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Table of Contents
What Is Social Marketing And Why You Need It To Your Business?..... 03

Is It Necessary To Use Complex Tools To Create Media?....................... 05

Your Post’s Text Will Help You To Sell……………………………………………… 08

Free Internet Tools To Create Good Images Faster………………………….. 10

Why Social Networks Are The Best Channel To Share Your Images…. 12

What You Have To Do Know After You Knew This?................................ 15

What Is Social Marketing And Why You Need
It To Your Business?

Social networks have changed the world, not only in the

way people communicate, but in how feelings, thoughts,
ideals and moments are transmitted. This has been a huge
advance in the way business is conducted.
Social Marketing is a set of methods or techniques
implemented through social networks to boost your
business and achieve financial goals. By understanding this
concept, we can see that marketing is an area in constant
growth, as more and more businesses use these means
and methods to generate profits.

Many companies have implemented social network
concepts to create business and work ecosystems, such as
LinkedIn, a social network for professionals, where you can
interact with other professionals in a more genuine way
and access valuable material created by companies or
contributions from knowledge of other professionals.
Businesses are currently looking for more efficient ways to
disseminate their products and services, which is why
many tools have been developed that add value to
businesses in this regard, such as the Facebook
Marketplace, where businesses have access to sell in a
specific locality.
Each tool developed has its advantages and disadvantages,
everything will depend on the consistency of the business
in which they want to apply.
Despite the creation of many useful tools, social networks
have exceeded the expectations of users who run or work
for a business. The possibilities of increasing the efficiency
of a business are vast, and access to social networks is
usually more profitable for companies monetarily.
It is a world in constant growth, every time businesses
discover new ways to advertise their products and services
through social networks and create advertising campaigns
that quickly reach a large number of audiences and
generate higher conversion rates. This trend will continue
to grow more and more!
Is It Necessary To Use Complex Tools To
Create Media?

Any publication on social networks is done in order to

capture the attention of the audience. If a person makes a
publication on his social network about something special
that has happened to him, he expects there to be reactions
to his publication, such as a "like" for example.
In the case of businesses, if social marketing techniques
are applied designing a publication of a product or service,
it is expected that said publication will generate
conversions, specific actions from the audience that
indicate an acceptance or liking of said product.
For example, if a business is based on clothing sales on
Instagram, and that business designs a publication of a
new garment of men's clothing, a good sign of interest is
that some gentlemen save the publication, that means that
they are interested and they may want to buy it later.

There are many companies that use social media channels,
that publish products or services by investing large
amounts of money in advertising, investing in the design of
good multimedia material to promote; is this always
necessary? If you don't have the financial resources to do
so, can you create posts that will generate conversions?
You do not need a very elaborate design of multimedia
material to attract attention, very expensive tools to create
the material or other excessive expenses. You only need to
choose simple material and know how to implement it
creating a very interesting idea for the audience.
The famous company 3M invested in a simple advertising
campaign where they promoted a film for glasses that, if
applied, made them much more resistant. To do this, they
applied the product to a bus stop, where they put $ 3
million in cash through the glass, so that if someone broke
the glass, they kept the cash. Nobody could do it! Without a
doubt, many invested in safety glass.
The 3M company did not invest in long test videos, it did
not invest in multiple advertising channels and a complex
and complicated marketing strategy to carry out, but in a
simple idea that greatly highlighted the meaning and value
of its new product.
For multimedia material on social networks, systems such
as Photoshop, Illustrator and other complex and expensive
systems are not as important and necessary as a simple
idea that shows a specific product or service. Everything
comes from creativity.

Your Post’s Text Will Help You To Sell

When it comes to creating simple social media advertising,

you need to keep in mind that most people are interested
in what can be read and understood quickly. Very few are
the people who spend long and continuous times on social
networks in order to learn or attract a promotion.
In a recent study carried out in Spain and published by
Statista, almost 60% of people between 18 and 30 years
old check their networks daily, but at very specific
moments of the day. Approximately 40% of those between
31 and 44 years old also do so. They do at specific times
and the remaining percentages of older ages as well, which
shows the importance of taking advantage of your
audience at those "specific moments of the day."
Text is a key element in a publication of a product or
service, not only the description, but the same text that is
found in multimedia materials, such as videos or images,

must be well-selected words, key terms that, very simply
put, the audience feels engaged, driven to convert.
Simple but powerful phrases used by big brands like
McDonald’s, when they used the “I'm Lovin 'it”, Adidas
when using the “Impossible is nothing”, How much did
sales of hamburgers and t-shirts increase just because of a
few simple words? Words have power!

