Simple Past and Irregular Verbs

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Simple Past

Talk about the different stages in your life. Remember to use Simple Past.

Baby: When I was a baby, I was very calm and tender, I was a very loving baby, I almost

did not like to eat but my mother forced me to eat all my food, I liked sweets a lot and she

played with my Maria palitos dolls, really my childhood was fun, I still miss those

wonderful times.

Child: When I was a big girl, I could say from some 10 years onwards, everything changed

because the foods that I did not like began to like such as: vegetables and some fruits like

mango, my time to play was less because my mother started Assigning me homework, plus

the homework assigned to me at school, and finally I really liked going to my friends'


Teenager: When I was a teenager, my life changed even more than the previous stages,

because here many changes began such as: I no longer played with my dolls, my childhood

friends were not the same as in adolescence, I was a very applied and outstanding young

woman In my secondary studies, although I still am but not like before, in addition to my

studies I was taking some technical courses in infotep, at this stage I fell in love for the first

time with the man I thought my husband would do for life "the father of my daughter "and

to finish I really enjoyed some parties with my friends and my sleep schedule was different

from the previous ones.

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