AT Unit Test 1

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Record No.

Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s ACAD/R/045
Pimpri Chinchwad College of Revision: 01
Date: 15/09/2020

Unit Test Question Paper

Department: Mechanical Academic Year: 2020 - 2021 Semester: I
Unit Test – I
Year & Div.: SE –A & B Maximum Marks: 20
Subject: Applied Thermodynamics Duration: 1 hour
Record No.: ACAD/R/045
Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s
Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering Revision: 01

Date: 15/09/2020
Unit Test Question Paper
Department: Mechanical Academic Year: 2020 - 2021 Semester: I
Unit Test – I
Year & Div.: SE –A & B Maximum Marks: 20
Subject: Applied Thermodynamics Duration: 1 hour

1. Answer Q.1 & Q.2 and Q.3 OR Q.4
2. Neat diagrams must be drawn whenever necessary
3. Figures to the right sides indicate full marks
4. Use of calculator is allowed
5. Assume suitable data, if necessary
CO1: The learners will be able to analyze refrigeration cycle & psychometry processes (Q.1 OR
CO2: The learners will be able to analyze Fuel-Air cycles and actual cycles of I. C. Engines based on
various parameters (Q.3 OR Q.4)

Solve the following multiple choice questions: (1mark each) (5 marks)

a. In vapor compression refrigeration system, Condition of refrigerant before entering the
compressor is -----.

a. Saturated liquid b. Dry Saturated liquid c. wet vapor d. Superheated Vapor

b. If condenser & Evaporator temperature are 312 K & 273 K respectively then reverse Carnot
COP is

a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d.10

c. What does process 1-2 & 3-4 represents?

a. Compression & Evaporation b. Evaporation & Condensation

c. Compression & Condensation d. Compression & Expansion

d. d. When the rate of evaporation of water is zero, the relative humidity of the air is

a. 0% b. 100% c. 50% d. Unpredictable

e. For a sample of air having DBT of 22 0C, RH 30%, Determine the humidity ratio by using
psychrometric chart
Q. No .2 Solve the following multiple choice questions (1mark each) (5 marks)

1. Moist air of mass flow rate 200 m3/min at 15 0CDBT & 75% RH is heated until its
temperature reaches to 250C. What will be RH of heated air?

a. 35% b. 41 % c. 55% d.37 %

2. Sensible heat factor during pure sensible cooling is

a.0 b. 0.5 c. 1 d in between 0 & 1

3. Which engine is suitable for automobiles?

a. Recirocating ICE b. ECE c. Steam engine d. none of above

4. The specific humidity during heating and humidification process

a remains constant b. increases c. decreases d. remains constant

5. Identify the A components shown in refrigeration cycle

a. Compressor b. Condenser c. Evaporator d. Expansion device

Q.No.3 Attempt the following questions

a. In tabular format list down the name of various components, materials used & method used
for manufacturing of IC Engine. [5 Marks]

b. In simple vapor compression cycle following properties of refreigerent R-12 at various points
are Compressor inlet 183.2 KJ/Kg, V1= 0.07670 m3/Kg, Compressor discharge 2226 KJ/Kg,
V2= 0.00164 m3/Kg, Condenser exit 84.9 KJ/Kg, V3= 0.0767 m3/Kg.The piston
displacement for compressor is 1.5 liter per stroke & volumetric efficiency 80%. The speed
of compressor is 1650 rpm. Find: 1. Power rating of compressor (KW) 2.
Refrigerating effect (KW) [5 Marks]

Q. No 4 Attempt following
a. In vapor absorption system, heating, cooling & refrigeration temperature are 115
C, 300C & -200C respectively. Find the cop of the system. [5 Marks]

b. Moist air enters the cooling coil at 400C DBT & 200C WBT, the air is sensibly
cooled to 260C DBT. Plot the process on Psychrometric chart & Determine: 1.
Final WBT OF air 2. Total heat transferred in KW, If air is flowing at the rate of
100 m3/min. If cooling coil surface temperature is 22 0C. Find the bypass factor of
coil [5 Marks]

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