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1 Look at the photos. Describe them to your partner. 2 ©22z Listen to three teenagers talking about their plans and hopes forthe future. Match the speakers to thre ofthe photos. 3 ©2222 Answer the questions. Then listen again and check. 1 What gid speaker 1 always dream of ding? What aid his mother encourage him to 40? Who has speakor 2 abways admired? ‘What does ie imagine himself doing beloe a game? Where does speaker 3 aim to study? What advice does she give to ether young people? 2 a 4 5 6 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. achieve admire aim choose dream encourage gofor imagine keep on tty your best 1 When he was younger, my dad of boing an astronaut 2 Fant... what its tke to work al day 3 MaX..0...10 study French and Spanish when he was 14 4 Jane reading her book hours ater midnight, it tS was such a good story, 5 I really sports stars who practise for hours, 6 to lake up dance classes, 7 ‘Nelson Mandela... many great things in his ite 8 Jenny... 10 go running every day before schoo! but she found it rally har. This year Milan the position of schoo! captain. He'll defintely get my vote! 10 Dont be sad. You and no one can ask more 5 Discuss the questions. 1 What would you like to achieve inthe next five years? 2 Who do you admire most? Why? ‘3. What subjects do you think you wil choose to study ‘when you'e older? Do you dream of having 15 minutes of fame? What or who encourages you most when you have to study? {In what stuations do you try your best? ler in READING 1 Read Bonnie's profile. How would you describe her? you think Bonnie's story check your answers, 2 Look at the photo and the newspaper headline. What do Read the article quickly and Bes Pp the champion of the Perisher snowboarding competition, which takes place every year in ‘August. Bonnie, who has been a member of the three months. She was competing against much But this ft all that this young git has achieved, At the age ol ten, she was signed up by the sportswear designer label, Booyong. be really good because people outside my family believed in ime. It was fantastic. Her parents, Johnny and Kath, whe live in the Snowy Mountains, own a shop that sells snow sports equipment, Bonnie started snowboarding at the young 990 of four, ator her father gave her snowboard, ‘Ilether watch her older brother, who never lst what to do, She had real talent from the 1. What has happened to Bonnie recently? AA She has won a snowboarding competition B She has joined a new snowboarding club. © She has celebrated her 14th birthday, 2 What does Bonnie say about the agreement with Booyong? ‘A She is involved in their dasign decisions, 8 Her parents soll these clothes in their shop. Ithas proved her snowboarding abilty to herset. 3 Bonnie became interested in snowboarding when, A she joined a class with a loca instructor. B she received a present from her father, € she supported her brother in a competition. Oa Sho finished in fst place. ‘The competition takes place every year in August. 11 pick one place, then maybe Snowy Mountain Snow Club for the last two years, took part in the national event at just 14 years and ‘older gis, who ate among the best in the country “That wes realy important, she says. ‘Alter that, | was certain that | could took snowboarding very seriously! Bonnie knew ‘3 Read the article again and choose the correct answers. TEEN ENJOYS SNOWBOARD SUCCESS [ gclizensges Bonnie Witiams hs just become Start!” her proud father Johnny told the Snowy Gazette. But Bomnie has worked hard. She began ith lessons from local snowboard instructor, Jim Higgins. then, two yoars ago, international coach Mille Fury started working with Bonnie and Was much more demanding of her, both in the ‘amount of training they did and in improving hor technique. There were days when itiwas so hard to keep going, you know, | was $0 tted and so ‘cold. But'm so grateful to Mili!” Bonnie has also competed in the USA, including in a competition in Copper Mountain, Colorado ‘where she finished in fist place. We asked her how. she managed that, because there isa lot of song, ‘competition inthe States. know, there are a lot of really good boarders out there, | don't know how | did it. |justalyrays try my best! she told us. Bonnie attencis her local school, but aims to get ‘a grant to go to the Australian Insitute of Sport. t dream of going to the Winter Olympics and the Xctrail Jam, an Asian competition held in Japan. k's ‘really hard, but | believe that i you went something, lke that then you've got ta go for it. ean definitely see myself as a champion!’ We think she already is a champion. Well done, Bonniel 4. What is Bonnie's opinion of tiie Furily’s coaching now? ‘A Mille spent too litle time on technique B Millie was right to insist on the extra taining, E Willa didnt help her to improve enough 8 What does Bonnie say about winning the Copper ‘Mountain competition? ‘A She always felt that she was the best boarder out there. B The competition wasnt particularly strong this year Sheisnt sure why she was so suecesstul {6 What are Bonnie's hopes for the future? A Sho wants to attend a special sports schoo! B She aims to find some training in Japan, She dreams of winning an Olympic event 1 Rad the two examples. Which verb has two objects? Which is the direct object? 1 He gave nis daughter a snowboard. 2 Their shop sells snow sports equipment. 2 Read tho examples. Then choose the correct words to complete the rules. 1 My fiend sent me this photograph. 2 My trend sent this photograph to me, ‘Some verbs can be followed by two objects, a direct object and an indirect object @ The direct object is usually a person / thing. bb The indirect objects usually a person / thing. © the dec /inairect object comes first, we use ‘0 01 for botore the indirect object. 4 I the direct indirect object comes fist, we dont use to or fr. Grammar raterence page 164 3 Undertino the direct object and circie the indirect. ‘object in each sentence. 1. She gave him some flowers. He took his dad a present The git sent hor mother a photo. My best friond told me a secret | was sick and Mum brought me a glass of juice in bed, 6 The gils showed each other their phones, 2 3 4 5 ‘4 Put the words in order to make sentences. some lowers /for/ they brought me They brought some Rowers for me. 1 his /Jack trend /an / wrote / email / to 2 gave / she / some floners/ boy the /1o 3 her / showed /a/10/ photo / ends / she 4 book /I/for/a / bought / brother / my 5 story /10/ she /ner / class tld the 5 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 4 with the Indirect object first. © They breught me. some flowers 6 Answor the questions with your partner. 1 Who did you send your last text message to? ‘What presents did people give you lor your last birthday? Has anyone promised you anything recenty? What was it? Who do you usually show your homework to? (OCorpus challenge VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs 1 Read the examples and underline the phrasal verbs. 1 We always betieved in you, 2 People tell me to just go for it 2 Read the sentences and match the bold verbs to the meanings, 1 Bonnie's father believed in her abiliy as a “snowboarder. 2 Her advice for people who want to do competitions is to go fort 3 The school office deals with all enquiries about afterschool activites My friend Janey got into the national team, She was so pleased | think it's important to Join in group activities, Her success depends on her ability to practise ‘every day, believe that someone can succeed be influenced by something Become a member of a team or group try your hardest to achieve something {ake part in something with other people 1 take action to solve a problem 3 biscuss the questions. 1 What activities do you join in at school? 2 Do you think success depends on abiliy, hard work or both? ‘3. How do you deal with problems at school? 4 Do you have a talent? Are you going to 90 for it and tty tobe suecesstul? Why? / Why not? ons vor and USTENING 1 ©2223 Listen to Marty, Bonnie, Allan, Eva and Elena talking about their year. Write down their main achievements \\ SPEAKING Discussing options (3) 2 ©2223 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Wiy does Bonnie describe her schedule as ‘crazy’? 2 What does Alan say was the best pat of his course? 3 Wat does Elena say about London’? 4 Wich was the best topic on Evas class bog, in or opinion? Why? 5 What part of veo making is Marty intorstod in? 1 Look at the pictures of activities on a summer activity course. Which activities would you like to do on holiday? Why? boy is going fo do a summer activity course during his holidays. Here are the different things that he could do. Tak to each other about the benefits of these different activities and then decide which would be best. 1-Thon listen to three people discussing the different activities. Decide if the sentences are true or false. 1. Sophie thinks that sleeping all summer holiday ‘would be boring. 2 Ana thinks it's nice to learn something new in the holidays. Jon thinks that team activities are better than individual activities, 4 Jon doesrit think that rock climbing isa team sport 5 The three people agree that rock elmbing and painting are the best activities. 3 Ov Read the Prepare box, then listen agail phrases do you hear?

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