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How Multimedia-Based Learning and Molecular Visualization Change

the Landscape of Chemical Education Research
Loretta L. Jones*
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado 80631, United States

ABSTRACT: Visualizations of molecular structure and dynamics are widely used

in chemistry classrooms, although the research findings needed to make informed
decisions about how best to select and use these materials often are not available.
Much of the research on educational uses of visualizations that was conducted in
the past does not provide the information needed for today’s students.
Collaborations among the research communities of cognitive science, education,
and physical and life sciences are helping chemical education researchers to study the
instructional uses of visualization techniques, particularly visualization and animation
of the particulate state of matter. These collaborations reveal how students perceive
and interpret various kinds of multimedia presentations and molecular animations
and show how to develop design principles for creating and using effective chemistry
visualizations. This paper describes how research studies on multimedia-based
learning and molecular visualizations have changed over the past 35 years. It
addresses what types of research questions will be useful and examines research
methods developed for investigating them.

KEYWORDS: Chemical Education Research, Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary, Multimedia-Based Learning

FEATURE: Award Address

Not long ago a chemistry education graduate student who was
thought to be so powerful that it could replace all other forms of
instruction, leading to more efficient and less costly instructional
methods. In 1913 Frederick James Smith reported this interview
struggling to devise a good research question for studying molecular
with Thomas Edison:2
visualization in the chemistry classroom asked me, “But what’s
“Books,” declared the inventor with decision, “will soon be
left to know? Haven’t all the aspects of technology in chemical
obsolete in the public schools. Scholars will be instructed
education been already examined?” It was essentially the same
through the eye. It is possible to teach every branch of human
question I had asked when starting my own graduate studies in
knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be
chemistry education. I had entered the Doctorate of Arts program in
completely changed inside of ten years.”
the Chemistry Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago By the 1950s it was the use of television for instruction that
Circle (now known more simply as the University of Illinois at enchanted. The Ford Foundation Fund for the Advancement
Chicago) and the DA degree required research expertise in both of Education reported television to be “the most powerful
chemistry and chemistry education. Performing the education medium of communication yet devised by man.”3 Eventually, the
research project changed my life because it opened a door to the awesome potential of the computer became apparent, and in
fascinating world of research in the teaching and learning of 1984 Seymour Papert predicted,4
chemistry. Since that time, nearly 40 years ago as of this writing, we There won’t be schools in the future...I think the computer
know much more about teaching chemistry and about using various will blow up the school. That is, the school defined as
forms of technology to learn chemistry, but that knowledge has something where there are classes, teachers running exams,
led to even more questions and the field has grown even more people structured into groups by age, following a
fascinating. Consequently, there is much yet to discover. This paper curriculumall of that. The whole system is based on a
will deal with some of what has been learned and what yet needs set of structural concepts that are incompatible with the
to be learned about research in chemistry education, particularly presence of the computer. These structural concepts are based
research involving multimedia and visualization techniques. on knowledge being handed out by a medieval process
Education can be expensive and needs to be justified in every expositionrather than by a process of discovery.
generation.1 In the early days of technology usage, the potential
of technology in education was considered to be very high, and
in fact, each new type of educational technology was initially
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. A | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Commentary

While none of these technologies have replaced schools, the The first evaluation of the approach was quantitative: the
advent of technology has led to huge changes in how chemistry is lessons were compared to laboratory instruction and to
taught. The impacts of these changes are not fully understood prelaboratory preparation; the structure of how chemistry was
and further research is needed. Older models of classroom taught was not altered.14 In this study, 49 students completed a
research are not always appropriate, and new research models laboratory activity on equilibrium and wrote a report on their
are being developed to study the impact of technology on the work, 21 students completed only multimedia lessons on
teaching and learning of chemistry as well as other areas of comparable content and a computer quiz at a time of their
chemical education research. In the following sections, the types convenience, and 26 completed the multimedia lessons as a
of research conducted on the use of technologies such as preparation for the laboratory activity and report. Scores on a
multimedia and molecular visualization for the teaching and seven-point quiz were used as the criterion for achievement.
learning of chemistry and how the focus of the research has Although no pretest was used, the three groups displayed
changed over time are examined. comparable performance on other course measures and so

