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Lisan: Jurnal Bahasa dan Linguistik Vol. 8 No. 2: Hal.

119-130 (2019)


The Analysis of Figurative Language in “Endless Love” Song Lyric

Ibrahim Ibrahim1, Muhaiminah Akib2, Ruslan Hasyim3
Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Sorong, Jalan Pendidikan KM 8 Malaingkedi


Diterima: 5 Februari 2019. Disetujui: 15 April 2019. Dipublikasikan: 30 April 2019

[The Analysis of Figurative Language in “Endless Love” Song Lyric] This research aimed to find out the
kinds and the meanings of figurative language in “Endless Love” Song Lyric. The research used descriptive
method. The data of this research were divided into two categories, they were primary data and secondary data.
Primary data were taken from the song and the lyric of the song itself and the secondary data were obtained
from articles and book. The data were analyzed by using pure structuralism approach, focused on the kinds and
the meanings of the figurative language. The result of this research showed that there are seven kinds of
figurative language in the song lyric, respectively: Repetition 36%, Hyperbole 32%, Metaphor 12%, Pleonasm
8%, Personification 4%, Dispersonification 4%, and Onomatopoeia 4% . The meanings used in the figurative
languages of the song lyric are connotative and denotative meaning.

Keywords: Figurative Language; Denotative and Connotative meaning

BACKGROUND One of the most effective ways to

Language is a tool to convey messages, convey a message is by using a song. Song
whether by oral or written is generally used figurative languages in the
messages.Language is used to convey the lyric. The usage of the figurative language
message from the speaker and the hearer in a song is very important as a tool to
((Yusniati Sabata & Ibrahim 2018). convey the messages as well as beauty and
According to Keraf (2007) in expressing to give a colour and particular effect to the
idea either speaker or writer has different listeners or readers. Rashid Mahmood
style. In oral languages the messages is (2014) stated that each figure of speech has
given and received through conversation its own significance in making and
and in written languages the messages are describing ideas.
given and received by using some forms. Also song is sometimes used by the
listeners or the readers to tell the feeling or

the messages to someone, because some she found 13 kinds of figurative languages
people are difficult to convey their feeling and 52 kinds of diction.
or willing directly and it becomes easier In term of the previous above, the
after they using a song to convey them. writer concludes that there are some
Using figurative language appropriately in methods that can be used to analyze the
writing and speaking can communicate a figurative languages in literary works. So in
thought effectively (James, 1960). this research the writer tries to use one of
The writer found many songs especially the methods to analyze the song lyric
love songs using figurative languages in the namely pure structuralism analysis and
lyric and the writer tought that it is very although there are similarities of the
important for the listeners or readers to learn research to this research in term of
about the figurative languages because it figurative language but the figurative
could help them to understand and to get the languages in this research will be analyzed
meaning of the song as a whole. based on “ Endless Love” song lyric. The
Based on the explanations and reasons research above also helps the writer of this
stated above the writer is interested to thesis to get and to find the right references
analyze a song “ Endless Love”, a song and sources to support this research.
which is written by Lionel Richie. In this
song the singers declare their “Endless Some Pertinent Ideas
Love” for one another. The very important 1. Song
reason is the writer found many figurative 1.1. Definition of Song
languages in the lyric of the song. Etymologically song is defined as the
By this research the writer expects that verb to sing. A song is a piece of music for
this research has important role and could accompanied or unaccompanied voice or the
give some informations for the readers in act of singing, a song can be singed by one
learning a literary work especially a song. or more persons.
The writer also hoped that this research Song is one of the most popular literary
could be a reference for them who will do works, it also the most preferable and very
similar research especially about the close to the people in society because they
figurative languages. will not only get fun from, brought into
large, close and fresh relation to life but also
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE songs are used to express points of view,
The writer is inspired to analyze the talk about history, about society or about
song of Lionel Richie after reading the lyric someone’s life. Songs are used also to
and listening the song that has a lot of inspire the people that are listening to them
fingurative languages in it, and the writer is or even change their mind. The song tends
interested to analyze this song. to be written in language simple enough to
To support and to provide the be understood on first hearing.
originality of this research the writer
presents some references from some sources 1.2. Genres of Song
especially a previous related research as Genre is a class, type or category. Peter
follow: van der Merwe treats the terms genre and
Sitti Rahmawati (2005) in her research style as the same, he said that genre should
“Diction and Figurative languages in be defined as pieces of music that share a
Selected Poems of Emily Dickson” certain style or basic musical language.
concluded that Emily Dickson tried to Songs can be broadly divided into
combine diction and many figurative many different forms, depending on the
languages in each stanza of her poems. criteria used. Also van der Merwe classified
From 10 selected poems of Emily Dickson the song into three genres, called trichotomy

