengan pernikahan yg tidak bahagia,
deprezi, bahkan bunuh diri.

Wanita yang menikah muda juga harus mengorbankan masa mudanya untuk bekerja keras sementara
teman temannya mungkin masih sibuk bersenang senang.

Akhirnya, apa pun argumentasinya, pernikahan menjadi kebutuhan dasar kehidupan. Beberapa orang
menikah pada usia awal, sementara beberapa menikah sedikit telat. Kapanpun pilihan untuk menikah,
lakukan dengan persiapan terbaik dan hiduppun akan berjalan dengan baik.


Positif : pada usia muda, wanita lebih enerjik untuk mengurusi urusan rumah tangga.

- kondisi kesehatan wanita biasanya paling baik saat dia berada diusia muda sehingga tidak beresiko
untuk melahirkan. Selain itu interval krlahiran anak jg lebih bisa di atur karena tidak terbatas oleh umur.

Nefatif : para wanita muda yang yidak bisa mengatasi urudan rumah tangga dan pekerjaannya, akan
lebih mudah mengalami depresi, sehingga banyak yg berakhir dengan pernikahan yg tidak bahagia,
deprezi, bahkan bunuh diri.

- wanita muda harus mengorbankan masa mudanya untuk bekerja keras sementara teman temannya
mungkin masih sibuk bersenang senang.

Marriage under the age of 18 years has been a separate problem in many countries. Millions of people
get married at an early age. Almost a third of young children in developing countries are married at an
early age. Do you agree or disagree with the issue of early marriage?

People who agree to get married in early age explained several arguments. First, marriage is a big
decision and does not have a benchmark great time and can be done at any time. Married early have the
advantage of not having a child in required immediately. Married at a young age, women are also more
energetic to take care of domestic affairs at a young age, the health condition of women are also usually
best when he was at a young age so it is not at risk for giving birth. Additionally birth interval jg more
can be set because it is not limited by age.

The second reason is about the issue of responsibility. When people get married early, responsibility
also increases over time and can allow them to be responsible as a son and a wife. This also applies
equally to men.

But some people disagree on marriage at an early age. One thing is about the lack of understanding.
Married at an early age can cause problems misunderstandings between couples. The level of
understanding is also growing as a mature age to be able to understand each other.

 married at an early age often lead to insecurity about finances. Most men who get married at an early
age is still not established. Though they certainly need a lot of money to carry out family responsibilities.

In addition, the young women who could not cope with household affairs and work, are more prone to
depression, so many who end up with a wedding that unhappy, depressed, even suicidal.

The young married woman must sacrifice her youth to work hard while his friends might still be busy
having fun.

Finally, whatever the argument, marriage become the basic necessities of life. Some people get married
at an early age, while some married a little late. Whenever the option to get married, do it with the best
preparation and hiduppun will run well.

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