Free Internet Tools To Create Good Images

Don't stop if you don't have a lot of capital to invest in

expensive advertising, even if you don't have the creativity
to come up with an attention-grabbing slogan or logo.
There are free tools on the internet that you can use in
your business to create simple images, but with efficient
Loonapix, for example, is such an easy-to-use tool that it's
hard to believe how fast it is to design an advertising
image. It has multiple themes with a free license, where
you can easily adapt your advertising and have the perfect
image to share on your social networks in just seconds.
Another tool similar to Loonapix that you can use for the
same purpose is photofunia, an excellent application with

more than 10 categories of images that you can edit with a
free license.
Photofuneditor is another free tool that has more than
5,000 editable image options, a large set of options so that
you find the correct image quickly and can edit it when
inserting the advertising you need.
These previous options may not seem aesthetically the
most ideal, but do not forget the idea of an advertisement
with a unique and simple idea that attracts the attention of
the audience, this is what will generate true conversions.
An option that is of a higher level at an aesthetic and more
elaborate, in addition to offering free multimedia
resources, is Freepik. You will be able to find free vector
resources, and an excellent bank of free images of good
resolution for your advertisements. Just add text to stock
images, and you will have good publicity for your products.

Why Social Networks Are The Best Channel
To Share Your Images

Many advertising channels have been designed and

created to drive business profits, but social media has
taken these growth goals to the next level. Let's look at
some of them to better understand the impact of social
• Squeeze pages: It is a page hosted on the web that aims
to convert a visit made to a website, into a potential
customer, a complete conversion.
• Product page: It is a page of a certain product that opens
the possibility for a customer or visitor to make a specific
• Affiliate link: It is a link that redirects to a page of a certain
product and leads to the purchase button. It is one of the
most used methods today to generate money without a
previous investment.
• CPA Landing Pages: It is a page with compelling elements
such as testimonials about products, statistics and other
elements that convince the audience to consume the
• Website: It is a site on the Internet where detailed
information about a business is displayed, such as its
products or services, including information about the
company and general learning through blogs.
These have been advertising channels used for many years
and are still used today to promote any kind of product
and generate conversions. Each of these channels requires
good planning and very clear objectives to successfully
design and launch them on the market.
When these advertising channels require so many
resources and time to create, not all kinds of businesses
have these resources, and attracting an audience and
achieving dissemination are expensive processes through
these channels. Technologies such as web development,
SEO and others are required, where their implementation
is expensive.
Right now, it's where social media has come to stay. Niches
and audiences are almost all present on social media
today. More than 3 billion people use social networks
today, which opens a world of possibilities for any kind of
business to find the right niche markets and many kinds of
In addition, many of the technologies mentioned above
have been implemented in social networks in order to
improve the connections that exist between people, and
functionalities have been implemented in them for use by
With Facebook, for example, you can create a page for
your company and connect the advertising channels to
different audiences connected to the same network
through their accounts, even considering demographic
factors using the Marketplace.
With Google, you can use the Google my business tool,
where the advertising of your business can be expressed in
many ways, and the connections you can achieve with
different audiences is achieved through technologies such
as GPS.
Instagram also has its own version for business, where
through its ecosystem, the photos and videos of your
business can reach thousands of screens in a few days
with a few dollars, this is a huge leap in the way it is
disseminated advertising.
Like these tools, there are other social networks in which
you can spread your business information with few
resources and with a speed and time never seen before.

What You Have To Do Know After You Knew

Now that you know how easy and efficient it is to create

advertising with cheap media, and the reach you can have
through social marketing, what should you do to
implement this knowledge and start increasing your
Take into account the following aspects in your business
before implementing social marketing:
• Know your business well: The ease with which you can
create advertising will depend on your understanding of
your business, where the money you earn comes from and

where you can increase your income. Try to understand
how your business works and set clear goals.
• Define your audience: Keep in mind that, if you enter an
advertising channel as dense as social networks, you will
find many diverse audiences, so it is necessary that you
know what your target audience is and direct your
strategies to that audience. This also applies to niche
• Detect the competition: You are not the only one who has
had access to this information, much less the only one who
knows the importance of social networks, your competition
does too. If you recognize which businesses may be your
competition, you can better refine the strategies you will
Try to apply these tips now knowing the power of this
advertising channel. With this brief induction, you can
begin to take the first steps to generate income that you
have never expected, a flow of money capable of growing
even more, and knowing the reason for your success.


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