of songs, they are art song, folk song and is conceived for mass distribution to large
popular song. and often socioculturally heterogeneous
groups of listeners, stored and distributed in
a. Art Songs non-written form, only possible in an
The term art song refers primarily to industrial monetary economy where it
classical traditions, including both becomes a commodity and in capitalist
contemporary and historical classical song societies, subject to the laws of free
forms. Art song exists in many parts of the enterprise it should ideally sell as much as
world. It emphasizes formal styles that possible.
invite technical and detailed deconstruction Popular song is found on most
criticism, and focused attention from the commercial radio stations, in most
listener. commercial song retailers and department
In western practice, art song is stores, and in movie and television
considered primarily a written song soundtracks. It is noted on the Billboard
tradition, preserved in some form of song charts and in addition to singer-songwriters
notation rather than being transmitted and composers, it involves song producers
orally, by rote, or in recordings, as popular more than other genres do.
and traditional song usually. The distinction between classical and
Historically, most western art song has popular song has sometimes been blurred in
been written down using the standard forms marginal areas, such as minimalist song and
of song notation that evolved in Europe, light classics. In this respect song is like
beginning well before the Renaissance and fiction, which likewise draws a distinction
reaching its maturity in the Romantic between classics and popular fiction that is
period. The identity of a work or piece of art not always precise.
song is usually defined by the notated
version rather than by a particular 2. Lyric
performance. This is so particularly in the Lyric derives from Greek word lyrikos
case of western classical song. Art song meaning singing to the lyre. The word lyric
may include certain forms of jazz, even came to be used for the words of a song.
though jazz is primarily a form of popular Lyric is a set of words that make up a song.
song. The meaning of lyrics can either be explicit
or implicit. Some lyrics are abstract, almost
b. Folks Songs unintelligible, and in such cases their
The defining characteristics of folk explication emphasizes form, articulation,
song are: meter, and symmetry of expression.
- Oral transmission: The song is handed Lyrics may be composed in almost any
down and learned through singing, listening, meter and on almost every subject, although
and sometimes dancing; the most usual emotions presented are those
- Cultural basis: The song derives from and of love and grief. In another sense, the lyrics
is part of the traditions of a particular region of a popular song or other musical
or culture. composition are the words as opposed to the
music, these may not always be lyrical in
c. Popular Songs the poetic sense.
The term popular song refers to any
song style accessible to the general public 3. Figurative Languages
and disseminated by the mass media. Figurative languages refer to words and
Songologist and popular song specialist groups of words that exaggerate or alter the
Philip Tagg defined the notion in the light usual meanings of the component words.
of sociocultural and economical aspects, The most commonly used types of
popular song unlike art song, popular song figurative language are metaphor, simile,

