Minh Tri 27-10-2021

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BI12-445 Tang Minh Tri

Social loafing
Individual group members may be less motivated to participate when they
work in groups to complete a task since no one person is held solely responsible
for the assignment's completion. As a result, people may not work as hard or as
efficiently as they would if they worked alone and monitored their production.
Social loafing is defined as a reduction in personal effort, particularly on a simple
collective job. While social loafing is not a conscious action, its result is lower
personal efficiency when working in groups than when working alone.

The Establishing Shot

Different goals, film directors employ various camera shots. An
establishing shot is a shot that appears quickly at the start of a scene, generally
from a far distance. The rest of the scenario is set in this context. One of the
goals of the establishing shot is to provide the spectator background information,
such as the location and time of the remainder of the action. In addition, it
establishes the scene's tone. The spectators will have a greater understanding of
the characters and events that follow due to this context.

Revealing Coloration
Many animals use coloration to defend themselves from predators.
Revealing coloring is a defensive tactic involving the use of colors. This
approach requires animals to have a brightly colored patch on some portion of
their body hidden from predators' gaze. When a predator approaches, the animal
suddenly shows a brightly colored patch; this surprising display of color startles
or confuses the predator, allowing the would-be prey to flee.

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