were viewed as matched for ability. Analysis of variance showed
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RESEARCH QUESTION that the average score of students who had completed only
the multimedia lessons (83.0%) was significantly higher (p <
A research study that generates useful new knowledge must begin 0.00005) than the average score of students who had completed
with a good research question, from which the methodology only the laboratory and report (59.5%), but were about the same
follows. In the early days of educational technology, a common as the scores of students who had worked the multimedia lessons
research question asked whether technology-based instruction as a prelaboratory preparation (79.8%).
could replace some existing part of a course, such as books, Scores on the lab reports of students in two sections taught by
laboratories, or lectures. To compare instruction using techno- the same teaching assistant were compared to find out whether
logy with traditional instruction, quantitative studies were set the simulation used as prelaboratory instruction had helped
up with a control group taught with traditional methods and an students better understand and interpret the laboratory activity.
experimental group learning by computer, television, or other The average lab report score of students who had prepared for the
technology. Often the study was conducted by the same people laboratory activity by completing the multimedia lessons (77.6%)
who had developed the technology-based instructional materials. was significantly higher (p = 0.0068) than the average score of
Results were mixed, due partly to differences in research design students who had prepared by reading (66.1%). A difficulty with
and partly to the wide variation in the quality of both the studies like these is that the students who had completed the
technology-based and traditional methods and materials.5−9 multimedia lessons may have spent more time on the content, and
Qualitative studies would be required to identify what other so the cause of the difference is not necessarily clear.
factors were at play and many of those factors still remain to be In similar quantitative studies, hands-on laboratory work
investigated. was compared to videotaped experiments15 and to molecular

In 1979, I went to the University of Illinois at Urbana
modeling on a computer.16 In later work, we compared paper-
based assessments of stereochemistry to computer assessments
in which rotating molecules could present different aspects
Champaign to work with Gil Haight as a visiting assistant of a molecule to students.17 In each case, the technology-based
professor with responsibilities for developing video-based materials were found to be effective methods of learning or
general chemistry lessons. While I was there, the organic chemist assessment. However, these studies used only paper tests and
Stanley Smith became a valued mentor and collaborator. He was surveys to compare teaching methods. Such methods, designed
one of the first to use computers in the teaching of chemistry and to evaluate achievement, do not normally yield much informa-
had an excellent grasp of how to communicate with learners by tion on other important aspects of the learning environment,
means of the computer.10 We began to combine a computer with such as which characteristics of a given lesson enhance its