personification and hyperbole. In each of literal meanings, but also suggest reasons
those types of language, the author for attributing meanings.”
implicitly or explicitly compares something As an example, the sentence "The
to something else (Rhody, Lisa M.,2012) ground is thirsty", this sentence is using
figurative language means allowing for a figurative language but to recognize the
similar beautiful failure – not a failure of figurative language in this sentences we
language, but a necessary inclination toward need to know that "ground" word has a
form that involves a diminishing of literal meaning because the ground is not
language’s possible meanings alive and therefore neither needs to drink
Figurative language provides new ways nor feel thirsty. For the people who
of looking at the world, it always makes a understand about the figurative languages,
comparison between different they will interpreted this sentence that the
things.Figurative language affect attitudes ground is dry and need to water.
positively across context (Kronrod, A., & Using figurative language is not only
Danziger, S. 2013) Figurative language needs an interpretation but also familirity
compares two things that are different in between the speaker and listener or between
enough ways so that the similarities are author and the reader, because an example
interesting, unique and surprising. Keraf in the statement "When I first saw her, my
(2007: 19) said that: “whenever you soul began to quiver" this sentence could
describe something by comparing it with present some interpretations to the reader or
something else, you are using figurative to the listener, because these sentences may
language.” describe infatuation, panic, or something
Masters of figurative language can else. So, if the listener and reader have a
change an audience's experience of a word familiarity with the speakers’ feelings, they
or an idea by comparing it with something will get what the speakers or authors mean
else. Figurative language can improve easily.
social communication skills (Kalandadze,
T., Norbury, C., Nærland, T., & Næss, K. 4. Kinds of Figurative Language
A. B. 2018) Actually, there are so many kinds of
They can also deepen the mood, tone figurative languages that often used in
and complexity of their work by choosing literary works or in a literary work, but, in
relevant comparisons. order to the writer focuss in explaining the
Figurative languages sometimes cannot kinds of figurative languages, the writer will
be translated literally, to translate it into just take the kinds of the figurative
different languages may cause languages used in the “ Endless Love” song
misinterpretation. If it is translated literally lyric, they are explained as follows:
word-for-word, it will often be completely 1. Metaphor
misunderstood. Often linguistic devices Metaphoor is a kind of
such as irony are used (Farías, D. I. H., figurative language that compare two
Sulis, E., Patti, V., Ruffo, G., & Bosco, C. things, two pobjects,two people etc.
2015). Although, there are always Example: He has a heart of stone, you
possibilities for the readers to analyze, are my sunshine.
understand and translate it correctly. Also
Perrine (1974:26), states that: 2. Personification
“The human mind requires a cognitive Personification is a kind of figurative
framework, made up of memories of all the languages that gives human characteristics
possible meanings that might be available to inanimate objects, animals, or ideas.
to apply to the particular words in their Examples: The sun greeted me this
context. This set of memories not only will morning. The sky was full of dancing stars.
give prominence to the most common or

