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Sample Cloze Test From The Telb-Tale Heart bby Edgar Allan Poe Tuel—nervous-very, very dreadfully nervous had been and am; but why vl you say that | am ‘ad? The disease had sharpened my senses—not destroyed, nat dulled them, Above _ was the sense of ‘cute heard al in tre heaven and ‘he earth | heard things in hel. How, amt mad? Hearken! observe how healthily, how Han tl'you ‘whole story. rs to say how fst lea entered my bain; once conceived, nhauntes ay and right. Object was one Passion there one loved the ‘man. He had never me. He ad never re insu. For his had no dese think it was is 1 Yes, it was this had the eye of ____witure-a pale blue with a flm over Whenever it fll upon 1 My blood ran cold so by degrees— vey “Trade up my _totake the fe the old man, and id myo ofthe. forever ‘Now tis is pint You fancy me ___ Madmen know nothing. But should have seen me, Should have seen how | proceeded—with what ‘with what foresight, with ssimulation | went to 1 was never kinder the old man than the whole week before kiled him. And every about midnight, Htumned latch of his door ‘opened toh, 0 | And then, when | ‘made an opeing sufficient my head, put 2 dark lantem, all dosed, dosed, so that na light shone out, ard then | thrust in my head. Oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly | thst ‘Rint | moved it slowiy—very, very slowly, so that | might not distur the old man's lee. It tok me an hour to place my whole head within te opening so far that | ould see him as he lay upon his bed. Hal-wvould a madman have been so wise as this? Fo dasa Reading Intron Forth Edition, by Kahvice A Doherty Sal Kvn Fagan nd Michael Meenas, ‘Gopi © 20 Te Ctr Pres. Pens opty Us om eed pcs os ok fr pero ore ‘whet the copy pa fr del

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