video in order to develop multimedia-based learning for chemistry.
At that time, multimedia required controlling a videocassette player
with a computer and working with both a computer monitor and a QUALITATIVE STUDIES
television monitor. Several experts advised us that our work was a As technology became more central to classrooms, the entire
waste of time because schools would not be able to provide the instructional environment began to be re-examined. Pedagogy
equipment for such an advanced technological application. However, designed for classroom instruction using books and paper
we persisted because multimedia combines the realism of video with needed to be redesigned for instruction using technology,
the interactivity of computers, which held great promise for learning particularly when interactive technologies were used.18 It became
chemistry, especially the chemistry of substances too hazardous to apparent that not only is it important to discover the effect of
study otherwise. There were no instructional design guidelines for each type of instruction on learners, but the optimal character-
this purpose, so we used index cards to organize the content and istics of each type of instruction need to be identified. In addition,
set as our model a student working independently with a tutor we need to know not only how various kinds of technology can
coaching from behind. All the video was shot from the viewpoint of a be integrated into instruction in a meaningful way, but also how
student conducting laboratory experiments. The resulting lessons, instruction itself can now be changed. The important research
which became the Exploring Chemistry series (later, part of the questions today are not whether technology-based materials are
Comprehensive Chemistry Curriculum11), were designed to drive better than laboratory, books, homework, lecture, or instructor,
content learning by guiding students to make choices and control but what characteristics of each type of instruction enhance or
variables in simulated experiments, then to interpret the results.12 inhibit learning and how can instruction be restructured to take
These multimedia lessons have now been incorporated into the advantage of these tools?
Fundamentals of Chemistry tutorials, which are available through the Quantitative studies can be used to investigate some
University of Illinois.13 characteristics of instruction. For example, in one research
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study the role of visual representations in laboratory manuals was changed when the curriculum was introduced. It was also
found to be important for comprehending the procedures.19 important to know how students and teachers spent their time.
In another, characteristics of adjunct questions that best help In this study, teachers at two high schools taught one
students learn from multimedia lessons were compared and it chemistry class in their usual manner and one class using the
was discovered that text-based questions can be as effective as computer-based inquiry curriculum, ChemDiscovery.24 A check-
pictorial questions for assessing understanding of the particulate list was created and observers visited the four classrooms on 12
level of matter.20 However, often a simple test may not give us the different days. During each visit, observations were made every
whole picture and different research methodologies might be 5 min. The data were then tabulated and analyzed. Profound
required.21 To find what makes a particular kind of instruction differences were discovered between the classrooms taught in the
effective, a variety of qualitative methods, such as interviews, traditional manner and those in which the computer-based
think-aloud protocols, ethnographic methods, and focus groups, inquiry curriculum had been used. In the traditional classrooms,
may be used. In each case, the methodology must be matched to teachers spent 58% of their time lecturing and only 13% of their
the research questions. time facilitating students working independently or in groups.
An example of an observational study was one conducted in However, in classrooms using the computer-based curriculum,
1988.22 This study was designed to identify the impact of teachers spent approximately the same amount of time
multimedia lessons as a preparation for laboratory work. In facilitating student work (38%) as they did lecturing (40%).
laboratory activities involving new kinds of equipment, often The ChemDiscovery materials pose difficult problems for the
much time is lost during the laboratory period as students students to solve; for example, students are challenged to select
struggle to learn how to operate the equipment and teaching elements that will react with each other to form ionic compounds.
assistants (TAs) must spend a great deal of their time helping After students had spent some time struggling with each
students learn to operate new equipment rather than focusing challenge, the teacher would stop them, give a short lecture,
on the learning goals of the lesson. The research questions were and lead a class discussion about how to solve the problem.
designed to discover in what ways the multimedia simulations Observers noted that attentiveness during these lectures and
helped (or hindered) students in their subsequent hands-on discussions was much greater than attentiveness during a
work. traditional lecture, in which the content was presented before
In this study, intact laboratory sections of students were students were asked to solve related problems.
assigned to prepare for the use of a spectrometer in the laboratory
either by reading the manual and completing a written pre-
laboratory assignment (manual group; 22 students) or by
The great strides in the development of scientific visualization
completing a multimedia simulation of the same spectrometer and electronic communication made toward the end of the 20th
and the same prelaboratory assignment (simulation group; century brought exciting new potentials to both chemistry
26 students). In lab, the students, working in pairs, had to set up research and the chemistry classroom. Visualization technologies
and calibrate a spectrometer, then analyze a sample that they had grew rapidly in two areas: (i) representing a molecular-level image
previously prepared. of a real sample (for example, scanning tunneling microscopy)
During the laboratory sessions, an observer noted for each and (ii) representing a model of reality (for example, a molecular
pair of students the number of errors made while using the modeling program). The introduction of these technologies
spectrometer, the time required to complete the procedure, raised issues such as how best to represent interactions and how
whether help was required from the TA, and whether the complex an image could be and still be understood.
laboratory manual was consulted. The observers noted that the The term molecular visualization can have different meanings,
pairs of students in the manual group made an average of beginning with a simple sketch of a molecular structure.
4.5 errors and required an average of 7.6 min to complete the However, in general, it refers to the models we have of molecules
assignment. The TA’s help was sought by 54% of the pairs and and their interactions.25 These visualizations can be physical
90% referred frequently to the manual. On the other hand, pairs models, computer-generated models, or mental models. A simple
of students in the simulation group made an average of only visualization of a group of molecules might be a two-dimensional
1.4 errors and required an average of only 4.7 min to complete image. A more complex visualization might include three
the assignment. Only 23% sought help from the TA and 23% dimensions, motion, and some indication of the relative forces
referred frequently to the manual. The observers noted that experienced by different parts of the molecules. Visualizations
students in the simulation group would walk up to the spectro- can be more than visual, as they can include audio
meter and begin to operate it as though they had used it before representations of forces and collisions.26 They can even include
and asked for help only if they ran into a problem, while students haptic interactions, which allow a person to feel differences in
in the manual group tended to consult the TA before beginning energy.27
each step. Working with the simulation had prepared the students Molecular structures and dynamic processes can be compli-
to use the instrumentation efficiently. Findings like these would cated and different representations of the same structures are
have been difficult to gather using paper tests, which focus more used by chemists for different purposes. The issues are critical for
on recall and comprehension. beginning students, who may not see the same thing in an image
Observational methods are also appropriate for investigating that a chemist would see. For example, the image of PCl5 in
the effects of new methods of instruction on learning environ- Figure 1 contains a lot of information that is useful to a chemist,
ments, not only what content students are learning, but what else but is difficult for many beginning students to interpret. Two
is going on and what is being replaced. One example of such a types of representation are used in this image: a ball-and-stick
study was a set of observations made of students and teachers model, and an isosurface. In addition, two sets of color codes
in classrooms that had adopted a computer-based inquiry are used: one designates the different elements, and one indicates
curriculum.18,23 The goal of the study was to investigate how the net electric potential at each point on the isosurface. It is
interactions between students and teacher and between students important for instructors to know what students see when they
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Participants in visionary grants have cited a number of benefits