3. Dispersonification of structuralisms: pure structuralism, genetic
Dispersonification is kind of figurative structuralism, and dynamic structuralism.
language that gives the attributes of Pure structuralism focuses on the intrinsic
inanimate thing to animate thing. elements of literary works, this approach is
Example: He is calm like a statue. taken as a more objective approach
compared to the other approaches because
this approach is just based on the literary
4. Hyperbole / Overstatement work and intrinsic alements of literary work
Hyperbole is a kind of figurative itself.
languages that exaggerate and emphasizes a Genetic structuralism does not only
point and more than fact. This statement can analyze intrinsic elements of literary work
be ridiculous or funny. Hyperboles can be but also the background of the author and
added to fiction to add color and depth to a the social condition where the literary work
character. created or called extrinsic elements.
Example: He will die for your love. Dinamic structuralism analyzes not
only analyze the intrinsic elements and
5. Repetition extrinsic elements of a literary work but
Repetition is a kind of figurative also the relation of the literary work to the
language that repeat word(s) or group words author, reality, literary work, and the
in the sentence to emphasize and create a readers.
poetic or rhytmic effect. Genetic structuralism and dynamic
Examples : I will never, never, never leave structuralism criticized the pure
you any more. He came by car a, he came structuralism which just focus to the
with himself and he didn’t bring anything. intrinsic elements of a literary work, they
stated that a literary work is not only consist
6. Pleonasme of intrinsic elements but also there are many
Pleonasme is kind of figurative elements that build up a literary work,
language that using words more than especially the history why did a literary
necessary. work created, social condition at the place
Example: I saw it wih my own eyes,I when a literary work created, background of
walked on foot to campus. the author, the relation of a literary work to
the readers or listeners, and many other.
7. Onomatopoeia Using pure structuralism needs a deep
Onomatopoeia is a kind of figurative understanding about all of the intrinsic
languages that imitate sounds used to refer elements or structures of a literary work,
to the objects, living things, or actions that because every intrinsic elements or
they are associated with, and onomatopoeia structures in a literary work has a relation to
refers to the property of such words. one another and structure itself will give a
Example: Plak, plak, plak, plak, everyone meaning if it is related to the other
claps their hands for his performance. structures.
These statements are also supported by
5. Pure Structuralism Jean Peaget ( 1970: 16), he states that:
Structuralism is the way of thinking “There are three important components
related to perceptions and structural of struturalism. First, it emphasizes the
descriptions. Before the writer explains wholeness of a structure of element;
more about the pure structuralism, firstly he compare the common saying that the whole
would introduce the structuralisms is more than the sum of the parts. Second,
generally. This explanation will help the structures are subject to transformations,
readers to differentiate the structuralisms the rules governing them are
generally. Generally, there are three kinds simultaneously structured and structuring.

Third, structures are self-regulating, meaning of words and the meaning of the
bounding and maintaining the system in way they are combined, which took together
question”. from the core of meaning or the starting
Using pure structuralism to analyze a point from which the whole meaning of a
literary work also must be present the particular utterance is constructed.
literary facts about the object of our The figurative languages found in the
research and need a general understanding lyric are counted by using Subana’s
about everything related to the topic of our frequency of cumulative formula as cited in
research because it will help the writer to (Oktoma, & Mardiyono, 2013, p. 79). It can
create a more objective research and will be seen as follow:
give deep understanding to the readers of
our research. FK rel =
FK = Frequency of cumulative
ΣF = Frequency of total
The method that used in this research is
FK rel = Frequency of relative cumulative
descriptive method that is a method to
describe, explain and validating of the
study. This method is taken because the
After writer analyzed the data, it was
writer will describe everything related to the
found seven kinds of figurative language in
topic of this research.
the lyric.
The data in this research is consists of
a. Stanza 1
one selected song by Lionel Richie where
Line 1 My love,
the song is talking about a couple that try to
Line 2 There's only you in my life
convince and declare their “Endless Love”
Line 3 The only thing that's bright
to one another as the primary data, and as
According to the writer the author in
the secondary data writer collects some
this stanza used two kinds of figurative
related literatures to support this research.
languages, they are hyperbole and
In collecting data the writer uses the
library research to support this research
Hyperbole can be found in line two. In
because the data obtained from written
this line the author has made an
material that is closely related to the topic.
overstatement by using the word “only
The steps in collecting data are described as
you”. The word “only” means that there is
nothing, no one else besides. And in this
1. The writer listened the song carrefully
line the world “only” means the special girl
and try to understand the content related
he loved. So the usage of the word “only” in
to figurative language.
the line “there is only you in my life”
2. The writer identified the lines which have
showed that the author took and considered
figurative language.
that there is not another girl to be given
3. The writer collected and read some
attention and to be loved besides “you” in
related literature and references to
his life even the author thought that there
support this research.
are only them in this world.
In this research the writer will use pure
Dispersonification can be found in line
structuralism approach to analyze the kinds
three because the author used an inanimate
of figurative languages and the meanings of
attribute “bright” in the line. The word
figurative languages used in “ Endless
“bright” means that there is a light that can
Love” song lyric. James R. Hurford,
be produced by a thing and in this line the
Brendan Heasley and Michael B. Smith
author made “you” as if a thing which can
(2007) stated that pure structuralism is the
produce a light. It is impossible to a human
study of meaning. Also Kate Kearns (2011)
to produce a light, like a sun gives his light
stated that pure structuralism deals with the
to the earth. In this line word “bright”

means someone who can make his life being author used the word “step” in this line
better and the best girl among the other because the author wants to show that “you”
girls. Fall in love sometimes made someone have stayed in his heart so wherever he is
like a fool; they would attribute everything and even though he stay far from “you” he
beautiful and everything impossible to make will not stop to love “you”, he will not stop
someone whom they loved happy. The to think about “you” because there is not
author used the word “bright” in this line step he did without remember “you”, there
because the author wants to show that he is not place he went to without remember
cannot love another girl besides “you”, she “you”.
is the only girl he wants to love, also in this d. Stanza 3
line the author wants “you” to know that Line 1 And i (i-i-i-i-i),i want to
there is not anyone as best as “you”, “you” share
is the only one who can make his life being Line 2 All my love with you
better. Line 3 No one else will do...
a. Stanza 2 In this stanza the author is just used a
Line 1 My first love, repetition, it can be found in line one. In
Line 2 You're every breath that i the line the author repeated the word “i”, the
take author repeated the word “i” in this line
Line 3 You're every step i make because the author wanted to emphasize that
In this stanza the author used two he really loves her, his love only for her.
metaphors,they can be found in line two and e. Stanza 4
in line three. Line 1 And your eyes, your eyes,
The line you’re every breath that i take your eyes
is a metaphor because in this line “you” is Line 2 They tell me how much you
compared to the breath. Breath is an care
activity to draw on some air, in this line the Line 3 Ooh yes, you will always be
word “breath” means that “you” is very Line 4 My “ Endless Love”
important in his life, “you” gave him alive, In this stanza there are three kinds of
he cannot life without you. So in this line figurative languages. They are repetition,
the author used the word breath in this line personification and hyperbole.
because the author wants to show that “you” Repetition can be found in the line one,
is always in the mind of the author, there is in this line the author repeated your eyes
not activity without remember “you” words or phrase. The author repeated the
everywhere the author is and everytime the words because the author wants to
author breathing he never forget “you”. emphasize that he knew that “you” really
Even, the author could not life without care and love the author by seeing the eyes
“you”. of “you”.
The line three is metaphor because in The personification is used by the
this sentece the author compared “you” to author in the line two. In this line an
the steps. Step is an activity to move up to inanimate thing eye is given an animate
the other places and the meaning of the attribute “tell”. Eyes is a part of our body
word “step” in this line means the space or that used to see or a tool to see but in this
the distance. In love relationship sometimes stanza the author stated that “eyes” can talk
we have to stay away from someone we and tell about something by talking, in this
loved but love is not about distance, love is line means a place where he found and he
about heart so the distance will not be a knew that “you” loves and cares about him.
problem in a love relationship, distance Eyes sometimes can be used to know the
cannot stop the love in heart because love is feeling, the mood, and the inside of people
not only about physical contact but also love although they did not tell anything to us. A
is about feeling. So according to writer the wise word stated that: “To know that