from the collaboration. They felt that they had gained:28
• The ability to set appropriate learning objectives
• A greater awareness of student learning needs
• Appreciation of the dif f iculties of evaluating major instruc-
tional change
• The ability to design assessment tools
• The conf idence to tackle complex projects that require
expertise in other disciplines
The outcomes after the first year were substantial, including an
annotated bibliography on crosscultural issues, two sets of videos
for use in teaching or research, a set of chemistry animations,
two instructional software programs, six instructional modules
using scientific visualization, three Web sites, five evaluation
instruments, and nine research studies on learning from
One such collaboration, formed in 2003, was concerned about
the problem that animations of molecular dynamics cannot
represent true reality.31 To find out what students are learning
(or “mislearning”) from animations, we put together a molecular
Figure 1. This electrostatic potential surface of PCl5 conveys important
information to a chemist, yet novices might need help interpreting it. visualization team that included not only chemical educators
(Courtesy of Leroy Laverman, University of California at Santa Barbara; such as Jerry Suits (University of Northern Colorado), Roy
used with permission.) Tasker (University of Western Sydney), and myself, but also
Barbara Tversky, a cognitive psychologist at Stanford and
Columbia Universities, Jerry Honts, a molecular biologist at
look at structures like these so that instructors can help the Drake University, and David Falvo, an expert in educational
students to understand them. technology at Walden University.
In 2001, cognitive psychologists were studying how Collaborating with a cognitive psychologist led to new kinds
learners interact with various types of visualizations, but the of research questions. For example, we started examining the
developers of scientific visualizations were generally scientists interaction between individual differences and learning.32−34
and programmers who were not aware of these research We looked at the elements of visual language and how instructors
findings. Consequently, often visualizations were being devel- use electronic classroom tools.35 Instead of looking at whether
oped without consideration of cognitive issues, and design prelaboratory simulations helped or did not help students, we
principles and guidelines for classroom usage of visualizations looked at what the optimal characteristics of these simulations
were rarely available. These various disciplines needed to be should be,36 and instead of simply studying whether simula-
brought together. tions can enhance learning, we looked at the role of interactivity
With support from the National Science Foundation, Ken in the use of a simulation37 and the effect of different levels of
Jordan, from the Center for Molecular and Materials Simulation guidance.38
at the University of Pittsburgh, Neil Stillings, a cognitive psycho- Some of the early findings of this project showed that anima-
logist at Hampshire College, and I organized the multi- tions can help students better understand dynamic molecular
disciplinary workshop, Molecular Visualization in Science processes. However, we found that for most students animations
Education.28,29 The goal was to find ways to bring scientists, are not enough for meaningful understanding.39 They take what
educators, and developers together with cognitive psychologists, they see literally and have difficulty distinguishing artifacts
computer scientists, and artists to develop collaborations to study from chemistry concepts. They need explanations of what they
visualization techniques in the teaching of science, particularly are seeing. Even when the animation showed processes in a
regarding the particulate state of matter. manner as close to reality as possible, prior misconceptions may
The workshop report25 summarized the recommendations of not be affected. Students simply did not seem to notice features
workshop participants and was distributed to participants at the that were in conflict with their preconceptions and new
2001 Gordon Research Conference on Science and Visualization misconceptions even developed.39,40
in advance of the meeting to help focus discussion. At the We found it necessary to re-examine our methods. For
conference small “visionary grants” (then called mini-grants) example, in order to describe student mental models of chemical
were awarded to promote collaboration.28 The few thousand concepts, should we ask students to communicate their concep-
dollars provided by this small grant program proved to be a good tions in words or should we examine their pictorial
model for encouraging collaboration and the program has representations? We found that students revealed different
continued. Applicants for a visionary grant have to show how aspects of their understanding in the two forms of expression.
they would address important visualization issues, include When asked to draw their explanations, students were more
collaborative activities, and have multidisciplinary teams. likely to focus on the structural aspects of the concept, while
An important outcome of the visionary grant program has when writing their explanations in words, they were more
been enhanced connections among the disciplines of cognitive likely to focus on the dynamic processes occurring.41 We also
science, art, computer science, physics, biology, geology, discovered using a think-aloud protocol that students have
mathematics, chemistry, and chemical education. In the first year distinct preferences for particular types of representations.42
alone, more than 25 institutions in seven nations participated. Overall, we found that we needed to learn to view research in
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Journal of Chemical Education Commentary

chemical education with new eyes, from the viewpoints of • How are student mental models of matter af fected by
psychologists and graphic designers. molecular visualizations?