someone is lying or not just see their eyes”. fallen in love for many times but it doesn’t
So the author used the word “tell” in this mean that they have found someone who
line because the author wants to tell that can make them understand the really
even though “you” did not talk and never meaning of love, find the someone who can
told the author that “you” also loves, cares make them happy to enjoy the life, give
about him, the author have known by seeing them a happy life especially in love
the expression or the eyes of “you”. relationship. Lots of people separated or
Hyperbole can be seen in line four, this divorced even though they have stayed
line become hyperbole because the author together for a long times. So in this line the
used the word “endless” in the line, this author used the word “begun” to show that
word means that have no ending. The author “you” is the only girl who can make him
used this word to exaggerate the meaning of understand and feeling the truly love, the
the line. In this line the word “endless” author also wants to show that loving and
means as long as his life. When people had having “you” made him feel that he just
someone whom they love very much they started his life and he will keep love “you”
will not willing their love and their forever.
happiness have ending. “To be loved is to A pleonasm is used in the line four
live forever in someone's heart.” – because in this line there is additional
Anonymous. So the author used the word explanation at the end of the line, in my
“endless” in this line because the author arms. Even though there is no additional
wants “you” to know that the author will not explanation “in my arms” everyone knew
stop loving “you” and will always love that people hold something or someone by
“you” as long as author’s life. their arms or their hand so in this line the
f. Stanza 5 word in my arms means that how the author
Line 1 Two hearts, two hearts that keep and defend his love. The author added
beat as one an additional explanation because the author
Line 2 Our lives have just begun wants to tell that when a people has
Line 3 Forever(Ohhhhhh) valuable thing they will keep the thing and
Line 4 I'll hold you close in my will not let anyone to take and in this line
arms the author added an additional explanation
Line 5 I can't resist your charms at the end of the line because the author
In this stanza the author uses three wants to show that “you” is very important
kinds of figurative languages, repetition, girl to him so he will not let “you” stay
hyperbole, and pleonasm. away and leave him, this lines also shows
The repetition can be found in the line that the author will not let anyone to take
one because the words two hearts is “you” from his life and will not leave “you”,
repeated in the line. The author repeated the he will keep and defend “you” in his life.
words because the author wants to g. Stanza 6
emphasize and believed that he and “you” Line 1 And love, oh, love
feel the same love, same feeling and same Line 2 I'll be a fool
direction. Line 3 For you, I'm sure
In the line two the author used a Line 4 You know I don't mind, Oh,
hyperbole to exaggerate the line, this line you know I
becomes hyperbole because the usage of the don't mind
word “begun” in the line, we all knew that There are three figurative languages in
everyone start to life since they were born. this stanza, repetitions can be found in the
The word “begun” mean that something is line one and in the line four, and hyperbole
just started, this line means that the author can be found in the line two.
just found and just felt his truly love. The usage of the word “fool” have
Everyone, even the author may be have made this line become hyperbole because a

fool mean an extremely stupid person and everything and didn’t need anything else
this one sometimes doing something and he cannot life without you.
without think before. In this line the word It the line two the author repeats i know
“fool” means a people who will do anything and this means that he believed and sure
for someone whom he loved even, love can about his feeling to ”you”, this repetition
make someone willing to do anything and shows a kind of figurative languages called
willing to die for love. So the author used repetition. Hyperbole can be found in the
the word “fool” in the line to tell that the line four in the line the author used the word
happiness of “you” is everything for him “endless”, this word means that have no
and to realize that the author will do ending. In this line the word “endless”
everything and will not care about anything means as long as his life. The author used
and anyone around. this word to exaggerate the meaning of the
The author repeated the word” love” line. When people had someone to be loved,
and the line “you know i don’t mind” just to they will not willing their love and their
emphasize that the author really do happiness have ending. “To be loved is to
everything to make someone he loved live forever in someone's heart” –
happy and never ever make “you” anonymous. So, the author used the word
disappointed. “endless” in this line because the author
h. Stanza 7 wants “you” to know that the author will not
Line 1 'Cause you, you mean the stop loving “you” and will loving “you” as
world to me long as his life.
Line 2 Oh, i know ,i know i. Stanza 8
Line 3 I've found in you Line 1 Oooh-woow
Line 4 My“EndlessLove” Line 2 Boom, boom
In this stanza the writer concludes that Line 3 Boom, boom, boom, boom,
the author used three kinds of figurative boom
languages, they are metaphor, repetition, Line 4 Boom, boom, boom, boom,
and hyperbole. boom
Metaphor can be found in the line one The author in this stanza just used a
in the line the author compared “you” to the kind of figurative languages called
world, world is the place where all of onomatopoeia because the author created
human and things are stay. In this line the these words just as a property for the other
word “world” means the author’s life. When lines or other stanza and these words do not
people fallen in love they will do every way have any meaning.
to make their love happy, they will tell j. Stanza 9
everything that can make the someone Line 1 Oooh, and love, oh, love
whom they loved happy, sometime they Line 2 I'll be that fool
persuade them by comparing to the Line 3 For you, I'm sure
something beautiful, rose, diamond and the Line 4 You know i don't mind, oh
others, that is a way to make sure their love you know, i don't mind
that she is the most valuable thing to them. There are three figurative languages in
And the author used the word “world” in the this stanza. They are repetitions in the line
line because the author wants to tell that one and four, and hyperbole in the line two.
“you” there is not anything and anyone In the line one and four there are word
more valuable than “you”, there is not and line repeated, love word in the line one
anything can be compared to “you”. “You” and the line you know i don’t mind in the
is everything for him the author will not line four. The author repeated the word”
love another girl because there is not love” and the line “you know i don’t mind”
another girl as valuable as “you”, also the just to emphasize that the author really do
author felt that having “you” had had everything to make someone he loved