• How do student-generated representations change when
WHAT WE STILL NEED TO LEARN students interact with visualizations?
• How do student-generated visualizations change as
We still need to know how best to design and use instructional students learn scientif ic concepts?
technology.43 Today instructional technology is traditional • Can we generate “thick” descriptions of students
instruction. It is time to look at its characteristics and how best interacting with molecular visualizations to try to
to use it. The bottom line was best stated by Stan Smith:44 “It’s characterize the learning experience?
not the technology, it’s the pedagogy.” • What types of interactions are best for which types of
It is interesting to review the recommendations for research situations or topics?
on visualization that attendees at the Workshop on Molecular • How do students integrate dif ferent types of
Visualization proposed.25 They are still relevant today, as most of representations?
this work remains to be done. The workshop attendees suggested • Are dif ferent learning methods more appropriate for
two approaches to this research: macroscopic (large scale, long- dif ferent situations?
term studies of effectiveness) and microscopic (controlled
studies that investigate particular aspects of visualizations and Today collaborations, not only between disciplines, but within
their uses). They made the following recommendations about them, are even more important for chemical education research,
research on the educational applications of scientific visual- especially because the field draws on other disciplines.45 The field
izations: of scientific visualization in education would benefit from the
formation of a dedicated community. Organizational structures
Characteristics of visualizations: such as the American Chemical Society’s Chemical Education
• Analyze new visualizations produced by scientists: Research Committee within the Division of Chemical Education
• What drives their development? How are previous have done a lot toward establishing chemical education research
conventions used or changed? Where do new as a legitimate field of inquiry within chemistry. The same could
conventions come f rom? be done for molecular visualization in the teaching and learning
• What are the ef fects of visualizations on intuitions, of chemistry. Working together builds identity and strength.

research questions, conceptions, and misconceptions?
• When are tactile interactions important? AUTHOR INFORMATION
• What are the ef fects of mixing dif ferent types of Corresponding Author
• How do individual dif ferences such as gender, learning *E-mail:
style, culture, and so on, af fect the ability to learn from Notes
visualizations? The authors declare no competing financial interest.
• Is there a right−lef t brain shif t in activation of Loretta L. Jones, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in the
visualization f rom experts to novices, comparable to Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of
that seen in music training? Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, received the 2012 Award for
• What principles of graphic design are important for the Advancement of Research for the Teaching and Learning of
design of ef fective molecular visualizations? Chemistry, sponsored by Pearson Education on March 27, 2012,
Curriculum issues: in San Diego, California. This paper is adapted from her award
• What are the barriers to educators introducing address.

molecular visualization into the classroom?
• What new student misconceptions might be introduced ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
by visualization tools?
We are all here because we are standing on the shoulders of
• How can networking, discussion groups, and other
giants. I would like first to thank the giants who shepherded me
communication opportunities be used to support
through my studies at Loyola University in Chicago, the
learning with visualizations?
University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Chicago,
• How can visualization best be used in combination with
particularly my graduate mentors C. F. Liu, Robert Schwartz,
practical work? In groups of students?
Cynthia Jameson, and Leonard Kotin. I owe an enormous deal to
• How and when do instructors use dif ferent visual-
my mentors Stanley Smith and Gilbert Haight, Jr., at the
ization systems and representations?
University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. I have also
• What pedagogical content knowledge is appropriate? benefited greatly by having supportive fellow students as well
• Does working with visualizations require new kinds of as colleagues who have inspired me over the years: John Gelder,
problem-solving skills? J. Dudley Herron, Joe Lagowski, John Moore, Dorothy Gabel,
• How does knowing what a molecule looks like Anna Wilson, Mary Virginia Orna, Peter Atkins, and Peter
contribute to learning? Mahaffy. I would also like to acknowledge my collaborators at the
• How will the curriculum be restructured? What must be University of Northern Colorado as well as all my amazing
given up? students and my research collaborators Barbara Tversky, Roy
• How much guidance do we give students? Tasker, Jerry Honts, and David Falvo. These studies were made
• How much visualization of a given type has to be possible by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation
present in a course for it to be ef fective? (DUE-9354033, REC-0095023, and REC-0440103) and the
• How can learning f rom visualizations best be assessed? award for which this talk was given was graciously supported by
Interactions: Pearson Education.
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