happy and never ever make “you” line this line means the true love he has. For
disappointed. some people loving someone may for some
While, the hyperbole can be found in reasons, the wealth, the prestige and
the line two, the usage of the word “fool” anything else, that’s why the author added
have made this line become hyperbole an additional explanation “I have inside” at
because a fool means an extremely stupid the end of the line he wants to tell and make
person and this one sometimes doing “you” sure that he do love “you” as she is
something without think before. In this line without any reasons but a truly love, he will
the word “fool” means someone who will give all of his love all his life to “you”.
do everything for someone he loved. “Love Repetition can be found in the line five,
made a king become a slave”, this is a very because the author repeated the words my
famous quote. Love can make someone love in the line. The author repeated the
forget about their status, prestige. Even, words because he wants to emphasize that
love can make someone willing to do “you” have stayed in his heart and in his life
anything and willing to die for love. So the as a very special one. Hyperbole we can be
author used the word “fool” in the line to seen in the last line, this line become
tell that the happiness of “you” is everything hyperbole because the author used the word
for him and to realize that the author will do “endless” in the line, this word means that
everything and will not care about anything have no ending. The author used this word
and anyone around. to exaggerate the meaning of the line. In this
k. Stanza 10 line the word “endless” means as long as his
Line 1 And, yes, you'll be the only life. When people had someone whom they
one love much, they will not willing their love
Line 2 'Cause no one can deny and their happiness have ending. So, the
Line 3 This love i have inside author used the word “endless” in this line
Line 4 And I'll give it all to you because the author wants “you” to know
Line 5 My love, my love, my love, that the author will not stop love “you” and
Line 6 My “Endless Love” will always love “you” as long as his life.
In this last stanza the author used three
kinds of figurative languages, they are: Table I
hyperbole in the line two and six, Pleonasm Kinds of Figurative Language and
in the line three, and repetition in the line Occurrences Found in Endless Love Lyric
number five. Number
The line two become hyperbole because Figurative of Percent
the usage of the word “no one”, this line Language Occurren age (%)
means anyone who try to separate them. ces
Loving someone can make someone to be 1 Dispersonifi 1 4%
the strongest to keep and defend their love cation
so they believed that there is not anyone 2 Hyperbole 8 32%
can’t stop them to loving, even they willing 3 Metaphor 3 12%
to die to that but what about the God, can’t 4 Onomatopoe 1 4%
him stop that how about if the God wants ia
them separated? So in this line the author 5 Personificati 1 4%
exaggerated his line to tell that whatever on
going to happen he will keep love “you” he 6 Pleonasm 2 8%
will keep and defend his love for the rest of 7 Repetition 9 36%
his life. Total 25 100%
The line number three becomes
pleonasm because there are additional CONCLUSION
explanations i have inside at the end of the

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